Cv Jesse Marsh

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Europass Curriculum Vitae

Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es) Telephone(s) E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender

Jesse Burgess Marsh Via Giuseppe La Farina 9, 90141 Palermo, Italy +39 091 6256226


+39 333 4075748

[email protected] United States of America April 2, 1953 Male

Occupational field Innovation Policy Consulting Work experience Dates Occupation or position held

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Since 1995 Lead Partner and Legal Representative

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Main activities and responsibilities

Consulting activities primarily in cooperative projects funded by the European Union – over 30 to date – each involving several organizations in different Member States. Sectors range from ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) R&D to local development and strategic planning. Funding programs include INTERREG MEDOCC, IIIC, and ARCHIMED (Interregional Cooperation), LIFE (Environmental initiatives), and 4th-7th Framework Programs: Telematics/ACTS/ISPO/ ICT (Research and development programs in telecommunications and IT). Specific topics include: teleworking, web service design, information society policies and sustainable development scenarios, cultural development, logistics, e-government and e-participation, e-commerce, SME networks, coastal management, economic development schemes, governance networks, landscape management, and multimedia for immaterial cultural heritage. In addition to direct participation, also project coordinator as a consultant to local and regional authorities: Cities of Alcamo, Ragusa and Bagheria and the Departments of Planning and of Cultural Heritage of the Sicilian Region. Other strategic and policy consultancies include international companies, universities, research institutes and public authorities (CRES, Confindustria, Tourism board and ISIDA in Palermo and University of Tampere (FI), Simpson Research Group (MT), Highlands and Islands Enterprise (UK), RAND Europe, and LASER-Galleries Lafayette Group (FR)) and have included the STOA policy research Unit of the European Parliament (study on “Cultural Diversity and the Information Society”) and several projects with the European Commission on the link between Information Society and Sustainable Development. Initiator of DEMOsfera in Palermo, for the experimentation of new technologies with civic and anti-mafia movements. Current strategic initiatives include the coordination of “Territorial Living Lab – Sicily”, integrating local development initiatives with ICT R&D co-design methods; member of the Leadership Group of the European Network of Living Labs. Extensive publications and conference presentations throughout Europe, including an active role in the International Program Committee of the yearly eChallenges conference since 2003.

Name and address of employer

Atelier Studio Associato (previously OpenStudio di Jesse Marsh & Co), Via XX Settembre 70, 90141 Palermo, Italy

Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held

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Innovation policy consulting and EU project management 1992-95 Partner then President Management and consulting in cooperative R&D projects funded by the European Union’s Framework Program, involving several organizations from different member states. Specific topics included: cultural adaptation of multimedia learning material, teleworking among design professionals, distributed multimedia training in the banking sector, evaluation of innovative pilot projects in distance learning, and market analyses and strategies for learning technologies. OpenStudio, Viale Romagna 56, 20100 Milano, Italy Consulting partnership then Limited Company in ICT-related research 1988-91 Consultant

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Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector

Communications responsible for EU-funded ICT R&D projects in the ESPRIT Program. Job Leader for the DGXIII-DELTA/Osiris Project (1988-91): guidelines and standards for market diffusion of learning technologies. Invited member of the Technical Panel for Teaching and Training in the Planning Exercise for defining the ENS workplan for R&D in Systems of General Interest for Public Administrations – European Commission DG XIII/F Centro Sviluppo e Ricerche, Datamont Spa, Via Restelli 15, 20100 Milano, Italy IT and telecommunications services company of the Ferruzzi Group 1980-92 Owner Industrial design in a wide range of materials and technologies, processes and product sectors, from chairs to artificial lungs. In partnership with Trabucco and Vecchi, clients included Vortice, Elam, and Kartell. As a free-lance designer, main clients included: Sorin Biomedica (Fiat Group), Arflex, Elam, De Rosso, SFA (Societé Française d’Assainissement). From 1988-90, an experimental design project with Sorin Biomedica addressed the logical flow, information design, and screen graphics of the programmer for pacemakers PMP 1000. Jesse Marsh Design, Viale Romagna 56, 20100 Milano, Italy Free-lance industrial design 1976-82 Entered as apprentice, left as Chief Industrial Designer Industrial design in a wide range of areas in the offices of one of the fathers of the “Milanese School” of Industrial Design. Main clients: Brionvega, Louis Vuitton, B&B, Fontana Arte, Fusital, SIO, Poltrona Frau, Lavazza, Vortice, SFA, Sorin Biomedica. Studio Associato Zanuso e Crescini, Milano, Italy Architectural and Industrial Design Office

Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Page 3/10 - Curriculum vitae of MARSH, Jesse Burgess

1971-75 Bachelor of Arts, Honors in Art, Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa Major in Studio Art. Liberal Arts curriculum included studies in Architecture, Art, History of Art, English, Economics, Mathematics, Music, Theology, Chemistry, Philosophy, Psychology, History, Anthropology and Sociology Williams College, Williamstown MA, USA: Liberal Arts College 1962-71 High School Diploma USA Accredited Primary, Middle and Secondary School Curriculum

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Name and type of organisation

Landon School, Bethesda MD, USA: Elementary, Middle and High School

Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Other language(s)

English Italian, French



European level (*)






Proficient User

Reading C2

Proficient User

Speaking Spoken interaction C2

Proficient User


Spoken production C2

Proficient User


Proficient User

Independent Independent Independent Independent B1 B2 B1 A2 Basic User User User User User

(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Social skills and competences

Organisational skills and competences

Technical skills and competences Computer skills and competences

Artistic skills and competences

Driving license

Network and partnership relations with hundreds of organizations of varying nature in all Member States of the European union, with experience in travelling, working, and participation in local initiatives. Specific ability in the coordination and management of inter-cultural and inter-disciplinary workgroups. Public speaking, including “keynote” roles, animation of workshops and brainstorming sessions, etc. Development and coordination of networks of people and organizations. Design and coordination of complex work programs including different inter-dependent activities, technical assistance, budgeting and reporting in projects of several million Euros. Deep knowledge of the main processes and materials of industrial manufacture . Ex-Amiga, ex-Mac, Windows: Office, CAD, 3D modeling, etc. Groupware system administration and management (FirstClass) Web design and basic programming (FrontPage, Dreamweaver) Concept design of web services. Classical pianist Free-hand drawing, drafting, CAD and computer graphics. Arti Direction for coordinated communications campaigns. Italian B Category license (automobiles)

