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1. 1.1


DEFINITIONS Unless the text otherwise specifies, the following words shall have the meaning herein assigned to them.


Company To mean Creative Property Services Consultants Limited.


Contractor To mean Nixon Technology Company Limited and includes the Contractor’s personal representatives, successors and permitted assignees.


Building To mean each and every building, area of land or other place on, under, in, over or through which service in pursuance of the Contract is to be provided by the Contractor for the purposes of the Contract.


Estate Maintenance Manager / Property Manager To mean the officer, appointed by the Company, in charge of the building for which the services are to be performed, or such other person from time to time fulfilling his duties.


EMO To mean the Estate Management Office.


Skilled Labourer To mean that the Contractor's workman who executes the works of this contract shall be competent, experienced in low voltage security system, public address system and hard-wired type emergency alarm system of Public Housing Estates, Grade A Electrical Worker under the latest ordinance or regulation defined by Electrical and Mechanical Services Department of HKSAR, experienced workers in mechanical or ironware etc. and shall be approved by the Estate Maintenance Manager/Property Manager.


Contract To mean the Contract between the Company and the Contractor for the services howsoever made including therein the Conditions of Contract, Specification, Scope of Works, Form of Tender, Schedule of Areas, Site Layout Plan and Schedule of Rates.


Works To mean the duties and responsibilities which shall be carried out by the Contractor, as prescribed in the Scope of Works and Specification.


GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY To mean the Government’s Department or Authority as stated by the laws of HKSAR. (e.g. Architectural Services Department, Building Department, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Environmental Protection Department, Fire Services Department, Labour Department, Office of the Telecommunications Authority, Water Supplies Department etc.)


TPA To mean Tendered Percentage Adjustment which is a percentage, quoted by the Contractor, addition to, or omission from, all fees priced in the Schedule of Rates.


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EXTENT OF CONTRACT This Contract covers the whole security system of the land, buildings or area as described in the Schedule of Areas at Appendix 1


PERIOD OF THE CONTRACT This Contract shall commence on 01-10-2007 (the first day of October two thousand and seven) and expire as scheduled at Appendix 4; the last day being 31-10-2009 (the thirtieth-first day of October two thousand and nine) for a contract period of 25 months at most.



This Contract is a “Term Contract with tendered percentage on the Schedule of Rates” for carrying out the whole of the works in conformity with the Scope of Works and Specification.

1.4.2 The final cost of the works shall be further subject to percentage adjustments as are quoted by the Contractor in the Form of Tender. There will be no fluctuations for rise or fall in the cost of either labour or material under the Contract. 1.4.3


All quantities and measurements inserted or all statements relating to quantities in Schedule of Rates are for reference only and shall bear no contractual effect. In all cases, the quantities and measurements are at the sole risk of the Contractor and no adjustment will be made to the Tender Sum if the actual quantities differ from the quantities referred to this project.

Indemnifying the Company 1.5.1

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Company against all damage or losses which the Company may incur by reason of the Contractor's failure to perform or fulfill his responsibilities under the term of the Contract. e.g. a, The additional charge for calling other contractor to attend emergency call as the Contractor has attended late or failed to attend. b, The additional charge for calling other contractor to provide temporary devices to maintain the system in servicing during repairing as the Contractor cannot provide spare parts and has no acceptable reason. c, The additional charge for calling other contractor to resolve the outstanding issue during handing over the land, buildings or areas in this Contract to others.


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1. 1.6




All items in the Schedule of Rates shall be deemed to include the cost of all incidental labour, materials, all cutting and waste, delivery of materials on site, cartage, risk, moving, hoisting and fixing in the required position, plant, ladders, supervision, profit and all things, and completion of the entire works contained in the Contract and Scope of Works, such be expressed or not.


All the materials to be used in permanent work described in this Scope of Works shall be taken as new.


All materials shall be of an approved brand and type fixed and applied strictly in accordance with the Company's satisfaction. Materials shall be submitted to the Company for approval whenever required.


The rate quoted must include the provision of labour, materials, equipment, tools, valid insurance policy, etc. required to carry out the works.


Unless otherwise specified, all repair and replacement carried out by the Contractor shall be in accordance with the statutory requirements, regulation, code of practices and HA specifications and their latest amendments.


The Contractor shall keep the site clean and tidy and any damage caused due to the works should be the responsibility of the Contractor to make good.


All debris and surplus materials should be removed after the completion of works.


