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Understanding the Mining Business Model Cuan Kloppers, Group Manager: Group Business Systems, Samancor Chrome

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

“In ancient times, those known as good warriors prevailed when it was not easy to prevail. Their victories were not flukes because they positioned themselves where they would surely win …” Sun Tzy - The Art of War

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Roadmap • Positioning Mining with Strategy, People, Processes & Technology • The ability to change • Macro Processes in the Mining Business • • • • •

Components Business drivers Business challenges Critical success factors Reporting requirements and systems

• Technology as a business process enabler – the big picture • The Integrated Solution • Utilising ERP to enable a business • Business Intelligence as a strategic tool Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Understanding your company's environment Environment Strategy



Corporate Strategy / Vision

Operating Model




Operating Strategy Technology


Organisation Strategy

Physical Setting

Organisation Framework Organisation Structure


Performance Management


Required Capabilities



Learning/Training/ Knowledge Transfer


Performance Support

is key to position yourself in the market today! Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Typical Challenges and Business Drivers Industry Challenges

Business Drivers

Cross-cultural Environment

Multiple Locations

Supply & Demand Planning

Changing Market Dynamics

Communication Infrastructure

Performance Driven Organisation

Complex Legislative Environment

Cash Flow Management


Asset Management

Organisational Size

Operational Efficiency

Complex Stakeholder Environment


Cost Containment

in the Environment of a typical Mining Company today Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Gartner’s Top 10 CEO Business and Technology Priorities for 2009 Rank

Top 10 Business Priorities

Top 10 Technology Priorities


Business process improvement

Business intelligence


Reducing enterprise costs

Enterprise applications (ERP, CRM and others)


Improving enterprise workforce effectiveness

Servers and storage technologies


Attracting and retaining new customers

Legacy application modernization


Increasing the use of information/analytics

Collaboration technologies


Creating new products or services (innovation)

Networking, voice and data communications


Targeting customers and markets more effectively

Technical infrastructure


Managing change initiatives

Security technologies


Expanding current customer relationships

Service-oriented applications and architecture


Expanding into new markets or geographies

Document management

Extracted from Gartner 2009 CIO Survey

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Key Components of Business Solution Integration





to understand the Mining Business model Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

The influence of enabling Strategy


Technology People Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Your maturity to change Re-invent

Redefine Industry Create Best Practice


Match Best Practice Improve For efficiency

Streamline Automate

Functionally Single Managed Function

Core Process

Value Chain

Extended Value Chain

Scope of Change

influence your strategy… Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Typical Mining Business Model External business drivers and stakeholders Stakeholders, Customers, Regulators, Natural Forces, Image / Public Perception, Suppliers Economy, Labour, Competitors, Technology, Political Environment Commodity Segmentation: Precious metals

Strategic Management Process Core Business Processes Acquire & Develop Reserves

Base metals Specialty metals

Extract Ore

Iron ore

Process Ore

Industrial minerals Coal

Sell Product

Gemstones Uranium

Mine Close

By Operation Focus: Exploration Fully integrated

Support Processes Health and Safety

Mine Services Single- or MultiCommodity

Information Management

Environmental Human Resources



Treasury Management

Asset Custody

Customers Joint Ventures Other mining companies Utilities Customers

Minerals (including ore) Concentrates (including ore and slimes) Manufactured Products

Brokers (including De Beers) Commodity Exchanges

By-products (eg, Contractors sulphuric acid; Manufacturers industrial / Fabricators diamonds) Engineers (including steel mills) Mine Services (Engineering Royalty [CRA, BHP], Owners Governments Technical Mining (including and Maintenance mints) Suppliers [eg, SA mining houses]) Trade Utilities (eg, Associations Tolling / Custom Coal) Milling Governments Excess capacity Refineries / Smelters Outsourced Suppliers

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Processes in the Mining Business Strategy

Strategic Business Processes


Core Business Processes Process

Acquire & Develop Reserves

Extract Ore

Process Ore

Sell Product

Mine Close


Support Business Processes Structure

need to be integrated and support the vision and strategy Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Processes in the Mining Business Strategy

Strategic Business Processes


Core Business Processes Process

Acquire & Develop Reserves

Extract Ore

Process Ore

Sell Product

Mine Close


Support Business Processes Structure

need to be integrated and support the vision and strategy Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

The Objectives Strategic Business Business Processes Strategic Processes

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2.

Operational Determine strategic objectives for the company by commodities, markets, countries and customers Provide a clear strategic direction to the business Identify, source and allocate resources necessary to execute strategy Promote culture of continuous improvement Reporting Measure business performance against strategic objectives Confirming the financial statements and supplementary disclosures Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Key performance indicators (KPI’s) Strategic Business Processes Strategic Business Processes



3. 4.


Critical Success Factors Proper understanding of mining sector Proper understanding of company’s competitive strategy Focused strategic plan Successful implementation & monitoring of strategic plan Adapt to changing environment

Key Performance indicators 1.


3. 4.

5. 6.

