Cranial Nerve 1st

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  • Words: 670
  • Pages: 21
The cranial nerves

1. The definition of CN The cranial nerves are the nerves which are attached to the brain. CNI Olfactory nerve CNⅡ Optic nerve CNⅢ Oculomotor nerve CNⅣ Trochlear nerve CNⅤ Trigeminal nerve CNⅥ Abducent nerve CNⅦ Facial nerve CNⅧ Vestibulocochlear nerve

CNⅩ Vagus nerve

CNⅨ Glossopharyngeal nerve

CNⅪ Accessory nerve CNⅫ Hypoglossal nerve

2. The cranial nerves consist of 7 kinds of nervous fiber components Structures innervated SENSORY TYPE genernal somatic

skin,muscles, joints of the head,most mucous membrane of the oral and nasal cavity

special somatic

retina; inner ear

genernal visceral

cranial, thoracic, abdominal viscera

special visceral

taste buds; olfactory region

2. The cranial nerves consist of 7 kinds of nervous fiber components Structures innervated MOTOR TYPE General somatic extraocular muscles; tongue muscles General visceral parasympathetic ganglia for cranial, thoracic, and abdominal smooth muscles and glands branchial masticatory muscles; facial muscles; (special viseral) middle ear muscles; laryngeal and pharyngeal muscles; sternocleidomastoid , trapezius

3. The classifications of cranial nerves ① The sensory nerves: CNI, CNII, CNVIII ② The motor nerves: CNIII, CN IV, CNVI, CNXI, CNXII ③ The mixed nerves: CNV, CNVII, CNIX, CNX

The olfactory nerve (CNI)

The olfactory nerve (CNI) Primary function: special visceral sensory (smell) Origin: mucous membrane of the olfactory region of the nasal cavity Passes through: cribriform foramina of ethmoid bone Destination: olfactory bulb

The optic nerve (CNII)

The optic nerve is inclosed in three layers of coverings. These coverings and the spaces between them are continuous with those of the brain. So that, the meningitis may involve the eyes.

The optic nerve (CNII) Primary function: special somatic sensory (vision) Origin: retina of eye Passes through: optic canal Destination: diencephalons

The oculomotor nerve (CNIII)

General somatic motor fibers arise from the oculomotor nucleus General visceral motor fibers arise from the accessory occulomotor nucleus Superior branch: sup. rectus, levator palpebrae superioriis Inferior branch: inf./med. rectus, inf. obliquus Ciliary ganglion

The oculomotor nerve ( CNIII) Primary function: motor, eye movements Origin: midbrain Passes through: sup. orbital fissure Destination: general somatic motor— sup./inf./med. rectus, inf. obliquus, levator palpebrae superioris general visceral motor —pupillary sphincter, ciliary muscles

The trochlear nerve ( CNIV )

The trochlear nerve ( CNIV ) Primary function: motor, eye movements Origin: midbrain Passes through: sup. orbital fissure Destination: sup. obliquus

The trigeminal nerve (CNV) Two roots :

Motor root Sensory root

The special visceral efferent fibers arise from the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve and only take part in the third division of the trigeminal nerve. The general somatic afferent fibers are made up of the central processes of neurons which are located in the trigeminal ganglion

The trigeminal nerve (CNV) Three divisions: The ophthalmic nerve (CNⅤ1) The maxillary nerve (CNⅤ2) The mandibular nerve (CNⅤ3)

The trigeminal nerve (CNV ) ophthalmic n. branches: ① lacrimal n. ② frontal n. ③ nasocillary n. It leaves the skull through the sup. orbital fissure

The trigeminal nerve (CNV ) maxillary n. branches: ① infraorbital n. ② pterygopalatine n. ③ sup. alveolar n. It leaves the skull through the foramen rotundum

The trigeminal nerve (CNV ) mandibular n. branches: ①the nerves of masticatory muscles ②buccal nerve ③auriculotemporal nerve ④inf. alveolar n. ⑤lingual n. corda tympani: a. visceral motor fibers : sup. salivatory nucleus. b. visceral sensory fibers: nucleus of solitary tract

It emerges through the foramen ovale

The trigeminal nerve (CNV ) Primary function: mixed ( sensory & motor) Origin: Ophthalmic nerve (sensory) —orbital structures, nasal cavity, skin of forehead.. Maxillary nerve (sensory) —skin between the fissures of eye and mouth, upper teeth and gums.. Mandibular nerve (mixed) —skin below the fissure of mouth, lower teeth and gums(sensory); motor nuclei of pons(motor) Passes through: Ophthalmic nerve —sup. orbital fissure Maxillary nerve —foramen rotundum Mandibular nerve —foramen ovale Destination: CNV1 , CNV2 and part of CNV3 to sensory nuclei in brainstem; part of CNV3 innervates muscles of mastication

The abducent nerve (CNVI )

The abducent nerve (CNVI ) Primary function: motor, eye movements Origin: pons Passes through: sup. orbital fissure of sphenoid bone Destination: lat. rectus

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