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CS-16 Object Oriented System

012154554 Sachin Chandra


QUESTION 1: Develop an Object Oriented Analysis and Design Document for the implementation of a Web based Student Admission System. The system should display the eligibility conditions etc. Your answer should contain: (a) Inheritance Diagram (b) Complete Class Information ANS The University wants to computerize its admission process. The system should contain data of all students, their results, issue admission letter, allocate various study centers etc. Here’s a brief Object Oriented analysis and design of the Web Based Student Admission system. Background The University, Sargent University is going with a Manual Processing of Student Admission. The admission is based on the Entrance Test Examination. Student gets enrolled on the basis of results. The university offers a number of courses in the Education field. Problem Specifications The Web-Based Computerized Admission should: • Contain data of all Students • Contain information of Entrance Test. • Results of all Students • Issue admission letter • Course Details • Allocate various study Centers etc., Pictorial Representation of System Issue Rejection Letter

Student Database Course Database


Fail Pass Issue Admission Letter

Entrance Test DB

Allocate Study Center

Operational Specification University must store the student data along with student results in a database to be managed by Database Management System (DBMS) This database system must have following features:• Insertion, deletion, updation of data into the database. • Querying the problems from the database as per need. • A user-friendly interface with a mailmerge system to produce admission letters. • Database should be fastly accessible to Internet users. The Programming and coding of web site interface should be supported by Web Browsers. The Web Designer can use ASP, VB Script, Java Script, Perl or CGI Scripting accordingly to his/het convenience.

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CS-16 Object Oriented System

012154554 Sachin Chandra


Analysis The first step in analyzing the requirements is to construct an object model which shows the static data structure of real world system and organizes it into workable pieces. This model describes real world object classes and their relationships to each other. Objects The purpose of object modelling is to describe objects. For eg: Joe Smith, Simplex Company, Lassie, Process number 7648, and the top windows are objects. An object is simply something that makes sense in an application context. We define an object as concept, abstraction, or thing with crisp boundaries and meaning for the problem at hand. Objects serve two purposes: they promote understanding of the real world and provide a basis for computer implementation. Decomposition of problem into objects depends on judgment and the nature of the problem. There is no one correct representation. All objects have identity and are distinguishable. Two apples with the same color, shape, and texture are still individual apples; a person can eat one and then eat the other. Similarly identical twins are two distinct persons, even though they may look the same. The term identity means that objects are distinguished by their inherent existence and not by descriptive properties that they may have. Classes An object class describes a group of objects with similar properties (attributes), common behaviour (operations), common relationships to other objects, and common semantics. Person, company , animal, process, and window are all object classes. Each person has an age, IQ, and may work at a job. Each process has an owner, priority, and list of required resources. Objects and object classes often appear as nouns in problem descriptions. The abbreviation class is often used instead of object class. Objects in a class have the same attributes and behaviour patterns. Most objects derive their individuality fro differences in their attribute values and relationships to other objects. However, objects with identical attribute values and relationships are possible. Attributes An attribute is a data value held by the objects in a class. Name, age and weight are attributes of person objects. Color, Weight and Model year are attributes of car objects. Each attribute has a value for each object instance. For eg: have the same or different values for a given attribute. Each attribute name is unique within a class. Thus, class person and class Company may each have an attribute called address. An attribute should be a pure data value, not an object. Unlike objects, pure data values do not have an identity. For eg: all occurrences of the integer “17” are indistinguishable, as are all occurrences of the string “Canada”. The Country Canada is an object, whose name attribute has the value “Canada” (the String). The capital of Canada is a city object and should not be modeled as an attribute, but rather as an association between a country object and a city object. Operations and Methods An operation is a function or transformation that may be applied to or by objects in a class. Hire, fire, and pay-dividend are operations on a class window. All objects in a class share the same operations. Each operation has a target object as an implicit argument. The behaviour of the operation depends on the class of its target. An object “knows” it class, and hence right implementation of the operation. The same operation may apply to many different classes. Such as operation is Ploymorphic that is, the same operation takes on different forms in different classes. A method is the implementation of an operation for a class. For eg:- The

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CS-16 Object Oriented System

012154554 Sachin Chandra


class file may have an operation print. Different methods could be implemented to print ASCII files, print binary files, and print digitized picture files. All these methods logically perform the same task – Printing a file; thus you may refer to them by the generic operation print. However, each method may be implemented by different piece of code. Object Model:a) Identify Classes and objects The object model will have following Modules/Classes • Members Members