Annexes EU Projects

Consultancies Other Activities Awards and Prizes Publications

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Annexes •

EU Projects

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DG InfSoc-ICT and Environment “ICT-ENSURE” (2008- ): policy research and briefing on Personal Information Systems and Quality of Life in the context of environmental sustainability. DG Regio INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED “EcoMeMaq” (consultant to COPPEM, 2008): technical assistance and strategic coordination for the development of Ecomuseums of the Mediterranean Maquis. DG Regio INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED “NetWet3” (consultant to the City of Bagheria, 2007-08): technical assistance and coordination of a project for the integrated management of water landscapes; development of a multi-sector, multi-actor Memorandum of Understanding for sustainable development of the Eleuterio River basin. DG Regio INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED “TechNet” (consultant to the Dept of Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Sicilian Region, 2007-08): technical assistance and coordination of a project for a new sustainable development model for maritime villages in the Mediterranean; definition of the evaluation framework; editing of the final publication. DG Regio INTERREG IIIB MEDOCC “MEDINS” (consultant to the City of Bagheria, 2007-08): technical assistance and coordination of an interregional network of Multimedia Laboratories for Mediterranean Immaterial Cultural Heritage; design of an innovative web service for inter-cultural representation based on interoperability of regional databases. DG Regio INTERREG IIIB MEDOCC “PIC-RM” (consultant to the Dept of Territory and Environment, Sicilian Region, 2006-2008): technical assistance and coordination of a project developing strategic transnational projects for territorial management in the Mediterranean; feasibility study of a project on metropolization and immigration processes. DG Regio INTERREG IIIC “PROGRESDEC” (consultant to the Dept of Territory and Environment, Sicilian Region, 2006-08): technical assistance and coordination of a Regional Framework Operation for experimenting innovative strategic planning approaches in the context of the ESDP through a set of networked pilot projects; contribution to the strategic conclusions for multi-level territorial governance. DG Regio INTERREG IIIB MEDOCC “MEDISDEC” (consultant to the Dept of Territory and Environment, Sicilian Region, 2006-08): technical assistance and coordination in a project for the evaluation of strategic planning instruments foreseen by the ESDP in the Mediterranean context. DG LIFE-Environment 2004 “GECO” (consultant to the Dept of Territory and Environment, Sicilian Region, 2005-06): technical assistance and coordination of a project for the recovery of coastal zones and strategic planning for the surrounding areas. DG Regio INTERREG IIIB MEDOCC “URBACOST” (consultant to the Dept of Territory and Environment, Sicilian Region, 2004-06): technical assistance and support to animation of local actors in planning processes balancing development pressures between coast and inland. DG InfSoc-IST “NEWTIME” (consultant to CRES, 2001-03): mentoring networks of Sicilian micro-businesses in broadband adoption; interregional comparative analysis; contributions to a Best Practice Manual. DG InfSoc-IST “SASKIA” (consultant to CRES, 2002-03): definition of an R&D roadmap for the European Commission, in order to guide the information society towards sustainable development. STOA: Scientific and Technological Options Assessment Unit of the

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General Directorate Research of the European Parliament (2002), by request of the Culture, Youth, Education, Media and Sport Committee of the EP: update of a 1999 study on “Cultural Diversity in the New Media”. Italian Ministry of Productive Activities (member of a working group coordinated by SGL Logistica, Merzario Group, 2000-02): feasibility study for new models of sustainable logistics for electronic commerce for territorially disperse micro-firms; responsible of the “Local Niche Market Products” sector; development of a new general model for elogistics. STOA Unit, European Parliament (2002): Policy Options for the topic “Cultural Diversity and the Information Society”, leading a networked International research team in four EU member states. DG Regio-TERRA “LORE” (1997-2001): creation of a network of local spatial planning observatories with pilot projects in Greece (Ikaria, Pelion, Messara) and Sicily (Alcamo, Ragusa), with particular attention to participatory processes for implementation of planning policies. DGXIII-ACTS “ASIS” (1998-2000): construction of a Strategic Alliance for a sustainable information society in Sicily and at the European level; communications and promotion direction and collaboration with the virtual public relations office; elaboration of regional scenarios for a sustainable information society in the Mediterranean. DGIII/DGXIII-ISPO “ISIAS” (1998-2000): scenarios and simulation models for the integration of information society and sustainable development policies for the City of Alcamo, in parallel with similar actions in four other European regions; design and implementation of a pilot web service for the comparative evaluation of regional strategies for a sustainable information Society. DGXVI-Art. 10 Culture “CIED” (1997-99): technical assistance and coordination for the City of Palermo in a network of five European regions evaluating the impact of cultural policies on economic development. DGXIII-TEN “Informs” (1996-98): contributions to a Handbook for the uptake of ISDN services in SMEs, with particular attention to the tourism sector; info-seminars in Bagheria and Alcamo in Sicily. DGXIII-ACTS “GAD” Concertation Chain (1996-99): Rapporteur for a cluster of advanced research projects concerned with the potential contribution of information technologies to sustainable development; production of three of the eleven Guidelines targeting sector actors. DGXIII-Telematics “AGORA” (1996-98): development of a telematics service for SME support organizations, with the creation of a network of over 40 regional support units in 12 Member States of the European Union; development of specific contents and services for the area “Virtual Enterprises”; design and development of a “modular portal” system; production of the Implementation Handbook and SME User Guide for the AGORA Service. DGV-ADAPT “Dioniso” (1996-98): development of a telematics service for electronic commerce and the consolidation of local networks in the field of cultural tourism. DGXIII-Telematics “Deploy” (1996-97): analysis of the conditions for the implementation of the information society in areas such as SMEs, rural areas and Universities. DGXIII-ACTS “EPRI-Watch” (1995-99): specification of the organizational structure of a multimedia telematics service targeting parliamentarians concerned with information society issues; analysis of European initiatives and policy documents on the topic of the relationship between the information society and sustainable development. DGXII-DGXIII-DGXXII/Joint Call “LOGOS” (1994-96): analysis of cultural adaptation of multimedia training material for SMEs; production of

