Cpd Gender And Women's Empowerment

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  • Words: 2,968
  • Pages: 8
National Policy Review Forum 2003


Introduction Gender based discrimination is a violation of human right; however it prevails in Bangladesh in an alarming scale. In a democratic society such discrimination is unacceptable among all citizens particularly women. Women play important roles and undertake major responsibilities in all spheres of life. In politics women constitute half the voting constituency. Thus discrimination against women has to be reduced and eventually eliminated in an effective manner. Towards that the task force on “Women’s Empowerment and National Development” before election of 2001 made demands to the caretaker government, political parties and to the government. There are three main objectives of this post-election policy analysis. First, to assess what were the commitments made by the political parties during pre-election period, and; secondly to assess what actions the government has taken thus far towards achieving those pre-election promises and thirdly, to recommend actions for reducing gender disparity through empowerment of women. Before election of 2001, the policy brief of the task force on “National Development and Women’s Empowerment” demanded mainly violence free election and the demands were geared towards the caretaker government, political parties and to the next elected governments Demands to the Caretaker Government and the Political Parties

Caretaker Government Before Election


Election took place without any major Ensure safety to all voters, particularly women voters so that they are able to vote incidence of violence, particularly against women. freely without any threat of violence

Political Parties Give at least 10 percent nominations to women candidates for the general seats Conduct violence free election campaign Include women’s issue into the election manifesto

Do not give nomination to candidates who have expressed discriminatory attitude towards women

No party acted accordingly Election campaign was largely violence free BNP, Awami League, Jamati Islam, National Party, Bangladesh Communist Party of Bangladesh, Left Democratic Front etc. Not known

Demands to the Government Task force made demands to the elected government in six different areas – political rights, legal rights, Security and safety, Economic opportunities, Social rights, and Institutional arrangements followed by some recommendations of actions to be taken.

Women’s Empowerment and Today’s Realities: From the Point of View of Accountability


National Policy Review Forum 2003

1. Political Rights

Ensure women’s participation in the political decision making process at all levels Actions to be taken: In the short term Ø Make quota provision on reserved seats for women representatives in the national parliament through direct election and arrange election within two-three months after the new government come to power. Pre-election Commitments by To strengthen women's role in the parliament, reserve BNP seat will be increased and appropriate steeps will be taken to hold direct election. The number of reserved seats for women in the Awami League Parliament will be doubled to 60 and direct elections will be introduced. Jamaat-e-Islami The number of reserved women seat in the Parliament will be increased. Bangladesh Jatiya Party (Earshad) Reserved women’s seat will be raised to 64 from 30 after due amendment to the constitution. Reserved women seat in the parliament through direct Bangladesh Communist election will be introduced. Party Statements made by Islami Jatiya Oikya Front Increase number of women’s reserved seats if demanded. Women in Bangladesh have not attained the capability Krishak Sramik Janata and efficiency to run the state. League What happened in reality? None of the parties in opposition any issue government's BNP lead government is in powermade with more thanabout two third majority, nonhowever delivery on this commitment has not taken any measures toward this commitment In the medium term Ø Sensitise all members of parliament and elected members of local government on discrimination against women and their roles in removing these discriminations. Ø Include women members of parliament in all standing committees. Ø Take actions to make women’s participation in local government and parliament meaningful. Ø Ensure that all parliamentary standing committees hold public hearings on women’s issues. Ø Appoint women member of the parliament as chairpersons of various parliamentary standing committees Ø Allow local women leaders to undertake responsible positions in the decisionmaking. Ø Ensure that local government consults with local women’s organizations and women leaders in making decisions on important issues.

