Customer Satisfaction: Yudi Arimba Wani

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  • Words: 657
  • Pages: 41


Customer Satisfaction

Plate Waste Study

 Definition

 Definition

 Methods to measure  Survey

 Reasons of plate waste in hospital

 Topics of evaluation

 Methods to measure

 Measurement method of your study

 Measurement method of your study

Defining Customer Satisfaction

Consumers’ response to a particular focus at the particular time (Glese and Cote, 2002)

Customer Satisfaction

To evaluate the quality standard of services are being met with consumer expectation

Method of Customer Satisfaction Measurement

Customer satisfaction survey Walk-through audit

Mystery shoppers reports

Focus group

Customer Satisfaction Survey

A series of questions desinged to secure feedback from customer on the food and service

(Puckett, 2004)

Written Survey

Konsumen tidak nyaman Illeterate Customers have strong positive/negative feeling

Topics of Customer Satisfaction Evaluation

Facilities: inside-outside appearance,lighting, noise level, location, atmosphere Food: appearance, taste, temperature, price, menu selections, size of portion Service: attentiveness of staff, knowledge of staff, timeliness, payment, accuracy order,responsiveness of staff, friendliness of staff, appearance of staff, appropriateness of interaction with customers

Customer Satisfaction Survey

 Jumlah sampel: min. 40 atau 4 hari (seluruh pasien)

 Kriteria Inklusi :  Rawat inap kelas 3  Pernah mengonsumsi makanan RS (min. 3x)

 Kriteria eksklusi:  Umur<18 th  Pasien dengan keterbatasan fisik,kognitif, dan emosi (ditetapkan oleh clinical dietitian)  Pasien dengan makanan cair

 Inform consent


Plate Waste Study

Determine the percentage of uneaten food

Reasons of Plate Waste in Hospital

Clinical issues

Food and menu issues

• Poor appetite • Special diet-texture modified diets • Changes in sense of taste and smell

• Food quality-not tasty/too spicy/over aor under cooked food • Menu choice-limited food choice/dislike food choice • Food presentation-not hot enough/poor appearance

Reasons of Plate Waste in Hospital

Service issues

Environmental issues

• Physical problem-packaging,immobility,need for feeding assistance • Plated food systems • Ordering problems-unsufficient information

• Meal time inappropriate • Ward environment-noise,smell, others moving • Insufficient time to eat, meal interruption

Methods of Plate Waste Study

Weighed food

Visual estimation

Digital imaging

Plate Waste Study

 Metode: digital imaging

 Jumlah sampel:  3 hari observasi  40 piring/hari (jumlah pasien RS > 40 orang)  Total piring (jumlah pasien RS < 40 orang)

 Kriteria inklusi:  Pasien kelas 3  Menu makan siang, makanan biasa

 Kriteria eksklusi:  Makanan dimakan oleh bukan pasien

Plate Waste Study

 Item menu yang diukur:  Makanan pokok, lauk hewani, lauk nabati,sayur, buah (kondisional)  Pemberian kode pada piring yang akan diukur  Skala pengukuran:  None consumed (sisa penuh)  ¼ consumed (sisa ¾)  ½ consumed (sisa ½)  ¾ consumed (sisa ¼)  All consumed (sisa 0)

Plate Waste Study

 Pengambilan gambar:  Memakai kamera HP min. 5 MP/digital camera  Sebelum dan sesudah dikonsumsi pasien (1 plato)  Gambar setiap item menu dengan penyertaan alat ukur (TIDAK MEMAKAI penggaris)  Diambil dengan sudut pengambilan 45º (memakai tripod), gelas minuman diambil dgn sudut kemiringan 0º , posisi piring/plato diletakkan di tempat yang telah ditandai  Pemberian kode gambar dengan baik  Berkoordinasi dengan petugas pengantarpengambil makanan  Dilakukan di dapur RS dengan pencahayaan bagus (di satu tempat)

 Referensi


 Sisa








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Sisa 1/4


Sisa 1/4


Termakan sesuap


Sisa 3/4


Sisa 1/4

049 LH

Termakan sesuap

Sisa 1/4

 Comstock, E.M., Symington, L.E., Chmielinski, H.E.,and McGuire, J.S., 1979. Plate Waste in School Feeding Programs: Individual and Agregate Measures.  Gregoire, M.B., 2013. Foodservice Organizations A Managerial and Systems Approach. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.


 Pucket, R.P., 2004. Food Service Manual for Health Care Institutions.  Williams, P. and Walton, K. 2011. Plate Waste in Hospitals and Strategies for Changes.  Johns, N., Hartwell, H., and Morgan, M., 2010. Improving the provision of meals in hospital. The patients’ viewpoint. Appetite 54, 181–185. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2009.10.005


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