Cvr Atc Transcripts

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  • August 2019
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12).At 15:55:18 a .oL{.e reportwasmad6to th6op€arors bas6sta. rionat Jan smL,ts(zuR),Ih€ cr6wwas asked to r€po.l agah ar 18:oo as ih€ selactv6 catJingsystBh (SELCAL)was !.s6rvEeabis, The commlnrcarlon withzu8 €.d6dat j5r56:55.Ihs zuR laperccoding .an unlllacolt 16:34(AFpa p17).As lnelbiiow-on tap€wasapparent, ly iater inadverteniyre-!s€d, lher6 is no iu.rh6r com.nunrcation be, twee-SA295d-o ZUFo. recr-o. Fe ZUR ooeraro.connreo ttsdr

_Tl*icdr.on (aooE po_. _7).n]e zu8.oe :1:^:::.1:""_":e^ snowshatat 04 48on 28 \ovetroe.

trqnrvK 057naoas^edrre zJF €d o ofrrcerwhenhe ast hadconradwithiight SA 295andwas infoF med 1600uTc on 27.'(AppE p28). Fromt6:49:41 ro 21:43:OO pos| ironrepols wse madeto Ba.gkok,Cotombo a.d Cocos.(AppA pp 12.16). ThefirstHFcal to Maurir]ls o. 3476KHzwasmadeat abour 21i.16:00 whsnthec.ewreported rheroe ar the MaunrjlsFtRbounda, as ry 21:43:C0. At abour22:30a reportoi c.ossing tongtude c7o .East /ae A o 16).Ar23..327 a posi -epol oo. 065 . Easrar^r_aie .!oo to vaLaius A p.q.. froT 15a- 06 ur (, mrssro.s.At 23:48:51 thepitotca/ted Mauritilsapproacn conrro/.The rorowngco.nrunication was transcribed fromihe harsa.ceconuol roweriapE€c.rdi.g (AopA pp30- 33). Freetra.slaions cf Ahikaans pi€ses arein b.ackes.whit$mos of rhe worcswerecearyfecc.ce! a.d coul(ibe easilyfanscribed, some!.intentionat transmEsrons ,.rom SA295colld.orbe clea.yidentified asto wharwasbetrqsao. KEY 295:PlLOltN-COMMANO OFF L J G H T S A 2 9 5 MBU: IllAUN|nUSAPPROACH CONTFOL T !1E


23:r8:41 23:.19:c0

2,o5 Eh Mauritius, rrauriuus, Sonngbok TwoNj.erFpe MRU Springbok TwoNi.e Five,eh, Mau.itius, en good,eh,goahead





Eh,goodmoming, w€ lrav6,6h, a smoks,shp,eh, probtamandw6t€ doing6merg6ncydoscanrto ev€lononve,6h,on. MRU Connrmyou wishto doscsndto fight l€v€iod. tour




23:49:25 23149:30 23:49:40 23:49:48


Ya, ws hav€ al€ady commonced,shi dlE to a smoksprcblem inhe aercplans MFU Eh,roger,you arsclsarto descendimmediatety io flight eve oneiour zero 295 Foger,we willapprcciate if you can alert,eh, frra, e h pe, h pe, h , 6 h NIFU Doyouwishto,oh,doyourequest atultemerqency? 295 OkayJoe,kani ...vk ons(OkayJo€canyoLr...ror Js)

23:49:41 23:49:54 23:49ra6


23:50:00 23ta0:02 23:aA:A4

MBU Springbok TwoNineFive,Plaisance 295 Sorry,go ahead MFU Do you,eh, rcquesla illl emercency pieasea tutl €merg3.ry? 295 Afiimativ€, that'scharliechartie MRU Roger,ldeclareatullemercency,rcge. 2-o5 Thankyou

23:50:.10 23:50:!4 23:50:46

r',lRU Sp ngbokTwoNineFive,Plaisance 295 Eh,go ahead MRU Feque$yolr actualpositionple46 andyolr OME

23:50:51 23:50:55 23:51:00 23t51:Q2 r08 23151

Eh,wehaven'tgoth€ OMEyet please. Eh,rogerandyouraclualposilion Eh,sayagain Youradlat position Noww€vs losta lot ol elecllics, we havenl got anythingon lhe onlhe ancraftnow MRU Eh,rcEer,I deciare a fullemergency immediately 295 Altirmative MBU Roger

