Cycle B 20th Sunday Ordinary

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 3
Twentieth Sunday of the Year [CYCLE B] MAIN MESSAGE

[This is for reference only. Please do not read it at Mass] God has prepared a wonderful feast for us and invites us to eat and drink at it. The feast is Jesus himself. He is truly the Bread that gives eternal life. We are encouraged by both the first and second readings to be wise and to respond to God’s invitation. We do this by coming to Jesus, listening to his words, receiving him in Holy Communion and living in obedience to his will.

INTRODUCTION: [Short story] Celebrant: Have you ever heard the story of King Bom and his ice-cream? King Bom was a very troublesome fellow. Whenever he was a little irritated with someone he would say, “Off with his head!” And the soldiers had to obey him and cut off the person’s head. The people said, “This can’t carry on! Someone has to do something!” So they went to the Queen and asked her to do something about it. And the queen, who was a very smart lady, solved the problem. On the King’s birthday, she gave him an extra special ice-cream which had a magic wish hidden inside. When the king finished eating the ice-cream he said, “I wish I could have it all over again!” and… ZOOM! The magic wish worked and the ice-cream appeared back on his plate. This kept on happening again and again. The king got so busy eating ice-cream that he didn’t trouble anyone ever again. Everyone in the was happy. • Today we are going to hear about an even more magical food which God has made for us. Listen to the readings, especially to the Gospel and then tell me: What is this food that God has made for us? And what is so wonderful about it?

LITURGY OF THE WORD: Commentator: Just as the queen made a special ice-cream for the king, we now hear about a lady called Wisdom who made a special feast. When it was ready she invited everyone to it. First Reading: Proverbs 9:1-6. Psalm: 34:1-2; 9-10. Commentator: Some people drink the wrong things and then get drunk and act badly. Saint Paul tells us to be wise and drink of the Holy Spirit instead. Second Reading: Ephesians 5:15-20. Celebrant: Now listen to the most important reading which is called the Gospel. You will get the answer to my questions here. Gospel: John 6:51-58. Homily: • Now can you tell me the answer to my questions? What is the special food that God has prepared for us? [It is Jesus himself] He said, “My flesh is true food and my blood is true drink.” •

What is so wonderful and magical about this food? What did Jesus say about it? [He said, “If you eat this food you will become one with me and you will live forever.”]

When Jesus said this some people didn’t believe him. They said, “How can he give us his body to eat?” And so they stopped following him and went away. Even today some people can’t believe that the great almighty God could become a man. And they find it even more difficult to believe that God can come to us as a little piece of bread. So they don’t believe in Jesus and they don’t come for Mass.

But we believe that God can do anything he wants to. We believe that he loved us so much that he made himself a man and came to be with us. And when he went up to heaven, he still wanted to be with us and save us, so he gave us Holy Communion.

Do you know when he gave us this food? It was on the night before he died. He gave his friends the bread and said, “Take this and eat it. It is my body… Do this in memory of me.”

Dear children, God has taken so much trouble to give us this special food, because he wants us to live forever. Let’s not be foolish, like those people who left him, but let’s be wise and come to Jesus. [Refer to poster]

One last thing to think about. How will you take in this special food? You can do it by coming to Jesus, listening to his words, receiving him in Communion, and then doing whatever he tells you.

If we all do this, one day we will all be in heaven, enjoying a better feast. There we will not have to close our eyes to imagine Jesus, but we will be able to see him and talk to him.

Communion: [Remind the children that the magical bread which is Jesus is waiting for us. Ask them to give him all their attention.] APPROPRIATE HYMNS ENTRANCE:

The Feast is Ready to Begin/ Come and Dine OFFERTORY: Lord Accept This Bread and Wine COMMUNION: New Life, New LIfe RECESSIONAL: If We Eat of the Lord


Practice the readings. Make poster and put up.

FIR ST REA DING : A reading from the book of Proverbs: Wisdom has built her house with its seven columns. She has prepared the meat and set out the wine. Her feast is ready. She has sent her servant women to announce her invitation from the highest hills: “Everyone who is ignorant or foolish is invited! All of you are welcome to my meat and wine. If you want to live, give up your foolishness and let understanding guide your steps.” This is the Word of the Lord. PSALM :

Response: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

I will always praise the Lord. With all my heart I will praise the Lord. Let all who are helpless listen and be glad.

Honour the Lord! You are his special people. No one who honours the Lord will ever be in need. Young lions may go hungry or even starve, but if you trust the Lord, you will never miss out on anything good.

SECO ND R EADI NG: A reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians: Brothers and sisters: Act like people with good sense and not like fools. These are evil times, so make every minute count. Don’t be stupid. Instead, find out what the Lord wants you to do. Don’t destroy yourself by getting drunk, but let the Spirit fill your life. When you meet together, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, as you praise the Lord with all your heart. Always use the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to thank God the Father for everything. This is the Word of the Lord. ALLELUIA : GOSPEL :

Alleluia, alleluia. All who eat my flesh and drink my blood live in me, and I in them, says the Lord. Alleluia. A reading from the holy Gospel according to St. John.

Jesus said to the crowd: “I am the bread from heaven! Everyone who eats it will live forever. My flesh is the life-giving bread that I give to the people of this world.” They started arguing with each other and asked, “How can he give us his flesh to eat?” Jesus answered: “I tell you for certain that you won’t live unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man. But if you do eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will have eternal life, and I will raise you to life on the last day. My flesh is the true food and my blood is the true drink. “If you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you are one with me, and I am one with you. “The living Father sent me, and I have life because of him. Now everyone who eats my flesh will live because of me. The bread that comes down from heaven is not like the bread your ancestors ate. They died, but whoever eats this bread will live forever.” This is the Gospel of the Lord. NB. All Readings are taken from the ‘Lectionary for Masses with Children’ canonically approved for use in the USA.

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