Creation To Christ- Week 4 Bible Study

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Youth Devotional Creation to Christ- Week 4

©Tad Wychopen 2009 Day 1 Daily Reading: Genesis 27:1-29; Psalm 44 Have you ever lied or used deceit to get what you thought was yours? Lying and deceit is never right. In this passage, we will see how Jacob tricked his father Isaac so that he would receive the first-born child’s blessing. 1.) Read verses Genesis 27:1-4. What did Isaac want Esau to do? 2.) Who overheard this conversation? 3.) What did Rebekah tell Jacob? (verses 6-10) Explanation: Rebekah desperately wanted Jacob to be blessed with the greater inheritance. She was willing to deceive her own husband to get her way. She did not trust the promise of God from Genesis 25:23! 4.) Why was Jacob hesitant to do this? (27:11-12) Explanation: Jacob was extremely nervous and hesitant about his plan. In fact, he realized that he might bring a curse upon himself for doing this. Rebekah said, “Just obey me and let your curse be on me.” 5.) Did Jacob follow through with his mother’s deceitful plan? (verses 14-17) 6.) What were the lies that Jacob told in verses 18-20? 7.) Did Isaac believe the lies of his son Jacob? (verses 24-27) 8.) Did Isaac bless Jacob? (27:27-29) Explanation: Isaac thought that he was blessing his son Esau, but Jacob tricked him. God intended the blessing to go through Jacob, but God did not condone the sin and deceit of Jacob. Tomorrow’s lesson will show some of the problems that came to Jacob because of his sin. Application: It is NEVER right to do wrong, even though you might think it will produce good results. Cheating on a test, lying or deceiving parents or authorities, changing a story so it doesn’t hurt another person – all these are deceptive sins. God hates lying and deception. Read these verses that talk about lying: Proverbs 6:16-29; 19:9; Ephesians 4:25. What does God think about lying? Confess your sin to the Lord and ask Him to help you obey Him and be truthful! Day 2 Daily Reading: Genesis 27:30-28:5 ; Proverbs 1 Jacob sinned by lying to his father. He deceived him. Jacob chose to sin against God, but Jacob could not choose what his punishments were to his sin. 1.) Did Esau go kill an animal and bring the food to Isaac as he was told? 2.) In verse 33, what did Isaac realize? 3.) Esau realized that Jacob had tricked his father. What did Esau want his father to do? (27:36)

4.) Did Isaac undo the blessing that he gave to Jacob? 5.) Did he bless Esau? Explanation: Esau was devastated! First Jacob took the birthright and now the blessing. Jacob was going to have the priority over his brother. Esau did get blessed, but the blessing still put Jacob above Esau. 6.) How did Esau feel about his brother after the blessing? (27:41) 7.) What did Rebekah tell Jacob to do? 8.) Where did Isaac tell Jacob to go to get a wife? (28:1-2) 9.) What blessing did Jacob receive from his father? (28:3-4) Explanation: It seems like Jacob got away with everything, right? Wrong! Jacob was still very blessed. Despite his sin, God chose to use and bless him, but Jacob did have punishments. 1.) He was never able to see his mother again after he left. 2.) Esau hated him and wanted to kill him. 3.) Laban, his uncle, would later deceive him. 4.) His family was constantly full of turmoil and conflict. 5.) He was exiled from his family for years. Jacob did not need to lie and cheat to get his way; God would provide! Application: Compare the life of Abraham and Jacob. Abraham had ultimate faith and completely obeyed God. Jacob was still blessed and used by God, but he never had the dame character that Abraham did. Abraham showed us how to trust God, and Jacob shows us the foolishness in disobeying God. Determine in your heart to always be faithful and obey God. You can choose your sin, but you cannot choose your consequences. Day 3 Daily Reading: Genesis 29:28; 30: 22-24; 35:23-26; 37: 1-10; Psalm 45 Jacob was the descendant of Abraham. Jacob’s descendants would make a great nation. Jacob’s testimony had many blemishes, but he still honored God in many ways. Jacob left his home with Isaac, Esau, and Rebekah and went to his uncle Lanban’s home. His uncle allowed him to work for seven years to marry Rachel, his daughter, only to trick him and make him first marry Leah, his oldest daughter. 1.) Read Genesis 29:28. Did Jacob eventually get to marry Rachel? 2.) Read Genesis 30:22-24. Did Rachel have any children? 3.) Read Genesis 35:23-26. Who were Jacob’s twelve sons? Explanation: Jacob had twelve sons; these twelve sons would become very important to the nation Israel. Some of them were the foundation for the tribes of Israel. For now, we will specifically study one of Jacob’s sons. 4.) Read Genesis 37:1-11. Where was Jacob living at this time? 5.) How old was his son Joseph? 6.) Why did Jacob love his son Joseph the most? 7.) How did Joseph’s brothers feel about this situation? 8.) Read verses 5-8. What was Joseph’s dream about?

