Cra Parts Faq

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 8,526
  • Pages: 54
gamefaqs: custom robo arena (ds) part location faq by ninjapenguicustom robo arena: part location faq by ninjapengui version 1.4, last updated 2007-04-17 view/download original file hosted by gamefaqs return to custom robo arena (ds) faqs & guides cccccc rrrrrr aaa cc cc cc cc cc cccccc

rr r rr r rrrrrr rr rr rr rr rr rr

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custom robo arena part list and location faqs.

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//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// introduction \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ welcome to my custom robo arena parts list and locations faqs! this faqs is designed to show where all the parts are located as well as the stats for each part.

version 1.0 - got everything done and put it, all that's left is correcting mistakes and adding extra stuff. version 1.1 - fixed a few mistakes, added more to tips sections. version 1.2 - fixed more mistakes, added some stuff. version 1.3 - changed hints/tips/notes into f.a.q. version 1.4 - added to general lists, fixed stuff. coming version 2.0: descriptions for parts, damage calculations for robos/guns, other stuff......

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// table of contents: ctr+f to search \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 1. how to use this faqs

2. robos a: b: c: d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: o:

shining fighter aerial beauty metal grappler little raider little sprinter sassy stunner wild soldier big boy old-timer trick flyer strike vanisher burning beast lightning sky illegal special

<shifig> <metgra> <sasstu> <wilsol> <strvan> <spe_r>

3. guns a: b: c: d: e:

short-range midrange long-range illegal special

<sho_g> <mid_g> <spe_g>

4. bombs a: normal b: illegal c: special

<nor_b> <spe_b>

5. pods a: normal b: illegal c: special

<pods> <nor_p> <spe_p>

6. legs a: normal b: illegal c: special

<nor_l> <spe_l>

7. holosseums a: normal b: underground c: illegal


8. location list a: midhart b: central c: harbor d: neobrain e: underground f: story/other

9. general lists a: locations b: blast types c: charge types

10. f.a.q.


11. special thanks

12. legal

13. contact

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. how to use this faqs \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ this faqs is divided in two main sections. the first (and larger) section lists all the parts and their stats and location. stats are also represented by blocks [] to help visualize and compare them. the second section lists the locations and what parts are there. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2. robos \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ how to read these: name--------------- model type (power/speed/defense/other) stats ------ #[blocks] blocks represent # charge ---- type/power(against dummy) air-dash -- # of dashes of jumps location: where to get --------------------------------------------------------------section a: shining fighter <shifig> --------------------------------------------------------------ray mk iii -------- power defense --- 5[][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 5[][][][][] aerial ---- 5[][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 2 location: obtained through story apollo ----------- speed defense --- 5[][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 6[][][][][][] aerial ---- 6[][][][][][] charge ---- flak air-dash -- 2


encephelon isle, central (right clerk)

shadow ------------ armor defense --- 6[][][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 5[][][][][] aerial ---- 5[][][][][] charge ---- movement air-dash -- 2 location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) ray

------------- other defense --- 7[][][][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 7[][][][][][][] aerial ---- 5[][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 2 location: clubhouse, get after liv's grudge match

ray mk ii --------- other defense --- 6[][][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 6[][][][][][] aerial ---- 5[][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 2 location: obtained through story, can be retrieved later from your father in his lab.


------------ other defense --- 4[][][][] endurance - 4[][][][] speed ----- 6[][][][][][] aerial ---- 6[][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 2 location: police station, free if you catch coyote.

ray 01 ------------ other defense --- 6[][][][][][] endurance - 6[][][][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 4[][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 2 location: underground shop --------------------------------------------------------------section b: aerial beauty ---------------------------------------------------------------

miranda ----------- power defense --- 4[][][][] endurance - 4[][][][] speed ----- 5[][][][][] aerial ---- 8[][][][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-jump -- 2 location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk)


------------- speed defense --- 4[][][][] endurance - 4[][][][] speed ----- 6[][][][][][] aerial ---- 8[][][][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-jump -- 2 location: neobrain shop

comet ------------- armor defense --- 4[][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 5[][][][][] aerial ---- 8[][][][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-jump -- 2 location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) ---------------------------------------------------------------section c: metal grappler <metgra> ---------------------------------------------------------------rock hound -------- power defense --- 7[][][][][][][] endurance - 8[][][][][][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 3[][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 1 location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) metal ape --------- speed defense --- 7[][][][][][][] endurance - 8[][][][][][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 4[][][][] charge ---- flak air-dash -- 1 location: neobrain shop crazy baboon ------ armor defense --- 8[][][][][][][][] endurance - 8[][][][][][][][]

speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 3[][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 1 location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) ------------------------------------------------------------------section d: little raider ------------------------------------------------------------------pipit ------------- power defense --- 2[][] endurance - 1[] speed ----- 9[][][][][][][][][] aerial ---- 3[][][] charge ---- evasion air-dash -- 3 location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk)

robin ------------- speed defense --- 2[][] endurance - 1[] speed ----- 10][][][][][][][][][] aerial ---- 3[][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 3 location: harbor (left clerk) rook -------------- armor defense --- 3[][][] endurance - 1[] speed ----- 9[][][][][][][][][] aerial ---- 3[][][] charge ---- movement air-jump -- 3 location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) -----------------------------------------------------------------section e: little sprinter -----------------------------------------------------------------nano -------------- power defense --- 2[][] endurance - 1[] speed ----- 8[][][][][][][][] aerial ---- 4[][][][] charge ---- attack air-jump -- 3 location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) swift ------------- speed defense --- 2[][] endurance - 1[] speed ----- 9[][][][][][][][][] aerial ---- 4[][][][]

charge ---- movement air-jump -- 3 location: neobrain shop bit --------------- armor defense --- 3[][][] endurance - 1[] speed ----- 8[][][][][][][][] aerial ---- 4[][][][] charge ---- flak air-dash -- 3 location: harbor (left clerk) -----------------------------------------------------------------section f: sassy stunner <sasstu> -----------------------------------------------------------------anne -------------- power defense --- 4[][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 5[][][][][] aerial ---- 7[][][][][][][] charge ---- evasion air-dash -- 4 location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) amy --------------- speed defense --- 4[][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 5[][][][][] aerial ---- 8[][][][][][][][] charge ---- flak air-dash -- 4 location: harbor (left clerk)