The Contractor shall keep constantly on the site a competent supervisor well experienced in this type of work and approved by the Company. He shall have the Contractor’s full delegation to receive and execute orders of the Employer.


If the Contractor does not secure a further contract for the provision of Works or similar services upon termination of the Contract, either through normal expiry or for whatever reasons, the arrangements for handover as detailed in the following clauses shall be made by the Contractor. The Contractor shall continue to provide the required Works under the same conditions as stipulated in this Contract up to the handover.


The transition to a successor or successors shall be arranged among the Estate Maintenance Manager, the Contractor and the successor(s) so as to reduce to a minimum any interruption or disruption to the provision of Works.


The Contractor shall co-operate fully with the Estate Maintenance Manager or Property Manager, its successor(s) and other parties designated by the Company during the transition period before the handover. The co-operation shall include, but not be limited to, the provision of all data, documents, reports and any other information, whether held in electronic or written form, which the Estate Maintenance Manager reasonably considers necessary or appropriate in order to achieve a smooth handover and subsequent provision of the Works. After the expiration/termination of the Contract, the Contractor shall be required to ensure the Site is handed over in good condition and all outstanding issue resolved or passed on.


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1. 1.8


TERMINATION OF CONTRACT BY THE COMPANY If the Contractor shall become bankrupt or have a receiving order made against him or shall present his petition in bankruptcy or shall make an arrangement with or assignment in favour of his creditors or shall agree to carry out the Contract under a committee of inspection of his creditors or, being a corporation, shall go into liquidation, other than a voluntary liquidation for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction, or if the Contractor shall assign the Contract without the consent in writing of the Company first obtained or shall have an execution levied on his goods or if in the Company’s opinion the Contractor(a) has abandoned the Contract; or (b) without reasonable excuse has failed to commence the service or has suspended the progress of the service; or (c) is not performing the service in accordance with the Contract or is persistently or flagrantly neglecting to carry out his obligations under the Contract; or (d) has without the consent of the Company or in defiance of the Company’s instructions to the contrary assigned the Contract or any benefit or interest wherein; or (e) has in defiance of the Company’s instructions to the contrary sub-let the whole or any part of the Contract; or (f) has failed to perform the service with due diligence; or (g) has in default of wage payment of any person employed by him in and for carrying out this Contract, then the Company, after giving one month notice in writing to the Contractor, may terminate this Contract and enter upon the building and expel the Contractor therefrom without thereby releasing the Contractor from any of his obligations and liabilities under the Contract or affecting the rights and powers conferred on the Company by the Contract and may himself perform the service or may employ any other contractor to perform the service and shall hold the Contractor liable for any loss or damage which the Company may thereby sustain.


INSURANCE The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages, liabilities, loss, claims and proceedings in respect of accidents arising out of this Contract to the general public and to his own workmen and shall provide efficient protection to prevent the materials from falling into the street, court or adjoining properties. He shall take out Third Party Insurance with reputable company. He shall affect insurance policies throughout the contract period with sufficient coverage against all liability arising out of employee compensation and third party. The minimum amount of third party insurance is stated in the Form of Tender. The amount stated is deemed to be in respect of any one accident and unlimited in the aggregate amount for the period of insurance. The expression ‘accident’ means any one accident or series of accidents arising out of any one event irrespective of the number of the claims that may arise therefrom but unlimited in number for the period of insurance.


CONTRACTOR APPLY FOR PAYMENT Application for payment shall be made monthly and after the works planned have been completed. Each invoice submitted under this Contract, shall be attached with the inspection report and quote the Contract number, particulars of the Works rendered, rate and value etc. and shall be sent by the Contractor to the Estate Maintenance Manager or as otherwise directed. Unless otherwise provided, payment shall be made after the Works have been performed, and on the certification of the Estate Maintenance Manager that Works have, in all respects, been performed in accordance with the requirement of the Contract.


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INVOICES The Contractor shall produce the original copy of all invoices, vouchers or receipted accounts for any materials if called upon to do so.


REJECT PAYMENT All works performed will be subject to inspection by the Estate Maintenance Manager before payment. The Estate Maintenance Manager may withhold payment when the works has not been performed in strict accordance with the requirements of the Contract. Payment for works will be made only on the certification by the Estate Maintenance Manager that the works have been performed to his entire satisfaction.


