Cv Kukuh Nugrahadi

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 417
  • Pages: 2
Kukuh Nugrahadi,A.Md. Jl. Johar I/4 Surabaya Mobile Phone: 081 703 742 732 Email: [email protected]

CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Sex Information Marital Status Nationality Age Place & date of birth Height/weight Address

Mobile Phone E-mail Motivation Professional

Male Married Indonesia 24 years old Surabaya, March 10th 1985 169 cm / 72 kg Jl. Johar I/4 Surabaya

: 081 703 742 732 : [email protected]

Be an Expert Electrical Instrument Engineer in Major Industry 2008 – Okt 2009 2007


: : : : : : :

2009October 2009

PT. Lontar Papyrus Pulp & Paper Industry (SINARMAS Group)

Located at Tebing Tinggi, Jambi PT. Phase Delta Control Located at Surabaya, East Java •

Junior Electrical Instrument Engineer at Calibration Group

Junior Electrical instrument Engineer at Recausticsizing Area Preventive & Corrective Maintenance Low/High Voltage Motor, MCC (Motor Control Center), Instrument Devices (Level, Pressure, Flow, Temperature, Control Valve, and On-Off Valve) at PT. Lontar Papyrus Pulp & Paper Industry (SINARMAS Group)

Engineer Install and Corrective Printer and Computerized System on Gas Station at PT. Phase Delta Control



Calibrate DP Transmitter Devices and Temperature Devices. Preventive & Corrective Maintenance PH Analyzer, Density Analyzer, Consistency Analyzer, Conductivity Analyzer and Gas Analyzer.

Kukuh Nugrahadi,A.Md. Jl. Johar I/4 Surabaya Mobile Phone: 081 703 742 732 Email: [email protected]


• • • •

Training and Seminars

• • •

• • • • Education

Preventive Transformator at PT. PLN (Persero) P3B Region Jawa Timur and Bali UPT Surabaya, Jawa Timur (Practical Job)

Fitting Tube Seminar by Swagelok (participant,2008) Enterpreneurship Quotient Training (participant,2006) Local Area Network and Wireless Training (EEPIS-ITS, participant,2006) Workshop of Financial Management Skill (Dewa Edubiz Management, participant, 2006) Cisco Course Networking Academy I (EEPIS-ITS, participant, 2005 ) Seminar of Applied Automatic Control System at Industrial World (EEPIS – ITS, organizer,2005) Public Relation Seminar (Department of Electrical Engineering ITS, participant,2005) Genset Introduction and Operation Training (Diklat PT. PLN (Persero) Pandaan, participant,2005) Seminar of Applied Electric Drive Technology at Industrial World (EEPIS – ITS, participant,2004) Applied Electronics Training (EEPIS-ITS, participant,2004 ) BTP-Leadership Student Camp 2002 ( Kadin Indonesia,Participant,2002)


Electronics Engineering Polytechnics Institute Surabaya - Institut Teknologi 10 November (EEPIS–ITS) Diploma 3 Majoring Industrial Electric Engineering with GPA 2,86


Senior High School (SMA Negeri 9 Surabaya)

1997- 2000

Junior High School (SLTP Negeri 26 Surabaya)

Computer Literature


English - fluent both written and spoken


Reading, Hiking, Travelling

 

Standard Application for MS Access, MS Office, MS Excel, Auto CAD SAP system :Plan Maintenance/PM, Material Management/MM & Time Management/TM

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