Curvatura Issue 1 Vol 1

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 5,401
  • Pages: 38
Issue 01 Volume I




m a g a z i n e CREDITS | Info | Submissions

Creative Talents Featured in this Issue: Griffin, David - Feature Photographer Editor-In-Chief Shannon, Kevin - Stylist/Creative Director Land-Harper, Larry - Lead Photo Assistant

Bennett, Manny - Hairstylist, Makeup Artist Collins, Tainisha - Stylist, Makeup Artist Elizondo, Albert - Hairstylist Artist Monica Johnson - Makeup Artist, Hairstylist Prado, Angel V. - Hairstylist/Makeup Artist Shannon, Samara - Makeup Artist, Hairstylist

Publisher & Founder: David Griffin Art Directors: Kevin Shannon, David Griffin Advertising Info: [email protected] We’re on Twitter! All Images Copywritten by David Griffin Photography unless indicated.

Ayodele, Olubunmi - Model Burke, Curtis - Model Colli, Jen - Model Collins, India - Model Cordera Adams, Jeanine - Model Franklin, Shadina - Model Griffin, Jai Lauren - Model Hubbard, Sabrina - Model Nelson, Zack - Model, (Chosen House Model Management) Yarbough, Cyrinia - Model

CURVATURA Magazine and intellectual property are the copywritten property of David Griffin. All images are copywritten to David Griffin unless specified. Reproduction of any part of this work’s contents (whether print or digital) without expressed permission is prohibited and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyrights Act (DMCA).

Special Thanks to:

Jesus Christ for giving me the strength to complet this project against more adversity than anyone’d ever know! To my wife Delilah - no way I could have finished this project without your support! To the Creative Director Kevin Shannon - YOU KILLED IT! Bill Schutt of Smash Photo Long Beach! (Best Photography Studio in Southern California bar none go there for the lighting classes!). Quasar of Chosen House Model Management... The place for HOT models (Guess who’s comin up in the next magazine?)! All the stylist and makeup artist puttin up with my ever extending deadlines and time to enhance images and its in the mail only for it to come back too me cause of bad addresses you were and are a serious blessing! To all the police officers I offended with my guerrella tactics... I’ll see you again and thanks for not giving us any tickets! Thanks to all the models that trusted us with your faces and talent! You are a star and this publication will be your space to shine for the universe to go get it! SPECIAL THANKS TO BILL CRAWFORD OF WWW.STUDIOLIGHTING.NET FOR GIVING “THE PRINCE OF CHEAP” A PLACE TO TEACH PEOPLE ALL OVER THE PLANET!!! - David Griffin

We at CURVATURA survive on submissions of imagery and stories as well as feedback, comments and suggestions! All submissions are looked at (eventually) and are considered... just refrain from pointless nuddies please! All submissions should emailed as low resolution jpegs with copyright info on them and will be reviewed by the creative team and editor to find a “fit” for the timing of your image(s) to run if they will “run”! All submissions are not guaranteed to be included in a future edition of CURVATURA whethere print or digital. Email your submissions and stories to [email protected] Due to the volume of submissions expect 3 - 30 days for a reply... but DO expect a reply - we are not like most magazines that just like to know that people will send there hearts work only to not respond... we hate this more than anything! Till’ further notice, no physical submissions will be accepted. All accepted submissions require model release(s), especially those depicting minors in any. Thank you... remember... our magazine will rely heavily on submissions... so help us make us! You may be featured in an upcoming issue! #1 Hint on submissions... send images that tell a story or have a theme! #2 Hint on submissions... email your images as a single jpegs no larger than 90k. If your story fits an upcoming topic, we will contact you with further submission info for full resolution images. Upcoming topics will be posted at our Blog and page! Do not send hi-resolution images!


E N T E R .




Fashion’s Dark Side!!