VARIATIONS AND EXCISION No variation shall vitiate this Contract. Should the Company require more or less work to be carried out than that stated in the Scope of Areas, he/she may by one-month written advance notice to the Contractor to do so, and the value of such work shall be added to or deducted from the Contract sum at rates stipulated by the Schedule of Rates as adjusted by the TPA inserted by the Contractor.


CONTRACTOR’S EMPLOYEES (a) The Contractor will be responsible for the efficient performance of the Contract and for the good conduct of his employees while they are working at the building. If at any time, in the opinion of the Estate Maintenance Manager, any workman employed by the Contractor works for the Contract is incompetent or acts in an improper manner, the Contractor shall employ another workman in his place. (b) The persons supplied by the Contractor to carry out the services shall at all times be employees of the Contractor and not of the Company.


INDEMNIFYING CLAUSE The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Company against any liability, loss claim or proceedings in respect of any injury or damage whatsoever to any property real or personal in so far as such injury or damage arising out of or in the course of or by reason of the execution of the work.


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WORKING PROGRAMME The Contractor shall submit programmes for the approval by the Estate Maintenance Manager. Within 14 days after receiving the Company’s letter of acceptance, the Contractor shall submit the Works programme illustrating the planned dates and extent of works for the full year, For any specific task, the Contractor shall submit a detailed programme and method statement at least 14 days before the commencement date of that task. The Estate Maintenance Manager shall review the programme and method statement and revise where necessary and the Contractor shall follow the revised programme and method statement. The submission to and approval by the Estate Maintenance Manager of such programme (and revisions if applicable) shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract.


SAFETY The Contractor shall provide adequate and approved types of safety devices and vests for his workers in compliance with the guidelines issued by Government Departments. Such measures shall also provide safety precaution for all residents in the Building, staff of the Estate Maintenance Manager and the public.


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2. 2.1


GENERAL OBLIGATIONS 2.1.1 Removal of Rubbish The Contractor shall clear and cart away all rubbish arising out of or during the execution of the works and leave clean and tidy to the satisfaction of the Estate Maintenance Manager.

2.1.2 Protection of the Works The Contractor shall protect all works and materials from damage by his workmen, and shall be liable for all damage thus caused. When works and equipments are being repaired, replaced, installed and altered, the Contractor shall make provision for the safe custody of the works and equipment and until they are finally inspected and tested, and shall adopt all necessary precautionary measures against theft, injury, damage or inclement weather.

2.1.3 Tools The Contractor shall provide all tools, machines, and testing instruments required in the performance of the Contract at his own cost.

2.1.4 Advice by Contractor The Contractor is to advise the Estate Maintenance Manager when major repairs or replacements are required and to submit estimates for such repair or replacement. No commencement of any works is allowed without the prior consent from the Estate Maintenance Manager.


MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP All materials and equipments incorporated in the work shall be new unless otherwise specified and shall be the best of their various kinds. Workmanship shall be of the best quality, free from faults and defects and in conformity with the contract documents. All works not so conformable to these standards may be considered defective. All installation, alteration, replacement and repair works executed and materials and equipments provided by the Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Standard, Codes, Guides and Manuals referred to in this Specification, including but not limited to the following:(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

Electrical Ordinance of Hong Kong. Code of Practice for the Electricity (Wiring) Regulations ( 2003 Edition ) General Specification for Electrical installation for Hong Kong Housing Authority Contract in Estate management Division 2003 Edition Labour Department’s Working Regulation of Confined Space Environmental Protection Ordinance Housing Authority Specifications and their latest amendments Any others Ordinance stated by Hong Kong Law

Should there be any contradiction between the above Regulations, Standards, Rules, Guides, manuals or Instructions given by Estate Maintenance Manager, the Estate Maintenance Manager shall have the final decision.


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2. 2.3


GOOD PRACTICE Where and to the extent that the materials, products and workmanship are not fully specified they are to be:



Suitable for the purposes of the works to maintain the systems in top working conditions and


In accordance with the British Standard Specification ( Latest Edition ) and good building services practice, including the relevant provisions of current Building Services Specification.


The Contractor shall be responsible for making good all defects, which may arise either from defective materials, workmanship or design for a 3 months period after the rectification of works. Such Defect Liability Period will extend to 12 months if the materials involved are brand new.

WORKING HOUR Normal working hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday. No works is allowed on Holidays and Public Holidays except in emergency circumstances and approved by the Estate Maintenance Manager.


