Cpr - Qb Chapter 02 New

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K. K. Wagh Polytechnic, Nashik

Question Bank: Chapter No. 02

Programming in ‘C’ (9017) Class: FYIF Decision making and Branching

Summer 2007: Marks = 36 1. State the use of ‘continue’ statement. 2 2. Describe if-else statement. 2 3. Write a program to display even numbers from 1 to n. Where n is accepted from user. 4 4. In what way does switch statement differ from an if statement 4 5. The following is the program segment: x = 1; y = 1; if(n > 0) x = x + 1; else y = y – 1; printf(“%d %d”,x, y); What will be the values of x and y if n assumes a value of 1 and if n=0? 4 6. Write a program in ‘C’ to reverse the entered integer number as input through keyboard. 4 7. Compare while and do-while loop. 4 8. Explain nested if-else statement execution with its flowchart. 4 9. Write a program to print factorial of a number (W-07) 4 10. Write a program to find whether a given number is prime or not. 4 Winter 2007: Marks = 36 1. State difference between while and do-while loop 2 2. Write syntax for nested if-else statement. 2 3. Give syntax and example of switch-case statement 4 4. Explain importance of ‘break’ statement with switch-case. Give proper example. 4 5. Write a program to enter values of a and b variables. Calculate addition, division, multiplication, subtraction of a and b and display results. 4 6. Explain ‘continue’ statement with example. 4 7. Debug following program and write only errors if any: #include<stdio.h> main( ) { char X; while(X=0;X<=255;X++) printf(“\n character is %c”, X); } 8. Write a program to display series of 11 to 30 numbers in reverse order as 30,29,28,……..2,1. Also calculate sum of 11 to 30 numbers and display it. 9. Write a menu driven program for the following options: i. To find whether entered no. is even or odd. ii. To display sum of two entered numbers.

CPR – Question Bank Chapter 02


K. K. Wagh Polytechnic, Nashik

Summer 2008:

Marks = 32

a) b) c) d) e) f)

What is difference between while and do-while? 2 Describe nested if-else statement. 2 Write a program to display table up to 30. Use for loop. 4 Give any four forms of nested if-else statement. 4 Explain switch statement with suitable example. 4 Using while loop, write a program to print all Armstrong numbers between 1 and 500. If sum of cubes of each digit of the numbers is equal to the number itself, then number is called Armstrong number. For example: 153 = (1*1*1) + (5*5*5) + (3*3*3) 4 g) State use of continue statement over break statement using suitable example. 4 h) Write a program to print first 10 odd numbers using while loop. 4 i) Write a program which will print largest of three numbers using if-else. 4 Winter 2008:

Marks = 32

a) b) c)

State the use of break statement. 2 Explain conditional operator. 2 Write a program to display the sum of all even numbers from one to ‘n’. Accept ‘n’ from user. 4 d) Explain else – if ladder with example. 4 e) Explain switch statement with flowchart. 4 f) Explain the working of do – while loop with example. 4 g) Differentiate between do-while and while loop. 4 h) Write a program to find sum of digits of five digit integer number. 4 i) Write a program to find out largest number among 3 integer nos. 4

CPR – Question Bank Chapter 02


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