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Guidelines for developers and training organizations; production of an Adaptation Manual for multimedia material. DGXIII-Teleworking “TESSE” (1994-95): co-ordination of a project developing telematic networks at the European scale for professionals in the fields of design, law, etc. based on pilot project experimentation. DGXIII-DELTA “VALAM” (1993-95): consultancy to the Ambrosiano Veneto Bank for the development and pilot experimentation of innovative scenarios for distributed multimedia training. DGXIII-DELTA “Deval” (1993-94): elaboration of models and structures for development methodologies for socio-technical systems based on new learning technologies. DGXIII-DELTA “Mathesis” (1992-94): development of application and usage scenarios for an interactive multimedia “learner workbench”. DGXIII-DELTA “Articulate” (1992-94): analysis of the cultural logics of pilot projects experimenting new learning technologies; evaluation support services to the program’s pilot projects; comparative analysis of the impact and effectiveness of new learning technologies. DGXIII-DELTA “Beacon” (1992-94): development of an implementation model for market diffusion of training technologies; production of a Handbook for sector actors. DGV-COMETT “Rhetorics” (1992-93): coordination of evaluation of a multimedia trainer training system; contributions to the development of the modular system; production of the Implementation Handbook. DGXIII-DELTA “Osiris” (1988-91): development of a reference model and guidelines to the Commission for the diffusion of standards in the field of new learning technologies.


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CRES (2006- ): definition of a communication strategy for the WDSL “Wikitel” platform in the context of a Sicilian Living Lab initiative. SFCS Sistemi Formativi Confindustria Sicilia (2008), training for European project managers. Formez-CNR (2008), training for a course targeting regional administration officers in innovation policy. SFCS Sistemi Formativi Confindustria Sicilia (2005), training for Euroconsultants 2007-2013. SPI Progetti (2002-): concept design of a virtual museum with augmented reality environments within the proposed “Wonderful Wine World” theme park. CRES (2004-05): definition of a research strategy and construction of a European expert network in issues related to “e-Democracy” Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Tampere, Finland (2003): design of a research project identifying new policies for the promotion of European citizenship and multiple identities in the knowledge society. Simpson Research Group (2002-03): participatory strategies for information and communication technologies for Gozo Island (Malta). Highlands and Islands Enterprise (Scottish development agency, 200203): participation in an International working group developing research strategies for PICT Innovation Ltd (Producing ICT businesses of the future), a local business development initiative. RAND Europe (2002): specification of a strategy to define a R&D roadmap leading to a sustainable information society. CRES (Centro di Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia, 2000-): strategic communications plan for research activities; assistance to participation in European R&D projects. LASER (Galleries Lafayette Group, Paris, 1998): definition of pilot projects for electronic commerce. City of Alcamo (1997): management of a telematics-based information point supporting businesses interested in participating in the Territorial

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Pact of the Gulf of Castellammare; promotion of the City’s participation in European projects. ISIDA (Sicilian business and management school, 1995-96): feasibility study for an internal network and for a distance training platform. Palermo Provincial Tourism Agency (1995-96): study on the potentials of telematics in the field of tourism, with specific attention to the development of local networks.