vanessa ----------- armor defense --- 5[][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 5[][][][][] aerial ---- 7[][][][][][][] charge ---- movement air-dash -- 4 location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) -------------------------------------------------------------------section g: wild soldier <wilsol> -------------------------------------------------------------------klimt ------------- power defense --- 6[][][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 5[][][][][] charge ---- evasion

air-dash -- 2 location: obtained through story. carlyle ----------- speed defense --- 6[][][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 5[][][][][] aerial ---- 5[][][][][] charge ---- movement air-dash -- 2 location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) zola -------------- armor defense --- 7[][][][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 5[][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 2 location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) ------------------------------------------------------------------section h: big boy ------------------------------------------------------------------borane ------------ power defense --- 8[][][][][][][][] endurance - 7[][][][][][][] speed ----- 3[][][] aerial ---- 7[][][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 2 location: harbor (left clerk) seal kid ---------- speed defense --- 8[][][][][][][][] endurance - 7[][][][][][][] speed ----- 3[][][] aerial ---- 8[][][][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 2 location: neobrain shop gigantron --------- armor defense --- 9[][][][][][][][][] endurance - 7[][][][][][][] speed ----- 3[][][] aerial ---- 7[][][][][][][] charge ---- flak air-dash -- 2 location: obtained through story.

---------------------------------------------------------------------section i: old-timer ---------------------------------------------------------------------gramps ------------ power defense --- 4[][][][] endurance - 3[][][] speed ----- 1[] aerial ---- 9[][][][][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 6 location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) fogey ------------- speed defense --- 4[][][][] endurance - 3[][][] speed ----- 1[] aerial ---- 9[][][][][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 6 location: harbor (left clerk) codger ------------ armor defense --- 4[][][][] endurance - 4[][][][] speed ----- 1[] aerial ---- 8[][][][][][][][] charge ---- evasion air-dash -- 6 location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) ------------------------------------------------------------------------section j: trick flyer ------------------------------------------------------------------------mantis ------------ power defense --- 4[][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 7[][][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 3 location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) oracle ------------ speed defense --- 4[][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 8[][][][][][][][] charge ---- evasion air-dash -- 3 location: harbor (left clerk)

stinger ----------- armor defense --- 5[][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 7[][][][][][][] charge ---- movement air-dash -- 3 location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) --------------------------------------------------------------------------section k: strike vanisher <strvan> --------------------------------------------------------------------------pike -------------- power defense --- 5[][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 6[][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 2 location: neobrain shop javelin ----------- speed defense --- 5[][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 5[][][][][] aerial ---- 6[][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 2 location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) glaive ------------ armor defense --- 6[][][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 6[][][][][][] charge ---- movement air-dash -- 2 location: harbor (left clerk) -------------------------------------------------------------------------section l: burning beast -------------------------------------------------------------------------leon -------------- power defense --- 5[][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 6[][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 1 location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) wolfen ------------ speed

defense --- 5[][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 5[][][][][] aerial ---- 7[][][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 1 location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) tricerion --------- armor defense --- 6[][][][][][] endurance - 6[][][][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 6[][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 1 location: harbor (left clerk) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------section m: lightning sky ---------------------------------------------------------------------------mistral ----------- power defense --- 5[][][][][] endurance - 4[][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 7[][][][][][][] charge ---- movement air-dash -- 1 location: clubhouse, get after eddy's grudge match hurricane --------- speed defense --- 5[][][][][] endurance - 4[][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 8[][][][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 1 location: neobrain shop tempest ----------- power defense --- 5[][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 7[][][][][][][] charge ---- movement air-dash -- 1 location: harbor (left clerk) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------section n: illegal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------snipe ------------- armor modified -- little raider defense --- 4[][][][]

endurance - 3[][][] speed ----- 9[][][][][][][][][] aerial ---- 2[][] charge ---- evasion air-dash -- 3 location: underground shop freya ------------- speed modified -- sassy stunner defense --- 5[][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 5[][][][][] aerial ---- 7[][][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 4 location: underground shop violent bear ------ other modified -- metal grappler defense --- 7[][][][][][][] endurance - 8[][][][][][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 4[][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 1 location: underground shop katana ------------ other modified -- strike vanisher defense --- 5[][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 5[][][][][] aerial ---- 7[][][][][][][] charge ---- flak air-dash -- 2 location: underground shop hadron ------------ other modified -- lightning sky defense --- 9[][][][][][][][][] endurance - 8[][][][][][][][] speed ----- 7[][][][][][][] aerial ---- 6[][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 1 location: underground battle, man in back room jameson ----------- other modified -- ligtning sky defense --- 10][][][][][][][][][] endurance - 10][][][][][][][][][] speed ----- 1[] aerial ---- 2[][]

charge ---- attack air-dash -- 1 location: underground shop majel ------------- other modified -- sassy stunner (note: majel jumps instead of dashing) defense --- 4[][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 9[][][][][][][][][] charge ---- movement air-jump -- 4 location: doppleganger, in front of clubhouse ray ii dark ------- other modified -- shining fighter defense --- 5[][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 8[][][][][][][][] aerial ---- 8[][][][][][][][] charge ---- attack air-dash -- 2 location: underground, doppleganger in back room -------------------------------------------------------------------------section o: special <spe_r> -------------------------------------------------------------------------chick ------------- other modified -- little sprinter defense --- 2[][] endurance - 1[] speed ----- 4[][][][] aerial ---- 3[][][] charge ---- attack air-jump -- 2 location: clubhouse, guy in boxes ray sky ----------- power modified -- lightning sky defense --- 4[][][][] endurance - 4[][][][] speed ----- 5[][][][][] aerial ---- 8[][][][][][][][] charge ---- movement air-dash -- 1 location: underground airs -------------- other modified -- lightning sky defense --- 3[][][] endurance - 3[][][] speed ----- 5[][][][][] aerial ---- 9[][][][][][][][][]

charge ---- evasion air-dash -- 2 location: get from stark if you battle him while you have ray sky carat ------------- other modified -- little sprinter defense --- 6[][][][][][] endurance - 5[][][][][] speed ----- 7[][][][][][][] aerial ---- 4[][][][] charge ---- attack air-jump -- 3 location: neobrain, get after angelica's grudge match

