Cycle B 2nd Sunday Ordinary

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,511
  • Pages: 3
Second Sunday of the Year [CYCLE B]


[This is for reference only. Please do not read it at Mass] The story of the boy Samuel in the temple points to a reality in our lives: God speaks to us and asks us to serve him, but we often fail to recognise his voice. Why is this? It is because we don’t know him as a real, living person. When Samuel realised that it was God who was calling him, he was ready to respond. Here we learn another lesson: God requires us to be available, ready to do his will. In the Gospel we notice the readiness of the first disciples to respond to Jesus’ invitation to follow him. We encourage the children to imitate them as they try to recognise God’s voice and respond to it.

INTRODUCTION: Celebrant: Today we are going to talk about ‘calling’ and ‘listening’. Suppose you are sitting in the balcony of your house, reading a very exciting book, and you hear your mother calling out to you. What would you do? Would you say, “Yes, Mummy! I’m coming!” or would you just be very, very quiet and hope that your mother will give up calling? We will hear about a little boy who heard someone calling him when he was nice and cosy in bed. Let’s see what he did. LITURGY OF THE WORD: First Reading: 1Samuel 3: 4-10, 19. Psalm: 40:1& 3ab, 8&11. Gospel: John 1:35-42. Homily: Celebrant: Samuel was only a young boy when he heard the voice calling. • Where was he sleeping when the voice called his name? [In the temple, in the place where God was, called the Ark of the Covenant. It was like the tabernacle in our church.] •

What did Samuel do when he heard the voice? [He ran to the priest, thinking that he had called him.]

This happened three times. Why do you think Samuel kept making the same mistake? [Because he didn’t think that God was talking to him. Even though he lived in God’s temple, he didn’t think of God as a real person. Maybe he thought that God only talked to big people or very holy people.]

Many of us are like Samuel. We come to church, we say prayers, we read the Bible, but we may not realise that God is a real person, and that he talks to us. Every time we go to Mass, the reader and Father read from the Bible. We hear the words, but we may not pay much attention, because we think, “That is just someone reading!” We don’t realise that it is God, trying to say something to us.

But there are many people who listen carefully; because they know that it is really God who is talking. [The homilist could insert his own experience of God speaking to him or use the following testimony] •

Once a lady, we’ll call her Marie, was sitting in church and trying to pray, but she was a bit distracted. An old uncle had come to live in their house and she was grumbling to God: “Lord, do you really want me to look after this old man? You know that we don’t have so much money to feed him and our children also.” Then she started calculating the cost of uncle’s breakfast and lunch and dinner: “Half a litre of milk costs 8 rupees… and 6 slices of bread costs 3 rupees…” Suddenly Marie realised that it was time to stand for the Gospel. She stopped her grumbling and listened to what Father was saying. That day the gospel was about the man who picked up a wounded man from the road and carried him to a hotel. “Look after him for me,” the man told the manager of the hotel, “and when I come back I will pay you whatever else you spend!” Like Samuel in the temple, Marie suddenly realised that God was talking to her! He was saying, “I sent uncle to you. And I will give you all you need to look after him. Trust me and look after him well.” She closed her eyes and prayed, “Thank you Lord for talking to me. I’m sorry for grumbling and counting the money I spend. I will try to look after uncle and trust you to give us all we need.” Many years have passed since that day. Marie did her best to look after the old uncle and God kept his promise. She says, “God has looked after us so well! He has given us all we need: money to pay school and college fees, clothes, and plenty of good food! Best of all, he helped me to stop grumbling and to be peaceful.” •

Did you notice anyone else who heard God talking to them? In the Gospel we heard about the first men to follow Jesus. When Jesus said ‘Come’ to them they straight away went with him. Today God wants you to learn two things, just like his disciples, and little Samuel, and Marie. He wants you to 1. Listen, believing that God is talking to you. And to 2. Do what he tells you to do.

OFFERTORY: Let us also be like Samuel. As we sing the hymn, ‘Here I Am Lord’, close your eyes , opens your hands and really tell God that you are ready to do whatever he tells you.[A strong male voice sings the verses (representing God) and all respond by singing the chorus].


Celebrate God with your Hands Here I Am Lord Jesus is the Joy Listen Let Your Heart Keep Seeking

PREPARATION REQUIRED: • Practice readings. • Make poster and put up.

FIR ST REA DING : A reading from the first book of Samuel: Samuel was sleeping in the temple when the Lord called out to him. “Samuel, Samuel” “Here I am,” Samuel answered. He ran to Eli, the priest and said, “Here I am, sir. What can I do for you?” Eli replied, “I didn’t call you. God back to bed.” So Samuel went back. Once more the Lord called Samuel’s name. Samuel got up. He went to Eli and said, “Here I am. What can I do for you?” But Eli told him, “Son, I didn’t call you. Now go back to sleep.” Samuel did not realize that the Lord was speaking, because this was the first time that the Lord had spoken to him. When the Lord spoke a third time that night, Samuel again went to Eli and said, “Here I am. What can I do for you?” Eli now knew that it was the Lord who was speaking to Samuel. So Eli told him, “Go back to bed. If someone speaks to you again, answer, ‘Lord, I am your servant. Speak, and I will listen.’” Once again Samuel went back and lay down. The Lord came and stood beside Samuel. Then he called out as he had done before, “Samuel! Samuel!” The boy replied, “Lord, I am your servant. Speak, and I will listen.” As Samuel grew up, the Lord was with him and made everything he said come true. This is the Word of the Lord. PSALM :

Response: Here I a m, Lord; I come to do your wi ll . I waited patiently, Lord, for you to hear my prayer. You listened and you gave me a new song, a song or praise to you.



“I enjoy pleasing you. Your law is in my heart.’” You, Lord, never fail to have pity on me; your love and faithfulness always keep me secure.

Alleluia, alleluia. We have found the Messiah: Jesus Christ, who brings us truth and grace. Alleluia, alleluia.

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John.

On one occasion John was with two of his followers. When he saw Jesus walking by, he said, “Here is the Lamb of God!” John’s two followers heard him, and they went with Jesus. When Jesus turned and saw them, he asked, “What do you want?” They answered, “Rabbi, where do you live?” The Hebrew word ‘Rabbi’ means ‘Teacher’. Jesus replied, “Come and see!” It was already about four o’clock in the afternoon when they went with him and saw where he lived. So they stayed on for the rest of the day. One of the two men who had heard John and had gone with Jesus was Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother and tell him, “We have found the Messiah!” The Hebrew word, ‘Messiah’ means the same as the Greek word ‘Christ’. Andrew brought his brother to Jesus. And when Jesus saw him, he said, “Simon son of John, you will be called Cephas.” This name can be translated as ‘Peter’. This is the Gospel of the Lord. NB. All Readings are taken from the ‘Lectionary for Masses with Children’ canonically approved for use in the USA.

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