Credit Cards

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,994
  • Pages: 14
My offer to all of you still stands- if any of you don’t want to receive my e-mails or want to read what I write that is not a problem- send me a polite e-mail requesting me to take your name of the mailing list and I shall do so immediately. The pleasure is always mine as it also saves me a few Paisa and Rupees for the Bits and Bytes by which I am charged from my Broadband provider.


Why is not advisable to use CREDIT CARDS? Simple it is not your MONEY which you are SPENDING and you are not PULLING the CURRENCY-you are GETTING PULLED DOWN-that is why. Basically if you take MONEY at the highest level- it is the BELIEF one has in the MIND and CURRECY at the same level it is the PULL one has in the BODY. So basically when a BANK issues you a CREDIT CARD they are not doing you any favors they are doing themselves many favors. So where does the BANK get it’s is money from? GOD? Well I guess as Children we might have believed in it. But as mature adults we do know from people who work hard and manage their MONEY well and are able to SAVE some money and deposit it in the BANK. So when you use CREDIT CARD you are actually receding because you did not use your money and therefore you have induced FALSE BOOM. So the WORLD RECEDES so someone some where DIED and without able to FULLFILL their DREAMS.

So when you use CREDIT CARD and spent money then you owe the community a favor the least you can do is pay it back within the given time without any delays. The best you can do is not to use the CREDIT CARD at all. Top BUSINESSMAN never use- CREDIT CARDS in fact many never even use VISTING CARDS even. The reason is their BUSINESS DECISIONS can go wrong. All BUSINESS revolves around HUMANS so you may make a MISTAKE on whom you TRUST with the BUSINESS. The other DANGER of using CREDIT CARD is the TEMPTATION to spend- see when you see any OBJECT you DESIRE it is HUMAN to try and POSSESS it and the most DANGEROUS OF ALL OBJECTS is WOMEN. So when you fall for the attractions and the play into the PULL the TROUBLE starts. This can become an ADDICTION as you will start BUYING things with MONEY that does not BELONG to you- and you become a DEBTOR. You might take the GAME to the NEXT LEVEL- by using one CREDIT CARD to PAY another CREDIT CARDwhen you don’t realize all the TIME your MIND is CONTRACTING and not EXPANDING and your are RECEDING. So instead of EVOLVING from APE to





All the time you think you can get away and you see the world on the OUT

- basically through other people’s BELIEF- and you HIT the



on your HEAD

-the Joke hits you.

Then you start looking for someone to BELIEVE you and PAY of your DEBTS- but you cannot find anyone as no one BELIEVES you as your WORDS you SPEAK don’t REGISTER. Now the BANK starts WINNING- they start sending you LETTERS and asking you to PAY. Sometimes you even have to GIVE up your WIFE- in case the BANKER

fancies her very much-you can do nothing about it. Then you might find men like MORIS WEST and ARTHUR HAILEY writing books like HARLEQUIN


inside the BANK

from how they saw the MOVIE from


About getting a GOOD JOB? Well in Britain and in USA I can tell you no decent EMPLOYER will employ you that easily because all the time EXPERIAN

is getting UPDATED and when they do a CREDIT VETTING on you it shows a very POOR TRACK RECORD- so that does not go well

with the COMPANY as they will not be able to get the RETURNS on your WAGES quickly enough. Can you get away without paying say if you get a CREDIT CARD and use it say you are


Well I know several students in UK

in Britain or USA?

and USA who have used

CREDIT CARDS and they increase their CREDIT LIMIT and when they were going to leave they decided to utilize all the CREDIT and run away to India

. The Logic: That they are leaving USA and UK for good and in India they will not be able to catch them at all and that serves the BLOODY WHITE FUCKERS in BRITAIN and USA right. Well to be honest any CREDIT CARD that has been issued is a sort of the BELIEF that particular community has placed on you so that you in return pay back the BELIEF another day by doing something good for them or for their Children. Now when you are student in United Kingdom or in USA- they issue a CARD then it is

UK Pounds or US DOLLARS . That money belongs to all those who Believe in Britain and USA and they are lending you their MONEYtheir BELIEF to you so that you don’t have problems as they understand you are a student. You are GOODWILL AMBASSADOR who not only represent your interests but also the interests of your nation and that of the Future Generations to come.

Now when that honor is given to you is simply because the previous generations of Indians have by and large been HONEST and contributed to the growth of their communities. They think that you are TRUST WORTHY being an Indian the BRITISH BANKS and AMERICAN BANKS issue you a CREDIT CARD. But then when you think that you can pull a fast one on them and do a runner- well they will catch at one point-now how do they do that?

