Cv China-shi Yeqing

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CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) Consultative Meeting - Asia Pacific Procurement Forum 24-25 August 2009 1. Name of Expert: Shi Yeqing 2. Current Office and Address: Rm.1011B, Genertec Plaza, No.90, Xisanhuanzhonglu, Fengtai District, 100055 Beijing, PRC Telephone No.: 86-10-63348954 Fax No.: 86-10-63348620 Cellphone No.: 13801105828 E-Mail Address (official and personal): [email protected] 3. Date of Birth: 18 Nov. 1970 Citizenship: Chinese 4. Countries of Work Experience: P. R. China 5. Languages: English Chinese

Speaking Fair

Reading Good Native

Writing Good

6. Past Employment:: From 1996 to present, I have undertaken procurement management consultation or procurement agent services over 13 yeas and conducted with more than 8 projects financed by the WB and 17 projects by the ADB. My responsibilities includes: (i) Deliver training course for employee of the EA/PMO on procurement policies and practices specified by the concerned Laws of PRC, Procurement Guidelines under ADB and WB Loans; and international business practices. (ii) Prepare, update and refine the Procurement Plan for the project. (iii) Undertake thorough review of the advance contracting documents and submit report to ADB or WB on its compliance or otherwise with the Procurement Guidelines. (iv) Undertake due diligence in preparing the draft bidding documents and keeping the documents general in order; forwarding the docs to the ADB or WB for review and approval; organize the pre-bid meeting and technical liaison meeting collaborating with the design institute; to accept the bids submitted by bidders and preside bid opening; to invite the relating experts and organize bid evaluation; to write the bid evaluation reports and submit to the concerned authorities within PRC and the ADB or WB for approval; (v) Undertake due diligence in negotiate and sign the contracts on behalf of the EA/PMO with the successful bidder when entrusted by the EA/PMO; and to act as a procurement agent to implement the contracts; to make advises to EA/PMO when preference policies levied to the EA/PMO when implementing the projects funded by foreign government or international organizations such as the ADB and WB. (vi) Make necessary consultations with relevant stakehoders, including EAs/Ias, MOF, NDRC, relevant local communitities and development agencies. From: 27 April, 2009

To: 25 June, 2009

Employer: Instrimpex International Tendering Co. (G.M. of Department No.5) Positions held and Description of Duties:

Procurement specilist, I have finished providing the consutations to the Greengen Company Ltd. Under a indidendent consultant contract (S16817) offered by ADB in the Capacity Strengthening in Planing and Implementation of Integrated Gasification Commbined Cycle (IGCC) Plant Project (TA –7146 PRC), to make necessary consultations with relevant stakehoders, including EAs/IAs, MOF, NDRC, relevant local communitities and development agencies. This assignment is for 1.0 person-month from 27 April to 25 June 2009. From/To: 2006-present Employer: Instrimpex International Tendering Co. (G. M. of Department No.5) Positions held: in charge of project managers to be responsible for procurements for the following projects: 1. Central Yunnan Roads Development Project (Kunming-Wuding Expressway) (ADB Loan No.: 2448-PRC) Scope of procurement are:ICB procurement of civil works, ICB/NCB/S for equipments. The officer in charge in ADB: Ms. Yang Xiaohong 2. Wuhan Wastewater And Stormwater Management Project (ADB Loan No.: 2040-PRC) Scope of procurement are:NCB procurement of civil works, ICB/NCB/S procurement of equipments. The officer in charge in ADB: Mr. Jack Wang 3. Nanjing Qinhuai River Environmental Improvement Project (ADB Loan No: 2297-PRC) Scope of procurement are:NCB procurement of civil works, ICB/NCB for equipment. The officer in charge in ADB: Mr. Sangay Penjor and Ms. Huang Jingmin 4. Guangxi Nanning Urban Environmental Upgrading Project(ADB Loan No: 2239-PRC) NCB procurement of civil works, ICB/NCB/S procurement of equipment. The officer in charge in ADB: Mr. Fei Yue 5. Gansu Heihei Rural Hydropower Development Investment Program Dagushan Hydropower Project (ADB Loan No.: 2296-PRC) Scope of procurement are: NCB procurement of civil works, ICB/NCB procurement of equipments. The officer in charge in ADB: Mr. Ashok Bhargava 6. Hefei Urban Environment Improvement Project (ADB Loan No.: 2328-PRC) Scope of procurement are: NCB procurement of civil works.The officer in charge in ADB: Mr. R. Mamatkulov. 7. Kuming Qingshuihai Water Supply Project (Loan No.: 2388-PRC) Scope of procurement are: NCB procurement of civil works, NCB procurement of Goods. The officer in charge in ADB is Ms. Milagros G. De Leon 8. Second Shandong Environment Project (WB Loan No.: 4852-CHA) The officer in charge of the project in WB: Ms Wang Shenhua 9. Liuzhou Environment Management Project (WB Ln:4781-CHA) The officer in charge of the project in WB: Mr. Yang Hongkun, Mr. Guo Jianjun. I was awarded acclaim from Liuzhou Municipal Wastewater Treatment Co., Ltd. on 4 September 2006.