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The scope of works to be carried out under this Contract shall include the following: 3.1

The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of whole security system including security entrance doors, falling object monitoring system (FOMS), public address system and hard-wired type emergency alarm system for the Schedule of Areas


The maintenance works shall comprise the following :Inspection, servicing, routine maintenance and attending emergency calls for security system, falling object monitoring system (FOMS), public address system and hard-wired type emergency alarm system as instructed by the Estate Maintenance Manager or his representatives.


Joint inspections between the Estate Maintenance Manager and the Contractor shall be conducted immediately at the commencement of the Contract to ensure that all defects/missing items of security system, falling object monitoring system (FOMS), public address system and hard-wired type emergency alarm system are properly rectified and fixed by the Company before handing over to the Contractor.


To provide qualified workers, skilled labourer and emergency service team to carry out the inspection, maintenance and emergency repair in order to provide optimum operation efficiency to the security system, falling object monitoring system (FOMS), public address system and hard-wired type emergency alarm system and assist the Company to apply for the relevant licences.


To provide qualified workers, skilled labourer for inspection, checking, repair services and routine maintenance services for at least ONE (1) day weekly to rectify all defects recorded in the maintenance logbook by the Estate Maintenance Manager or his representatives and completion of the defects/faults within 3 days of visit. Detailed report with checklist of routine maintenance works in prescribed form shall be submitted to Estate Management Office once bi-monthly. Any defects/faults will be reported and written down in the logbook immediately.


To provide inspection and checking on, and repairing services to, the performance of the whole security system, falling object monitoring system (FOMS), public address system and hard-wired type emergency alarm system as instructed by Estate Maintenance Manager or his representatives and the detail report with WR1, WR1(A), WR2 and WR2(A) (if instructed by Estate Maintenance Manager) submitted to Estate Management Office within 7 days of visit and/or submitted to the government’s authority in according to the relative regulations and ordinances by the law of Hong Kong. All replacement works shall be quoted separately, and subject to the approval of the Company.


To provide a 24-hour emergency call out service during the contract period. In case of any breakdown of the security system, the Contractor shall send their skilled labour to attend the repairing within 1 hour’s time after the receipt of the notification from the representatives of the Company.


To identify and report any defect/faults in detail together with quotation for rectification, if necessary, to the Estate Management Office. Under no circumstances, however, shall these reports and quotations be chargeable to the Company.


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To submit a detailed and updated schematic diagram of security system, falling object monitoring system (FOMS), public address system and hard-wired type emergency alarm system with WR1, WR1(A), WR2 or WR2(A) for the Company’s record after any modification of system on annual inspection as required by the Estate Maintenance Manager. The cost shall be deemed to be included in the Contract.


To check, repair, maintain, keep tidy and trace fault on security system, falling object monitoring system (FOMS), public address system and hard-wired type emergency alarm system including those low-voltage component, extra-low voltage components and mechanical parts as instruct ed by the Estate Maintenance Manager and submit the correction action proposal to the Company for rectification.


The Contractor shall be responsible for assisting the Company to inspect, check, rectify and endorse the Part 1 of WR1 or WR1(A) for the existing / new electrical installations for security system, falling object monitoring system (FOMS), public address system and hard-wired type emergency alarm system as instructed by the Estate Maintenance Manager or his representative.


To provide spare security equipments (i.e. camera, VCR, monitor, multiplexer etc.) for temporary use within 3 calendar days in case of the equipment breakdown to landlord installations and such equipments provided shall be on loan for no longer than two (2) months as instructed by the Estate Maintenance Manager or his representative. The cost shall be deemed to be included in the monthly charge of this Contract.


The cost of tracing fault and minor repairing works including replacement of electronic components and parts of the low voltage circuitry on security system, falling object monitoring system (FOMS), public address system and hard-wired type emergency alarm system during the routine maintenance shall be deemed to be included in the monthly charge of this Contract.


To carry out the annual inspection and submit a detailed and updated schematic diagram of security system, falling object monitoring system (FOMS), public address system and hard-wired type emergency alarm system with WR2 and WR2(A) as required by the Estate Maintenance Manager. The cost shall be deemed to be included in the monthly charge in this Contract


To supply, repair or make replacement of the parts of security system, falling object monitoring system (FOMS), public address system and hard-wired type emergency alarm system within seven (7) calendar days after receiving the written notification or verbal instruction by the Estate Maintenance Manager or his representative.


