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Catawba Valley Community College CSC 130 COMPUTING FUNDAMENTALS II Syllabus SEMESTER: Fall 2008 Instructor: Fred Richard E-mail: [email protected]

Office Hours: ________________________ Office Location: CAD Office #308 (3rd floor) Phone: (828) 327-7000, ext. 4491

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides in-depth coverage of the discipline of computing and the role of the professional. Topics include software design methodologies, analysis of algorithm and data structures, searching and sorting algorithms, and file organization methods. Upon completion, students should be able to use software design methodologies and choice of data structures and understand social/ethical responsibilities of the computing professional. PREREQUISITES: CSC 120 COREQUISITES:


CREDIT HOURS: 3 - 2 - 0 - 4 Class, 3 - Lab, 2 - Clinical/Work Exp., 0 - Credit, 4 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, the student must demonstrate his/her ability to: A. Use a computer file system. This requires an understanding of the organization and the navigation of a file system, the saving of files from applications to the file system, the deletion and re-naming of files, the importance of the filename extension, and the creation, re-naming and deletion of directories. B. Use the CVCC computer network to access the CSC file server to manage assignments and exams. Each student will be given a unique login and password to the CSC network file server. The instructor will demonstrate the procedure for students to change their password. C. Use the required software development tools. For the 130 class, these tools are a text editor, a shell, a Java compiler and a Java virtual machine. D. Write acceptable reports of computer programming projects, homework assignments and exams. A minimally acceptable report must include a problem description, a source code listing and examples of the execution of the program with appropriate input (e.g., screenshots). The instructor will demonstrate two methods for the creation of written reports, namely the use of a word processing program (e.g., Word) and special software written by the instructor. E. Orally present a project report in class.

-2CSC 130 – Syllabus – Fall 2008

Student Learning Outcomes (continued) F.

Describe the impact on society or computer science of a person/discovery/timely computer topic in a term paper to be written in standard English.

G. Solve computer programming problems using elementary features of the Java computer programming language. Elementary features of the Java language include: the organization of Java source code, variables, math operators and expressions, built-in data-types, input, output, formatted output, manipulation of strings, use of the math library, selection statements and logic, repetition statements, methods, classes, controlling access to class members, set and get methods, the new operator, interface and implementation, arrays, references and an introduction to graphical programming. H. Analyze computer algorithms (e.g., searching and sorting) and create computer software using the following data structures: lists, stacks, queues, binary trees, priority queues and hashing. I.

Write computer software to make unit conversions in the English and metric systems.

REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: C: How To Program (W/CD), 5th Edition, Copyright 2007, by Deitel and Deitel, Prentice-Hall Publishing, ISBN #9780132404167. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: Although optional,students likely will benefit if they are able to make electronic copies of lecture notes and their programming work. A portable computer or a GB USB flash drive (recommended size of 512 MB or more) can be used to make electronic copies. You will need to install a C++ compiler. GRADES: will follow CVCC's 7-point grading scale, •

40% for two midterm exams

40% homework and quizzes

20% comprehensive final exam and a final project

ATTENDANCE: Regular, on-time attendance is important for success in this class. A student may be dropped after missing more than one week of class time. Should it be necessary to withdraw, it is the student's responsibility to complete the necessary paperwork to avoid a WF or an F. The last day to withdraw from classes without penalty is at 50% date of class.

-3CSC 130 – Syllabus – Fall 2008

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY POLICY: Students at CVCC are expected to be honest in all academic pursuits, whether class, lab, shop, or clinical. Acts of academic dishonesty are considered unethical and subject to behavior sanctions. Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to the following: 1.

2. 3. 4.

Sharing information about the content of quizzes, exams, classroom/lab/shop/clinical assignments (scheduled or make-up) without approval of the instructor including but not limited to unauthorized copying, collaboration, or use of notes, books, or other materials when preparing for or completing examinations or other academic assignments (scheduled or make-up). Buying, selling, or otherwise obtaining a copy of a quiz, exam, project, term paper, or like document, without approval of the instructor. Plagiarism, which is defined as the intentional representation of another person’s work, words, thoughts, or ideas (from any source), as one’s own. Failing to follow approved test taking procedures by performing such acts as: • Looking on another student’s test. • Use of unauthorized notes; written, electronic or otherwise. • Changing answers after exam is scored. • Verbal, non-verbal or electronic communication with another student during an exam.