23:51:12 23:51ii5 23:51:18

2-o5 LiFU 2S5 l',iFU 295

23:52:3Q 23:42:32 23:52:33 23:52:36 23:52:40 23:42:aA 2a:42:42

MFU Eh,Sp ngbokTwoNinaFivs,do youhav6an E.ho pteasE TangoAltaPlaisanca MRU SpangbokTwo Ni.aFiw, plaisa.c€ 295 Ya,Paisanca MRU DotoL-av6e EcnoTargoAfa D'a,sanc6 pjease? 295 Ya,eh,:aro26rc,eheh€hthreezero MAU Foger,rcroze.olrre€zero, rhankyou 295 HeyJoe,shutdownureoryge. tett MFU Sorrysayagainptease

00:C1:34 C0:0i:36 C0:01:45 .-J0:01:57 00r02:10 00:02:11 OA:42:24 00:02:39

295 Unintelligibielranshission 295 Unr.ielligibetiansmission 295 Unintelligbletransmission gbe transnisston 295 U.inteli 255 Unlnrelligbierransmissio. 295 Unintel igbleftans.rrission 295 2-o5 Eh Praisance, sp.ingbokTwo NineFive,do (did)


Eh .egative, TwoNineFive,say agat. piease,say

c0r02r41 C0:02:!3 00:c2:,14 C0:02i,i7 00:02r50

295 MFU 2-45 VFU

00:0258 00:03.00


Wete nowsixty'ivem les Conim siiy,ive mies Ya,afiirnative CrrarleCharlie E" coqer. Sorglo. e- Two \i.e Fve, € re yolte feciearedfight levei tive zero. Aecteared

A.d, Sp ngbokTwoNineFve copyacrd weaiher Plaisa.ce Copyaclualweather Flaisance. Thewind oneonezerodegreeszeroliveknols.Thevisibitity aboveonezerokrometres. AndwehaveaFrecipitallonin slghtto ltie nodh. clouds,fve odas onesx 2e.ozero,oneoctafNerhousand feet.Temperatu.e is twe.tyt!vo,lvo rwo. Andthe oNH cne zEroo.e e gnthectooascals, onezeroone€ilhtcver

-18. 00,03:28 00:03:31 00rc3r43 00:03:46 00:03:51 00:03r54 C0:C3:56

MFU MqU 295 MRU 295 MBU




MRU TwoN.e FNe,Plaisancs TwoNineFve,Plaisancs MFU Sprnqbok Nin€FivePlaisance MRU SprlnqbokTwo

00r08:11 00:C8:35

A,5ffialivo, sh and both ru.ways avaiiableil you wish did two ninefve, I .equ€st p'lo$ intentio. Ehw6d ik€to uackln€h, on eh one!'iB6 Confi.rnrunwayo.€ tolr ChaileCha.ii6 Anmailvs and yolte cleared,eh dirs.l 10 Foxtrol Foxlroi. You repon app.oachi.g five zero Kay

(NOANSWER) A NTSBhlman periomanceexpedconhe.ted as lo lows on the Filcfs lestVHF comrnunietio.withthe approachconkoler:

is generalyof verygoodaldio quality.A,ter The airt.ailicreco.ding imFression lhattherewerechanqes in the scfeeni.git, I hada deiinite denrfedro fe as ne capr.i_ )0ess elei o! r-e th6 speaker overrhecolrse of rheia!e. Fron 23i48:5rro 23:d9:30) sou.dsreativelycam speakngslowiyandco!.teolsly(athoughthe seriousness ol his commu.ication s cL€ariiom its conlent). At the sente.ce,andtherEis a deflnite imhe iailsro c.mprete 23:49:30 pression him ihat someon€ or somelhingn the cockpitls disifacting duerolhegrowi.gemerge.cyFrom1hispoi.d!.t th€endhedei.iteandappea.sto ly solndsmoreagilatedls defniteiymoredisiracted, fo. example forn oi thet.ansmissio.s, betaklnAmo.equickly.Several to 00:02:14aFpear10 havethe highlevelsof tundamental 00:01:34 wnicharegenerally characle. irequency, speaking rate,andamplitude (theslatement seemsso risticoi greatpsychologicalsress at 00101:45 lt shouldbe nored,howeverthatlhese hlghit s closeto screamrng). transmissio.s meantfor the onstatenenrs aooearto be inadverte.t bo?rdcrewandthatlhe speake.nay be yellingpartlyto be heard