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3. guns \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ how to read: name stat ---- #[blocks] description: what it does/how to use location: where to get ---------------------------------------------------------------section a: short-range <sho_g> ---------------------------------------------------------------shotgun attack --- 8[][][][][][][][] speed ---- 8[][][][][][][][] homing --- 1[] reload --- 1[] down ----- 10][][][][][][][][][] description: location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) stun gun attack --- 2[][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] homing --- 3[][][] reload --- 9[][][][][][][][][] down ----- 7[][][][][][][] description: location: harbor (left clerk) knuckle gun attack --- 10][][][][][][][][][] speed ---- 8[][][][][][][][] homing --- 1[] reload --- 8[][][][][][][][] down ----- 10][][][][][][][][][] description: location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) twin fang gun

attack --- 9[][][][][][][][][] speed ---- 9[][][][][][][][][] homing --- 2[][] reload --- 2[][] down ----- 7[][][][][][][] description: location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) magnum gun attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 8[][][][][][][][] homing --- 2[][] reload --- 1[] down ----- 10][][][][][][][][][] description: location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) mega burst gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 1[] homing --- 2[][] reload --- 4[][][][] down ----- 4[][][][] description: location: neobrain shop rising gun attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] homing --- 1[] reload --- 2[][] down ----- 5[][][][][] description: location: neobrain shop ---------------------------------------------------------------------section b: midrange <mid_g> ---------------------------------------------------------------------gatling gun attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] homing --- 2[][] reload --- 3[][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: midheart school shop catch gun attack --- 2[][] speed ---- 3[][][] homing --- 9[][][][][][][][][] reload --- 5[][][][][] down ----- 4[][][][] location: harbor (left clerk) gravity gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][]

homing --- 4[][][][] reload --- 5[][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) thunderbolt gun attack --- 6[][][][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] homing --- 6[][][][][][] reload --- 5[][][][][] down ----- 5[][][][][] location: neobrain shop titan gun attack --- 2[][] speed ---- 2[][] homing --- 1[] reload --- 2[][] down ----- 5[][][][][] location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) meteor storm gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] homing --- 2[][] reload --- 5[][][][][] down ----- 4[][][][] location: midheart school shop splash gun attack --- 1[] speed ---- 4[][][][] homing --- 3[][][] reload --- 10][][][][][][][][][] down ----- 2[][] location: midheart school shop drill gun attack --- 6[][][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][][] homing --- 1[] reload --- 4[][][][] down ----- 5[][][][][] location: central (left clerk) needle gun attack --- 3[][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] homing --- 1[] reload --- 8[][][][][][][][] down ----- 5[][][][][] location: central (left clerk) vertical gun attack --speed ---homing --reload ---

4[][][][] 5[][][][][] 3[][][] 6[][][][][][]

down ----- 2[][] location: obtained through story bubble gun attack --- 3[][][] speed ---- 2[][] homing --- 9[][][][][][][][][] reload --- 6[][][][][][] down ----- 4[][][][] location: midheart school shop flame gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] homing --- 5[][][][][] reload --- 4[][][][] down ----- 7[][][][][][][] location: obtained through story blade gun attack --- 2[][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 1[] reload --- 10][][][][][][][][][] down ----- 2[][] location: midheart school shop flare gun attack --- 6[][][][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] homing --- 2[][] reload --- 6[][][][][][] down ----- 4[][][][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) basic gun attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 2[][] reload --- 4[][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: obtained through story hornet gun attack --- 6[][][][][][] speed ---- 3[][][] homing --- 6[][][][][][] reload --- 3[][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: central (left clerk) right spike gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 4[][][][] reload --- 3[][][] down ----- 4[][][][] location: neobrain shop

left spike gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 4[][][][] reload --- 3[][][] down ----- 4[][][][] location: neobrain shop ----------------------------------------------------------------section c: long-range ----------------------------------------------------------------afterburner gun attack --- 6[][][][][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] homing --- 2[][] reload --- 2[][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: central (left clerk) eagle gun attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 6[][][][][][] homing --- 4[][][][] reload --- 4[][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) halo gun attack --- 6[][][][][][] speed ---- 3[][][] homing --- 6[][][][][][] reload --- 3[][][] down ----- 5[][][][][] location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) glider gun attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] homing --- 9[][][][][][][][][] reload --- 5[][][][][] down ----- 4[][][][] location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) sagittarius gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] homing --- 4[][][][] reload --- 4[][][][] down ----- 4[][][][] location: clubhouse, get from liv after grudge match scorpion gun attack --speed ---homing --reload ---

7[][][][][][][] 5[][][][][] 7[][][][][][][] 3[][][]

down ----- 7[][][][][][][] location: neobrain sniper gun attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 9[][][][][][][][][] homing --- 1[] reload --- 2[][] down ----- 7[][][][][][][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) slide gun attack --- 6[][][][][][] speed ---- 6[][][][][][] homing --- 2[][] reload --- 3[][][] down ----- 8[][][][][][][][] location: neobrain shop 3-way gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 4[][][][] reload --- 5[][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: obtained through story dragon gun attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 3[][][] homing --- 7[][][][][][][] reload --- 2[][] down ----- 8[][][][][][][][] location: harbor (left clerk) trap gun attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 6[][][][][][] reload --- 6[][][][][][] down ----- 3[][][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) v laser gun attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 9[][][][][][][][][] homing --- 1[] reload --- 1[] down ----- 9[][][][][][][][][] location: harbor (left clerk) phoenix gun attack --- 3[][][] speed ---- 9[][][][][][][][][] homing --- 2[][] reload --- 3[][][] down ----- 5[][][][][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk)

homing star gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] homing --- 6[][][][][][] reload --- 2[][] down ----- 4[][][][] location: harbor (left clerk) meteor fall gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] homing --- 4[][][][] reload --- 3[][][] down ----- 5[][][][][] location: neobrain shop right arc gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 8[][][][][][][][] homing --- 2[][] reload --- 5[][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: harbor (left clerk) right 5-way gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 1[] reload --- 4[][][][] down ----- 4[][][][] location: harbor (left clerk) rayfall gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] homing --- 8[][][][][][][][] reload --- 2[][] down ----- 5[][][][][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) left arc gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 8[][][][][][][][] homing --- 2[][] reload --- 5[][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: harbor (left clerk) left 5-way gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 1[] reload --- 4[][][][] down ----- 4[][][][] location: harbor (left clerk) ------------------------------------------------------------------

