Cr International Missions Strategy 2008

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,652
  • Pages: 13
Celebrate Recovery

International Missions Strategy


Celebrate Recovery International • North America – Canada – Guatemala – El Salvador – Costa Rica – Nicaragua – Mexico – Honduras – Cuba

– – – –

Netherlands Germany Greece Czech Republic

• Africa – South Africa – Kenya – Sierra Leone – Rwanda – Egypt

• South America – Columbia – Peru – Brazil – Argentina – Venezuela – Paraguay – • Europe – United Kingdom – Ukraine – Russia – Poland – Norway – Italy

• Asia – – – – – – –

Philippines Mongolia Japan Singapore Korea Indonesia Taiwan

• Oceana – Australia – New Zealand

Note: Countries listed are at different stages of developing Celebrate Recovery

Translations • Published – Chinese – English – German – Japanese – Korean – Portuguese – Spanish – Mongolian – Greek – Arabic – Russian – Polish

• Pending Publication – Dutch – French – Ukrainian – Romanian

• Pending Translation – Czech – Afrikaans – Norwegian

Catalytic Transformation 2


Connection Strategy

Maturation Strategy




Saturation Strategy

Resource Strategy


Saturation Strategy


You may already know where you are going. Even if you do, consider the following: 1. Consider going where the need for the expansion of Celebrate Recovery in the church is greatest and/or where the materials have been translated. 2. Go where you have a relationship with a local church that is interested in starting Celebrate Recovery in their church, local community and among an unreached people. 3. Wherever God leads you to go, connect with a local church that you can work alongside of and equip their members. 4. If there is no church in the area or people group you select, find a local church that is nearby geographically, linguistically and culturally. Pass the vision on to this local church to reach the people group. 5. Start by equipping local church members in the country you are traveling to, who can then begin living on mission in their own community first. ADOPT This is where the church adopts Celebrate Recovery and the church begins to develop a healthy recovery ministry built on the Seven Keys and following the Model for transformation. "You are the light of the world..." Matthew 5: 14 Maturation Strategy Once you have identified the region in which God has called your team, and a church there is willing to adopt the ministry it will be important to identify a point person. 1. A person whom God has prepared so that when you come to bring Celebrate Recovery others will have heard of it. 2. Your point person will be your primary partner in working with the local church, missionaries in the same area, Christian organizations, Government agencies, businesses and other churches. 3. Multiply yourself by providing the point person and local church leaders with training, equipping and empowering. (See Training Level) 4. The point person can also help make arrangements in country, help you understand their culture and gather people to hear about CR BECOME This is where the leadership of the local church begins the implementation and development of Celebrate Recovery through training. The church develops contextual systems and strategies that grow a healthy and balanced ministry. "A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl..." Matthew 5: 14b

Connection Strategy


Once the church has been equipped holistically in launching Celebrate Recovery, assist and encourage them to become trainers of others. For this step to happen, the local church needs to own the training process. The church can be challenged to help other churches start Celebrate Recovery. 1. Once believers are living out the recovery principles, make sure to equip them in how to train others. The church could then be a vehicle to train many in their community to tackle the serious needs they are facing. 2. Encourage the believers to reach out to another community near them and train them as well. Help the church to carry out the training and begin to see the impact. 3. Evaluate the effectiveness of the training, and add or take away from the training depending on the need. 4. Begin to communicate the vision of local ownership. CONTRIBUTE This is where recovery leaders become aware of the great needs of other churches and provide tools and strategies that will cause their ministry to grow. It is clear that churches are not competitors of one another, but instead, partners in ministry. "Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house..." Matthew 5: 15 Resource Strategy Once a reproducible training and equipping process has begun and local recovery ministries are tackling the needs in their community, external resources can be helpful. 1. As the group works with the church, they can pray over the resource needs together and depend on God for the solutions. If the local church still requests resources for transformation to keep happening, then a plan can be developed. 2. Appropriate support and technologies should be found for effective change to happen, rather than a quick-fix solution. 3. Ongoing prayer by local believers and leaders. 4. Encourage leaders to own the strategy. 5. Prioritize the projects that are needed locally. Develop a plan for who will be leading, training and following up on all resources that are obtained. 6. External resources needed maybe considered: a. Specialists and professionals b. Appropriate technology c. Resources and materials d. Finances 7. Your members should move to an observation and behind-the-scenes supporting role as needed. 8. Evaluate sustainability and reproducibility. 9. Encourage the leaders to maintain a mentoring relationship. 10. Re-evaluate how well the key needs in the culture/community are being tackled. 11. Make a list of the key leaders that are involved and list their possible needs for the future. 12. Where needs continue: reconfigure the implementation and exit plan. 5

