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Advertising in Britain What does it say about a nation that when a national newspaper recently set (1)….. to establish the best television adverts of all time, as(2) ..….. as 10000 people responded? The answer lies (3) ..….. the fact that the British have developed an intense admiration for a genre that has developed into an art from its (4)……. right. In 1955, when Gibbs SR toothpaste broadcast the first TV commercial, it was inconceivable that ads would ever end (5)……. being considered as sophisticated and innovative as the programmes surrounding (6) …… Yet by 1978, the author Jonathan Price was able to declare:” Financially, commercials represent the pinnacle of our popular culture’s artistic expression. More money and thought per second goes into (7) …… making and more cash flows from their impact than (8)…. ...the case for any movie, opera, stage play, painting or videotape.” Today, (9)…… the explosion of channels and websites, there is more onus than ever (10)…….. the advertiser the shock , amuse, enthral, and entertain in its 30 second slot. But are ads really worthy (11) ……. cultural appraisal, in the same way programmes (12)…..? And what (13)…….. an advertisement truly great ? ”Aesthetically, it’s something that is watchable for 1000 viewings and still remains fresh “, says Robert Opie, founder of the Museum of Advertising and Packaging. “Often, this is to (14)……… with perfect acting and with every single last detail (15)……..correct. There are so many layers that you can watch it many times, like listening to a piece of classical music.

1. When I’ve had a…………..day at work, all I want to do is go home and relax in front of the television. You shouldn’t have been so …………..on Jackie- she is only made a small mistake and there was no need to shout at her like that. I’m a bit …………of hearing. Would you mind speaking up? 2. Ann is always gossiping about other people- I wish she’d …………her own business. ……….. your head when you go through this doorway, it’s rather low for someone tall. Colin earns an absolute fortune in his job -………you, he has to work extremely hard for it. 3. Elaine’s self confidence is just a ……….because in fact she’s a very shy person.

The agreement is that we have to pay the builders half the money up …….. and the other half once they’ve completed the work. You must have got dressed in a hurry this morning- you’ve got your sweater on back to ……….. 4.

Obviously, something had frightened the cat because it……… out of the house and up the road with an expression of panic on its face. The critics …………her last film to shreds and one of them even called it ‘comfortably the worst movie in living memory’. Mike was obviously annoyed by the contents of the letter because as soon as he’d read it he ……….it up and threw it in the bin.

5. I didn’t want to arrive late so I left earlier than I needed to, just to be on the ………side. Since they haven’t phoned to tell us otherwise, I think it’s ………….to assume that they’re still coming to see us next weekend. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone what you’ve just told me-your secret …… …..with me. 6. Katherine and her sister look so alike that I simply can’t…….. them apart. I expect the boss is going to ……….me off for not getting my work done on time again. I bought my niece a toy clock because she’s just learning to………the time.

So that he would be able to leave the room quickly, Matthew stood by the door. positioned Matthew ………………………………………..as to be able to leave the room quickly . 2) I haven’t been told clearly what I’ll have to do in my next project at work required It hasn’t been made……………………………….me in my next project at work. 3) In my opinion, it was an absolute miracle that they survived the accident. short The fact that we survived the accident was………………………., in my opinion. 1)

4) What gave you the impression that Sue and Jack were going to split up? led What was…………………………….that Sue and Jack were going to split up? 5) I tried as hard as I could to make sure that this problem would not arise. power I…………………………………………….….….this problem from arising 6) I don’t think it was reasonable of you to complain so much about the service. justified I don’t think you …………………………………...…fuss about the service. 7) Laura was faced by a lot of problems during her childhood. contend Laura had a ……………………………………….…..during her childhood. 8) The audience suddenly started to applaud loudly. sudden All………………………………………………………from the audience