section d: illegal -----------------------------------------------------------------sling gun attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 3[][][] homing --- 6[][][][][][] reload --- 3[][][] down ----- 5[][][][][] location: underground shop kindjal gun attack --- 8[][][][][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 8[][][][][][][][] reload --- 3[][][] down ----- 7[][][][][][][] location: underground shop cleaver gun attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] homing --- 4[][][][] reload --- 3[][][] down ----- 8[][][][][][][][] location: underground shop scythe gun attack --- 6[][][][][][] speed ---- 2[][] homing --- 3[][][] reload --- 4[][][][] down ----- 3[][][] location: underground shop hadron gun attack --- 9[][][][][][][][][] speed ---- 8[][][][][][][][] homing --- 3[][][] reload --- 2[][] down ----- 9[][][][][][][][][] location: underground battle amun gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] homing --- 3[][][] reload --- 2[][] down ----- 7[][][][][][][] location: underground shop indigo gun attack --- 6[][][][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] homing --- 3[][][] reload --- 5[][][][][] down ----- 5[][][][][] location: doppleganger, in front of clubhouse

laser ripple gun attack --- 1[] speed ---- 8[][][][][][][][] homing --- 3[][][] reload --- 3[][][] down ----- 3[][][] location: underground, doppleganger in back room wyrm gun attack --- 8[][][][][][][][] speed ---- 8[][][][][][][][] homing --- 4[][][][] reload --- 3[][][] down ----- 7[][][][][][][] location: underground shop dual arc gun attack --- 6[][][][][][] speed ---- 8[][][][][][][][] homing --- 2[][] reload --- 3[][][] down ----- 5[][][][][] location: underground shop rear front gun attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 6[][][][][][] reload --- 4[][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: underground shop ---------------------------------------------------------------------section e: special <spe_g> ---------------------------------------------------------------------chick gun attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] homing --- 3[][][] reload --- 4[][][][] down ----- 3[][][] location: clubhouse, guy in boxes ars-g04 gun attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 6[][][][][][] homing --- 3[][][] reload --- 2[][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: underground shop carat gun attack --speed ---homing --reload ---

4[][][][] 9[][][][][][][][][] 2[][] 3[][][]

down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: neobrain, get after angelica's grude match /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4. bombs \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ how to read: name stat ---- #[blocks] description: what it does/how to use location: where to get ----------------------------------------------------------------section a: normal <nor_b> ----------------------------------------------------------------burrow bomb d attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 7[][][][][][][] time ----- 8[][][][][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: harbor (left clerk) burrow bomb p attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 7[][][][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: midheart school shop acrobat bomb attack --- 0 speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 6[][][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 3[][][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) wave bomb attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] size ----- 4[][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 7[][][][][][][] location: harbor (left clerk) wall bomb attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] size ----- 6[][][][][][] time ----- 6[][][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: central (left clerk) crescent bomb c attack --- 5[][][][][]

speed ---- 4[][][][] size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 7[][][][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) crescent bomb k attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] size ----- 4[][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 10][][][][][][][][][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) crescent bomb p attack --- 6[][][][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 7[][][][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: central (left clerk) submarine bomb d attack --- 8[][][][][][][][] speed ---- 1[] size ----- 7[][][][][][][] time ----- 8[][][][][][][][] down ----- 3[][][] location: midheart school shop submarine bomb k attack --- 8[][][][][][][][] speed ---- 1[] size ----- 4[][][][] time ----- 6[][][][][][] down ----- 10][][][][][][][][][] location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) submarine bomb p attack --- 8[][][][][][][][] speed ---- 1[] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 7[][][][][][][] down ----- 3[][][] location: harbor (left clerk) geo trap bomb attack --- 8[][][][][][][][] speed ---- 6[][][][][][] size ----- 8[][][][][][][][] time ----- 6[][][][][][] down ----- 8[][][][][][][][] location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) gemini bomb b attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][]

size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 7[][][][][][][] down ----- 3[][][] location: obtained through story gemini bomb p attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 7[][][][][][][] down ----- 3[][][] location: central (left clerk) titan bomb attack --- 2[][] speed ---- 1[] size ----- 10][][][][][][][][][] time ----- 7[][][][][][][] down ----- 10][][][][][][][][][] location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) standard bomb attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: obtained through story standard bomb f attack --- 6[][][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: central (left clerk) standard bomb k attack --- 6[][][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 10][][][][][][][][][] location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) standard bomb s attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 4[][][][] time ----- 4[][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) standard bomb x attack --speed ---size ----time ----down -----

4[][][][] 5[][][][][] 4[][][][] 5[][][][][] 5[][][][][]

location: harbor (left clerk) straight bomb g attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: obtained through story straight bomb s attack --- 3[][][] speed ---- 6[][][][][][] size ----- 4[][][][] time ----- 4[][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) straight bomb t attack --- 3[][][] speed ---- 6[][][][][][] size ----- 4[][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: harbor (left clerk) smash bomb attack --- 8[][][][][][][][] speed ---- 10][][][][][][][][][] size ----- 8[][][][][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) direct bomb attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 3[][][] location: neobrain shop charge bomb attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 3[][][] location: neobrain shop dual bomb attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 3[][][] location: central (left clerk)

dual bomb c attack --- 3[][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 3[][][] location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) delta bomb attack --- 3[][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] size ----- 2[][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 2[][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) tomahawk bomb b attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 3[][][] size ----- 6[][][][][][] time ----- 7[][][][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: obtained through story tomahawk bomb g attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 3[][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: midheart school shop freeze bomb attack --- 1[] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 7[][][][][][][] down ----- 3[][][] location: harbor (left clerk) volcanic bomb attack --- 3[][][] speed ---- 6[][][][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 4[][][][] location: neobrain shop right wave bomb attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] size ----- 4[][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 7[][][][][][][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) right flank bomb h attack --- 5[][][][][]

speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 6[][][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: midheart school shop left wave bomb attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] size ----- 4[][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 7[][][][][][][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) left flank bomb h attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 6[][][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: midheart school shop winder bomb attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: neobrain shop -------------------------------------------------------------section b: illegal -------------------------------------------------------------sling bomb attack --- 6[][][][][][] speed ---- 8[][][][][][][][] size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: underground shop kindjal bomb attack --- 8[][][][][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 7[][][][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 8[][][][][][][][] location: underground shop cleaver bomb attack --- 2[][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 2[][] location: underground shop

scythe bomb attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 4[][][][] down ----- 4[][][][] location: underground shop hadron bomb attack --- 8[][][][][][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 6[][][][][][] time ----- 6[][][][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: underground battle amun bomb attack --- 8[][][][][][][][] speed ---- 3[][][] size ----- 8[][][][][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] down ----- 7[][][][][][][] location: underground shop indigo bomb attack --- 1[] speed ---- 5[][][][][] size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 7[][][][][][][] down ----- 2[][] location: doppleganger, infront of clubhouse deva bomb attack --- 10][][][][][][][][][] speed ---- 1[] size ----- 10][][][][][][][][][] time ----- 10][][][][][][][][][] down ----- 10][][][][][][][][][] location: underground, doppleganger in back room ------------------------------------------------------------section c: special <spe_b> ------------------------------------------------------------chick bomb attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 3[][][] down ----- 4[][][] location: clubhouse, guy in boxes ars-b02 bomb attack --speed ---size ----time ----down -----

3[][][] 7[][][][][][][] 7[][][][][][][] 7[][][][][][][] 4[][][][]

location: underground shop carat bomb attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] size ----- 4[][][][] time ----- 4[][][][] down ----- 6[][][][][][] location: neobrain, get after angelica's grude match /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5. pods <pods> \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ how to read: name stat ---- #[blocks] description: what it does/how to use location: where to get ------------------------------------------------------------section a: normal <nor_p> ------------------------------------------------------------acrobat pod attack --- 0 speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 0 size ----- 6[][][][][][] time ----- 4[][][][] location: neobrain shop umbrella pod attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 3[][][] homing --- 4[][][][] size ----- 6[][][][][][] time ----- 4[][][][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) wave pod attack --- 6[][][][][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] homing --- 5[][][][][] size ----- 4[][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] location: harbor (left clerk) wall pod attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 2[][] homing --- 4[][][][] size ----- 4[][][][] time ----- 6[][][][][][] location: central (left clerk) ground freeze pod attack --- 1[]

speed ---- 3[][][] homing --- 4[][][][] size ----- 4[][][][] time ----- 6[][][][][][][] location: harbor (left clerk) cockroach pod g attack --- 3[][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] homing --- 6[][][][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] location: central (left clerk) cockroach pod h attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] homing --- 6[][][][][][] size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] location: obtained through story twin flank pod f attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 4[][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] location: obtained through story twin flank pod g attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

4[][][][] 5[][][][][] 4[][][][] 3[][][] 5[][][][][] encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk)

satellite pod attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 5[][][][][] size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] location: central (left clerk) satellite pod h attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 5[][][][][] size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] location: harbor (left clerk) seeker pod f attack --- 3[][][] speed ---- 2[][] homing --- 8[][][][][][][][]

size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] location: central (left clerk) seeker pod g attack --- 3[][][] speed ---- 2[][] homing --- 8[][][][][][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) titan pod attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

1[] 1[] 3[][][] 10][][][][][][][][][] 10][][][][][][][][][] encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk)

jumping pod b attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

3[][][] 5[][][][][] 5[][][][][] 6[][][][][][] 7[][][][][][][] central (left clerk)

jumping pod g attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

3[][][] 5[][][][][] 5[][][][][] 3[][][] 5[][][][][] harbor (left clerk)

sky wave pod attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

2[][] 6[][][][][][] 5[][][][][] 5[][][][][] 5[][][][][] neobrain shop

sky freeze pod attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

1[] 3[][][] 4[][][][] 4[][][][] 6[][][][][][] harbor (left clerk)

standard pod attack --speed ---homing --size ----time -----

4[][][][] 5[][][][][] 4[][][][] 5[][][][][] 5[][][][][]

location: obtained through story spider pod attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

3[][][] 5[][][][][] 6[][][][][][] 5[][][][][] 5[][][][][] midheart school shop

spider pod g attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

3[][][] 5[][][][][] 6[][][][][][] 3[][][] 5[][][][][] encephelon isle, central (right clerk)

speed pod d attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

4[][][][] 8[][][][][][][][] 3[][][] 7[][][][][][][] 7[][][][][][][] midheart school shop

speed pod p attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

4[][][][] 8[][][][][][][][] 3[][][] 3[][][] 7[][][][][][][] central (left clerk)

throwing pod d attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

4[][][][] 3[][][] 4[][][][] 6[][][][][][] 8[][][][][][][][] midheart school shop

throwing pod p attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

4[][][][] 3[][][] 4[][][][] 3[][][] 7[][][][][][][] encephelon isle, central (right clerk)

diving pod attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

3[][][] 5[][][][][] 5[][][][][] 5[][][][][] 6[][][][][][] midheart school shop

double wave pod attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 6[][][][][][] homing --- 0 size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) charge pod attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

2[][] 5[][][][][] 6[][][][][][] 3[][][] 3[][][] neobrain shop

divide pod attack --- 2[][] speed ---- 6[][][][][][] homing --- 3[][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] location: neobrain shop trio pod h attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] homing --- 7[][][][][][][] size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) dolphin pod attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

4[][][][] 5[][][][][] 3[][][] 5[][][][][] 5[][][][][] midheart school shop

dolphin pod g attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

4[][][][] 5[][][][][] 3[][][] 3[][][] 5[][][][][] harbor (left clerk)

buster pod attack --- 9[][][][][][][][][] speed ---- 7[][][][][][][] homing --- 3[][][] size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 7[][][][][][][] location: neobrain shop feint pod f attack --- 4[][][][]

speed ---homing --size ----time ----location: feint pod g attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