Instructors have the authority to impose either a warning, probation, or dismissal from the class for acts of academic dishonesty relative to classes under their supervision. Students have an obligation to report any acts of academic dishonesty to the instructor or appropriate campus authority when reasonable grounds exist for such a report. Students also have a responsibility to cooperate in the investigation of any alleged acts of academic dishonesty. Failure to report acts of academic dishonesty could result in a behavior sanction. The information is also available in the current CVCC General Catalog. PLAGIARISM POLICY: Plagiarism is defined as the intentional representation of another person’s work, words, thoughts, or ideas (from any source) as one’s own. Lack of knowledge of the appropriate method of documentation in a researched paper will not be accepted as a valid excuse for citing another person’s work without proper internal and bibliographical documentation. All plagiarized work will receive a 0 (zero). MISCELLANEOUS: CVCC offers several cost-free services to students who find themselves in academic trouble. Please ask your instructor about the Learning Assistance Centerand/or the Peer Tutoring Program. You can contact the LAC at (828) 327-7000, extension 4381 or drop by and pick up the information. TOBACCO USE: The use of any tobacco product is strictly prohibited in the classroom or in any building on the CVCC campus. This includes chewing tobacco, snuff, pipes, cigars and cigarettes.

-4CSC 130 – Syllabus – Fall 2008

EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: The following emergency procedures have been developed to provide you with a safe and secure environment. It is imperative that CVCC faculty, staff and students adhere to these procedures. 1.

Instructors shall inform students of the emergency procedures at the first class meeting of each course and periodically during the semester.


Immediately follow the emergency procedures provided by your instructor for the type of emergency indicated.


FOR BUILDING EVACUATIONS (bomb threats; fire; other), immediately vacate the building by the nearest exit and assemble at the specified building evacuation location provided by your instructor. Evacuation maps are posted in each classroom and laboratory. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS! • Close windows and doors, stay calm, and move to the right in hallways. • Do not use cell phones or computers while in the building if there is a bomb threat. • Take book bags and other personal items if there is a bomb threat. • Do not go to your vehicle unless you are instructed to vacate the campus. • Remain at the evacuation location until further instructions are provided by your instructor, administrative staff, or emergency personnel.


FOR BUILDING LOCKDOWNS, immediately get in a locked classroom, laboratory, office or other secured location. • Close blinds and turn off lights. • Move away from all windows and doors and sit on the floor against an interior wall for protection and concealment. • Remain in the secured location until you are notified by administrative staff or emergency personnel that the crisis is over. Specific instructions will also be provided concerning next steps to take.


FOR SEVERE WEATHER/TORNADO, immediately move to hallways or inner rooms away from doors and windows. • Sit on the floor and shield your heads with your hands and arms. • Remain in hallways or inner rooms until you are notified by administrative staff or emergency personnel that the danger has passed. Specific instructions will also be provided concerning next steps to take.


FOR CAMPUS EVACUATIONS, immediately and calmly go to your vehicle and leave the campus following the directions of emergency personnel. • The media, CVCC’s web page, telephone system, and ValleyCAT will provide instructions when normal operations and classes will resume. REMEMBER: TO CONTACT CAMPUS SAFETY AND SECURITY, DIAL 711 FROM A CVCC TELEPHONE OR 327-7000, EXT. 711 FROM YOUR CELL OR OTHER PHONE.

-5CSC 130 – Syllabus – Fall 2008

DISABILITY STATEMENT: If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact Wanda Horvath, Counselor for Students with Disabilities, at extension 4222, in Student Services. COURSE OUTLINE: There is a detailed lesson plan available for this class and it can be viewed at ASSIGNMENTS: Please see the class website for assignments, at SCHEDULE/ASSIGNMENTS STATEMENT: Schedules and Assignments may be altered by the instructor to facilitate comprehension and pacing. OFFICE HOURS & SCHEDULES: Science Full- and part-time instructor office hours, class schedule, e-mail, phone, and office location are posted at the following locations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

individual office hours are posted outside each instructor’s office (full-time only) large bulletin board to your left as you come out of the elevator (4th floor) on window of reading room, CAD #429 (4th floor) small bulletin board outside of CAD #414 (4th floor) outside of secretary’s, CAD 338 (3rd floor)

Life Sciences Department Head: Emily Whiteley Office: CAD #410 Phone (828) 327-7000, ext. 4361 E-mail: [email protected] Physical Sciences Department Head Dr. Kim Browning Office: CAD #423 Phone (828) 327-7000, ext. 4536 E-mail: [email protected] Math & Science Executive Secretary: Deborah Acree Office - CAD #338 Phone (828) 327-7000, ext. 4398 E-mail: [email protected]