Well the moment you start using CREDIT CARD EXPERIAN gets updated. Now they create a CREDIT HISTORY on you. So when you don’t pay they send you letters each worded more STRONGLY than the OTHER- when you don’t

respond then your name automatically goes on FRAUD WATCH


So now if you happen to study in Britain the next step would be to work for so called

MNC (Multi National Company)



- which is considered as a STATUS

-you can ENHANCE your PROSPECTS of finding your

or a GIRL

. But to be honest that is

the biggest MYTH- in fact if you work for a MULTI NATIONAL COMPANY in

INDIA- 90% chance you become a CORPORATE DUMMY


To be honest I never worked for a MULTI NATIONAL COMPANY in India when I started out. I worked for small companies and I knew all the DIRECTORS and they treated me as EQUAL REALLY- that was more important. In fact the company I worked for the longest period was my neighbors Mr.Narasimhan’s company. Well he himself worked for TOP CORPORATIONS and he knew all the games. So he told me Vikram I know you don’t use CREDIT CARDS but even if they offer you it is good you refuse- it will land you in SERIOUS TROUBLE. But even if you want to experiment with it you pay the money back within the 27 days GRACE PERIOD

. But I had very little reason for CREDIT CARD as I generally lived within my means. In

case RICH FRIENDS like Mr. Mayoor Balsara called me to BANGALORE- I used to make my TERMS CLEAR with him- that MAYOOR

you see I just cannot afford to go to places where you go-so I would rather wait when I become RICH again. He said hey that is not a- PROBLEM Money will also come back to you- you land up here and I pay for everything. So sometimes in

less than 7 hours in a CLUB in Bangalore Mayoor would have paid a BILL-which was what I made in a whole MONTH!!!!!

As for the MYTH that you get EXTRA ADVANTAGE when you take CLIENTS

out when you PAY BY CREDIT CARD- then that ENHANCES your STATUS and the CLIENT Believes you-

When I take clients out it is always on my terms and it is always been that they need something out of me and I don’t care whether I need to meet them or not. As for the DRINKS- well I never DRINK if I have to agree upon something in BUSINESS and only after the AGREEMENT is REACHED- I DRINK -and they PAYbecause I was the MAN-who did them the FAVORS in BUSINESS. As for the calls I have to take for the company to negotiate COMPAQ. Well as there is always lots of Alcohol involved in all these serious business dinners I attend. I drink

VODKA with water- so I keep MIXING it and DRINK only the WATER but order the DRINKS for Mr. Yateesh PIMP Govindan- as he slowly gets DRUNK I ask him something more personal-about what exactly you guys get up to in COMPAQ CORPORATE BREAKS IN THAILAND?

Well slowly the CAT comes out of the BAG. But being a COMPAQ hotshot he pays all my BILLS also for all the VODKA I didn’t drink and he asks me soHow many PRESARIOS are you going to ORDER- 35- I got to TELL RAVI now? I tell him 2 – but then if I wake up in the morning and I think I cannot do that it will be 1I just walk away from the HOTEL CALLED QUALITY INN ARUNA. Next day at work: The Deputy Manager-Retail has a DEPUTY to take down DETAILS-Helen Rosylyn is her name.

She asks me- Sir Yateesh is asking- ask your BOSS what is the NUMBER he is going to PICK up this week?

Tell him the same as the times he BANG COCKED



She looks at me BLANK

- I don’t understand sir-

I told her you will some day- anyway tell him 3- that too it is just for him that I’am doing this favor.

You fill the Order Form

and also sign it on my behalf and fax it.

After that I was scratched off his DINNER and DRINKING BUDDY LIST FOREVER

Phone Rings - she picks up- she says Sunitha Sir-with a SHY SMILE on her Face-would you like me to go behind to the other room Sir? I tell her not necessary Helen you stand here-I have no problems.

So back to the CREDIT CARD FRAUDSTER - So now the FRAUD WATCH is activated. The MULTI NATIONAL COMPANY asks the CREDIT CARD THIEF to go to United Kingdom for Training or for some Business. Well AMNESIA or IGNORANCE completely BLINDS them to the DANGER that LOOMS ahead. So he/she applies for a VISA and if they are LUCKY the VISA is denied on GROUNDS that the PERSON is on FRAUD WATCH list.

Obviously your HR

is going to ask you why?

You say you don’t know-



and they tell him or her the reason.

Then when you go to the TERMINAL and you see 3 POLITE WORDS-YOU





If you are unlucky you slip through the NET- then when you enter any of these nations they will see the FRAUD WATCH INDICATOR at ENTRY POINT

and they will POLITELY ask you to come with them. If you are most UNLUCKY and you slip through this NET also and you reach the


your COCK

- well you might come back to India MINUS


As for me I did use CREDIT CARD during my last 4 months period in India before I

went to SCOTLANDbut I paid all the money back within the 27 days period always. But for one time it was not my FAULT as my CHEQUE cleared late-but I didn’t dispute I paid the SKY HIGH INTEREST RATE. But the only reason I got a CREDIT CARD was because I wanted to buy an ENGAGEMNET GIFT for my FUTURE WIFE- I saw this SILVER TAJ MAHAL

from ORISSA on the NET- but I could only buy it with a CREDIT CARD-so STANDARD CHARTED OFFERED me one- and HSBC called and followed suit. So I took it and I used it just to entertain my friends for the last phase of my life here and fill PETROL- So finally when I was just about to leave CHENNAI for SCOTLAND I made sure that all my DUES were PAID- I signed two CHEQUES one for STANDARD CHARTED and the other for HSBC for flying with no DEBTS.

