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Vol. 48, No. 39 | September 20, 2009

Share Christ • Build Believers • Serve Others

thanks for another successful

Children’s Roundup

Rev. Tom Harris | Running from God | Jonah 1

1580 Peachtree St. NW | Atlanta, Georgia | 30309 404-876-5535 | | [email protected] Prayer requests: [email protected] or 404-607-1447


Dear Peachtree Family and Friends, Today I begin a 4 week series on the Old Testament Character of Jonah. Jonah is one of the best known and least understood books in the Bible.

From the world’s point of view, Jonah and the whale are mythical legend and fable. It is merely a great fish story. Yet, Jonah was actually a historical character, and he is mentioned in other places in scripture. The book of 2 Kings refers to him as a historical prophet, a prophet ministering to Israel in the days of Jeroboam. Further, Jesus used the story of Jonah as an analogy of His own impending death and resurrection when he said “As Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” (Matthew 12:40) Here Jesus called Jonah’s experience in the “great fish” a “sign” of His own coming resurrection from the dead. With this kind of backing, there can be no doubt that the book of Jonah is historically accurate. The message of Jonah is the story of God’s great love for all the world, His plan to reach all the world, and one man’s hesitance to be a part of that plan. I hope your heart and passion to carry the message of Christ will increase as we study and learn from Jonah. From my heart to yours,

Pastor Tom

Church Family and Friends Sympathy

Christian Sympathy is extended to Pat & David Broyles and family upon the passing of her Mother, Martha Reed, in Fall Branch, TN. September 13. Notes may be sent to the Broyles at 2547 Fair Oaks Rd., Decatur, GA 30033.

Thank You

Dear PCC Family, We are so grateful for the beautiful expressions of sympathy shared with us during this time. Your love and support continue to comfort us. With appreciation, Bob Upchurch and Family

Thank You

Thanks to everyone at Peachtree Christian Church for making our August 5th wedding a wonderful, memorable day. Rev. Harris and all the PCC people were very helpful and made the day run seamlessly. Thank you again for everything. Leah and Mathew Kendry

Holy Communion, anointing and prayer, are available to the ill and homebound upon personal request through the Church office.

Thoughts on Faith by Frankey Jones, Peachtree Childtown Director She was not quite four years old and she had just mastered the backyard swing. This particular morning was beautiful just like it has been the past week. As she pumped the swing higher making the poles shift against the concrete ballast, her singing would grow more and more animated. An old favorite. “I’ve got the JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY down in my heart, down in my heart to stay.” Then she sang “I’ve got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus . . .” I could see and hear everything from the window over the kitchen sink. A priceless moment. I can still see it in vivid detail, preserved in the scrapbook of my mind. Undaunted by the shifting swing set she ratcheted up her singing on the last verse. I stopped rinsing dishes so I could hear more clearly. It was hard to make out at first. I had to concentrate to hear “I’ve got a piece of plastic understanding down in my heart, down in my heart.” As I reflect on that day I realize that Rebecca was penning her first hymn inspired by I Corinthians 13:12. “For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” Thank you, Rebecca, for making me look at things from a different perspective. Paul tells the truth: how we “know” is influenced by where we are in life. More importantly what we “don’t know” expands exponentially with age. I have a list of questions I’m planning to ask when I see God face to face. Will I have to ask or will I just know?

Scripture Readings

Proverbs 31:10-31 | Psalm 1 | James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a | Mark 9:30-37

You’re Invited t o

H o m e c o m i n g

2 0 0 9

S u n d ay, O c t o b e r 4

9:00 Chapel Service

11:00 Sanctuary Service Dr. Fred Craddock preaching 12:15 Fellowship Carry-In Dinner 2:00 “Requiem” by Gabriel Faure in memory of Molly Respess Gardner

Youth Article by A.J. Cook (Roundup Day)


Last Sunday was the annual Round Up Day and it was a great. This is the day when the kids learn about our Disciples of Christ heritage. The youth helped with the activities. I got to help with make s’mores with one of my friends and I got a surprise visit from my sister. There were also horse rides and games. We also helped clean up. It was a really fun day! I can’t wait for Round Up Day next year!

Sunday, September 20

Join the Revolution!

Revolution/Post College Class starts Sept. 20 at 10am in Room 218. How the Jesus Revolution impacts our lives in the city. Veronica Squires, Facilitator

CWF General Meeting

Join us for our quarterly dinner meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 21, in Burns Hall. Continuing with one of our study themes our guest speaker will be Julie Riggs, Executive Director of Redeemed, Inc. Redeemed is one of only three programs in Atlanta to provide rescue and recovery outreach to women and teenage girls ensnared in the sex-for-sale industry. Sadly, Atlanta is a center for this exploitation. To learn more go to the Redeemed website at Please call your group leader for reservations.

CWF Women’s Retreat

Women, would you like to get away from it all? You can! The Georgia Disciples women’s retreat is scheduled for Oct. 9-11, at the Norman Park Conference Center in Norman Park, GA. Rev. Patricia Case, professional Disciples communicator, will be our keynote speaker. We will have great programs, activities, fellowship, accommodations, and food. The cost is $155 for a shared room and $195 for a single room. This included retreat registration, housing and 6 delicious meals. A fifty percent fee subsidy will be extended to PCC attendees by our CWF.