6[][][][][][] 5[][][][][] 3[][][] 5[][][][][] midheart school shop 4[][][][] 6[][][][][][] 5[][][][][] 3[][][] 5[][][][][] harbor (left clerk)

float pod f attack --- 3[][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] homing --- 7[][][][][][][] size ----- 2[][] time ----- 5[][][][][] location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) beast pod attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

3[][][] 5[][][][][] 7[][][][][][][] 3[][][] 5[][][][][] encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk)

caboose pod c attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

4[][][][] 5[][][][][] 6[][][][][][] 5[][][][][] 5[][][][][] encephelon isle, central (right clerk)

caboose pod t attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 6[][][][][][] size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] location: encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk) caboose pod x attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

4[][][][] 5[][][][][] 6[][][][][][] 5[][][][][] 5[][][][][] encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk)

reflection pod attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 0

size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] location: given to you from liv in tutorial battles ---------------------------------------------------------------------section b: illegal ---------------------------------------------------------------------sling pod attack --- 3[][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 5[][][][][] size ----- 6[][][][][][] time ----- 6[][][][][][] location: underground shop kindjal pod attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 6[][][][][][] homing --- 6[][][][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 4[][][][] location: underground shop cleaver pod attack --- 2[][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 6[][][][][][] size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 3[][][] location: underground shop scythe pod attack --- 3[][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 5[][][][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 7[][][][][][][] location: underground shop hadron pod attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 6[][][][][][] homing --- 4[][][][] size ----- 4[][][][] time ----- 7[][][][][][][] location: underground battle amun pod attack --- 3[][][] speed ---- 5[][][][][] homing --- 7[][][][][][][] size ----- 7[][][][][][][] time ----- 6[][][][][][] location: underground shop indigo pod attack --- 4[][][][]

speed ---- 6[][][][][][] homing --- 4[][][][] size ----- 4[][][][] time ----- 7[][][][][][][] location: doppleganger, in front of clubhouse cerberus pod attack --- 7[][][][][][][] speed ---- 4[][][][] homing --- 0 size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 4[][][][] location: underground, doppleganger in back room --------------------------------------------------------------section c: special <spe_p> --------------------------------------------------------------chick pod attack --- 5[][][][][] speed ---- 3[][][] homing --- 3[][][] size ----- 3[][][] time ----- 3[][][] location: clubhouse, guy in boxes ars-p07 attack --- 4[][][][] speed ---- 8[][][][][][][][] homing --- 0 size ----- 5[][][][][] time ----- 5[][][][][] location: underground shop carat pod attack --speed ---homing --size ----time ----location:

10][][][][][][][][] 7[][][][][][][] 3[][][] 7[][][][][][][] 5[][][][][] neobrain, get after angelica's grude match

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6. legs \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ how to read name

description: what they do location: where to get

------------------------------------------------------------section a: normal <nor_l> ------------------------------------------------------------quick jump legs descrition: enhances your decent abilities, making you less vulnerable to attack upon landing.

location: midheart school shop ground legs description: decreases jump height, but reduces vulnerability after air-dashes and jumps. location: central (left clerk) short thrust legs description: decreases your air-dash and continuous jump distance, but enhances your agility. location: central (left clerk) stabalizer legs description: provides good acceleration and sharper turning. location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) standard legs description: basic legs. swap out for a diferent set of legs soon to improve abilities. location: obtained through story high jump legs description: increases jump speed and height, allowing you to attack from on high. location: obtained through story booster legs description: increases dash speed and continuous jumps. location: encephelon isle, central (right clerk) feather legs description: decreases jump speed. attacks when landing. location: harbor (left clerk)

makes you less vulnerable to

formula legs description: drastically increases running speed. location: central (left clerk) plus one legs description: increases air-dashes and continuous jumps by one. designed for aerial battles. location: neobrain shop long thrust legs description: increases air-dash and continuous jump distance. location: midheart school shop

wide jump legs description: makes long-jumps possible, improving your ability to approach foes. location: harbor (left clerk) -------------------------------------------------------------section b: illegal -------------------------------------------------------------sling legs description: provides goos acceleration and turning. air-dash speed and jump height. location: underground shop kindjal legs description: increases jump height an dspeed. vulnerable when landing. location: underground shop


makes you less

cleaver legs description: increases running, air-dash, and jumping speed. raises jump height. location: underground shop scythe legs description: upgrades jump height and speed. and continuous jump speed. location: underground shop

increases ait-dash

hadron legs description: increases ground and air mobility. types of battles. location: underground battle

good for all

amun legs description: reduces vulnerability during air-dash and continuous jumps. slightly improves overall mobility. location: underground shop indigo legs description: slows jump speed, but increases jump distance. reduces jump vulnerability. location: doppleganger, in front of clubhouse phantom legs description: drastically increases ground mobility. air-dashes and continuous jumps by 1. location: underground, doppleganger in back room



section c: special <spe_l> ---------------------------------------------------------------chick legs description: the weakest leg part. good for confident comanders who want to test their abilities. location: clubhouse, guy in boxes ars-l13 legs description: reduces vulnerability during air-dashes, jumps, and landings. location: underground shop carat legs description: shorter jump distance and air-dash. other abilities hace also been enhanced. easy to use. location: neobrain, get after angelica's grude match ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7. holosseums \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ how to read: name - description ---------------------------------------------------------------section a: normal <nor_h> ---------------------------------------------------------------crevice court - this arena's irregular walls provide for an unpredictable battle. l formation - this arena's l-shaped walls provide a lot of cover for strategy-oriented robos. battlefield: tomorrow - this narrow arena, packed with obstacles demands planning and foresight. high-rise plaza - this arena's triangular features and high walls make it difficult to target foes. diamond fences - the walls of this arena set it apart from others. try not to get cornered! desert palace - this holosseum mirrors the interior of a ruined castle. the walls are your defense. short walls - the low walls make movement dificult, but provide little cover, leaving ver few safe places. parthenon square - this arena was designed to mimic the wonders of the ancient world, now buried beneath the sand. sudden death - this, the smallest arena, is best suited for intense, short-range battles as lots of close combat. gigantix sprawl - this masive arena gives an edge to long-range

combat specialists. no-man's-land - this stark arena has absolutly no walls. silver stream - this arena is designed to mimc a mountain hillside. logs run down it's cool, clear stream. basic cell - this basic arena gets more complexm thanks to the pools if hot magma. don't get burned! magma hole - the ground on this arena sinks under your weight, letting hat magma rise up to the surface. dead line - this arena's conveyor belts feed into a sea of magma. don't get too comfortable. magma impact - this arena splits apart over time. ring of magma, too!