13. Watch and step away from being a primary actor. Identify a ministry champion that can lead the movement into the future. By this, new leadership will be empowered. 14. Check back periodically through continued communication and follow up trips. DEPLOY Successful growth of Celebrate Recovery in a particular region will be dependent on development of teams who can train and help others. There will need to be dedicated finances, materials, and other resources for teaching teams to achieve ministry to success. The ministry champion will need to learn how to lead, manage, and celebrate the victories of these teams who are deployed to help other churches in need. "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds..." Matthew 5: 16a EXALT All of this to the glory of God and now celebrate the Lord and what he has done. Gather together to share stories and tools for developing a Celebrate Recovery and together celebrate the great harvest of souls that God has given our churches. "...and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5: 16b

Celebrate Recovery Mission Trip Information Form


Date and Destination of Planned Trip:

Full Name:




Church Name, Address and Phone:

How long has your CR been up and running? What is your role in your local CR and how long have you been serving in this capacity? List the church(s) you have existing relationships with, where you wish to travel for Short Term Missions: Country and City of church(s):

Address and Phone Number of church(s):

Contact Name(s) at each church:


Describe your relationship with each church listed on previous page. In what ways have you worked with each church? What sorts of service projects have you done together?

How long have you had this relationship and how many times have you visited this church?

How long is this trip planned for: (# of days in country)? How many days are dedicated to doing Celebrate Recovery related activities? Describe what Celebrate Recovery activities are planned for the duration of your trip? What is the main goal of your trip as it relates to Celebrate Recovery? Are you traveling with other Missions teams or Organizations who are doing non-Celebrate Recovery activities? If so, who are they and what activities are they doing? How many people are going on this trip for the Celebrate Recovery related activities? What assistance do you believe you need from the Celebrate Recovery National Team?




101. Introduction Level – I am traveling

Completed a CR Step Study

abroad and will be sharing my Celebrate Recovery testimony with a particular individual, group or group of churches. Adopt

Written CR testimony using the outline in the Advanced Leader Training Kit

Shared testimony at home CR group

201. Workshop Level – I am traveling

Must have met all the above Prerequisites

abroad to spend 4-8 hours explaining what Celebrate Recovery is, how the program works, the benefits, etc. with a particular individual, group or group of churches. Become

Must be currently serving as a CR Leader

Have previously shared with others about CR, how the program works, the benefits, etc.

Have the resources necessary to properly introduce CR to a particular individual, group or group of churches

301. Conference Level – I would like to

Must have met all the above Prerequisites

travel abroad to conduct a ‘live’ Celebrate Recovery meeting as a demonstration and would like to conduct a 1-3 Day seminar following the guidelines provided by the Celebrate Recovery International Team. Contribute

Must be part of the CR TEAM in a local ministry.

Have received approval from the CR National Team to conduct training

“Local Ministry Directed”

“International Team Assisted”


Approved Agenda, Training Team and Training Materials.


International Trainer from CR has been assigned to travel abroad with your team

“International Team Directed”

401. Development Level – Assisting the country’s Director or Ministry Champion to teach and train other churches or groups in their local language and culture in the launching of CR. Deploy

Developing and Growing a Celebrate Recovery ministry following the DNA and Model of Saddleback Church

Work with CR International Team to conduct training o

“Regional Ministry Champion Directed” •

Approved Agenda, Team and Training Materials (teachers, planners, registration personnel, resources, etc.)