9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:25 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

Children’s Councils Youth to Braves Game Sr Pastor Search Committee Community Svc. Meeting CAST

Monday, September 21

7:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Career Explorers CWF-Mary Martha Staff Meeting CWF General Meeting

Tuesday, September 22

8:00 p.m. Emotions Anonymous Wednesday, September 23

10:45 a.m. Alanon 6:30 p.m. Handbell Choir 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal Thursday, September 24

7:30 p.m. Families Anonymous 7:30 p.m. PCC Boy Scout Troop #67 Friday, September 25

5:00 p.m. Wedding Rehearsal Saturday, September 26

8:45 a.m. Dragonfly Saturday School 10:00 a.m. Business Debtors Anon 6:00 p.m. Wedding

Community Service Ministry will meet Sunday, September 20, at 12:25 in the Library

Prayer Partner Our Prayer Partner this week is Erin Ables, 18, granddaughter of PCC members Vera & Doug Gandy. She’s undergoing treatment for leukemia at CHC Egleston. Notes of encouragement may be sent to her and her parents, Dawn & Allen Ables, 209 E. 3rd St., Rome, GA 30161.

Sunday, October 11 | 6:30 p.m.






EXPLORERS EVERY 3RD MONDAY | 7:30 A.M. | BURNS HALL Join the Keenagers for three days and two nights at our assembly in beautiful Black Mountain, NC.


Call Agnes at 404-876-5535 for details.

Serving in Worship Today 9:00 a.m. Elders: Hunter Keith & Scot Kirkpatrick Director: Scott Thurmond Serving: Alison and Kenn Bruley, Mary Powell Fowler, Jo-Anne Graham-Jones, Jamie Muller, Eun Hee Seglem, Ronn Smith, Theresa HammSmith, Butch Woodyard 11:00 a.m. Elders: Lamar and Vicki Lambert & Kay Johnson (Narthex) Director : Scott Sainovich Serving : Mary and Tony Burger, Doreen and Rob Curry, Julie Dorney, Ed Milam, Carol Purdy Fields, Ruth Ann Tyler, Stephen and Evis Weizenecker, Russ Jobson Greeters: Jim and Mavis Benton, Ray Grubbs, Mimi Mathison, Maribeth Wilcox Ushers: Henry Williams-captain, Bob Saudek, Lamar & Vicki Lambert, Newton Wilcox Stephen Minister: Bob Tyler (Available in the Chapel after Service)

Sunday September 13

Peachtree Christian Church Worship (9 a.m.) 48 Worship (11 a.m.) 233 Children’s Ministry (11 a.m.) 107 Total Attendance 388 Tithe & Offering Faithful at the Crossroads Designated Gifts Stewardship Fund Mem. Other Total Income

$19,359.46 $720.00 $100.00 $70.00 $4,310.60 $24,560.06

Johns Creek Christian Church Total Attendance 114 Tithe & Offering $5,388.30 Other $593.00 Total Income $5,981.30 Spirit of Joy Christian Church Attendance 34 Tithe & Offering $1,097.00 Total Income $1,097.00

Flowers The flowers on the Altar today are given by Lib Mowry to the glory of God and in loving memory of her husband, Jim Mowry.

Church Staff Rev. Tom Harris....................Interim Senior Minister Rev. Jim Bell..........................Music/Special Ministries Rev. Pete Dingeldey.............Church Administration Rev. Nancy Oliver........................ Children and Youth Rev. Bob Tyler............................................ Pastoral Care Mr. Herbert Buffington, M.Mus..................Organist Rev. Randal Barnhart.....Sr. Pastor Johns Creek CC Dr. Garen Dodson......Pastor/Dev. Spirit of Joy CC Ms. Frankey Jones........................Childtown Director Ms. Dottie Benjamin........ Interim Wedding Coord. Ms. Amy Anderson........Communications Manager Ms. Agnes Ogir............................................Receptionist Mrs. Pat Grubbs..............................Financial Secretary Mr. Thadious Turner..........Maintenance Supervisor Ms. Courtney Lambert....................... Youth Director Mrs. Robin Schulz............ Children’s Educ. Director

Supported Ministries

City of Eden Village (City of Refuge) Campbell Stone Genesis Haggai Midtown Assistance

Mrs. Leslie Sainovich........Pre-School & Music Dir. Mrs. Ellie Shelton......Children & Youth Choir Dir. Mrs. Christina Staton...................... Nursery Director Peachtree Christian Church.............. . 404-876-5535 PCC Fax............................................ 404-872-5894 PCC Prayer Line..............................404-607-1447 Website.................................................. Prayer [email protected] Johns Creek Christian Church..........770-418-1101 Website............................... Spirit of Joy Christian Church...........770-943-4393 Peachtree Christian Hospice.............. 770-232-7727 Website................ Peachtree Childtown.............................404-874-0061 Website .

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