watch out for that

magma ruins - this arena is surrounded by a ring of hot magma. nature park - this arena provides a calm, natural setting for intense battles. sonic circuit - fight on the conveyor belts or stay safe in the middle: the choice is yours! little locomotive - this playground arena is perfect for training both offensive and defensive strategies. jigsaw junction - the bockade in the middle rises and sinks, changing the size of the arena. blue sea - this arena reproduces the feel of fighting on the ocean floor, minus the drowning. flooding grotto - the beach can be a soothing place, but watch out when the tide rolls in! stealth fighter - battle atop a rocking plane! every time the plane tilts.

the containers move

big bang/crunch - the size of this arena changes constantly, adapt and survive! survival field - all obstacles in this arena can be destroyed. away!


dark star - with no visibility, this arena makes finding the obstacles a challenge. -----------------------------------------------------------section b: underground -----------------------------------------------------------kinetic arena - fire at your opponent from between the moving blocks. ice and snow - this slippery arena is covered in ice and snow.

watch your footing! prominence rise - watch out for magma spouts on this fiery inferno of an arena. guillotine wave - massive blades lurk beneath this arena force your foe into them before the same happens to you! goliath hazard - this arena was designed to test the abilities of a particular robo. mystic chaos - these walls cannont be cleared by jumping. close eye on your foe!

keep a

suburban sun - fight in the real world!! -residential area (day)suburban twilight - fight in the real world!! -residential area (night)alley - fight in the real world! -alleytimberland tumble - fight in the real world! -timberland tumbleneobrain lab a - fight in the real world! -research instituteneobrain lab b - fight in the real world! -research institute-----------------------------------------------------------section c: illegal -----------------------------------------------------------magma hole - the powerful acids on this arena will knock you out on contact. watch your step! dead line - the powerful acids on this arena will knock you out on contact. watch your step! magma ruins - the powerful acids on this arena will knock you out on contact. watch your step! magma impact - the powerful acids on this arena will knock you out on contact. watch your step! goliath hazard - the powerful acids on this arena will knock you out on contact. watch your step! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 8. location list \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

------------------------------------------------------------section a: midhart -------------------------------------------------------------

robos: none guns: -gatling gun -bubble gun -splash gun -meteor storm gun -blade gun bombs: -submarine bomb d -right flank bomb h -left flank bomb h -burrow bomb p -tomahawk bomb g pods: -speed pod d -throwing pod d -dolphin pod -feint pod f -diving pod -spider pod legs: -long thrust legs -quuick jump legs

------------------------------------------------------------section b: central -------------------------------------------------------------

left seller: robos: none guns: -drill gun -afterburner gun -needle gun -hornet gun bombs: -crescent bomb p -standard bomb f -wall bomb -dual bomb -gemini bomb p

pods: -jumping pod b -cockroach pod b -speed pod p -satellite pod -seeker pod f -wall pod legs: -short thrust legs -formula legs -ground legs right seller robos: -apollo -nano -mantis -leon -javelin -carlyle -crazy baboon -vanessa -codger -rook -comet guns: -shotgun -rayfall gun -flare gun -trap gun -sniper gun -gravity gun -phoenix gun bombs: -standard bomb s -delta bomb -right wave bomb -left wave bomb -acrobat bomb -crescent bomb k -straight bomb s pods: -double wave pod -caboose pod c -spider pod g -throwing pod p -trio pod h -umbrella pod legs: -booster legs -stabilizer legs

------------------------------------------------------------section c: harbor ------------------------------------------------------------left seller: robos: -robin -bit -tricerion -amy -borane -fogey -oracle -glaive -tempest guns: -stun gun -dragon gun -homing star gun -right 5-way gun -left 5-way gun -v laser gun -catch gun -left arc gun -right arc gun bombs: -wave bomb -burrow bomb d -freeze bomb -submarine bomb p -standard bomb x -straight bomb t pods: -dolphin pod g -feint pod g -satellite pod h -ground freeze pod -sky freeze pod -jumping pod g -wave pod legs: -feather legs -wide jump legs right seller: robos: -rock hound -miranda -gramps

-pipit -wolfen -anne -shadow -stinger -zola guns: -glider gun -eagle gun -twin fang gun -magnum gun -titan gun -knuckle gun -halo gun bombs: -submarine bomb k -crescent bomb k -smash bomb -geo trap bomb -dual bomb c -standard bomb k -titan bomb pods: -caboose pod t -float pod f -seeker pod g -beast pod -twin flank pod g -caboose pod x -titan pod legs: none

-----------------------------------------------------------section d:neobrain -----------------------------------------------------------robos: -metal ape -seal kid -luna -swift -pike -hurricane guns: -rising gun -right spike gun -left spike gun -slide gun -mega burst gun -meteor fall gun -scorpion gun

-thunderbolt gun bombs: -direct bomb -charge bomb -winder bomb -volvanic bomb pods: -charge pod -divide pod -buster pod -sky wave pod -acrobat pod legs: -plus one legs ------------------------------------------------------------section e: underground ------------------------------------------------------------robos: -ray 01 -ray sky -snipe -freya -violent bear -katana -jameson guns: -sling gun -kindjal gun -cleaver gun -scythe gun -wyrm gun -rear front gun -dual arc gun -amun gun -ars-g04 gun bombs: -sling bomb -kindjal bomb -cleaver bomb -scythe bomb -amun bomb -ars-b02 bomb pods: -sling pod -kindjal pod -cleaver pod -scythe pod -amun pod -ars-p07 pod

legs: -sling legs -kindjal legs -cleaver legs -scythe legs -amun legs -ars-l13 legs ------------------------------------------------------------section f: story/other ------------------------------------------------------------story: all these parts are given to you during the story, without any conditions. robos: -ray mk ii (first time) -ray mk iii -klimt -gigantron guns: -vertical gun -flame gun -basic gun -3-way gun bombs: -gemini bomb -standard bomb -striaght bomb g -tomahawk bomb b pods: -cockroach pod h -twin flank pod f -standard pod -reflection pod legs: -standard -high jump

grudge match: these parts are given to you once you beat a certain grudge match. check listing above to find exact person. robos: -ray -mistral -majel -ray ii dark -chick