The Contractor shall be responsible for keeping a minimum materials stock of the security equipments for emergency repair or day-to-day replacement works as instructed by the Estate Maintenance Manager or his representative. The stock of materials cost shall be deemed to be included in the Contract.


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Regulation for Payment Certification:4.3.1 General Regulation (1) A lump sum fixed amount for monthly rates after adjustment of tendered percentages for routine maintenance servicing and annual inspection for whole security system, falling object monitoring system (FOMS), public address system and hard-wired type emergency alarm system will be paid to the Contractor monthly within 45 calendar days after receiving the Contractor’s original invoices and the Contractor has fully performed and completed his contract obligations. Cost of all necessary testing reports, documents and WR2A or WR2 etc. shall be deemed to be included in the monthly charge of the Contract (2) All works shall be measured net as completed or fixed. No allowance shall be made for waste, large or small quantities, narrow widths, short lengths, work being in patch etc. Cost of all minor repairing / fault tracing of whole security system, falling object monitoring system (FOMS), public address system and hard-wired type emergency alarm system shall be deemed to be included in the rate(s) of the Contract. (3) The rates involving labour such as “Fix Only”, “Taking Down” and “Refix Only” shall include all labour cost and traveling expenses to carry out the work, transportation of required materials from and to the Company’s Store and provision of all fixing materials such as nails, bolts, nuts, washers, screws, adhesive etc. and necessary tools to complete the works which deem necessary. (4) Providing extension ladders, steps ladders, etc. for the safe execution of work at a working height not greater than 5 metres. 4.3.2 For emergency work repair upon called from the Company or his representative:The rate(s) of HK$500.00 after adjustment of tendered percentage for the Contract will be paid to the Contractor for their skilled labourer who can arrive and to attend each call of the normal working hours or non-working hours (including Sunday and Public Holidays) within 1 hour after receiving the Company’s notification. “Supply Only” rate of materials will be paid for the brand new materials supplied and installed by Contractor for the emergency works. No allowance shall be made in any circumstance, except where especially so provided in the Schedule of Rates. 4.3.3 For the schedule, planned inspection, checking or any other repair and replacement works as instructed by the Company or his representative :1. All new materials provided by the Contractor shall be claimed at the rate in Supply, Fix and Take Down / Clear Away rate as stated in the Schedule of Rates with the adjustment of tendered percentage. 2. In case of the Contractor to provide materials which are out of the Schedule of Rates, the rate(s) of the materials will be further assessed and be paid by the Company at the reasonable market prices with supported quotations submitted by the Contractor or other Material Suppliers. Under all circumstances, the Contractor shall be performing his obligations in the Scope of Works, and completing the works as stated in the Contract.


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4. FORM OF TENDER (CONT’D) 4.3.3 For the schedule, planned inspection, checking or any other repair and replacement works as instructed by the Company or his representative :- (CONT’D)

3. Application fee(s) for any submission to the Government Authority in accordance with the relative ordinances or by the law of Hong Kong as instructed by the Company or his representative will be reimbursed to the Contractor and no extra cost to be paid by the Company.


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The Schedule of Areas is not exhaustive and the Company shall have the right at any time during the period of this Contract to include additional properties to, or to delete any properties from, the Contract. Such additional properties shall be deemed to form part of this Contract and the Contractor will have no claim against the Company whatsoever. The following data is for reference only: The Site Detail / General Description of Site Ming Tak Estate

Situated at the eastern part of Hang Hau Area, Tseung Kwan O. The site comprises 2 No. Harmony I Blocks, Housing for Senior Citizens, assorted non-domestic premises and welfare facilities and associated external works.

Fu Tung Estate

Situated at Tat Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau. The site comprises 3 No. Harmony I Blocks, Open Carpark, 2 Primary Schools, 2 Secondary Schools, assorted non-domestic premises and welfare facilities and associated external works including slope(s).

Hing Tung Estate

Situated at Yiu Hing Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong. The site comprises 3 no. Harmony I Block, 2 No. Kindergartens, assorted non-domestic premises and welfare facilities and associated external works including slope(s).

Tin Wan Estate

Situated at Tin Wan Street, Aberdeen, Hong Kong. The site comprises 4 No. of Harmony I Block and 1 No. of Housing for Senior Citizens Block, 1 no. Kindergarten, 1 No. Primary School, assorted non-domestic premises and welfare facilities, Public Transport Interchange and associated external works including slope(s).

