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  • Words: 602
  • Pages: 2
Creeds, Beliefs, and Opinions Creeds God – there is one God, who is eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Jesus Christ – was God in human flesh, rose again from the dead, is the only Savior and is coming again. The Holy Spirit – is the third part of the Trinity, is God and always points to Jesus. The Trinity – there is one God eternally present in three persons: God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures – are infallible and inerrant in the original languages. Salvation – is by grace through faith in the substitutionary work of Jesus on the cross.

Beliefs God – is a good God, always has our best interests at heart, is love, is knowable and approachable, He never changes and is not a respecter of persons (treats all men the same). Jesus Christ – is now seated at the right hand of the Father as our High Priest. He is coming to earth to establish a 1,000 yr kingdom on earth from Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit – is present and at work today in the life of believers. There has been no cessation of His work or His gifts – like God the Father, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Bible – should be understood literally if at all possible. In those passages that are figurative or symbolic, the scripture should be understood in context with other scriptures, in historical and cultural context and by illumination of the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures as we know them – excluding the Apocrypha – are closed – that is there no new revelation or additional scriptures. Sacraments – there are two sacraments of the Christian church 1. Water baptism – is a commandment of God, is reserved for those who have openly confessed their acceptance of Jesus as their Lord and Savior and is accomplished by immersion.

2. The Lord’s Supper – is a commandment of God, is open to any member of the body of Christ, has as its origin the pesach seder, and should be observed with reverence. Healing – is available today, is promised in the Scripture, and is manifested by gifts of the Spirit, believing prayer, intercession, anointing with oil, the laying on of hands, and the grace of God. Baptism of the Holy Spirit – is available for believers today. While every believer has the seal of the Holy Spirit at salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a work of filling and an endowment of power. The most common biblical evidence is speaking in tongues as a private prayer language. Faith – is believing what God says in His word above all else. We please God by our faith, we come boldly to His throne in prayer by faith, we receive all good things from God through our faith, and we walk by faith. End Times – Jesus Christ will return for His Church before the Tribulation begins, there will follow seven years of Tribulation, then He will return to earth to set up His kingdom from Jerusalem for 1,000 yrs. After the final battle of Armageddon, Jesus will cast the devil and all of hell into the lake of fire for eternity, the New Jerusalem will descend and we will enter eternity. Notes: On healing – while we do not claim to know or understand every circumstance where people have prayed for healing and not received, we do believe that it is God’s will to heal. On Baptism of Holy Spirit – is not to be confused with salvation. Salvation is by grace through faith.

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