“The goal of the image was to go red as hell while highlighting this wild and crazy makeup and styling job honed by Kevin Shannon and Monica Johnson. The backlighting and background pattern scheme was geniusly dreamed up by Bill Schutt while the main and fill light insanity was my idea... I just saw where Bill was headed and I lit the rest to bring it out.” - David Griffin


Cover Photo by: David Griffin

Created at Smash Photo Long Beach, CA Sony Alpha A900 24-70mm F2.8 Alienbees B800 with a 42” PLM w/ Diffusion fabric as the main. A 24x24 inch box with a grid hand held (without a flash mounted) for reflected fill. Rear and edge lights are two Hensel 500 watt strobes with red and orange gels attached. Triggered via Elinchrom Skyports. Special thanks: Bill and Shirley Schutt of Smash Photo you two made this incredible cover happen!

COVER 03 The 04 “Break the System!” 05 “Fashion of the Opera” 08 “The Makeup Lady Says” 18 “California Dreamin” 20 Next Focus: Function Meets 30 03

the edITor

ries... “You can’t get published unless you shot like, Him (Dave Hill) or like Her (Maya Guez)!” (Yes I name dropped!) “You gotta know somebody.” “You have to pay to play.” You just wont be published! Well, they were almost right!. Everyone in “The Industry” already knows that getting published is a huge step of validation... Its not everything but It tells everyone else, “I’ve arrived!” “Look at ts here! To most of you reading, its just another me!”. online magazine - another I bought into the same interruption of your beloved crap for a long time as Facebook and Myspace well. I even tried to shoot time. But too us, the Phothe way they shot... Failing tographers, the Creative Directors, the Models, The miserably (thank God)... I walked the way they Makeup Artists, the Hairwalked and I realized one stylists and everyone else true thing... It wasn’t me! that played and will play I wasn’t born to follow. I a part in its content... Its a wasn’t born to lead... TO screaming breath of long BEND THINGS! awaited liberation! Liberation of the true artist within. So instead of us bend I’d like to think of it as ing, something as foreign to beginning of a revolt. CUR- me as a fish in a volcano, I VATURA is the Italian word decided to make your world for bend. Bend, that’s what bend into mine! Welcome to the World of CURVATURA! this magazine is all about! What we do in this mag Bending the rules! As a is simple... WE LET GO! photographer I have seen We are the artist that give and heard the horror sto-



meaning and pleasure to the world. We create visual & mental “Eye-Gasms”. I work with a team of KILLER: models, makeup artist, designers, assistants and every other parts of the visual world. @ CURVATURA We promise to LET GO! This magazine all about the creation and liberation of the artist! The rules bend here, so don’t expect only your stereo-typical grey background photographs with droning of what clothes should define you (unless its Killer of course!). WE TELL YOU WHAT WE THINK AND WE’RE NOT AFRAID! You either agree or you don’t. Have fun! This magazine will release the Artist! You’ll read stories, see masterpieces, stories of the heart, go on interviews, and just be entertained. -David Griffin, EDITOR P.S. This is the lip wetting short first issue... the real meat comes March when our second issue hits the net! Thanks for reading... David Griffin A.K.A.

The Prince of Cheap.

a h T k a e ! Br ! ! M E T S Y S

CURVATURA: “So Fernando, tell us about how you grew up?”

MMA hopeful Fernando “The Philadelpha Badass” Smith sits and talks about his trouble-filled past, military troubles, woman issues, unclear future and hopes for UFC glory to save him and his children!

memories of those places… I was back and forth with my grandparent and my mom. We were always moving around. We never stayed in one place for long.”

- Photos & Story By David Griffin

When life happens you sometimes meet extraordinary people that have even more extraordinary lives or circumstances than you. Fernando Smith is one of these people. He’s: 27 years old, conflicted as HELL, a Philadelphia transplant barely hanging onto life support in California, “dadless”, barely any transferable job skills to battle a bitter economy, no car, low money, no significant other, dreams of being a champion in the wildly popular U.F.C. and best of all… has two boys to take care of! CURVATURA sat down via phone interview with Smith and had a very eye opening interview… better said, we let him talk his ass off… and were impressed none-the-less by the circumstances that he has overcome so far.