Other Activities

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Constitution and co-ordination of the “TLL Sicily” regional partnership, including the Regional Planning Department, CRES and a range of local development actors, for building a “Territorial Living Lab” within the ENoLL European Network of Living Labs (2007- ). Inscribed in the Long List of “Experts in management of Community programs and Territorial Cooperation projects” of the Special Office for Decentralized Co-operation for Development and International Solidarity of the Sicilian Region (2007- ). Member of the International Program Committee of the “e-Challenges” conference 2008-Stockholm, 2007-the Hague, 2006–Barcellona, 2005Ljubljana, 2004-Vienna and 2003-Bologna. With the DEMOsfera group, organization of “Consultative propositions of citizen interest” in conjunction with Primary elections of the Unione for the Candidate for Mayor of Palermo, 2007. Member of the Export Working Group of the UE’s EUReGOV project (RAND Europe e UNU Merit, 2006-) to evaluate e-government strategies for 2010 and beyond. Management of the “comitatixrita” website and design and implementation of an innovative system for managing polling station representatives for the 2006 Regional elections (Sicilian Region). For the e-Challenges 2004 conference in Vienna, organization and chairing of a two-session workshop on “eDemocracy and eCitizenship”. Constitution and co-ordination of the DEMOsfera (2003-) initiative for the experimentation of new tools and methods of citizen participation in eDemocracy, with the DEMOnews (February 2004-) and DEMOdai (feasibility study) initiatives. Constitution and co-ordination of the Palermo Group of the Club of Rome, for the development of mid-term visions and scenarios for the Euro-Mediterranean area (2003-04). For the e-Challenges 2003 conference in Bologna, organization of a two-session workshop on “eDemocracy and Participation”. Development and experimentation of a web service for “democracy points” and a telematics voting system for Primary Elections for the candidate to President of the Province of Palermo (2002-2003). Management of a free-access, open electronic conferencing system as the basis for participation networks (VOX, Virtual OrganiXation) and a tool for distance group work in local and European initiatives (19952006).

Awards and Prizes

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2002: 2° prize ex equo for Best Paper at the UE’s “e-Business and eWork” conference, Prague 1988: 2 Honorable Mentions, Compasso d’Oro design prize, Milano 1984: Selection, Bio 10, Ljubljana 1984: Honorable Mention, IF Prize “Die gute Industrieform” 1975: Hubbard Hutchinson Memorial Fellowship, Williams College 1971: Semi-finalist as National Merit Scholar Design works published in various reviews and in international exhibitions in Milan, Paris, Barcellona, Frankfurt, Lubijana, New York and Tokyo.

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Speaker in International seminars and conferences – the Hague, Alcamo, For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628


Athens, Belfast, Berlin, Barcellona, Bled (SI), Bologna, Cairo, Catania, Copenhagen, Dublin, Evora (PT), Heraklion (GR), Kefalonia (GR), Kortrijk (BE), Lefkada (GR), Leipzig, Ljubljana, Lyon (FR), Malta, Messara (GR), Pelion (GR), Pozzallo (IT), Pori (FI), Prague, Rovaniemi (FI), Seville (ES), Stockholm, Terrasini (IT), Venice, Verona, Vienna, Zagreb and Zakyntos (GR) – and numerous conferences and events in Brussels, Helsinki, Milan and Palermo. •


