Cs 333 Computer Architecture

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CS 333 Computer Architecture

Chapter 2 (Part 1) : Computer Evolution Dr. Olfa Mosbahi Computer Architecture

Architecture and Organization ❖ Distinction between organization: ❖ Computer architecture:



Attributes visible to the programmer Instruction set, number of bits used for data representation, I/O mechanisms, memory addressing techniques

❖ Computer organization: How features are implemented Realize the architectural specifications Hardware details transparent to programmer Control signals, interfaces between computer peripherals, memory technology

Computer Architecture



Architecture and Organization ❖ Computer manufacturers offer a family of models: Same architecture Different organizations

❖ Examples: All Intel x86 family share the same basic architecture The IBM System/370 family share the same basic architecture

❖ What are the benefits? Code compatibility (at least backwards) Customization (different constraints on performance and price)

Computer Architecture


Architecture and Organization ❖ Example: instruction set architecture A very important abstraction Interface between hardware and low-level software Standardizes instructions, machine language bit patterns, etc.

❖ Advantage Different implementations of the same architecture

❖ Disadvantage May prevent new innovations

❖ Modern instruction set architectures: IA-32, IA-64, PowerPC, MIPS, SPARC…

Computer Architecture


Structure and Function ❖ Describe computers: approach ❖ At each level:


Set of components and their relationships Behavior is based on abstract description of lower level Designer only concerned with: ❧ Structure ❧ Function

at that level

Computer Architecture


Structure and Function ❖ Structure the way in which components relate to each other

❖ Function the operation of individual components as part of the structure

❖ Will examine computer systems in a top down approach

Computer Architecture


Function ❖ Computer functions: Data processing ❧ Only a few fundamental types of processing Data storage ❧ Short term ❧ Long term Data movement ❧ Between itself and outside world ❧ I/O to peripherals ❧ Data communication Control ❧ Manages the functions above Computer Architecture


Functional View

Computer Architecture


Operations (a) Data movement

Computer Architecture


Operations (b) Storage

Computer Architecture


Operations (c) Processing from/to storage

Computer Architecture


Operations (d) Processing from storage to I/O

Computer Architecture


Structure – Top Level


Computer Central Processing Unit


Main Memory

Systems Interconnection

Input Output Communication lines

Computer Architecture


Structure – The CPU

CPU Computer


I/O System Bus Memory

Arithmetic and Logic Unit


Internal CPU Interconnection

Control Unit

Computer Architecture


Structure – The Control Unit (microprogrammed implementation) Control Unit CPU ALU Internal Bus Registers

Control Unit

Sequencing Logic Control Unit Registers and Decoders

Control Memory

Computer Architecture


History of Computers ❖ Mechanical Era (1600s-1940s) Wilhelm Schickhard (1623) ❧ Astronomer and mathematician ❧ Automatically add, subtract, multiply, and divide Blaise Pascal (1642) ❧ Mathematician ❧ Mass produced first working machine (50 copies) ❧ Could only add and subtract ❧ Maintenance and labor problems Gottfried Liebniz (1673) ❧ Mathematician and inventor ❧ Improved on Pascal’s machine ❧ Add, subtract, multiply, and divide

Computer Architecture


History of Computers Charles Babbage (1822) ❧ Mathematician ❧ “Father of modern computer” ❧ Wanted more accuracy in calculations ❧ Difference engine – Government / science agreement – Automatic computation of math tables ❧ Analytic engine – Perform any math operation – Punch cards – Modern structure: I/O, storage, ALU – Add in 1 second, multiply in 1 minute – Both engines plagued by mechanical problems

Computer Architecture


History of Computers George Boole (1847) ❧ Mathematical analysis of logic ❧ Investigation of laws of thought Herman Hollerith (1889) ❧ Modern day punched card machine ❧ Formed Tabulating Machine Company (became IBM) ❧ 1880 census took 5 years to tabulate ❧ Tabulation estimates – 1890: 7.5 years – 1900: 10+ years ❧ Hollerith’s tabulating machine reduced the 7.5 year estimate to 2 months

Computer Architecture


History of Computers Konrad Zuse (1938) ❧ Built first working mechanical computer (running programs): Z1 ❧ Binary machine ❧ German government decided not to pursue development – W.W.II already started Howard Aiken (1943) ❧ Designed the Harvard Mark I ❧ Implementation of Babbage’s machine ❧ Built by IBM

Computer Architecture


History of Computers ❖ Mechanical era summary Mechanical computers were designed to reduce the time required for calculations and increase accuracy of the results Two drawbacks ❧ Speed of operation limited by the inertia of moving parts (gears and pulleys) ❧ Cumbersome, unreliable, and expensive

