This-Week's Attractions
CTHULHU Open••1 Molt". f.l_ Sept. 12. ~ot ""ed. 101 mlnvt...
Written and produced by 1000l ex-politiC\) Granl Cogswell. who once championed the monorail, Clhulhu is a no less quixotic en· deayor.lt's also a belter, worthier endea"or, one he also recently documented in ... rue'<:
essay for, y""', TIle StrangI'T. Despite that affiliation, I am pleased 10 report thaI his movie, d irect€'d by Dan Gildark. is not aboul smug, in,,--war, se.lf·f!allering Cap HJ1J resi· dents who ride fuced-gear bicycles back iU"ld fortl\ 10 a ppear in, and I'\.'\iew, one another's stage and film productions. Sc'1ttle barely figures in the plot: A gay history professor Oason Cottle) wakes in his Belltown apart· ment to a call Wonning him his mother has died. Relurning to the weirdly cloistered is land off the Oregon coast where he grew up, presumably an outcast (being gay and all), he in/ends only to attend the funeral, sell his mother's house. and get the hell back 10 ciYilization. No wonder-Ills father Is a bumlng-<,ycd New Age priest, and he also observes a mysterious procession of robed cultists marching to a warehouse where the names of mL"Sing loca1s-hUlll'ln S3C1'ifices, maybe?-.ue engra\'('d in th" briny old wood. But I digress. What Is "Cthulhu ? A figuration of ancient e\'il, a word rt\.lde up by horror writer H.P. LOI'e-craJl, an acknowl· edged inf!u{-n.:e here. W{-,U shOI by local lc:ns{-r $(,an Kirby along the gorgeous coasl lin" near Astoria, 0 huUn, ne\' er becomes the gore-fllSt thaI some ,'iew"n; might anticipate. The P1E'SCJ\ce of Tori Spelling as the town siren suggests B-movle snickers that the DlO\'ie is also too taste fuI to encourage. As the sole-mn p refessor ~i"es hint< about his odd family history, as local legends aIld flil5hbacks 1I1u.minate his quest, OhuUru glides past the m~ pa- Don~ sleep wi\h ganism of The WlC/:L". Ml71l (the herl She~ Mil original, of course) 10 suggest dee~. disturban4'5. News of global warming blaNs in the back ground; the seas are rising. we're wamed. Tectonic violence inay H
be su.rgmg upward. A.Ithough murky in its sloryteUing, OhuUul. isn't stifled by its
artiness (no hvithstanding the Yeats quoles). Bul nei ther docs the movie evCJ: achieve Ute clariiy of good, honesl bloodletting. Smartly creep)', if § nol quite compelling. E it communicates best ~ the prodigal's horror ~ of homecoming and ;; the dn-ad of family. ;