(Member) Riya

(Member) Rajput



Course Course

Course MBA

Course MCA



Entrn. Test CAT

Entrn. Test MAT




Result GATE

Result MAT


Admission Card Admission Card

Admission Card M00129


Entrn.Test GATE

Results Results

Course BBA

Entrance Test Entrance Test

(Member) Mary

Admission Card B20021


Study Centers Study Centers


Study Centre IMS

Study Centre DPS


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CS-16 Object Oriented System

012154554 Sachin Chandra


b) Preparation of Data Dictionary • Members: Any Internet Surfers who registers himself/herself to the Website of University to get a valid username and password. This username and password will act as key to access the Website’s Internal Pages. • Student: Those Members who are willing to sit for the Entrance Test Examination so as to enrolled for a university course. • Course: The information records of every degree/diploma courses provided by the organization of University. The courses can be Regular and Non Regular (Weekend Classes). • Entrance Test: The holder of all important dates and timings regarding entrance examinations. • Results: A computerized account of the marks scored by students. • Admission Card: A card assigned to a university student that authorizes access of university facilities. This card gives all legal privileges provided by the university organization to a registered student. • Study Centers: The valid institutions or colleges that offers the coaching and classes facility to the registered student of the university. The study centers are placed all over the country for regular and Non-regular Courses. c) Attributes Members Name: String Age: Integer Username :String Password: String Address: String



Riya 19 riya_2003 abc C-9/43, Ram Ngr.

Class with attributes

Rajat 24 rajat_singh rstk 146, Bk.-C, Agra

Objects with Values

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CS-16 Object Oriented System

012154554 Sachin Chandra


Student Name: String Age: Integer Username: String Password: String Address: String Roll No: String Qualification: String Fathername: String Date of Birth: Date Course Name: String

Class with attributes Course

(Student) Riya 19 riya_2003 abc C-9/43, Ram Ngr. S001 BCA Shri S.K. Mishra 09/03/1980 MCA

Objects with Values (Course)

Code: String Name: String Duration: String Semesters: Integer Fees: Integer Seats: Integer

C001 MCA 3 Years 6 42,450 60

Class with attributes

Objects with Values

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CS-16 Object Oriented System

012154554 Sachin Chandra


Entrance Test Test Code: String Course Code: String Test Date: Date Course Name: String Class with attributes

(Entrance Test) T901 C003 MBA Objects with Values

Results Name: String Roll_No: String Course: String Score: Integer Result: String Rank: Integer

Class with attributes Admission Card Name: String Roll No: String Address: String Issue Card: String Year: Integer

Class with attributes Study Centers Centre Name: String Centre Code: String Name: String Roll No: String Address: String Course: String Class with attributes


(Result) Riya S001 MBA 350 Pass 22

Objects with Values (Admission Card) Riya S001 C-9/45, Ram Ngr. IC101S 2003

Objects with Values (Study Center) IMS CS11 Riya S001 C-9/45, Ram Ngr. MBA Objects with Values

Operations: Members Name: String Age: Integer Username: String Password: String Address: String Get Data Display Change Password

Student Name: String Age: Integer Username: String Password: String Address: String Roll No: String Qualification: String Father Name: String Date of Birth: Date Course Name: String Change Address Search (Roll No.)

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Course Code: String Name: String Duration: String Semesters: Integer Fees: Integer Seats: Integer Get data Put data

CS-16 Object Oriented System

012154554 Sachin Chandra


Entrance Test


Test Code: String Course Code: String Test Date: Date Course Name: String Input Output Change Date

Name: String Roll No: String Course: String Score: Integer Result: String Rank: Integer Show Rank (Roll No): Integer Get Data Put Data Show Result (Roll No): String

Admission Card

Study Centers

Name: String Roll No: String Address: String Issue Card: String Year: Integer Print


Centre Name: String Centre Code: String Name: String Roll no: String Address: String Course: String List of courses (Centre Code) Search (Roll No): Boolean

Association gets


Allocated to

register to


Student Enrolls for

Sits for

Entrance Test





Entrance Test

f) Inheritance diagram Course

Entrance Test




Admission 7 of 8 Card

Study Center

CS-16 Object Oriented System

012154554 Sachin Chandra


Dynamic Model Scenarios are the dialogs between user and system to get a feel for expected system behaviour. Admission Scenarios (1) Students enquires a Course: The university asks for information. Students fills the forms: The university takes the form. University verifies the form University allocates an entrance test date to student Student gives “Entrance Test” University checks the Entrance Test examination: the Result is scores gained by student; The final result is Pass -> University issues an administrator card to student. University allocates a study Center.

Admission Scenarios (2) Students enquires a Course: The university asks for information. Students fills the forms: The university takes the form. University verifies the form University allocates an entrance test date to student Student gives “Entrance Test” University checks the Entrance Test examination: the Result is scores gained by student; The final result is Fail -> University Rejects the student by issuing a rejection letter and closes the file.

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