From: 3 Nov., 2008

To: 5 Nov., 2008

Employer: Instrimpex International Tendering Co. (G.M. of Department No.5) Positions held and Description of Duties: Resource person, Invited and authorized by ADB and the National Audit Office (CNAO), to make a presentation and familiarize the workshop delegates with contract tendering and procurement procedures that are praticed by international development institutions such as the WB and ADB at a Workshop on performance audit of investments on captional projects under a TA project (TA 7017-PRC: Enhancement of the Performance Audit Capacity of the China National Audit Office) held in Beijing. From: 22 Sep., 2008

To: 24 Sep., 2008

Employer: Instrimpex International Tendering Co. (G.M. of Department No.5) Positions held and Description of Duties: Lecturer, Invited by MOF and the ADB Resident Mission, to deliver a presentation on procurement practice under ADB-financed projects on the seminar held at Hefei, Anhui Province. From: 8 Apr., 2008

To: 9 Apr., 2008

Employer: Instrimpex International Tendering Co. (G.M. of Department No.5) Positions held and Description of Duties: Advisor, Invited by MOF and Resident Mission of the World Bank, to take part in the seminar and gave advices on Revision and Updating the Model Bidding Documents for Procuremnet of Works under NCB procedure. It will be adopted by the ADB after finishing the harmonization procedure. From: Nov. 15, 2007

To: Nov. 16, 2007

Employer: Instrimpex International Tendering Co. (G.M. of Department No.5) Positions held and Description of Duties: Organizer and Lecturer, Authorized by and on behalf of GTC, I was responsible for coordinating arrangement and in charge of the seminar On Business of Opportunities In ADB Financed Projects sponsored by MOF and the ADB, and deliver a presentation titling “Pointers focusing on Preparing Substantially Responsiveness Bids” and “Specific Policies considerations when making bid Prices” on the seminar. I gained high acclaim from the participants of the seminar as well as from the officials of the MOF and the ADB. From: Nov. 4, 2007

To: Nov. 7, 2007

Employer: Instrimpex International Tendering Co. (G.M. of Department No.5) Positions held and Description of Duties: Organizer, Authorized by and on behalf of GTC, I was responsible for coordinating arrangement and in charge of the seminar on Development of National Consulting (DNC) Services through ADB Financed Projects sponsored by MOF and the ADB held in a cruise from Chongqing to Yichang. I gained high acclaim from the participants of the seminar as well as from the officials of the MOF and the ADB. From: Mar. 9, 2007

To: Mar.11, 2007

Employer: Instrimpex International Tendering Co. (Deputy G.M. of Department No.5)

Positions held and Description of Duties: Lecturer, Invited and authorized by MOF and the ADB, to deliver a presentation on procurement practice under ADB-financed projects on the seminar held at Sanya, Hainan Province. From: Aug. 9, 2006