Laughing is Good for you – Seriously It is a sad fact that adults laugh far less than children, sometimes (1)….....as much as a couple of hundred times a day. Just take a (2)………at people’s faces on the way to work or in the office: you’ll be lucky to see a smile, let (3)………hear a laugh. This is a shame -especially in (4)………of the fact that scientists have proved that laughing is good for you.” When you laugh,” says psychologist David Cohen, “it produces the feel-good hormones, endorphins. It counters the effects of stress (5)………..enhances the immune system .” There are many (6)……….why we might laugh less in adult life: perhaps we are too work-obsessed; too embarrassed to(7)…………our emotions show. Some psychologists simply believe that children have more naïve responses, and as adults we naturally grow (8)……….of spontaneous reactions. Luckily, (9) ………., it is possible to relearn the art of laughter. In India” laughter clinics have been growing (10)………popularity of the last few years, (11)………. to the efforts of Dr Madan Kataria (12)……….work has won him (13)………. devoted following. Dr Kataria believes that his laughing techniques can help to strengthen the immune system and lower stress levels, (14)…………other things. He teaches his patients different laughs or giggles to relax specific parts of the

body. In 1998 when Dr Kataria organized a World Laughter Day at Bombay racetrack, 10000 people (15)…………up.

1) David played the main role when the proposal was drafted. instrumental David ………………………………………of the proposal. 2) If you hadn’t change our original agreement, everything would have been fine. stuck Had …………………………………………agreed, everything would have been fine. 3) I think you should have some consideration for those who don’t have lives as privileged as yours. spare I think you should………………………………………lives aren’t as privileged as yours. 4) We decided to stay for longer because we were so thrilled by the place prolonged We decided to …………………………………………..we by the place. 5) Competitors were amazed by how shrewdly he conducted his business affairs. marveled Competitors …………………………………………….which he conducted his business affairs. 6) I didn’t want to give up while some hope of success remained. defeat I was loath ………………………………………………..some hope of success. 7) After a long hard journey, I cheered up when I saw my home. sight After a long hard journey, my spirits……………………………………….of my home. 8) Your attitude to life would be greatly improved by a regular exercise wonders Regular exercise would…………………………………………at life.

For many people the London underground is a grim necessity that gets them from A to B. But for ……..author Preethi Nair, it is a source of inspiration. She has just published her first novel Gypsy Masala-a tale she dreamt up whilst commuting on the Metropolitan Line.” Have you observed people on the tube?” she asks…….. “Everyone is in their own little world. I just used to sit there and imagine what kind of lives they led” Gypsy Masal charts adventures and …….. thoughts of three members of an Indian family living in London as they search for happiness. “It’s a story about following your dreams”, says Preethi who gave up her high-pressure job as management ……… in order to go in …… of her ambition of becoming a writer. It was a big risk but it was definitely the right decision in terms of peace of mind and……… “she explains. Preethi was born in a small village in the Indian state of Kerala and moved to London with her parents at the age of three. She says the striking contrast in cultures made a ………impression and is reflected in her story, which flits between the suburbs of London and ………India. Many of the scenes in the book are based on the place where she was born and spent long summer holidays. “It’s in a tiny village that is lost in time. There is still no ……….water and it’s quite difficult to get to. It is completely ………., and so beautiful”, she says.




King of the Watchmakers For a period of its history, the city of Coventry had a considerable CONSIDER reputation as the main centre of clock and watchmaking in Britain Coventry timepieces made then were……………with both quality SYNONYM and…………. .Few people in the city today will have heard of RELY Samuel Watson, but he almost…………paved the way for Coventry’s HAND involvement in the clock and watch business. He was at the………. FRONT of the watchmaking revolution in the 1680s, and although it is not known how Watson became involved in the trade, he was a trailblazer for others. Watson made his name in 1682 when he sold a clock to King Charles II and was invited to be King’s ………………. The following MATHEMATICS year he began work on an astronomical clock for the King, complete with planets and signs of the zodiac, which took seven years to build. It not

only told the time of the day but also the………… changes of the POSITION planets. Queen Mary acquired it in 1691 and it is still in the………….. OWN of the Royal Family. He built several other clocks, and by 1690 the clamour for Watson’s clock’s was such that he left Coventry and took up…………….. in RESIDE London. He became Master of the London Clockmakers’ Company in 1692, which is testament to his……………in the growing industry. STAND In 1712, Samuel Watson’s name disappears from the records of the London Clockmakers’ Company, and the ……………..is that he died LIKELY in that year.