“God, my two sons and my mixxed martial arts career are the only things in the world I have that mean anything...” - Fernando Smith

Image by Stylin Steven W il g by B ynard liams Jacob

F. Smith: “My mom was half black and half Puerto Rican, my dad was White. My, mom had me at 17 years old... She went into the military right after high school... She was in the Army like 13 plus years. I was an army brat. I’ve spent time in Germany, France, Belgium, Baltimore, Georgia, Philadelphia… I have real vague

CURVATURA: “Fernando, Fernando… this is already bringing a question to my head… how long did you spend in any one particular place?”

F.Smith: “Not long... The first half of my life was really crazy. It was always something happening. We were always moving. We


were kinda like nomads. I grew up with my mom or what not… my dad wasn’t around much, but, my dad loved mom, they got married young. He was white. So my mom marrying a white man stirred up a lotta controversy especially on my dads side the family. I ended up not really knowin’ who my father was. Young marriages don’t work. There were rumors and allegations of domestic violence…”

to you? Now that you’re an adult - you can see some kinda effect right?

eventually. Through issues with my mom... Issues at home. My mom was basically whopping my ass on an extreme level. You know what I’m sayin’. I was dealF.Smith: “I had a lot of mixed ing with a lot of hurt, a lot of anemotions about it. I was like damn ger, a lot of rage a lot of internal that was my father?! My mom torment. I reconnected with my never said anything bad about my father again for a second time, father… but she used to always and that turned out not to be such a good situation. Every time my mom had a new boyfriend, there was like one point where one of her boyfriends get up and we get into a physical confrontation. She CURVATURA: Did basically took his side… I felt hurt you witness any of that? by that. It was like Baby Boy. I was like you gonna believe him over me? Since then I’ve have F. Smith: “I was too a bunch of abandonment issues young. I don’t have any and trust issues with women. I recollection of that… I ran away from home quite a few have vague memories times and eventually she signed of my father - probably over her parental rights. She comthe earliest memory mitted me and placed me as an is at my 3rd birthday incorrigible teen into a group party. I was 13 or 14 home. I was just angry. That when I saw my father happened when I was like again. I ended up us15. I ended up livin’ with my ing the internet to find grandparents. These were my my father. I wanted to mother’s parents and they know why he disapwere like the greatest people Fernando Smith with peared… I wanted to Dana White, President of U.F.C. on the earth! They were like Image by Steven Williams Styling by Bynard Jacob know why he abanmy mom and dad. They died say the grass ain’t always greener 5 months apart and I was so dis“...she signed over her pa- on the other side. It was kinda like traught from that. I started lookin’ rental rights. She commit- a good feeling ... like Moses and “I didn’t have a mother. My the burning bush. Basically all that grandparents were dead. ted me and placed me as other time he was just a name.”

an incorrigible teen into a group home...”

doned me. When I was in 7th or 8th grade I was lookin up databases and I eventually found him.” CURVATURA: What did that do 06

CURVATURA: Tell us the circumstances surrounding why you joined the military? F. Smith: “My mom wasn’t there

Bouncin from group-home to group-home, and moms had a drug problem.... It takes a toll on you over time..” for love in all the wrong places. I ended up meeting my kids mom at

16 years old. She was 18. She had a kid already. Then she gave birth to my oldest son Fernando. I ended up dropping outta school. We ran to another state where they allowed underage marriages. Later she ended up getting pregnant again and I was like alright but it wasn’t mines-according to her… I needed a change. I ended up filing for divorce. I ended up goin’ into the Air Force. I didn’t have any options.”

Fernando Smith Jr.