Women’s Empowerment and Today’s Realities: From the Point of View of Accountability


National Policy Review Forum 2003

Reality with Respect to Political Rights Ø There is a government instruction to include women and sometime women are included in some committees but not in a systematic and meaningful manner. Ø No parliamentary standing committees have yet been formed. Ø Local election took place, however the roles and responsibilities of the elected representatives from women seats in the Union Parishad have been curtailed. For example they are no longer allowed to give character, residency certificates. Also women are given the responsibilities of dealing with violence against women. This is very difficult for the women to undertake because it is part of terrorism, which the entire police force can not deal with. How can women member deal with such a difficult situation? 2. Legal Rights

Treat women and men equally under law Actions to be taken In the short term Ø Immediately withdraw reservations from CEDAW. Ø Amend Citizenship Act and Order to allow women the rights to transmit their citizenship to their children & spouses. Ø Strongly implement existing laws on sexual harassment and sexual assault. Ø Include domestic violence against women as a punishable offence in the Nari o Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain 2000. Ø Amend Nari o Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain 2000, to allow women the right to express their consent in matters of safe custody. Ø Amend Nari o Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain 2000 to provide in camera trials in cases of rape or as demanded. Ø Widen the scope of the Family Courts Ordinance to allow its jurisdiction over all of Bangladesh, and all religious groups. In the medium run Ø Identify and remove gender discrimination in laws such as the Criminal Procedure Code, the Civil Procedure Code and Evidence Act Ø Introduce and enforce sexual harassment laws Ø Introduce equal employment opportunity laws and ensure equal wage for similar work. Ø Reform the family and inheritance laws to ensure women’s equal access to property Ø Amend the Guardians and Wards Act 1890 to facilitate adoption of children. Ø Introduce equal housing opportunities laws Ø Provide institutional recognition to alternative dispute resolution or shalish that takes place in the village Ø Provide social and legal awareness to men as agents against VAW. Ø Ensure regular submission of women’s status report to CEDAW committee by the government. Pre-election Commitments by Will take appropriate legal measures and rigorously BNP implement them to stop social and family violence against women. Dowry law will be strictly implemented Women’s Empowerment and Today’s Realities: From the Point of View of Accountability


National Policy Review Forum 2003

Consolidate, strengthen and strictly implement the Nari o Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain 2000. Legal assistance will be made available to the needy women Women and children trafficking issue will be dealt with effectively with international collaboration Effective steps shall be taken to provide due honor upon Jamaat-e-Islami the women and protection of their right. Bangladesh All kind of repression on women and children including acid throwing, dowry system shall be curbed effectively. Jatiya Party (Earshad) Family Court will be reestablished to further strengthened and protect the rights of women. Bangladesh Communist Withdraw reservations from CEDAW. Party Reform the family and inheritance laws and introduce uniform civil and family laws Left Democratic Front Fully implement CEDAW. Reform the family and inheritance laws and introduce uniform civil codes Reality with Respect to Legal Rights Ø Introduced quick tribunal and some of the sensational cases of violence against women are being tried in the court Ø Introducing laws so that women victim of rape or other violence can undertake GD entry through the doctor Ø Introduced death sentence for the perpetrator of acid violence Ø Nari o Shishu Nirjaton Daman Ain is being amended to prevent it misuse and to introduce punishment for rape. Ø To withdraw reservation from CEDAW the MOWCA has sent a request to the Law ministry Ø Amending of the citizenship act and pension act is almost finalized 3. Security and Safety

Improve safety for women and stop violence against women Actions to be taken In the short term Ø Ensure fast track trial procedures particularly for victims of VAW. Ø Allocate sufficient funds for the trial of VAW Ø Allocate funds for providing protection to victims of VAW in case of such demand. Ø Ensure regular jail visits by civil society members, particularly women visitors and lawyers In the Medium Run Ø Allocate sufficient amount of money, human and other resources for restoration of security particularly for women. Ø Allocate sufficient money for hiring women crime-prevention officers and women doctors. Ø Introduce effective one stop help center at the Thana level for victims of violence with sufficient human resources and funds. Ø Provide security for witnesses and introduce effective long-term witness protection program.