Don’t cheat- you’ve just put a card down and it’s my ………………. now I’m exhausted because it’s been a very busy at work and I’ve been on the … ………….all day. Daniel had a ……………….at fixing the washing machine but he couldn’t make it work properly.


It’s……………….. as well I remembered to take the map with me, or we’d never have found our way there. There’s no need to get upset.………………. because I’ve said that I don’t agree with you. Do you think you could phone back an about ten minutes- I can’t speak to you ………………now.

3. They ………….. to lose a lot of money if they are forced to close down their business. He has treated me very badly for a long time and I think that the time has now come for me to……………..up to him. Wendy is extremely selfish and she can’t ……………….it when she doesn’t get her own way. 4.

I didn’t have a view of the sea from my hotel room because there was a …… ……. Big block of flats in the way. The town where I live is not very well known and doesn’t attract a ……….. many visitors. I didn’t want to go into ……………...detail at that point, so I said I would discuss the matter further the following day.


In a united………….of defiance, the protestors refused to disperse when ordered to do so by the police. The burglars were in the……………of breaking in when he spotted them and called the police. His………………… was not well received by the audience and he left the stage to total silence.

6. If you wait outside the building at six a clock, I’ll …………….you up in the car. He obviously wanted to……………. A fight with me but I refused to react to his aggressive behavior. Most fans regarded him as one of the best players in the country and were astonished when the selectors didn’t …………………him for the national team. Celebrity Crossover It is not surprising that actors want to be pop stars, and vice versa. (1) …… that it deep in a part of our brain that most of us manage to keep (2)…….control, we all want to be pop stars and actors. Sadly, there’s nothing about the (3)…… profession that automatically qualifies you for the other, (4)……. , of course, for the fact that famous actors and singers are already surrounded by people whoever(5)……. no to them. (6)… ….. the whole, pop stars tend to fare better on screen than their (7)……. numbers on CD. Lets (8)……. it: not being able to act is no big drawback in Hollywood, whereas not being able to play or sing still tends to count (9)…… you in the recording studio. Some stars do display a genuine proficiency in both disciplines, and the few even maintain successful careers in both fields, but this just (10)……… a bad example for all the others. (11)……... every success, here are two dozen failures. And most of them have no idea (12)……. terrible they are. (13)……… as power tends to corrupt, so celebrity tends to destroy the ability to gauge whether or not you’re making a fool of (14)…….. . But perhaps we shouldn’t criticize celebrities for trying to expand their horizons in this way. (15)……… there’s one good thing about actors trying to sing and singers trying to act, it is that it keeps them all too busy to write books.

1. If Tony hadn’t interfered, there would have been no problems yesterday, I’m sure. smoothly Without Tony’s ……………………………………………… yesterday, I’m sure 2. I said that I thought he was wrong about the best way for us to proceed. issue I …………………………………………………….. best we should proceed. 3. He didn’t want to get in a position where he might loose all his money. possibility He didn’t want to expose……………………………………. all his money 4. The company received an enormous number of calls responding to the advert. deluged The company…………………………………………….. response to the advert. 5. The manager said that he had paid attention to my complaints and would take the appropriate action. note The manager said that he had…………………………………… accordingly 6. We’ll have to make sure that costs are as low as possible or we’ll have no money left. minimum We’ll have to keep …………………………………………….. ourselves with no money left. 7. His behavior at the conference gave him the bad reputation he now has. conducted The way ……………………………………………………. In the bad reputation he now has. 8. Her work didn’t meet the standards that were considered acceptable. conform Her work …………………………………………………. acceptable standards.