Jonovan Smith

CURVATURA: What would your buddies, runnin’ mates say about you in your persona and your whole YOU during this time frame just before you went into the military)? F.Smith: “They would say I’ve always been a loyalist… somebody that’s always down… I’m the type of dude that would give you the shirt off my back. When I was in need, I knew what it was like when no one would help me. I was just that cool cat.”






CURVATURA: What did you do with all that anger man? F.Smith: “It was internalized. It was suppressed. It was like I said. I started making wrong decisions. I didn’t have a mother. My grandparents were dead. Bouncin’ from group-home to group-home. It takes a toll on you. “

S ndo


. h Jr

itary upon findi n g out that h i s child’s moth- er was pregnant and claiming that the child was not his. Fleeing to the military was not a healthy choice (among several unhealthy choices) but turned into near

choice na Fer maker, loveseeker! He switches focus to his tumultuous relationship with them eloping quickly an it evolving into, infideli Moving along into ty as well as a fallout our interview with Smith of trust. a common theme came to light. He’s complex yet At one point Smith simple all at the same time. A Perpetual bad says he left for the mil- Continued on Page 32


Pg09 HER: Red Dress: Armani Earrings: JPC Diversified HIM: Pants: Gary’s Tux Jacket: Gary’s Tux Flower: Michael’s Tie: K. Shan Creations Pg: 10 HER: Red Dress: Armani Earrings: JPC Diversified HIM: Pants: Gary’s Tux Jacket: Gary’s Tux Flower: Michael’s Tie: K. Shan Creations Pg: 11 Pants: Gary’s Tux Shirt: Marc Ecko Jacket: Gary’s Tux Shoes: Aldo Flower: Michael’s Tie: K. Shan Creations Pg: 13 HER: Pants: Marciano Jacket: Forever 21 Rings: JPC Diversified Earrings: JPC Diversified HIM: Pants: Gary’s Tux Shirt: Marc Ecko Jacket: Gary’s Tux Flower: Michael’s Tie: K. Shan Creations 08



Fashion’s D

Photography by: David Griffin Model: Jen Colli Model: Kevin Shannon - Chic Models Makeup & Hair: Monica Johnson Styling By: Kevin Shanon & Jen Colli Lead Photo Assistant: Larry Land Creative Director: Kevin Shannon



Dark Side!!

Pg: 14 Earrings: Forever 21 Dress: Macys Belt: Marciano Shoes: Marciano Pg: 15 HER: Pants: Marciano Jacket: Forever 21 Rings: JPC Diversified Earrings: JPC Diversified HIM: Pants: Gary’s Tux Shirt: Marc Ecko Jacket: Gary’s Tux Flower: Michael’s Tie: K. Shan Creations Pg: 17 HER: Dress: Marciano Jacket: Forever 21 Rings: JPC Diversified Bracelets: JPC Diversified Earrings: JPC Diversified HIM: Pants: Gary’s Tux Shirt: Marc Ecko Jacket: Gary’s Tux Flower: Michael’s Tie: K. Shan Creations 09









The Makeup Lady Says...


Veteran Makeup Artist Monica Johnson spills the goods about what goes into a successfull makeup job! - Written by Monica Johnson, Makeup Artist

the skin a natural looking glow. Finally Cream foundations: gives the most coverage and is whats normally used in photography.

The first mistake most women make when wearing makeup is not having a regular skin care routine. These are a few non brand specific items you should have in your makeup bag. Cotton balls, eyedrops, moisturizing mask(for dry-extra-dry skin) light moisturizer (normal-dry skin) and lastly an astringent to remove excess oil pollution from the skin and helps the foundation last longer on oily skin. Ok now that you have the tools to prep the skin, you need to figure out what foundation to use and how to properly apply it. First you need to know the types and when to use them. Sheer gives the lightest coverage and is best for everyday wearing because you can apply only where needed and not to the entire face. Liquid: gives medium coverage and usually has a light moisturizing effect. Iridecent/stick foundations: this type is normally used for a highlighting effect to give

