Cs162 Operating Systems And Systems Programming Cybersecurity Attacks

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CS162 Operating Systems and Systems Programming Lecture 27 Cybersecurity Attacks May 8, 2006 Prof. Anthony D. Joseph http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162

Review: Internet Viruses

• Self-replicating code and data • Typically requires human interaction before exploiting an application vulnerability – Running an e-mail attachment – Clicking on a link in an e-mail – Inserting/connecting “infected” media to a PC

• Then search for files to infect or sends out e-mail with an infected file • FBI survey of 269 companies in 2004 found that viruses caused ~$55 million in damages • DIY toolkits proliferate on Internet 5/8/06

Joseph CS162 ©UCB Spring 2006

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Review: Internet Worms • Self-replicating, self-propagating code and data • Use network to find potential victims • Typically exploit vulnerabilities in an application running on a machine or the machine’s operating system to gain a foothold • Then search the network for new victims • 80% of worms/viruses in 2004 used e-mail as one of their propagation mechanisms


Joseph CS162 ©UCB Spring 2006

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Goals for Today • • • •

Hidden Software Attacks Malicious Hackers Critical Cyber Infrastructure Protection Worms and Viruses

• Want to learn more about security? – Take CS 161 this fall

Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne. Gagne Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz. 5/8/06

Joseph CS162 ©UCB Spring 2006

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Shrink Wrap Software Woes • Can I trust software installed by the computer manufacturer? – Not really, most major computer manufacturers have shipped computers with viruses – How? » Forget to update virus scanner on “gold” master machine

• Software companies, PR firms, and others routinely release software that contains viruses • Linux hackers say “Start with the source” – Does that work?


Joseph CS162 ©UCB Spring 2006

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Ken Thompson’s self-replicating program • Bury Trojan horse in binaries, so no evidence in source – Replicates itself to every UNIX system in the world and even to new UNIX’s on new platforms. No visible sign. – Gave Ken Thompson ability to log into any UNIX system

• Two steps: Make it possible (easy); Hide it (tricky) • Step 1: Modify login.c A: if (name == “ken”) don’t check password log in as root

– Easy to do but pretty blatant! Anyone looking will see.

• Step 2: Modify C compiler

– Instead of putting code in login.c, put in compiler: B: if see trigger1 insert A into input stream

– Whenever compiler sees trigger1 (say /*gobbledygook*/), puts A into input stream of compiler – Now, don’t need A in login.c, just need trigger1 5/8/06

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Self Replicating Program Continued • Step 3: Modify compiler source code: C: if see trigger2 insert B+C into input stream

– Now compile this new C compiler to produce binary

• Step 4: Self-replicating code!

– Simply remove statement C in compiler source code and place “trigger2” into source instead » As long as existing C compiler is used to recompile the C compiler, the code will stay into the C compiler and will compile back door into login.c » But no one can see this from source code!

• When porting to new machine/architecture, use existing C compiler to generate cross-compiler – Code will migrate to new architecture!

• Lesson: never underestimate the cleverness of computer hackers for hiding things! 5/8/06

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Cracker Profile • Cracker = malicious hacker • FBI Profiles (circa 1999) – Nerd, teen whiz kid, anti-social underachiever, social guru

• Later survey – Avg age 16 – 19, 90% male, 70% live in US – Spend avg 57 hrs/week online, 98% believe won’t be caught

• Most motivated by prestige – Finding bugs, mass infections, … 5/8/06

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Evolution • 1990’s: Internet spreads around the world – Crackers proliferate in Eastern Europe

• Early 2000’s Do-It-Yourself toolkits – Select propagation, infection, and payload on website for customized virus/worm

• 2001– Crackers proliferate everywhere – Profit motivation: very lucrative incentive!