People say that Frank is a nasty individual but whenever I’ve met him, I’ve always …………………. him very pleasant. You’ve …………………fault with absolutely everything at the hotel – I’ve never known anyone complain so much! Despite all the evidence against him, he was ………………… not guilty when the case came to court. The team showed no improvement on their previous terrible performances and so it was inevitable that they would loose …………………….. again. A change in the law has been agreed but the government have …………………. to announce exactly when it will come into force. I expect John will contact me with the details but as …………………… I haven’t heard from him. Suddenly becoming very famous went to his…………………… and became extremely arrogant. There had been a lot of discontent among the staff and matters came to a ……… …………….. at the monthly meeting, when an argument broke out. The groups’ most loyal fans were at the ……………………….. of the queue, having waited overnight for the concert tickets to go o sale. I was sitting at the next table to them so I couldn’t ……………………. overhearing their conversation. My financial situation is pretty bad anyway, so this unexpected bill doesn’t exactly ……………………………….. I wish you wouldn’t …………………………. yourself to my CD’s without asking me first. He used to be one of the top players in the world but he has now had a………… …………….. of fifteen consecutive matches without a single victory. Leaving college without completing the course may seem like a good idée now, but I think you may come to regret it in the long ………………….. . The film is about someone who escapes from prison and goes on the…………… …. . There was a very………………………… contrast between the scenes of wealth I saw in some parts of the country and the scenes of poverty I witnessed in others. Trudy is very ………………….. businesswoman and that is what has enabled her to make all the right decisions for her company.

There was a very…………………………. bend in the road and for a moment I nearly lost control of the car. Capitan Webb Capitan Matthew Webb is fortunate in being remembered as the first man to swim the English Channel, rather than the one who later tried and failed to plunge through the Niagara Falls. If ever a man possessed self-confidence, it was Webb; but it was his stubborn refusal REFUSE to give up that eventually proved his ………. . UNDO Unwilling to recognize the Channel crossing as the peak of his career, he went on and on, addicted to glory, literally swimming himself to death. Webb astonished the British notion on August 25th, 1875, with a Channel crossing that took a mammoth 21 hours and 25 minutes. He had entered the sea a merchant-ship captain living in…………. OBSCURE but he emerged in France, stung by jellyfish and half-dead with……. EXHAUST a national hero. He was feted, mobbed and cheered wherever he went; his appearance in the city of London brought business to a ……… . STAND Alarmed by the sudden attention, the normally …………. Webb fled FEAR to his native Shropshire. But all this ………… was too much for him, and he made the fatal STAR error of many a pop star in later years. Craving ……….., he very nearly dissolved himself in a series of APPLAUD marathon swims for money, including a six-day …………. contest. ENDURE Then he sailed for America, where he had a …………. schedule PUNISH of long swims. It was America that lured Webb to the final act in his tragedy; his crazed attempt to swim the Niagara River beneath the Falls in June 1883. ……….. of all advice, he dived in from a REGARD boat and subsided forever into the boiling rapids. The slow arrival of the wheel it is nearly impossible in our post-industrial society to conceive of a world without wheels. From clocks to huge machinery and from cars to computer disks, (1)……….. employs cogs, wheels or other types of cylindrical components that spin an axis. (2) ……… the wheel took relatively long time to be invented and several civilizations reached a relatively high level of technological sophistication (3)……….. it. The most likely explanation is (4)……… neither terrain nor climate suited the wheel. Until 10000 BC, much of the world was (5) …………. the grip of the last vestiges of the Ice Age. (6) ……. was not under ice

sheet was covered by desert, jungle or bog – conditions obviously unsuited for something like the wheel. Most experts agree that the wheel evolved (7) ……….. the fact that Neolithic man was familiar with moving heavy objects (8)………… putting a roller, such as a tree trunk, under the load. (9)………….. techniques were used to move the huge stone blocks to build the pyramids around 2980 BC and probably Stonehenge, which dates (10) …………. to around 2000 BC. (11) …………. technique for moving large heavy objects was to place them on sledges and to put the sledges rollers. In time it is likely that the sledge wore grooves into the rollers (12)……… the result that ancient man had a ratio - a small turn of the inner edge of the worn groove generated a larger turn of the outer edge of the roller. The next (13) ………… final step in the invention of the wheel was to reduce the weight of the roller by cutting away the wood between the grooves, in (14) …… way creating an axle with wheel at each end. At last man (15)………… better indulge his passions for travel, speed and movement.

