Cpd Precourse Assessment Form

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 444
  • Pages: 3
STAFF CPD REQUEST FORM 2009/10 PRE COURSE / VISIT ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Please complete this form in full and submit to Nina Moore (DHT CPD/QA) for consideration at least two full weeks before training commences. A decision will be made in accordance with the Welling School CPD policy which states that “The CPD Leader in consultation with line managers and the Cover Coordinator will only sanction withdrawal from teaching and learning commitments if the training is relevant and meaningful; matched to individual needs identified through the PMR process; offers ‘Best Value’, will support raising standards and achievement, and does not place pressure on capacity.”



Course Title / Visit to:

Course Fee Visit: (enter ‘0’ for free courses or visits)

Date: _____/_____/_____ Half-Day ( ) Full Day ( ) (Please State) ( )

2-Day Conference ( )



What are the cover implications? Booking Information:

Travel Costs:




Total Cost:


Company Name: Address: Telephone:

Are you requesting full or partial contribution to the costs?



( )



( )

Course/event booking ref:


( )

Have you considered the possibility of this CPD being delivered in any other way e.g in-house (Learning Breakfasts), through the TRUST?

Any other information:

YES ( )

NO ( )

If this CPD can be sought through alternative means that presents ‘Best Value’, would you be willing to accept an alternative offer? YES ( )

NO ( )


How will the course / visit contribute to: 1. Your individual professional development? (Please specify relevant Performance Management Target from PMR)

2. Subject or Team improvement? (Please specify relevant Curriculum/Pastoral/Support Area Target)

3. Whole school development? (Please specify School Development Plan Priority)

How will you disseminate knowledge, learning and skills acquired from this CPD to other staff on your return? (Post-it Blog; contribution to Learning Breakfasts; CPD agenda item at next relevant


How will you measure the IMPACT of this professional development opportunity?

This Section is to be completed by CPD Coordinator Nina Moore:

1. Does this CPD match individual need?

YES ( )

NO ( )

3. Does this CPD pathway offer ‘Best Value’?

YES ( )

NO ( )

4. Does the course/training/ present implications for Cover?

YES ( )

NO ( )

YES ( )

NO ( )

YES ( )

NO( )

6. Course Approval? NME/DSR: Notes for follow-up/action

HOD/HOF Signature: NME’s Signature:


2. Will this CPD support the member of staff in realising their professional target/s (PMR 2009/2010)?

5. Will the training support Welling School in raising standards and achievement?


YES ( ) ( )

Date: Date: Date:

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