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“Living Labs and Territorial Innovation” in Collaboration and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, IOS Press, Amsterdam (NL), 2008. “Towards an Intercultural Representation of Mediterranean Intangible Cultural Heritage. An XML Interoperability Framework for Regional ICH Databases” (with F. Passantino), in course of publication in the Official Proceedings of ESIIG2: Second European Summit on Interoperability in the iGovernment, Rome, 20-22 October, 2008. “New Approaches to Safeguarding Immaterial Heritage: The MEDINS Multimedia Laboratories” (with R. Albergoni), in course of publication by the City of Kalivia (GR) ORAMARE: Networking Mediterranean Cultures (ed.), Sicilian Region, 2008. “Les migrations et le processus de métropolisation” in Projets d’initiative commune des régions Méditerranéennes, Région ProvenceAlpes-Cote d’Azur, 2008. “Web 2.0 : How Emerging Non-Institutions Organise Knowledge”, in Le Patrimoine Culturel immateriel et le Role D’Institutions Publiques dans l’Implementation d’Inventaires, Proceedings of the International Seminar, University of Evora (PT), June 22nd 2007. “La Strategia di Lisbona e la Pianificazione partecipata”, in URBACOST: Un progetto pilota per la Sicilia centrale, Franco Angeli Milano 2007. “Sustainable Workstyle Scenarios for Ambient Intelligence” in Innovation and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, IOS Press, Amsterdam (NL), 2005; also published in the proceedings of the seminar “Retroscapes and Futurescapes: Temporal Tensions in Organisations”, Terrasini (IT), 21-23 June 2007. “Time and Policy in the Information Society” in In Search of Time, Proceedings of the International Conference (ISIDA, Palermo, May 8-10, 2003), F. Orlando 2005. “Cultural Conflict in the Information Society” in eCulture: The European Perspective: Cultural Policy, Creative Industries, Information Lag, Proceedings from the Round Table Meeting (Zagreb, 24-27 April 2003), Institute for International Relations, Zagreb, 2005 “Demosfera: a Laboratory for eCitizenship in Sicily” (with F. Passantino), in eAdoption and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, IOS Press, Amsterdam (NL), 2004. “Diversità culturale vs. identità culturale. La cultura nella pratiche di sviluppo locale sostenibile” (with F. Trapani) in La nuova cultura delle città. Trasformazioni territoriali e impatti sulla società, ed. L. de Bonis, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 2003. “Primary Elections in Palermo: a Case Study” (with F. Passantino), in Building the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, IOS Press, Amsterdam (NL), 2003. “Cultural Diversity as Human Capital”, in Challenges and Achievements in E-business and E-work, IOS Press, Amsterdam (NL), 2002, awarded 2nd prize ex-equo as Best Paper at the “e-Business and e-Work” Conference, Prague, October 2002; also published in Communication & Cognition, special number on “Sustainability, Cognition and Communication”, vol 35, nn 1/2, Ghent (BE), 2002 and with the title “Cultural Identity – Diversity versus Consensus” in The European Journal of Teleworking, Vol 8, n. 4, Autumn 2002.

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Cultural Diversity and the Information Society: Policy Options and Technological Issues, PE 297.559/fin.St., European Parliament, Directorate General for Research, Directorate A, The STOA Program, Brussels, July 2001. “A Sustainable Information Society Strategy for Mediterranea” in Dialoghi nel Mediterraneo: valutazioni e resoconti di piani, politiche ed architetture, Dedalo, 2001. “Scenarios for a Sustainable Information Society in the Mediterranean Region” in Towards a Sustainable Information Society, European Commission, 2000. “Information Society and Sustainable Development”, in Il turismo come leva della cooperazione e dello sviluppo regionale nel Mediterraneo, Ediun, Rome, 1999. “Organisational Theory, Training Methodologies and Interculturality” (with Paola Bartuli), in Research Perspectives on Open Distance Learning, Scienter, Bologna, 1998. “La technicisation de l’enseignement et le programme DELTA” (with Patrick O’Mahony) in Technologies de l’information et Société, Volume 7 N. 1, Dunod, Montrouge (France), 1995. “Teleworking Services for Small Professional Enterprises”, in The European Journal of Teleworking, Volume 3 No. 1, Addico Cornix, Penzance UK, 1995. “The Integration of Advanced Learning Technologies in Corporate Training Activities” (with R. Grande and G. Sala), in Learning Technology in the European Communities, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (NL), 1992.

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