How to apply: If and when you use all over the face, be sure to blend into your jawline and slightly onto the neck. Otherwise, you’ll have a distince line between the two, and it will make you look like you’re wearing a mask. Also i usually start in the center of the face and blend out. This is usually because most women are lighter in the T-zone area and its easier to start off with a lighter color and add a slightly darker shade as you blend out for a natural look. This method works best on women of color. I use my fingers at times when applying foundation because body heat helps for a smoother application but, a sponge is very useful for blending and also wiping away extra product. There are 2 things to consider when selecting a product: The look you want to achieve and that it matches your skin. (Don’t forget to check the color in the daylight to make sure it matches your skin. Its difficult to get a true match with the lighting at the cosmetic counters as they

All Photos by David Griffin

use special lighting. Other than that there are no true rules when it comes to the selection of any cosmetic products, whatever suits your needs and taste is truely what’s best!

Monica Johnson is a Downey School of Makeup grad (in California) and specializes in cosmotology and has been a certified Hair Stylist for over a decade. Certified in: bridal, print, airbrushing and light special fx. Johnson has interned for CNN local edition, been published in Hype Hair magazine and Passion Hair magazine. Johnson can be found throughout the Long Beach, Lakewood and Los Angeles areas as a mobile Hairstylist and Make Up artist...she is “The Makeup Lady” Look for Johnson to debut her series of Makeup classes in 2010! For more info find her at :

email: [email protected] twitter: 19

We at CURVATURA believe that rulebreaking is always a MUST! Rule breaking afterall rhymes with GROUNDBREAKING! We’re having an early 2010 summer! Kevin Shannon of Chic Models shows us guys how we should do the summer in style!

Photography by: David Griffin Model: Kevin Shannon - Chic Models Makeup: Samara Shannon Hair: Kuts By Flip Styling By: Kevin Shanon Lead Photo Assistant: Larry Land Creative Director: Kevin Shannon Pg 22/23: Shirt: Calvin Klien Shorts Pg 25: Tilly’s Necklace: Walmart, Armband: Walmart Pg 26: Hoodie: H&M, Shorts: Tilly’s Pg 27: Shirt: D&G, Shorts: Gap, Tie: D&G, Glasses: Dior Pg 28: Hoodie: H&M, Shorts: Tilly’s 20










Tai Collins - New Designer Force Function and Sytle Too Meet!!

Story and all photographs by: David Griffin

Cyrinia Yarbough, Unsigned

Olubunmi Ayeodele, Unsigned

Cyrinia Yarbough, Unsigned







Clothing By Tai Collins


Zack Nelson, Chosen Housen MDL Mgmnt

Jai Lauren Griffin, Unsigned

Olubunmi Ayeodele, Unsigned

Curtis Burke, Unsigned

Cyrinia Yarbough, Unsigned

India Collins, Unsigned

If you’ve been a photographer for

functional they were creative. Now I am making them functionlong enough, there are probably two things that you’ve wanted. (1) al. A professional makeup artist and Q: Who is your clothing for then? (2) a clothing stylist/designer on your side to help take your images What makes them select your clothing? What’s going on behind to the next level. In my time as a photographer I’ve sought both and have ran into some truly talented individuals along the way! I’m shining a spotlight on designer Tai Collins whos work on the previous page shows a range of energy filled pieces to say the least. Having collaborated with her on many occasions I’ve come to realize a few things.... She’s talented, her clothing is bold and she loves colors. In a brief interview with Collins I asked her a few basic questions about her pieces and there over all feel. Q: When did you officially get started with your business “Black Butterfly” A: I got officially started in 2000. Q: Did you have any formal schooling or where did you attend school? A: None I’m self taught. Q: Can you give an overall style that the Blackbutterfly brand represents? A: It represents more of a creative design. My garments weren’t