To: Aug. 11, 2006

Employer: Instrimpex International Tendering Co. (Deputy G.M. of Department No.5) Positions held and Description of Duties: Lecturer, invited and authorized by MOF and the ADB, to deliver a presentation titling Application of ADB new policies for projects of PRC on the seminar on Project Implementation and Administration held at Huhhot, Inner Mongolia. From: 10 Jul. 2006

To: 12 Jul., 2006

Employer: Instrimpex International Tendering Co. (Deputy G.M. of Department No.5) Positions held and Description of Duties: Advisor, Invited and acted as a member of the Mission of MOF side, discussed with the ADB regarding revision of the standard clauses of Articles 4 of the Loan Agreement held in Beijing. From 24 Mar., 2006

To: 24 Mar., 2006

Employer: Instrimpex International Tendering Co. (Deputy G.M. of Department No.5) Positions held and Description of Duties: Advisor, desigated by Ministry of Finance (MOF), to deliver a presentation on General Situation on procurement in China to officals from headquater and Beijing Office of French Development Agency. It will insist the FDA officals formulating national procurement policies on projects funded by FDA. From 6 Mar., 2006

To: 8 Mar., 2006

Employer: Instrimpex International Tendering Co. (Deputy G.M. of Department No.5) Positions held and Description of Duties: Lecturer, Invited and by the MOF and the ADB, to deliver a presentation on procurement practice under ADB-financed projects on the Seminar on Preparation for TA and new projects financed by the ADB held at Yangjiang, Guangdong Province. From/To: 2002-2006 Employer: Instrimpex International Tendering Co. (Deputy G.M. of Department No.5) Positions held and Description of Duties: in charge of asistant project managers or acting as project manger to be responsible for procurements for the following projects: 10. Western Yunnan Road Development Project (Baoshan-Longling Expressway) (ADB Loan No.: 2014-PRC) Scope of procurement are:ICB/NCB procurement of civil works, ICB/NCB/S for equipments.The officer in charge of the project in ADB: Mr. Chin, Chwoon Sam. I served as consultant focusing on packaging for goods for the EA during the ADB’s appraisal mission to the jobsite. I was awarded acclaim from the EA on 15 July 2005. 11. Xi’an Urban Transport Project (third ring road system) (ADB Loan No.: 2024-PRC)

I served as consultant for preparing the procurement plan, particularly in equipment packages and time schedule. I was awarded acclaim from the EA on 25 August 2005. 12. Guangxi Roads Development II Project (Nanning (Tanluo) To Baise Highway(ADB Loan No: 2094-PRC) Scope of procurement are ICB procurement of equipment such as those in project 2014-PRC. The officer in charge of the project in ADB: Mr. Zhang Wen 13. Yichang-Wanzhou Railway Project (ADB Loan No.: 2051-PRC) Acting as one of the member agent to provide procurement services to MOR. 14. Zhejiang Urban Environment Project (WB Ln.: 4724-CHA) The officer in charge of the project in WB: Mr. Liu Zhentu, Mr. Guo Xiaowei I was awarded acclaim from the EA on 20 December 2005. 15. Chongqing Urban Environment Project (Ln: 4561-CHA) Scope of procurement are:NCB procurement of civil works, ICB/S procurement of Goods and Facilities Delivery, Installation and Commissioning. I served as consultant focusing on packaging and procedure processing. The officer in charge of the project in WB is Mr. Guo Jianjun 16. Yunnan Environment Improvement Project (Ln: 3599-CHA) Scope of procurement are:NCB procurement of civil works, ICB/S procurement of Goods and Facilities Delivery, Installation and Commissioning The officer in charge of the project in WB: Ms. Wang Shenhua

7. Areas of Specialization in Procurement Policy & Reform

□Procurement Legislation

Procurement Management

Capacity Assessment & Development

□Electronic Procurement □Governance □Risk Management □Anti-Corruption □Others _________________

□Public Private Partnerships Procurement & Civil Society Capacity Building & Training

□New Contracting Methods (Framework, Performance)

NOTE: This CV and your photograph will be published on ADB’s Asia Pacific Procurement Forum website which is presently under development, and will become available to members of the Forum. Should you not wish this information to be published, please indicate below.

□ I do not wish that my CV be published on the website.

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