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Evolution (Circa 2001-) • Cracking for profit, including organized crime – But, 50% of viruses still contain the names of crackers or the groups that are supposedly behind viruses

• Goal: create massive botnets of 10-100,000+ machines – Aggregate bandwidth (gigabits – terabits) – Each machine sets up encrypted, authenticated connection to central point (IRC server) and waits for commands

• Rented for pennies per machine per hour/campaign for: – Overloading/attacking websites, pay-per-click scams, distributed password cracking, sending spam/phishing email, or hosting phishing websites… – Also, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks » Overwhelm server and/or network links » Political msgs, fame/bragging » Extortion (“pay or your site and business die”) 5/8/06

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Network Environments • Single host • Subnet/corporate network • ISP-level, Internet-scale • Critical Cyber Infrastructure Protection – Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) – Power plants, chemical factories, refineries, water/sewage plants, port/rail facilities, … – Real risk is “boomable” industries/facilities


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Example True SCADA Incidental Attack Scenarios • Port of Houston, 20 Sept 2001 – >1 billion containers (2000), 6,400 ships (2002), $11 billion revenue (2002) – $15 billion petrochemical complex: largest in nation, second in the world – 19 year old UK teenage member of a group called Allied Haxor Elite trying to get back at a girl he met in a chatroom (Found not guilty)

• Ohio's Davis-Besse nuclear power plant, offline, Jan 2003 – Slammer worm penetrated a private computer network and disabled control and safety monitoring systems for ~5 hours – Penetrated unsecured network of an unnamed Davis-Besse contractor, then squirmed through a T1 line bridging that network and Davis-Besse's corporate network

• Northeast power outage, 50 million people, August 2003 – MSBlaster worm crippled key detection systems and delayed response during a critical time: “significantly worsened the effect of the outage” 5/8/06

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SCADA Vulnerabilities • Control Systems Are Adopting Standardized Technologies with Known Vulnerabilities – Migration to COTS technology (WindowsXP and WinXP embedded) • Control Systems Are Connected to Other Networks – Want real-time view of process “values” from business side • Insecure Connections Exacerbate Vulnerabilities – Insecure dial-in, wireless backhaul, … • Information about Infrastructures and Control Systems Is Publicly Available – Easy to purchase equipment for analysis – Regulatory filings reveal lots of info – Toolkits easily available • Social threats – Insider threat (Queensland sewage treatment plant intrusion) – Lack of operator console password protection


GAO-04-354, “Critical Infrastructure Protection: Challenges and Efforts to Secure Control Systems, Joseph CS162 ©UCB Spring 2006 Lec 27.13 March 2004

Insufficient Network Isolation

• No firewall between RTUs and SCADA LAN • No sanity checking of data or controls

No firewall between corporate and SCADA LANs

• No firewall for Data Historian • No sanity checking of entered values

Jonathan Pollet, 5/8/06 PlantData Technologies

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Survey of ~50 water supply providers (Ezell 1997) • Insecure network connections – Operators can access email from admin LAN (75%) – Admin LAN is remote accessible (75%) • Vulnerable to corruption of information • Sensitive to Denial of Service attacks – Flooding of wireless/wired link – DoS against controller or RTUs • Limited or no authentication in protocols – Slow/old CPUs in field equipment – High upgrade cost per field device (+ more BW/mem/config) • My observation: – Hard to model effects of incremental retrofit/deployment


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Other COTS Implications • RTUs interconnected by leased lines, public Internet, or wireless – A power company's SCADA traffic was blocked by leased line failures at a telco that fell prey to Slammer worm • Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Team and a power utility… – Drove to a remote substation, while sitting in their vehicle, they noticed a wireless network antenna – Fired up notebooks and connected to network – 10 minutes later, they’d mapped entire substation’s equipment – 15 mins later, they’d mapped the entire operational control network – 20 mins later, they’d accessed the business network and downloaded several business reports – Never even left the vehicle…

Alan S. Brown, “SCADA vs. the hackers,” Mechanical Engineering, December 2002 5/8/06

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Administrivia • Last day of sections is tomorrow • Final Exam: – May 18th 12:30-3:30pm, Bechtel Auditorium


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Zotab Virus (August 2005) • Infect machines and set IE security to low (enables pop-up website ads) • Revenue from ads that now appear • User may remove virus, but IE settings will likely remain set to low • Continued revenue from ads… • More than 100 companies, including Financial Times, ABCNews and CNN, were hit by the Zotob Windows 2000 worm in August 2005 • Two men arrested (will be charged and prosecuted in their respective homelands): – Moroccan 18-year-old Farid Essebar – Turkish 21-year-old Atilla Ekici 5/8/06

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Internet Worms: Zero-Day Exploits

• Morris worm infected a small number of hosts in a few days (several thousand?) – But, Internet only had ~60,000 computers!

