Crc@20: Minister's Remarks At Uganda Launch Of Sowc Crc 20th Anniversary Edition

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  • Pages: 4
MINISTRY OF GENDER, LABOUR & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Remarks by Hon. Lt. (Rtd.) Jessica Alupo Epel, Minister of State for Youth and Children Affairs on the Occasion of the Special Children’s Parliamentary Session and Launch of UNICEF’s The State of the World’s Children Special Edition to Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

Parliament Conference Room Friday, 20 November 2009


Our Chief Guest, The First Lady and Hon. Member of Parliament for Ruhama County, Hon. Janet Kataaha Museveni, The Honorary Junior Speaker of this Assembly, The UNICEF Representative in Uganda, Dr. Sharad Sapra, The Chairperson, Uganda Parliamentary Forum for Children Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Members of Parliament, Religious Leaders, Representatives of Civil Society, The Media Fraternity Ladies, Gentlemen, and the Children of Uganda

Today, I am extremely privileged, as the Minister responsible for the wellbeing of children in this country, to preside and welcome you to this auspicious occasion, when Uganda joins the rest of the world to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Most importantly, is the presence in this August gathering, of 80 boys and girls from the various regions of the country, selected to represent all children in this country.

Our Chief Guest, Honorary Junior Speaker, Ladies, Gentlemen, and the Children of Uganda

Many of you have already witnessed the excellent presentations the children have made this morning, challenging all of us, and most especially the Members of Parliament, and putting us to task to account for the unpleasant status of the various social indicators that reflect the unenviable situation of children in our country. It is evident from their presentations, that we must work together, toward putting our children on top of our development agenda in order to ensure meaningful and sustainable development for our country.

Our Chief Guest, Honorary Junior Speaker, Ladies, Gentlemen, and the Children of Uganda


Today, is a very important day for all children and adults alike because we mark 20 years of coming into force of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. We reflect on what has been done and what has not been done. We renew our commitments as we re-check our strategic interventions at individual, community, nation, region, and global levels. As you are aware, Uganda ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in November 1990. In doing so, the Government of Uganda committed itself to adhere to the provisions of the Convention, which include among others, to respect and to progressively fulfill Children’s Rights.

I am glad to report that we as Government have,

among other things, led in providing Universal Primary Education, provision of free health services and an expanded programme on immunization (EPI), and instituted extensive policies like the National Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children’s Policy, to ensure that our children survive, develop and are protected against harmful influences and environment.

We have also met our obligations to report on the rights of the child as required by the Convention, and highlighted our progress towards the realization of child rights. While there is definitely some good progress, Government is still concerned that Uganda is one of the 10 countries in the world with the highest number of deaths of under-5 children. This is unacceptable. Every child has the right to life. But it is not the job of Government alone. It is the responsibility of every one - every member of Ugandan society - to ensure that children survive, that they are healthy, and safe from harm. No one can afford to sit on the fence.

Our Chief Guest, Honorary Junior Speaker, Ladies, Gentlemen, and the Children of Uganda

I would like to take this opportunity, Guest of Honour, to thank our partners in development, who have tirelessly worked with the Government of Uganda in ensuring that our dear children enjoy their human rights. As government, we appeal to you to continue in the spirit


of this co-operation so that together, we can secure the future of this nation. As Government, we cherish and embrace the public-private partnershp, and we are determined to continue cooperating with you, our development partners, for the good of our children.

Finally, it gives me great pleasure to welcome the Representative of the United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF in Uganda, Dr. Sharad Sapra, to present a special edition of The State of the World’s Children Report, which has been specially published to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Thank you. ***


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