Cv Complete English

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,139
  • Pages: 6
EMILSON DE QUEIROZ MORAES O sasc o – Sã o Paul o P hone s: +5 5 (1 1 )3 60 5 -0 77 3 / +5 5 (1 1 )8 17 7 -3 09 7 E- mai l: e mi l son. mor ae s@gmai l . c om I N TEN TI O N :


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Brazilian; Single; Born on 2nd May 1973 (33 years); Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish; Academic Level: o Computer Science – Graduated (USJT/Brazil); o Electri cal Engineer – Incomplete (UFMT/Brazil); Courses: Logic, Programming, Network and project; Characteristics o Good relationship; o Self-educated; o Fast learning;

P ROF E SSI O N AL ABSTRAC T: • Mi c roso ft N e tw ork mi g rati on, i m ple me nti ng an d i nte rc on ne c ti on (Wi ndow s N T 4 .0 Domai n, Exc han ge 5. 5 w i th S MTP, We b Si te wi th I I S 4 .0 , SQ L a nd S MS) i n se ve ral si te s wi th i nte rnati o nal wi de ; o Pol i ci e s de fi ni ti on, na mi ng c o nve nti on a nd se c uri ty; • I nte rna ti onal tra vel s (Pe ru, Mexi c o, Ne w York , C an ada and Ge rman y); o N e tw ork i mple me n tati on and othe r proj e c ts; • TC O re d uc ti on and a dmi ni str ati on and c o ntrol i mpl e me nti n g Mi c rosoft Z AK; • 2 00 0 ye ar c om mi ttee an d rol l out me m be r; • RF P a nd SL A de fi ni ti on to He l p De sk O utsourc i n g i mpl e me ntati o n; • C om me rci al Au toma ti on Sy ste m De ve l opme n t; • C C TV proj e c t an d i mpl e me ntati o n; • Powe r S up pl ie r proj e c t an d roll ou t; • C i tri x Me tafra me proj e c t an d i mpl e me nta ti on to re duc e c om mu ni c ati on b an d i n Syste m vi a WAN ;

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2003 – Computer Science – Graduated (USJT/SP/ BRAZIL) 1993 – Computer Science – 1,5 Years (UFMT/MT/BRAZIL) 1991 – Electri cal Engineer – 1,5 Years (UFMT/MT/BRAZIL)


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Portuguese (Mother Tong); English (Advanced); Spanish (fluently);


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Creata Promotion (Moacir Louzada) +55 (11) 4161-6660 Hércules Transportes (Silvio Renato) +55 (11) 4133-3532 Vector (Suleiman Bragança) +55 (65) 6342884 Sipcam Agro (José Alves Neto) +55 (34) 3319-5555 EN Soft (Rui C. Silva) +55 (11) 32580500 BSH Continental/Peru (Rosemary Monroy) +51 (1574) 5544 BSH Continental/México (Marcos Ledesma) +52 (5726) 6265 BSH Continental/SP (Bárbara Takahashi) +55 (11) 6120-3293 InfoServer (Silvio Chelly) +55 (11) 3683-9002 Agro Lima (Valério Lima) +55 (65) 6342577

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2003 - 2003 Creata (São Paulo) o Users Support; o Network Administration – Netware 5.010, Window s NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Citrix Metaframe; 2002 – 2003 Self-employer (São Paulo); o CCTV Installation; o Microsoft Networks and Desktops general support; o Network Administration (Part Time) 1997 – 2002 BSH Continental (São Paulo -SP) o Functions:  Developer and Analyst;  Network Administrator;  Network Technology Leader; o Implementation:  Novell Network to Windows NT 4.0 migration;  Installation and interconnection of NT 4.0 Corporate Network in 6 units in Brazil and 2 units in Exterior (Peru e Mexico) • MS BackOffice (NT 4.0, SQL 6.5, SMS 1.2, Exchange 5.5, IIS 3.0)  Electronic mail installation (Exchange 5.5)  Internet e-mail installation (Exchange 5.5 IMC)  Intranet and Internet installation (IIS 4.0)  Standardization and migration from MS-DOS and Windows 3.1 to Window s 95 platform;  2000 Year project member (Bug 2000);  Migration from Windows 95 to Window s NT Wks 4.0;  Microsoft Policies implementation (ZAK);  Help Desk Outsourcing implementation and RFP e SL A development; 1995 – 1997 Ve ctor Informática o Developer and Analyst; o Commercial Automation System Development; o Internal routines development to other developers; 1994 – 1995 CNPq project - UFMT o Developer; 1994 – 1994 Self-employer; o Insect population control system development - UFMT o Houses Sales Department System development (Clipper) 1992 – 1994 NERU (Núcleo de Estudos Rurais e Urbanos) – University research (UFMT) o Consulting; o Maintain and consulting to IT Systems; 1990 – 1992 Agro lima Produtos Agrícolas o Commercial Automation implant responsible; o Operation and data entry; V. 3.2

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1990 o 1988 o o

– 1990 Self-employer Farms Sales System Development (Dbase III) – 1990 BANCO DO BRASIL S/A (Cuiab á-MT) General services auxiliary; Internal process automation – (Dbase II – CP 500 )

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Office Applications; o MS Office 2000: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook Programming; o GW Basic o Dbase IV o Clipper (CA) o Fortran (IBM Mainframe) o Microsoft Cobol (general) o Borland Turbo Pascal o Borland Turbo C++ o Borland Delphi (general) o Java (Sun JDK) Operating Systems o MS-DOS 6.2 o Windows 3.1 o Windows 95 o Windows 98 o Windows Millennium o Windows NT 4.0 Workstation o Windows 2000 Professional o Windows XP Home/Professional o Linux (basic) o OS/2 (basic) Network Operating Systems o Novell 3.11 o Windows NT 4.0 Server o Windows NT Terminal Server 4.0 o Windows 2000 Server Network Applications o MS Exchange Server 2000 o MS Exchange Server 5.5 o MS SQL Server 7.0 o MS SMS Server 1.2 o MS IIS 4.0 o Citrix Metaframe 1.8 o MS Proxy 2.0 o MS IS A Communication o NetBEUI o IPX/SPX o TCP/IP o DHCP, Wins, DNS, SMTP, POP Security o Check Point Firewall One; o Trend Micro Antivirus (Server Protect e Office Scan); o Trend Micro InterScan (eManager, VírusWall, WebManager); V. 3.2

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Trend Micro ScanMail; Symantec Norton Antivirus; Power Supplier man agement; ArcServer Veritas Backup Exec CCTV;

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