Q: Who has been most attracted to your work? A: The creative edge has brought out more photographers, makeup artist, the artistic types... They’re more into what I’m making now. It’s not as much geared toward the models. I’m getting more Artist wanting to work with me... More concept based projects... Q: What is the short term goal that you have for Black Butterfly? A: I’m working to get more into the high end entertainment circles of Hollywood. A: We’re going to start working more toward swimwear and definitely more Euro type designs - the more free flowing free moving designs.

there eye? A: Someone who is wearing my clothes is someone who wants to stand out, the Hollywood industry related type, the Hale Berry, to Lady GaGa to Gwen Stephanie type. I have sophisticated types garments and things like that. Q: Your more design based as opposed to function based... Where do you plan on going with the Black Butterfly label in the future? A: I see it going as an official line.

Tai Collins hosts annual fashion shows that already attract clothing designers from across the country! Next up the 2010 Summer B.B.F. Fashion show! Collins’ clothing has so far covered sensations such as For the Love of Ray J’s: “Danger”, been featured in Fashionberry. com, Street Motivated Magazine, Black Hollywood News and others! Be on the look out for Tai Collins’ Black Butterfly line to make an impact on 2010! For info and services e-mail Tai at: [email protected]


military situation end? Military investigators checked it out and no charges were set F.Smith: “I had purchased her against me. I ended up gettin’ out (my ex) a ring. I was still making with a general discharge. I signed payments on it. A marquee cut. I up for 6 years and only did 1.” went over there... Tried to retrieve According to Smith Air- it. I took her purse, ran outside CURVATURA: Okay, so you got force policy says that and into my car... She came out. I out and came to California in 2002 if the two are legally threw her purse out the window. with your new girlfriend... The She banged on the car yellin’ “yo, marriage was over and done... So married then the nonI pawned tha ring!”... I told her to what happen to your kid Lil’ Ferserving party is entitled to living quar- get off the car. I started the car and nando? You left him with her??? took off... She ended up jumpin ters. This is all onto the car while I was drivin’! regardless that FerF. Smith: “I tried to maintain connando filled for divorce She tried to twist it up like I was tact with my oldest son Fernando. was still his wife due tryin’ to run her down in my truck. She ended up givin’ birth in 2001 to legal technicalities... and it all came out of Smiths paycheck! Continued from page 7 suicidal hell. Being in the US Airforce does not mean you can leave a wife behind.

A complex situation. Though it appeared to come to a dramatic head during this short stint in the military, it only served to be a background of the story to come! Smith was attempting to exit the military by personally rebelling against what he felt was the system setting him up to fail. Lets face it, by taking his money and making him responsible for her when they were no longer a couple and Smith says he filed legal separation papers could make anyone go self destructive! Smith alleges that during the time, there was intense arguing and fighting. CURVATURA: How did the 32

to Jonovan. She didn’t even know he was mine. She was with some drug dealer from North Philadelphia. This is how bad it got, someone would have Lil’ Fernando call me and tell me that he got a new daddy now... Just on that dumb shit. He was like 2 years old! She was resurfacing and disappearing. Then I got hit-up with child support! They started garnishing my check. I found out through my mom that I had a subpoena to show up in Philadelphia Family Court. I’m like what the hell? My son Fernando had been taken by the Department of Human Services! Before this, talking to my ex she was like everything’s cool. So I’m like WHAT IS GOIN’ ON?!! I found out my oldest son Fernando, her oldest daughter, and what turned out to be my youngest son Jonovan were found walking barefoot, in diapers, malnourished, in the middle of the street, dirty, wandering by themselves in the middle of the night in a bad part of South Phily! Basically a Philadelphia patrol (a cop) car picked them up! He tried to figure out where they lived... Cops came out checkin’ house to house to find out where they lived! When they found it... Everything deplorable was found there: roaches, maggots, no running water, rotten food, feces on the floor... It made the Philadelphia nightly news and all the local papers, this was back in September of 2003.”

