Curcuma Longa 2

  • December 2019
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Curcuma longa Ext.

Natural Remedies Pvt Ltd.,

Curcuma longa Linn.

Dry Extract.

English name: Turmeric Family: Zingiberaceae Part used: Rhizomes Traditional uses 1: The rhizomes are bitter, acrid, thermogenic carminative emollient, anodyne, anti- inflammatory, vulnerary, depurative, antiseptic, appetiser, stomachic, anthelmintic, laxative, diuretic, expectorant, haematinic, alterative, alexiteric, stimulant, febrifuge and tonic. It is useful in vitiated conditions of kapha and pitta, inflammations, ulcers, wounds, skin diseases, allergic conditions, anorexia, dyspepsia, constipation, cough, anaemia, dropsy, gonorrhea, amenorrhoea, jaundice and general debility. Phytochemistry2: The major bioactive constituent of Curcuma longa are a group of diferuloylmethanes known as “curcuminoids”, which contains mainly curcumin along with desmethoxycurcumin and bisdesmethoxycurcumin. The rhizome also contains volatile oil consisting mainly of bisabolane derivatives; polysaccharides viz. ukonan A, B, C and D common : phytosterols and fatty ac ids. Pharmacology: Curcuma longa has been evaluated for various pharmacological activities. Curcuma longa has been found to be potent, anti-inflammatory3- 5, anti rheumatic, antiarthritic 5 and wound healing activity6. Curcuma longa is also been reported for gastroprotective 7, antispasmodic 8, anticoagulant 9, antifertility1 0, hypolipidemic 11, antibacterial12, antifungal 13 and antitumour1 4 activity. Marker constituent(s): Curcumin. O





HO Molecular Formula

= C21 H20 O6

Formula Weight

= 368.380

Curcumin Main use(s): Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, food colorant.

Natural solutions for Healthy Living

Natural Remedies Pvt Ltd.,

Curcuma longa Ext.

References: 1. Warrier PK, Nambiar VPK, Raman Kutty C. (1997) Indian Medicinal Plants a compendium of 500 species, Orient Longman Publications, Madras, India. 2 : 259-261 2. Anonymous (1998) Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia Joint Publication of Indian Drug Manufacturer’s Association, Mumbai and Regional Research Laboratory, Jammu-Tawi. 1: 64-72. 3.

Ammon HPT, Safayhi H, Mack T, Sabieraj J. (1993) J. Ethnopharmacol. 38: 113-119.

4. Srimal RC, Dhawan BN. (1973) J.Pharm.Pharmac. 25: 447-452. 5. Chandra D, Gupta SS. (1972) Indian. J. Med. Res. 60(1) : 138-142. 6. Gujral ML, Chowdhury NK, Saxena PN. (1953) Ind. Med. Assoc. 22: 273. 7. Prasad DN, Gupta B, Srivastava RK, Satyavati GV. (1976) Indian J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 20: 92. 8. Rao TS, Basu N, Siddiqui HH. (1982) Indian J. Med. Res. 75: 574-578. 9. Srivastava R, Dikshit M, Srimal RC, Dhawan BN. (1985) Thromb. Res. 40: 413-417. 10. Garg SK, Mathur VS., Chaudhury RR. (1978) Indian J. Exptl. Biol, 16: 1077-1079. 11. Rao AJ, Kotagi SG. (1984) IRCS Med.Sci. 12: 500-501. 12. Lutomski J, Ked zia B, Debska W. (1974) Plant Med. 26: 9 -19. 13. Mishra SK, Sahu KC. (1977) Indian. J. Pharmacol. 9: 269-272. 14. Hunag MT, Smart RC, Wong Ch Q, Conney AH. (1988) Cancer Res. 48: 5941-5946.

Natural solutions for Healthy Living

Natural Remedies Pvt Ltd.,

Curcuma longa Ext.

Analytical specifications

95 % Curcumino ids .

No. 1. 2.





7. 8.



Tests Description Physico-chemical analysis Moisture (%w/w) Volatile Oil (%w/v) Residue on Ignition (%w/w) Particle Size Bulk Density (g/cc) Material passing through 30# BS/35 ASTM (%w/w) H e a v y m e t a l a n a l y si si s Lead Cadmium Arsenic Microbiological analysis As per FIP Guidelines Total Viable Aerobic Count Total Enterobacteriaceae Total Fungal Count Test for Specific Pathogen As per FIP Guidelines E.coli (1g) Salmonella typhi (10g) S.aureus (1g) Mycotoxin analysis Aflatoxins (B1 + B 2 + G1 + G2) Residual solvent analysis As per ICH Guidelines Methanol Pesticide residue analysis As per USP & BP Limits Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides Synthetic pyrethroids Phytochemical analysis

Colour value Total curcuminoids (%w/w) Curcumin Demethoxy Curcumin Bis demethoxy Curcumin

Limits Protocol Yellow to orange yellow powder soluble in alcohol and almost insoluble in water < 1.0 < 2.0 < 1.0 0.2 – 0.6 > 99.0

As per USP 24<561> Vegetable Drugs Pg.1885

As per USP 24 <616> 1913-1914 Method – I As per USP 24 <786> Particle Size distribution.

< 10 ppm < 1 ppm < 2ppm

< 104 cfu g-1 < 102 org g- 1 < 102 fs g-1


As per WHO/PHARMA/92.559/Rev.1 Pg.49-52

Absent Absent Absent <5ppb

As per USP 24 Test for Aflatoxins Pg.1888

As per USP 24 <467>

<3000 ppm To comply with USP

As per AOAC / USP 24

> 15000

By Spectrophotometry

≥ 95.0 ----


Note: 1. Residual solvent analysis and residual pesticide analysis are performed only on request .

F o r e n q u i r i e s c o n t a c t : M/s Natural Remedies Pvt Ltd., Bangalore – 561 229. (Tel.) : +91-80-7832265, 7833092, 7834872. (Fax) : +91 -80-7834369, E-mail: [email protected], Internet:

Natural solutions for Healthy Living

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