-carat guns: -sagittarius gun -hadron gun -indigo gun -laser ripple gun -chick gun -carat gun bombs: -hadron bomb -indigo bomb -deva bomb -chick bomb -carat bomb pods: -hadron pod -indigo pod -cerberus pod -chick pod -carat pod legs: -hadron legs -indigo legs -phantom legs -chick legs -carat legs

special conditions: these parts are obtained through special means, either by talking to the right person at the right time or bought or through battle (in that order) robos: -ray mk ii (second time) -x-ray -airs guns: none bombs: none legs: none ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 9. general lists \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ------------------------------------------------------------section a: locations ------------------------------------------------------------here is a quick explanation of all the locations of parts in sections 2-6

obtained through story: you get this as part of the story. it'll happen eventually. midhart school shop: there a shop in midhart school if you take a left from the main entrance. central shop: shop located in central. harbor shop: shop located in harbor. neobrain shop: shop located inside neobrain, on the first floor. underground shop: shop located in the underground, go in the middle door. underground battle: obtained after you beat a certain person in the underground.

police station, free if you catch coyote: can be purchased in the police station; is free if you catch coyote (check f.a.q. section) encephelon isle, central (right clerk): is first available when you reach encephelon isle as part of the story, then moves to central and is the right clerk. encephelon isle, harbor (right clerk): same as above, but with harbor instead of central. grudge matchs: you get the part from this person once you beat their grudge match. clubhouse, guy in boxes: during grudge matches, there is a guy hidden in the boxes in the back of the clubhouse. doppleganger, in front of clubhouse: obtained after you beat the doppleganger (check f.a.q section) get from stark if you battle him while you have ray sky: after you beat starks grudge match, fight him again while you have ray sky in your possesion.

------------------------------------------------------------section b: blast types ------------------------------------------------------------here is a list of the different explosions from bombs/pods and a description of what they look like. b: creates a small spherical explosion that grows slightly. c: creates a spherical explosion that grows slightly.

d: creates a very large cloud with a skull that lingers for a while. f: creates a large pillar that quickly disperses. g: creates a pillar of fire that quickly disperses. h: creates a large spherical explosion. k: creates a small cloud that quickly grows, but doesn't last long. p: creates a large pillar of fire that lingers for a while. s: creates a large spherical explosion that grows slightly. t: creates a spherical explosion that draws your opponent to you. x: creates a small spherical explosion that grows slightly.

------------------------------------------------------------section c: charge types ------------------------------------------------------------here is a list and description of the different types of charge attacks. attack -

dashes forward, staying on ground.

movement -

dashes forward then jumps. -orjumps and then dashes forward and down.

flak evasion -

dashes forward and up, ends mid-air. remains stationary. -ormoves backwards. -ormoves slowly forward.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 10. f.a.q. <dontask> \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ here are some frequently asked questions, in other words, don't ask me about these!!!! 1)"what's with the 10 blocks?" the first block of a 10 stat is represented by only half a block to keep things neat.

2)"which store has ___ holoseum?" -and2)"this holoseum isn't up for me to buy! why?" any holosseum can be bought at any shop once you see it in battle, except those in the underground and illegal section. for

those, you must see the level and go to the underground shop. also, for the last two illegal stages, you must beat all the mission battles and talk to the man behind the counter in the robo center. (thanks to moxravager for those).

3)"why do you say majel is a sassy stunner? it uses continuous jumps!" because that is what the game itself says. it may be wrong, but that's what it says.

4)"how do i get parts that have two locations?" -or4)"____ part isn't at central/harbor, so where is encephelon isle?" these parts appear first in encephelon isle, which you go to as part of the story. after that part of the story they move to the second location. 5)"why do power type robos have lower stats than the others?" power types get a 5% attack bonus. it's up to you whether or not the difference is worth it. 6)"how do i get to the underground?" -and6)"how do i get the doppleganger to appear?" first, you have to have beaten the game and gotten to the grudge matches. once you beat the doppleganger, you'll be able to go to the underground by talking to the man in the bottom-left house in harbor. he'll open the way. to get the doppleganger to appear, you must beat between 10-13 grudge matches, then he will be outside the clubhouse.

7)"how do i get liv/eddy to come back (during grudge matches)?" you must beat all the other grudge matches. all of them, even the ones underground.

8)"who/where are the people i fight for the grudge matches?" look in the characters section of your notes. everyone in there with robos (except criminals) has a match for you. 9)"how do i fight coyote?"

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 11. special thanks \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ thanks go out to the following:

darkelite777 from the gamefaqs message board for help with tutorial parts and gigantron. blacksunset from the gamefaqs message board for help with carat. mrcardboardtube from the gamefaqs message board for help with airs. moxravager from the gamefaqs message board for help with the last two illegal holoseums

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 12. legal \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ this may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. it may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 13. contact \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ if you wish to contact me about this faqs with questions or comments, i can be easily reached on the gamefaqs message board (just put attn: ninjapengui in topic title). read this before contacting me!!! read this before contacting me!!! read this before contacting me!!! read this before contacting me!!! read this before contacting me!!! read this before contacting me!!! if, for some reason, you need to contact me by e-mail, have the subject line say like "cra parts faqs question/comment" if the subject is something other than the above, i will most likely delete the message without opening and add your address to my spam list. do not send me emails regarding anythng other than this faqs, such as "what do i use to beat so-and-so" or "where do i go now" or "how do i get to someplace". this faqs deals solely with the parts and their locations, not strategy or walkthrough. also, do not send me emails with questions about anything in the f.a.q. section. i will not answer any of those questions period. read above first!!! read above first!!! read above first!!! read above first!!! read above first!!! read above first!!! read above first!!! read above first!!! read above first!!! now that that's been established, here's my email: ninja dot pengui at gmail dot com just replace dot and at with . and @ custom robo arena: part location faq by ninjapengui

version 1.4, last updated 2007-04-17 view/download original file hosted by gamefaqs return to custom robo arena (ds) faqs & guides

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