Return on equity; Share price comparisons; Analyst rating comparisons Actual vs. budget comparison Return on assets Actual vs budget comparison Share price comparison Shareholder / analyst perception

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Some common Financial Best Practice Measurements Strategic Business Processes Strategic Business Processes

Measure 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



Average selling price per unit Foreign exchange rate effectiveness Payroll to sales Sales price effectiveness Market capitalisation per ounce Purchasing effectiveness Mining operations cost per ton mined Total operating cost per ton milled Total cash cost per ounces poured

Calculation 1. 2.





7. 8. 9.

Total sales / ton sold Foreign exchange rate achieved / spot foreign exchange rate Total salary and fringe expense / net sales Average sales price achieved / average spot price Market capitalisation / number of ounces available Purchasing costs current year / purchasing costs prior year (comparison to local country inflation rates) Mining operating cost / ton mined Total operating cost / ton milled Total cash cost / ounces poured

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Some common Operational Best Practice Measurements Strategic Business Processes Measure 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Production effectiveness Exploration expenditure ratio Hedging ratio Ore mining cost (Bank comparison - World Averages) Safety Product development cycle time Capital expenditure cycle time Crushing & Milling effectiveness Mining grade (grams per tonne) Mining strip ratio Milling grade (grams per tonne) Milling recovery (%)

Calculation 1. 2.


4. 5. 6.

7. 8.



Actual production / budget production Total exploration expenditure / total sales Future production hedged / future production Mining costs / number of units mined Number of lost time injuries Time from spending capital to start of capital project Throughput rate per hour Average daily ore milled / design throughput rate Unavailable machine time / total available machine time Industry standard

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Processes in the Mining Business Strategy

Strategic Business Processes


Core Business Processes Process

Acquire & Develop Reserves

Extract Ore

Process Ore

Sell Product

Mine Close


Support Business Processes Structure

need to be integrated and support the vision and strategy Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

The Mining Value Chain... Core Business Processes Acquire & Develop Reserves

Extract Ore

Process Ore

Sell Product

Mine Close

Core business processes are the processes that develop, produce, sell, and distribute an entity’s products and services. These processes do not follow traditional organisational or functional lines, but reflect the grouping of related business activities ...the heart of the business Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Components of the Core Business Processes... Core Business Processes Acquire & Develop Reserves

Extract Ore

Process Ore





Access Reserves

Metallurgical Extraction / Enrichment / Upgrading

Exploration & Evaluation

Sell Product



Mine Close

Salvage Rehabilitation



Planning Permitting Construction / Commissioning

Access Reserves the lifeblood of the business Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Typical Key performance indicators (KPI’s) Core Business Processes Extract Ore

Process Ore

Sell Product

Number of failed mining developments


Ratio of successful acquisitions / targets

Exploration & Evaluation

Number of titles lapsing unintentionally



Planning Permitting

Budget vs actual production statistics Time and cost to obtain permit Delays to project (days


Actual vs budget cost; days late commissioned

Access Reserves

Frequency and cost of health, safety and environmental fines / claims

Construction /

Mine Close

Geological modeling, Mine Technical systems


Acquire & Develop Reserves

Budgeting systems, models, etc – ERP

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Typical Key performance indicators (KPI’s Core Business Processes Extract Ore

Sell Product

Mine Close

Tonnes of ore mined per worker / per day


Labour scheduling

Cost per unit output


Access Reserves Transportation

Process Ore

LTIFR (Lost Time Incidence Frequency Rate) Trips per day or volume of unit per time unit; Amount of time/volume capacity used vs Amount of time/volume capacity available


Acquire & Develop Reserves

Tri p sheets Mine scheduling Maintenance planning Production & cost reporting

This core business process describes the key elements of the actual extraction of ore from the mine and transportation of this to the processing facility. This includes sampling, breaking and removal of the broken ore, grading and transportation. Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Typical Key performance indicators (KPI’s Core Business Processes Acquire & Develop Reserves

Extract Ore

Process Ore

Sell Product

Mine Close

Mine scheduling Stockpile turnover ratio


Maintenance planning

Metallurgical Extraction / Enrichment / Upgrading

Mining technical systems

Fines / tones of ore recovered Recovery rate; mine call factor Percentage capacity utilisation Units-of-production per time unit Cost per unit output Maintenance cost per machine hour


Grade of ore recovered

Process Control Metallurgical accounting Quality management/ grade control Production & cost reporting

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Processes in the Mining Business Strategy

Strategic Business Processes


Core Business Processes Process

Acquire & Develop Reserves

Extract Ore

Process Ore

Sell Product

Mine Close


Support Business Processes Structure

need to be integrated and support the vision and strategy Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Support Components Support Business Processes Support Processes

Health and Safety


Quality Management / Grade Control

Supply / Procurement

Information Management


Treasury Management

Asset Custody

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Human Resources

Life before a ERP System High cost, low trust, manual, low adoption, gut decisions

Manual Flow Casual Users


Salespeople, CSRs, Warehouse Mgrs.