wards of the state and separated into the foster care system. Smith made multiple court appearances fighting to get his child out of “the When social servicsystem”. Mind you... He es found out, all the still didn’t know that children were taken as

Jonovan was his second child! F. Smith: “There were lot of allegations. Stripping, drug abuse. She said she had to go somewhere outta town came back and they were gone. I ended up getting 33

custody of Fernando. Now, I was subpeonad to take DNA test to see if Jonathan was mine. There was a whole list of other guys tested. Like some Maury Povich episode. He turned out to be mine and I was asked if I wanted to give up my rights and submit him to the state and he be put up for adoption. I was like Hell no! He was 4 years old... I never knew who he was. A lot of people told me that he wasn’t mine cause he didn’t look nothing like me. The paternity said they were mine so they mine. I was like damn 4 years ago he was calling some other muthafucka daddy! I was mad. Like, I missed 4 years of his life. I missed his first walk, his first words, I missed all of that. At the end of the day, I was at the head of social services building, got in a taxi, visited some family members.... Got on a plane and came to California with my two boys. CURVATURA: Hearing all this, it makes me ask... In your mind what makes your children special... besides the fact that they know kung fu!? F. Smith: “Their ability to bounce back and to be strong... God knows, only God know what they’ve been through. With there mother, strange guys... With what they went through - they’re not messed up, no learning disabilities... They’re like intelligent young men. The future will be bright for them. They’re special man. CURVATURA: You said you’re 34

considering going back into the military!! Why on earth would you go into the military and what effect would that have on the boys? F. Smith: It would have a negative effect on them. I’d be gone

for a year. Having there father taken away from them for a year at a time - right now while there so young will definitely have an effect on them. But if I did, it would be totally be for financial reasons. CURVATURA: With all this...

How in the hell did you end up in Mixed Martial Arts and teaching your kids how to kick ass?

F. Smith:“I never really had an outlet. I just kept it all bottled up inside. I don’t know - it was like when I tried to do something right in life it was like something always shut the door. The military, school, I was playing football for school. I did all these things and they just didn’t work. I’d rather get punched in the face then work a bullshit 9-5 that didn’t make me happy. It was my release therapy. It was like nothin’ else mattered. Call me a sucka for violence! It was almost like me bustin’’ a nut. Its up there with sex. I was like damn, this was like my light in life. I’m driven by that. Even with the setbacks and the injuries. I know I’m just one person away... I’m just barely disconnected. Hell, Royce Gracie and my jujitsu coach are best friends. I know I got injured but I know I’m only a person away from being a

champion. This is for my children. I know it would be something that would inspire people who are down, homeless, hungry and denied ‘cause I was all of that not long ago. Its a system I gotta break man! So this just a piece of Fernando’s story. It’s hard to tell that he’s only 27 years old hearing so much drama. Something stood out in our interview...He repeated somberly how he “made bad decisions...” His tone easily revealed how he knew he had fallen over and over again on his bad mistakes. It’s funny, the guy comes off as a genuinely great guy but you just know that there’s something more there not really evil... Just more. All that matters are his two babies and his MMA career! I

think it’s just amazing knowing he’s somehow kept his resolve and not turned to drugs, gangs and an all out crime-spree! His children, who knows what psychological scars may lie deep in them. Who knows what he’ll say when he has to explain the story of ‘where is mommy’. A a better question yet, will he actually Break the system? Will the Smiths make it? ----------------------------------------NOTE:

In a follow-up interview with Smith, he told us his MMA status, mothers drug abuse story, struggles making his dream of fighting on a professional level a reality and his many-many other trials, tribulations. You can follow Smith on Myspace and Facebook Google Fernando “The Philadelphia Baddass” Smith



Who is Mr. MCINTOSH ? (And why the F**K is he NAKED?)

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