Pak Tin Estate (Phase 4 &5)

Situated at the Pak Tin Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon The site comprises 2 Harmony I Blocks, 1 Ancillary Facilities Block with Covered Carparks & HSC, 1 No. Kindergarten, assorted non-domestic premises, associated external works and slope(s).

Hing Wah (I) Estate

Situated at 11, Wan Tsui Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. The site comprises 3 Harmony I Blocks/Option 6, 1 Free Standing Multi-storey Carpark Building, 1 No. Kindergarten, assorted non-domestic premises, associated external works and slope(s).

Tsui Luk House of Tsui Lok Estate

Situated at 26 Tsui Wan Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong.

The site comprises 1 No. Small Household Block, assorted non-domestic premises, and associated external works.


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Hau Tak Estate

Situated at the north-western part of Hang Hau District. The site comprises 5 Harmony I Blocks, 1 No. Harmony I and Annex Block, 1 No. Carpark Block, Open Carpark, 1 No. Kindergarten, 1 No. of Primary School, 2 No. of Secondary Schools, associated welfare facilities and associated external works.

Siu Sai Wan Estate

Situated in the eastern end of Chai Wan, Hong Kong Island. The site comprises 4 No. Trident 4 Blocks, 5 No. Linear I Blocks, 3 No. Harmony I Blocks, Carpark Blocks, Open Carpark, 1 Shop under domestic block, 2 No. of Kindergartens, 1 No. of Primary School, assorted welfare facilities and associated external works including slope(s)

Ma Hang Estate

Situated in Stanley Valley which lies at the end of Cape Road in between the Chung Hom Kok peninsula to the West and Stanley to the East, Hong Kong Island. The Site comprises 5 No. Rural Harmony Blocks, Carpark Blocks, Open Carpark, 1 No. of Kindergarten, 1 No. of Primary School, assorted welfare facilities and associated external works including slope(s)

Sai Wan Estate

Situated at Ka Wai Man Road Kennedy Town, Hong Kong Island. The site comprises 5 No. Old Slab Blocks, open Carpark, assorted non-domestic facilities, 1 No. of Kindergarten, assorted welfare facilities and associated external work including slope(s).

Hong Tung Estate

Situated at Lei King Road, Hong Kong. The site comprises 1 Small Household Block, Open Carpark, assorted non-domestic premises, and associated external works.

Yat Tsui House of Wan Tsui Estate

Situated at Yan Tsui Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong.

The site comprises 1 No. Small Household Block, assorted non-domestic premises, and associated external works. Shek Lei (II) Estate

Situated at Tai Pak Tin Street and Shek Lei Street, Kwai Chung. The site comprises of a number of blocks and areas which can be summarized as follows:No. Mark IV interim Housing Blocks, 6 No. Harmony I Blocks, 1 No. Harmony IIIA Block, 1 No. Harmony Annex Block, 1 No. Small Household Block, Covered Carpark, Open Carpark, 2 No. Kindergartens, 1 No. Primary School, Community Hall, Public Transport Interchange, assorted welfare facilities, and associated external works including slop(s). Phase 10. (Under Construction) 1 No. New Harmony I Option 7 Block, 1 No. New Harmony I Option 6 Block, Open Carpark, assorted estate facilities and associated external work including slop(s). will be hand over on 1.4.2009.


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Site layout plan of :-

Ming Tak Estate.


Fu Tung Estate.


Hing Tung Estate.


Tin Wan Estate.


Pak Tin Estate (Phase 4 & 5).


Hing Wah (I) Estate.


Tsui Luk House of Tsui Lok Estate.


Hau Tak Estate.


Siu Sai Wan Estate.


Ma Hang Estate.


Sai Wan Estate.


Hong Tung Estate.


Yat Tsui House of Wan Tsui Estate.


Shek Lei (II) Estate and (Phase 10 hand over on 1.4.2009).


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Refer to the Hong Kong Housing Authority Electrical Term Maintenance Contract (Area N1) 2004/2007 for Housing Authority Estates, Areas and Buildings Contract No.20030030 for Electrical Term Maintenance Contract SOR (20/1/2004) revision (CD-ROM in Acrobat Format attached) Section E – Schedule of Rates for Security System Maintenance Works Only

The Schedule of Rates for Electrical Maintenance Works shall be read and used in conjunction with the Form of Tender


Contractor shall note that the rate printed at the “Schedule A – Routine Inspection, Servicing, Maintenance and Testing of the Section E” shall not be applicable under this contract.


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