But then a few years later life rendered me with 2 blows one after the other-one before


I lost my AUNT to CANCER

and one after it


as I planning to go to BAHRAIN

and meet her in about 8 months time. She visited Scotland and one of her last words to my wife and myself were- I want you and Vikram to come to my house in Bahrain and meet me once and spend some time with me.

I guess I was left COMFORTABLY NUMB when I was just finishing work at 8:00 Pm and walking out of my office when my mother called and broke the news on that cold Winter day. I put the TRAGEDY behind me and thought well at least I will meet my GRANDFATHER as I was flying back to India in less than a MONTH and I am still lucky. But that is not the way LIFE was meant to be-just 7 days short of me flying down and meeting him on Jan 14th 2005- my grandfather passed away on Jan 7th-as the TRUTH hits me hard through my SMS- as my MOBILE PHONE VIBRATED-I knew what the MESSAGE could have been….I thought it was a BAD DREAM- as I told my MANAGER and went back to work-as I was in a TRANCE managing the accountswhen a WOMEN asked me for more TIME FRAME to pay her DEBTS OFF- I just gave her the TIME without even looking into the ACCOUNT-she THANKED me PROFUSELY and said GOD BLESS YOU SON….those were the last words as the TERMINAL went BLUR in front of my EYES- I just walked up to my Manager Mrs. Janice Lawson and told her I just got to leave…..she as well as the whole TEAM was PLUNGED in GRIEF for a MAN who they have never seen or even MET- their GRIEF was REAL and from their HEART- it is a GREAT INSTITUTION I thought.

I wondered in my FLIGHT why a man who said he would hit a CENTURY would DIE so suddenly at 85- when he was still walking and talking. I suppose that is DEATH- it makes you ask a HUNDRED questions-those you never asked when the person was alive-and you take them for granted. It was even more BIZZARE that when I came back again 6 months later that the TEMPLE PRIEST told me that he had told him that he was going to DIE the next morning. This was like watching SACHIN TENDULKAR batting at 85 and you think he will hit a CENTURY and you go to buy yourself a DRINK and when you come back he is OUT. Then you read in the newspapers that Tendulkar had actually planned to get out and he even told the UMPIRE before in ADVANCE- you cannot even call that MATCH FIXING- you wonder what is going on with this world. I checked all my DEBTS- I had none and when I was just looking at the internet- I had a message FLASHING AT MY SCREEN- CHECK PAST CREDIT CARD USAGEI just realized that I may not have committed the GREATEST SIN of DECEVING that I always paid my CREDIT CARDS on TIME- but I did suppose COMMIT the GREATER SIN-of NOT BELIEVING that I did USE CREDIT CARD- so I guess I paid a PERSONAL PRICE-DEATH tells a STORY that LIFE doesn’t I told my MANAGER Janice Lawson when I got back. My friend Parthasarathy Nagarajan told me- Vikram when I was in USA- I used to get RIDICULOUS OFFERS from CREDIT CARD COMPANIES-but I refuse them all- I pay everything by DEBIT CARD or CASH-even my CAR- I had no need to buy a house even if I did I would have perhaps saved the CASH up and bought it. Well I thought perhaps that is why my Grandfather saw you as another Bill Gates- very SMART!!! As for me I came back to my GRANDFATER’s HOUSE- I guess his FAMOUS LAST WORDS does RING IN MY EAR ALL THE TIMEI am only a STATE BUILDER Your Father a NATION BUILDER But you will go on to be an EMPIRE BUIILDER If you know where the EMPIRES are BUILT- you got to keep that PLACE-DEBT FREE ZONE So whenever a CREDIT CARD company calls me UP- I politely REFUSE and keep the RECEIVER DOWN- I guess these DAYS in the INFORMATION DRIVEN SOCIETY a LOT MANY COMPANIES CALL ME- and OFFER all kinds of TERMS…..but I like to DO BUSINESS ALWAYS ON MY TERMS…that is SOMETHING THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE IN ME….IT IS MY WAY-but it is

up to you whether you want to hit the MINTY HIGHWAY


I leave to my OPPONENT



I only give ADVICE- If you can give me your CLITORIS LADY you can have my

BUSINESS but if you feel my ASKING PRICE


in my BOARD ROOM- then you are FREE to leave and RECONSIDER my OFFER and COME BACK ANOTHER DAY………..before



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