tnrclghhisoxygenrnaskanda.bov61h€ background .ois6 n rhEcockpir h thsfnal soctron, fiom00:02:48 to tho€nd,lire speak€..rpp€ars andr6spcnsiv. lha.l hs w65in ths prsc6di.9 ro bo mor6composEd hs has calmsddownsomoktratand s€emsFossiblalirat lo6lsthattha om€rgencyis rnorgunderco.trol at this pointthan it Bss al earierpoinE, Thesecommes ars b6ed on simplyrevigwing the tap6 and do not rened scie.lfic mea.sureh6rt for psycholoqical strcss. (appA pp34:3s). 1.10

AENOOROME INFOBMATION airpo.t coniormedto category8 Th€ setuicesat Plaisance slanddds4 laiddownin ICAOSAnnex14 (AppD p4)- Allnavigatio, na, la.dingand communication aidswerstunctioninq nomally. At was€ady to rcceivethe aircraitin distressand every, 00:25ever),lhing bodyMs on alert(AppJ p2).lhe aerodronewa! not equlpped wth wll arl nstrument landingsyradarandoniyrunway14wasequipped


FLIGHTFECOFDEFS recorders Thelollowinq wer€iltedi (1)

PennyaridClesquickaccessrecorder(OAR)lype 0s0761 t o ' l o 9 9 n 9 ' 9 i d a r a .T \ e O A Rs a s n o L - r e dn ^ e - . n equpmentbayllst loruad of rie ower€rgo holdat sraticn 460


Locrfeedrodel 209Fdgiai 191-rddrarecorder(DFOa) Panno. 100774500- 803ilted witha o!k4e N15F2108 underwaer ocalorbeacon,TheDFDFwasmoun€don loo oi a stowageiac riy in lhe leit hand r€ar side ol the mai. deckcargocomparlhentat station2320-


Colinstype 642 C-1cockpitvoicereco.der(CVF)Pad No, 522.4057 {02 fittedwitha Dlkane N15F2108undetuarer

2 A /. . .

-mnsxtto the oFDR ocatcrbeacon.Th8cvR wasnrountad andwas the locoderiounda.d racovered from lhe

Atterths CVBwasiolnd it waEhandledwti'i grcat cars and weretakento snsurerhatthe r6coc all possibieprecar.nions dedi.formationwoud be .etained.To prev€ntth€ torrLation oi an bubbles on thelap€andhencea depositoi seawaler chemicals, thetransier ironrrhelifungtackieto thekanspon coniaherwasperlormed lndef the water. once on board the shipthe seawEtsr was replacedwhhde-ionised warer whilslensuri.gnon-entry oi air intothe recorde.unit. ce Tade lor de-onisedware'was p'ogr€ssvley adoed_o mantainthetempe.alure wlthntherangeol4 to 12'C. The cvR, in thetfanspon co ainerwasthenflownto theope.alaboratory ic. removalol tofs suilably equipped meialtoolslsed ior th s processwe€ de-maqietised. rhe in de-onised rapewasremov€dwiththe unltsubmeroed waterby G.dng it jromonere: walera.a clea.ed. sLrch ro an.theralterwhchit wasdrieain avaculmchamberv/rh peiocjc nlrcgen pu€ifg. Atqld4jrS llre lape !!?L ha.d DC'cr co!.'_g c"lea ro a N-SBlaSo.aror:n Weshi-ero-

reveaedimpacldamageto the Examnatcn oi ihe recorder cuer cas'_g r' fad bee-"^Fosecro lear as e;delceo :l biisteingof the pa.t, The insulation of e eclical wning to ure mounting rackplug was scorched. folnd ar.ached wlreiornishadmeted .dicaThesoder oi someelectrcai ringthatthe lnit had beenexposedto heat.The merng pont oi ltiesoderisbenveen 180and190'C.Theintenor ct thelnit wascovered withanoilysoot,ingressol whichwas probabiy throlghanaoenlfen 1hefrontcover.Thoplastic b ankinspllg oi thisaoenlrehadmeted.The signala.d wasrouredarongrheroplefthandsde of rhe fain deckcargoc.mpartment n raceway G a.d wesnextto 2 1 / .. . .