9.) What was Joseph’s dream in verse 9? 10.)How did his family feel about these dreams? Explanation: Joseph was a very special young man. He was not the promised one that would save people form sin, but he was a person that would save his family. Joseph’s life is marked by people treating him wrong; however, God would bless him in an amazing way. Joseph responded properly to difficult situations. Application: During difficult times, it is critical to continue obeying the Lord. Joseph went through hard times, times when it seemed like no one liked him; however, during these times, he continued to obey and trust the Lord! Day 4 Daily Reading: Genesis 37:12-36; Proverbs 2 Have you ever been mistreated and despised by others, even thought you didn’t do anything to deserve the persecution? When we are not treated well by others, it is an opportunity to glorify the Lord. When others want to ridicule and mistreat someone, what is your response? Do you join in the ridicule, or do you put an end to the ungodly actions? 1.) When Israel (Jacob) asked Joseph to go to Shechem, how did Joseph respond? 2.) What was the responsibility of Joseph on this trip? (37:14) 3.) Where did Joseph find his brothers? Explanation: Dothan was about 65 miles north of Hebron, the place from where Joseph started his journey. Joseph had a long ways to go from home, but he obeyed and found his brothers. 4.) What did Joseph’s brothers want to do to him when they saw him coming? 5.) Who prevented them from doing that to Joseph? (verses 21-22) 6.) Did they listen to his idea? 7.) What did Judah propose to do with Joseph when he saw the company of Ishmaelites? (verses 25-28) 8.) Where did the Ishmaelites take Joseph? (verses 28 and 36) 9.) When Reuben found that they had sold Joseph, what did he do? 10.)What lie did the sons tell their father Jacob? 11.)How long did Jacob say he would morn the death of Joseph? Explanation: Joseph was simply obeying his father when his brothers decided to “rid” themselves of their little brother. One sin lead to another, and suddenly, their problem was very terrible. The sons of Jacob were not concerned with obeying their God or their father. They only one that did obey was Joseph! Application: Whom do you think God would bless: obedient Joseph or his sinful brothers? Of course, God will bless obedience! Take note of Joseph’s life and obey God and your earthly authorities! Day 5 Daily Reading: Genesis 39:1-23; Psalm 46

Wow, Joseph was threatened to be killed, thrown into a pit, sold as a slave, and then taken from his homeland to a foreign country- Egypt! Talk about a bad day! Have you ever had a day as bad as that? Probably, not, but we have all had bad days. On those days, did you respond properly and obey God or did you get upset and turn from God? Joseph’s story continues in Genesis 39. Joseph encountered many difficulties, but he endured and stayed obedient to God. God remained faithful to His servant Joseph! 1.) Who bought Joseph from the Ishmaelites? (Genesis 39:1) 2.) Read verses 2-4. Some might think that the Lord abandoned Joseph, but is this true? 3.) Why did the Lord bless Potiphar’s house and possessions? 4.) What did Potiphar give to Joseph to control? Explanation: Joseph continued to obey the Lord, and the Lord continued to bless Joseph. He quickly rose to the position of leadership because of his faithfulness. Everything except for the wife of Potiphar was under the control of Joseph! 5.) Potiphar’s wicked and immoral wife wanted to commit adultery with Joseph. What did Joseph say to Potiphar’s wife in verse nine? 6.) Potiphar’s wicked wife daily tried to seduce Joseph. What did Joseph do when Potiphar’s wife found him all alone and then tempted him? (10-13) 7.) What lies did she tell to the servants and to her husband? 8.) What did Potiphar do with Joseph because of the false accusation? (20) 9.) Did the Lord bless Joseph while he was in prison? How? Explanation: Joseph was wise and obedient. When he was tempted, he ran away! He was a man of integrity; he stood for the truth. Joseph did not allow the lies of others detract him from obeying God. Joseph continued to obey God even in the prison! Application: The applications from this passage are obvious. Joseph obeyed God and was blessed. Joseph ran from temptation and did not allow hardships to distract him from obeying God. This world is filled with wickedness and immorality. Every form of media attempts to tell people that immorality and wickedness is all right. Christian, you must be like Joseph! Guard your heart and run from temptation! Look up 2 Timothy 2:22. Write that verse out below. Memorize this verse.

Day 6 Daily Reading: Acts 7-8; Proverbs 3 Using at least three sentences, summarize your thoughts about Acts 7-8. Write down your opinion of the testimony of the faithful men mentioned in these chapters.

Day 7 Daily Reading: Proverbs 4; Psalm 47 Read Proverbs 4. This chapter gives a contrast between wisdom and wickedness. Write down five benefits of wisdom. From this passage, why do you think wisdom is better than wickedness?

Read Psalm 47. Write down at least four reasons why we should praise the Lord God. Notice the ruler of the nations and the world. Does it comfort you that God is control and is the ruler of the earth?

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