Computer Architecture


History of Computers ❖ The Electronic Era ❖ Generation 1 (1945 - 1958) : vacuum tubes ENIAC ❧ Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer ❧ Developed for calculating artillery firing tables ❧ Designed by Mauchly and Echert of the University of Pennsylvania ❧ Generally regarded as the first electronic computer ❧ Handles signed 10-digit numbers ❧ Decimal number system used ❧ Programmed by manually setting switches ❧ Punched cards are used for I/O

Computer Architecture


History of Computers ENIAC – cont. ❧ Really big! – 18,000 vacuum tubes – 70,000 resistors – 10,000 capacitors – 6,000 switches – 30 tons – 15,000 square feet – 140 kW power consumption – 5,000 additions per second

Computer Architecture


History of Computers IAS (Institute for Advanced Studies) ❧ von Neumann and Goldstine ❧ Took idea of ENIAC and developed the concept of storing a program in the memory ❧ This architecture came to be known as the “von Neumann architecture” and has been the basis for virtually every machine designed since then ❧ Features – Data and instructions (programs) are stored in a single read-write memory – Memory contents are addressable by location, regardless of the content itself – Sequential execution ❧ Lots of initial and long-term fighting over patents, rights, credits, firsts, etc. Computer Architecture


History of Computers ❖ Generation 2 (1958 - 1964) : Transistors Technological changes Transistors System software and high level languages Floating point arithmetic

❖ Generation 3 (1964 - 1974) : Integrated Circuits Introduction of integrated circuits Semiconductor memory Microprogramming Multiprogramming

Computer Architecture


History of Computers ❖ Generation 4 (1974 - present) : VLSI Large scale integration / VLSI Single board computers

❖ Generation 5 (? - ?) VLSI / ULSI Computer communications networks Artificial intelligence Massively parallel machines

Computer Architecture


History of Computers

Computer Architecture


Von Neumann Machine ❖ Concept of stored program Main memory storing programs and data

❖ ALU operating on binary data ❖ Control unit interpreting instructions from memory and executing ❖ Input and output equipment operated by control unit ❖ IAS (Institute for Advanced Studies) at Princeton ❖ Completed in 1952

Computer Architecture


Structure of von Neumann Machine

Computer Architecture


ISA ❖ 1000 x 40 bit words Binary representation instructions 2 x 20 bit instructions


Computer Architecture




IAS ❖ Set of registers (storage in CPU) Memory Buffer Register Memory Address Register Instruction Register Instruction Buffer Register Program Counter Accumulator Multiplier Quotient

Computer Architecture


IAS Structure

Computer Architecture


IAS Instructions ❖ Total of 21 instructions, grouped in: Data transfer Unconditional branch Conditional branch Arithmetic Address modify

Computer Architecture


First Commercial Computers ❖ 1947 Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation ❖ UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer) ❖ US Bureau of Census 1950 calculations ❖ Became part of Sperry-Rand Corporation ❖ Late 1950s - UNIVAC II Faster More memory Upward/backward compatible

Computer Architecture


IBM ❖ Punched-card processing equipment ❖ 1953 - the 701 IBM’s first stored program computer Scientific calculations

❖ 1955 - the 702 Business applications

❖ Lead to 700/7000 series

Computer Architecture


Transistors ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Replaced vacuum tubes Smaller Cheaper Less heat dissipation Solid State device Made from silicon Invented 1947 at Bell Labs William Shockley et al.

Computer Architecture


Transistor-Based Computers ❖ Second generation machines ❖ NCR & RCA produced small transistor machines ❖ IBM 7000 series ❖ DEC - 1957 Produced PDP-1

Computer Architecture


IBM 7094 ❖ Innovation: channels


Independent I/O modules with their own processor and instruction set

Computer Architecture


Integrated Circuits ❖ So far – discrete components

❖ Micro electronics Computer – made up of gates, memory cells and interconnections

Computer Architecture


Integrated Circuits ❖ Idea Manufacture entire circuits (components and their interconnections) directly on a semiconductor

Computer Architecture


Computer Generations ❖ Vacuum tube: 1946-1957 ❖ Transistor: 1958-1964 ❖ Small scale integration: from 1965 Up to 100 devices on a chip

❖ Medium scale integration: to 1971 100 - 3,000 devices on a chip

❖ Large scale integration: 1971-1977 3,000 - 100,000 devices on a chip

❖ Very large scale integration: 1978 -1991 100,000 - 100,000,000 devices on a chip

❖ Ultra large scale integration: 1991 - ? Over 100,000,000 devices on a chip Computer Architecture


Moore’s Law ❖ Increased density of components on chip ❖ Gordon Moore – co-founder of Intel In April of 1965, Electronics magazine published an article by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore.

“Number of transistors on a chip will double every year”

❖ Since 1970’s development has slowed a little Number of transistors doubles every 18 months

Computer Architecture


Moore’s Law

Computer Architecture


Announcements ❖ Readings Chapter 2

Computer Architecture


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