• What about today? ~360M computers • Theoretical “zero-day” exploit worm – Rapidly propagating worm that exploits a common Windows vulnerability on the day it is exposed – Propagates faster than human intervention, infecting all vulnerable machines in minutes


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Before Sapphire (AKA Slammer) Worm – 01/25/03

• Fastest computer worm in history – Used MS SQL Server buffer overflow vulnerability – Caused network outages, canceled airline flights, elections problems, interrupted E911 service, and caused ATM failures


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After Sapphire

• Doubled in size every 8.5 seconds, 55M scans/sec


– Infected >90% of vulnerable hosts within 10 mins – Infected at least 75,000 hosts Joseph CS162 ©UCB Spring 2006

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DDoS Attacks • Overwhelm server and/or network links – Purpose: Extortion, revenge, “kill” competition – Typical target is web server(s) – Try to consume all resources (BW, disk space, CPU) • Simple: same req. for large images/complex action – Might be able to create packet filter to block – Might also be able to block source subnets – Have to put filters into the network (at upstream ISPs) • Complex: Vary requests, rate, zombie set – Harder to create packet filter (esp. if requests look “real”) – Rotating set makes source subnet blocks hard – Only choice may be to add more and more HW and BW


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Toxbot Trojan (Oct 10, 2005) • Three Dutch crackers (19, 22, and 27) • Used Toxbot Trojan (aka Codbot) to infect machines – Installed adware and spyware on user’ machines – Conducted DDoS attack against a US company for extortion (pay or crash your site) – Conducted phishing attacks to hijack PayPal and eBay accounts, then bought goods with accounts • Estimated network size of 100K • Investigators later discovered true size (>1.5M!)


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Honeypots • Distributed Intrusion Detection Systems • Closely monitored network decoys – Simulates one or more network services (or machines) on one or more machines – Causes an attacker to think you're running vulnerable services

• Uses: – May distract adversaries from more valuable machines on a network – May provide early warning about new attack and exploitation trends (use to create new firewall rules) – May enable in-depth examination of adversaries during and after exploitation (log everything!) 5/8/06

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Microsoft Decoy Zombie • Intentionally infected a machine with zombie code • Within 20 days: – PC received > 5 million connections! – Tried to send 18 million spam e-mails containing ads for 13,000 unique domains!

• October 27, 2005: filed 13 “John Doe” lawsuits against spammers – Enables them to subpoena ISPs and domain registrars for identities


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Tarpits • A very, very sticky honeypot… – Network decoy: lets connections in, delays them – Slow down scanning tools/worms to kill their performance/propagation because they rely on quick turnarounds – Might also give us time to protect real hosts

• Example Implementation: – Accept any incoming TCP connection – When data transfer begins to occur, set TCP window size to zero, so no data can be transferred within the session – Hold the connection open, and ignore any requests by remote side to close session – Attacker must wait for the connection to timeout in order to disconnect 5/8/06

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Witty Worm (Mar 04): Attacking the IDS • Targeted a buffer overflow vulnerability in several of a vendor’s IDS products – Deletes a randomly chosen sectors of hard drives over time killing system – Payload contained: “(^.^) insert witty message here (^.^)” • Infected ~12,000 systems within 45 minutes • Witty’s Many Firsts – First widely propagated Internet worm with a destructive payload – First worm with order of magnitude larger hit list than any previous worm – Shortest known interval between vulnerability disclosure and worm release – 1 day – First to spread through nodes doing something proactive to secure their computers / networks – Spread through a population almost an order of magnitude smaller than that of previous worms 5/8/06

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Conclusions • Worms/Viruses are a critical threat – Threat is zero-day attacks

• Cracker motivation has shifted from prestige to profit – Creation and rental of massive botnets

• Many Cyber Critical Infrastructure vulnerabilities – May take a decade to fix

• Can use Honeypots/Tarpits for distributed detection and attack prevention • Even IDS and IPS systems are vulnerable • Let’s thank the TAs and the camera operator! 5/8/06

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