A local church or group has agreed to host the event


Team Leader Why the position is needed The team leader is someone that has been selected to lead the team on the mission trip. A team leader needs to understand this as a call of God for the trip and be prepared for the increased spiritual warfare that comes with taking this step of leadership. 1. We know through the Great Commission, found in Matthew 28:18-20, that Jesus tells all His disciples to "go and make disciples of all nations," but that doesn't mean that everyone will fall into line, ready to go. That's why team leaders are such a valuable part of the mission trip. 2. The job of the team leader begins with mobilizing men and women from the church's community to be part of a mission. It is through the team leader's excitement and vision that others will be encouraged to join the team and to take the Good News to the nations. 3. Further, the role of the team leader will be to provide overall leadership to the team; to lead them through the planning, preparation, and completion of a mission trip. Main Goals 1. 2. 3. 4.

Approve and equip team members. Carry out the trip objectives with all team members. Work with Celebrate Recovery International Team Lead the team through processing on the field and debriefing at home, and communicate all information.

Qualifications 1. 2. 3. 4.

A team leader must meet all the requirements set forth by the sending church. A team leader must be a mature, Spirit-led Christian committed to growth. A team leader must be able to lead people in difficult and unfamiliar situations. A team leader must have a thorough understanding Celebrate Recovery as designed and developed by the National Team and Saddleback Church. 5. A team leader must posses the skills necessary to coordinate the trip. Responsibilities In addition to the personal responsibilities set forth for each team member, the team leader has additional responsibilities listed below.

Prior to the Trip 10

 Plan and carry out the trip objectives with a safe return for all team members.  Complete any training and ensure each team member completes the training.  Arrange Orientation and Debrief meetings for the team with the staff/Missions Pastor.  Report regularly to the staff and communicate information as needed.  Develop the trip budget and submit it to the staff to manage the team's progress.  Work with Celebrate Recovery International team for training agenda, materials, and contacts for planning, implementation and post-implementation phases of the trip.  Delegate jobs as needed.  Set the itinerary.  Arrange for ground/air transportation and accommodations as needed.  Help to raise any funds needed for the trip. (All funds must be raised under the name of your local church or missions’ organization.)  Request funds out of the trip account.  Develop and distribute a ‘prayer journal’ During the Trip  Field leadership responsibilities begin on the way to the airport! The team leader must ensure that each team member successfully navigates through ticket and baggage check in and immigration.  At the team's destination, the team leader confirms up the schedule with the point person.  Ensure that the team has a daily devotion time in the morning before the day's activities begin. The devotions may be led by others as delegated.  Help set the pace for the trip and shield the team from scheduling overload.  Ensure that team members have adequate "process" and down time, especially for the first few days on site to discuss among themselves what they are seeing, and to make sense of it all.  Set up a system for handling money on the field and accounting for it with receipts and writing up a final report.  Involve and empower the team members to participate in assessing needs and conducting training. After the Trip  Set up a post trip meeting with the team.  Complete financial reporting by filling out a Trip Financial Report  Turn in the Financial Report with receipts to church mission’s office. The job of a team leader takes time. This is a commitment, but it can be managed. The team leader may need to say 'no' to other things for several months to follow God's call to lead this team.


Next Steps Where is God calling us to go?

Who will be going on the trip?

What type of trip will we be taking?

When will the trip take place?

How will God provide the support?

Contact Celebrate Recovery International Team.

Fill out and return the Celebrate Recovery Mission Trip Information Form.

Contact Information 12

Celebrate Recovery Home Office John Baker: Marnie Buehler: Johnny Baker: Tina Davis: Karen Steeber

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

(949) 609-8310 (949) 609-8334 (949) 609-8000 (949) 609-8335 (949) 609-8000

International Director Bob Wood

[email protected]

(702) 884-9830

International Trainers Dave Dent Jana O’Guin John Pollard Ken Orihood

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

(410) 857-9644

Online Resources Website: Blog: Celebrate Recovery International Resource Contacts Language Chinese French Korean German Japanese Mongolian Portuguese Romanian Russian Greek Spanish Polish Ukrainian Arabic

Contact Christina Liu Stefan Waldmann Myung Ho Kim Kai Sheunemann Steve Oyama Jungmi Park PD Brazil Hank Paulson Hank Paulson Bob Hill Vida - Miami Henryk Wieja Hank Paulson Wahid Wahba

Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Status Published In Edit Published Published Published Published Published In Translation Published Published Published Published Ready to print Published

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