CFO, COO, VP Sales

Divisional Mgmt External Users Suppliers, Partners, Customers

Power Users Finance, Sales, Supply Chain Analysts

BI Platforms/Tools

Custom Programmers

BI Teams

Other Systems

BI Tool 2 BI Tool 3BI Tool 4

IT/DW Team

Data Integration/Data Quality




Data Warehouse Data Marts

EDW Data Mgmt Teams Oracle Microsoft

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

ALL Data

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Enterprise BI Strategy & a Integrated Platform Trusted, centralized, high adoption, fact-based, lower cost

Power Users Executives CFO, COO, VP Sales

Finance, Sales, Supply Chain Analysts

Casual Users Salespeople, CSRs, Warehouse Mgrs.

Divisional Mgmt External Users Suppliers, Partners, Customers

Information management

BI Platform BW

BI Platforms/Tools


BI Teams

BI Team

Operational Systems



BI Tool 2 BI Tool 3BI Tool 4

MES Data Integration/Data Quality



Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

In the world of the Operations Integration is important? Manager Strategy





Technology needs to enable the core business processes Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Why is Integration so important?    

To make decisions on ONE version of the truth Different information requirements for different levels in the organization Disconnection between the business systems and the business processes Lack of alignment between the applications of the business systems make it difficult to manage the business Roles & responsibilities of the key components of business system applications is not always aligned Lack of growth due to a lack of knowledge sharing Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Mining companies are changing their technology mindset

to get their systems and data organized …

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

How do we do IT at Samancor Chrome? Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

The Samancor Chrome pillars VISION


Business Processes


Organisation Learning & Development


Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Dictate the way we do Business



The Samancor Chrome pillars Areas of Focus to VISION


achieve “Zero harm”


Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Dictate the way we do Business


•Simple Integrated Systems


• Enabling Environment

Organisation Learning & Development

•Positive Attitude



Business Processes



Integrated mining Solution at Integrated Mining Solution Samancor Chrome

SAP Client

Integration - People

People Integration

Mine Technical GEMCOM Systems


Value Proposition


Consulting Process Control

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

The big picture: Implementing technology Strategic Management Processes Business Intelligence & Strategic Enterprise Management

Customer Relationship Management

Core Business Processes Supply Chain Management - APO Resource to Product

Product to Customer

Product Life-Cycle Management

Support Business Processes Procurement & Human Capital Supply Management

Financial Management

Asset Life Cycle Management


Information Management

Shared Services

to manage according to the Mining Business Model Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Information Maturity Quadrants 2

1 Business Rules

Data Integrity Open Transactions l Overdue Transactions On time Transactions l Real-time transactions  Single Data Source DataCleansing and Process l Data Accountability  Inside the System Frequent l Communications Exception Monitoring  Cooperation  Data Accuracy  Data and Process Accountability  User Confidence  Lead Time Accuracy



3 Business Value

Process Optimization

Integration (MD07) Data Grouping Groups Strategy and priorities Stocking MRP rules Master Data Rules ATP Levels – Internal & Service External Lead Time/s Exception Management Service Levels Inventory Accuracy Exceptions Business Measures Master Data Design Measures Purchasing & Financial Integration  Lead Time Adherence

Automation  lTrusted Automation Lead time reduction  lEnhance Existing Functionality l Enhanced process  lNext Generation Enhance existing Technology functionality  lSupplier Performance Collaboration  Benchmarking  Management Dashboard  Global Standardization  Supplier & Customer Collaboration  Lead Time Reduction

 Increase Service  Increase Revenue  Optimize Increase Service l Inventory Value Levels  Improved Inventory Increased l Turns Revenue  Reduce Operating Costs l Reduce Value of  Improved Management Stock Information (Visibility) Reduce Operating l  Increase process Costs optimization & flexibility l Set new targets




l l l l l l l l  


OWNERSHIP, ACCOUNTABILITY, and GOVERNANCE Get what was implemented to work as intended. Get the processes integrated

Get the system to work for you, rather than you working for the system

Get the system to work for your business. Set VALUE targets and achieve those targets, using your system

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa copyright © 2007 Reveal. All rights reserved.

Barrier to Increased Performance Lack of visibility through entire cycle Strategy

Strategic Alignment Predictable Performance Confident Decisions



Execution Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Greatest Business Intelligence Value When deployed to everyone who can have an impact

BI Value: 

Drive Effectiveness Strategic

Gain competitive advantage or major innovation


Drive Efficiency

Enterprise Reporting

Provide better information to the organization Reduce the cost of doing business and improve IT capability

High performing companies use Analytics as a key strategy element 5 times more than low performers* Companies with the highest use of BI achieve above-average Operating Margin in their industry Business Intelligence tools increase productivity by an average of 25% Salesforce Effectiveness and Financial Management are the most important uses of BI Over 80% of companies use a formal BI organization to drive value

Source: Competing on Analytics, Thomas Davenport; ASUG / SAP Benchmarking and Best Practices Survey – Aggregated results are based on 83 total survey submissions Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

Think about this… It is often said that what gets measured gets done. Perhaps so, but it is more accurate to say that only things that are understood get managed! Gerhard van Niekerk - SAP Labs

Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa


Mine-Tech International Conference and Expo, 2-4 November 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

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