From her description of events, it was hard to get a clear mental ………… …. of exactly what happened. B. As regards the economic situation, the overall …………….. looks much the same as it did six months ago. C. For some reason, we never get a very good …………… on this channel on our TV A.

A. I was feeling a bit ………….. because I’d had a late night and I was beginning to get the flu. B. I know you can’t give me the exact figure but could you give me a ……… …….. idea of what it might cost? C. The sea was very ……………. and I began to feel ill half-way across. A. I know you’re very upset now but I’m sure the feeling will ………….. soon. B. His comment was so rude that I couldn’t let it …………………. without telling him that I thought he shouldn’t have said it. C. It was so hot in that room that I felt I might ………………… at any moment

A. When all facts came to ……………….. , there was such a scandal that he was forced to resign. B. We built a huge bonfire in the garden out of all our rubbish and set ……… …… to it. C. It has been decided, that in the …………………. Of all the criticism it has received, the scheme will be abandoned. A. The situation was already bad but your interference has made it worse … ……….. B. I feel a bit guilty about what happened; …………….. , there’s nothing I could have done to prevent it so I know I shouldn’t feel bad. C. I haven’t officially signed ay agreement so I can ……………. Change my mind if I want to. A. After the concert, all the equipment was …………… away and transported in a convoy of lorries to the next venue. B. George ……………. In his job and went traveling around the world for a year. C. The club was absolutely ………………... and there was no room at all on the dance floor.

1) The film was so controversial that it was banned in several parts of the world. caused Such was …………………………………………………. the film, that it was banned in several parts of the world. 2) He had no idea what was going to happen to him when he walked into that room. store Little ……………………………………………………. him when he walked into that room. 3) You shouldn’t let trivial maters worry you so much. prey You shouldn’t let trivial matters ………………………………………. extent 4) He became famous but it cost him his privacy. expense His rise …………………………………………. of his privacy.

5) I helped Ray, with the result that his business became successful. favour I ………………………………………….. which his business became successful. 6) I had to wait for the manager for almost an hour before he would see me. best The manager kept ……………………………………… an hour before he would see me. 7) I’ll have to consider working abroad if an opportunity doesn’t arise here soon. near Unless an opportunity presents ………………………………. future, I’ll have to consider working abroad. 8) I wanted to make sure that my good work wasn’t wasted in that way. waste I wanted to prevent ………………………………………….. in that way.

The world “bogus” For years ‘bogus’ was a word the British read in the newspaper headlines LINE but tended not to say. Its popularity among the teenagers of America changed that, although they didn’t use it with its original meaning. It came from the Wild West. Its first appearance in print, in 1827, was in the Telegraph of Painesville, Ohio, where it meant a machine for making ……………… of coins. Soon those ‘boguses’ were turning out ‘bogus FORGE money’ and the world had……………... a change from noun to adjective. GO th By the end of the 19 century, it was well-established in Britain, applied to anything false, spurious or intentionally ……………. . But computer LEAD scientists of 1960s America, to whom we owe so much …………… LANGUAGE innovation, redefined it to mean ‘non–functional’, ‘useless’, or ‘unbelievable’, especially in relation to calculations and engineering ideas. This way followed by its ……………. among Princeton and Yale graduates in the EMERGE computer community. But it was the……………… of the word by ADOPT American teenagers generally, who used it to mean simply ‘bad’, that led to it being widely used by their counterparts in Britain. …………….., ‘bogus’ is one of only about 1300 English words for INTEREST which no sensible origin has emerged. The 1827 ‘bogus’ machine seems to have been named by an …………….. present at the time of LOOK its capture by police. But why that word? The Oxford English Dictionary

suggests a connection with a New England word, ‘tantrobogus’, meaning the devil. A rival US account sees it as a …………….. of the name of CORRUPT a forger, called Borghese or Borges. ……………….., it has been ELSE connected with the French word ‘bagasse’ , meaning the refuse from sugar-cane production.