along th€ DFORwdng.Th8powersuppycabi€wasrcLtrrsd th6toprlghthandsiden €c€wayH,{appFpp 1- 4). ThEcvF ocatorbeaco. wassxamhedby th6 handactur€r who conclud€diral f,]s unit had beensubjectedto ddernaj heat in excessoi 190' C. This tomperatu.Ecaused the sold€raroundthe waterswitchspring10refow and holdthe switchin the ofip€ssed position. This high tenperature arolndthelransducer, alsodadagedthepotti.gcompound solderi. the hodule lhe tansdlcer ilsef,and I reflowed modlLewasalsotound calsingit to shon. Theeleclronics (App to be inte.nally shortedacrosslhe baneryconneclion.

Th€ CVBwas powereddkecly lrom lhe essential115V Ac andwaswkedto fecc.dlro.,rlt1eaudioseledo.panes'andlron r\e coctotrare€ o'r-6 pior,co.pLor. hcrophone,ThecvR was.ot wi.ediof *'hot mic'recardiromthe abovementio.ed iagblt allvetal commlnicatio.s *ew -erbels va oqg€. -asls. rard helda-d boor rts wouldhavebeenreco.ced. . HOTMIC' recordinEmearc lhat lhe microphonesare connscl€dto a recoder in a mannerthat ensureslhe recordingof all cockpitsoundregardlsssol audioconkol panelselecllons. _rlu_o-g'fe raperas -or darrdged 44. nucf of lhe lormaticnwhichwas recordedcn lhe area mlcrophone cran.e. was unrre'gbe. only fe asl Tnlle a.d ra secondsoi lhe 30 mi.u1erecordi.gcyce wB rc6onably lo dererrire clear.Howe!e',suliicenrd.ta $as'ecov€red priorlo the sou.di.g oi lhe thatthe cockphcon!€rsation smokewarningbel hadbeenon ge.e.altoprcso.ry. Joe relededto . dle loilowing transcrlption wd lhe se.ioriight 22/..

-u€n9in66r,F€€ tanslatjonsof AfrikaansPhras€sara in brac.




Firearambei (stopped ahnost immediaiely)



28:35 28:36 28:37 2A:4O

28:42 28:45 28145 2a:49 28.48 28:49 2A:52


Jos ? Joe Joe ?


Joe(?) ? Joe Joe




? Capr



What'sgol.9 onnow? Huh? Cargo? ll cameon nowafteMards Strongclicksound Andwhereis thaf Clicksound lustlo theright Sayagain(?) Maindeckcargo Tlre. lre otherone came on as well, l'vegottwo Shail | {get/p!sh)the (botte/blnon) Ja Cr'es) Leesvir ons die checklislcaar hoor (Readth€ checklistlherefo. us hea4 (Dolbleclicksound) oie bulk(?)s€ lig js ar (?) arnebelly! (?) isht is oit

29:09 ? 29:12

Owoclicksounds) light deckcargo checklistmai.


29:36 29:38 29:40 29:41

29:41 29:46 29:51 29152

(Sou.dsol movsmentca. be h€4d wdr clicls 3ndclunks) Fokdis di€tEitdat altw€samg€komnst Capl . dit *aur m6ns{Fuckit ls the iacl 11rat bolircam€on - n disirubsons) Intercomchjmo(whil6capialnls speaklng) Aagsh ? (800HzTESTTONE slgnalcommsnces) lll Wat de donner gaan .ou d? (lvhai Capt the thunders goi.g on now?)Thisis tonsol voic6. saidin a sutPnsed Slddenold sound Larceand€pid cha.ges in amplitude01 End ot test,very nregr]larnear end -rhe.e s aboLt 1 End oi recordinE. on thissideol se€ondoi old recording ihelape

Hztesiionels intoducedonalllourCVR€hannelsAnerabolt 6 seThe8OO conis rapidchangesi. arplitudecomrieice seco.dsthe

aiterts beEinni.g t was and52seconds Theiaoeranforexaciiv29minLtes on withMRUat 2313:27nor the notedthatneitherthe asi HF comrnunica lilst vHF cornmLrn cationwith MAU approachcontrolai 23:4€:51was

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