Women’s Empowerment and Today’s Realities: From the Point of View of Accountability


National Policy Review Forum 2003

Reality with Respect to Security and Safety Ø Started One-Stop-Crisis Center in all Divisional head quarters including Dhaka. Ø Member of civil society are allowed to visit central jail for monitoring condition of female victim. Ø Established a DNA Laboratory in One Stop Crisis center of Dhaka. 4. Economic Opportunities

Create opportunities for women to participate in incomegenerating activities at all levels Actions to be taken In the short term Ø Improve women’s employment opportunities and wages outside households’ activities. Ø Undertake affirmative measures through sufficient budgetary allocation to ensure women’s access to and safety in the public space. Ø Ensure agriculture extension services for women and women’s participation in market places and their access to local water resources for fishery production. In the medium run Ø Increase women’s income earning ability by providing training in undertaking business. Ø Increase availability of funds for giving medium size credits to women and encourage women in business. Ø Increase scope for loans on easy terms for abandoned women. Ø Facilitate collateral provisions for women who do not own land. Ø Introduce vocational skill-training facilities for women particularly in tech industry and in information technology Ø Distribute Khas land in the name of the female heads of households. Ø Make provision for garment workers to participate in equity ownership in the garment industry Ø Provide banking facilities for garment workers at their work place. Ø Provide home banking facilities to support women’s savings habits. Ø Formulate economic policies to reduce discrimination against women and formulate the national budget showing how women and men are going to benefit from allocations Ø Support household activities through the national budget. For example, by ensuring supplying of inexpensive energy source such as gas to the households. Ø Introduce home delivery system of information through mobile library etc. Ø Introduce E-business facilities in the rural areas for marketing of local products. Ø Recognize, include and highlight women’s contribution in carrying both household and income generating activities in the National Income Accounting. Pre-Election Commitments by BNP Employment opportunity shall be provide for economically distressed women including widows according to their abilities

Women’s Empowerment and Today’s Realities: From the Point of View of Accountability


National Policy Review Forum 2003

Arrange training for rural women about safe motherhood, Childcare, Family planning, Agricultural & environment. For increasing employments and income generation, microcredit shall be provided by the Government and NGO. Steps shall be taken to rehabilitate distressed and shelter less Jamaat-e-Islami women including widows. Bangladesh Communist Party of Establish equality between men and women in work and payment of wages Bangladesh Eliminate discriminations between men and women in work Left Democratic and wages. Front Reality with Respect to Economics Opportunities Ø Extending Micro Credit to the poor and starting new initiative for promoting small and medium women entrepreneurs. Ø Undertaking training program by MOWCA for skill development of the women garments workers as a preparation to deal with post MFA situation anticipated for the Garment sector. 5. Social Rights

Remove all social and cultural practices, which are biased against women Actions to be taken In the short term Ø Undertaken initiative to start a social movement towards removing discrimination against women Ø Take actions to eliminate practice of ‘Fatwa’ in resolving conflicts of any kinds Ø Declare 30th September as the “girl-child-day.” In the Medium Run Ø Take actions towards changing current education curriculum to eliminate biases against women, and include legal, human and women right issues Ø Increase women’s access to education at secondary and higher levels by providing school bus, toilet, and hostel etc. in addition to free education and scholarships for girls. Ø Increase access to health care facilities, primary health care and nutrition training. Ø Design transport facilities by incorporating special needs of women and ensuring safety in using transport facilities. Ø Set up more effective parent-teacher associations, and pinpoint links with community as deterrents to violence. Ø Increase sports facilities for women particularly in the rural areas in the schools. Pre-election Commitments by Extend free education and female stipend up to class XII and BNP to urban areas. Adult literacy program shall be provided for the women. Effected measure shall be taken for reducing death related to childbirth. Measure shall be taken for reducing maternal death rate. Eliminate women in sex work and arrange for their Jamaat-e-Islami Women’s Empowerment and Today’s Realities: From the Point of View of Accountability


National Policy Review Forum 2003

Bangladesh Bangladesh Communist Party

rehabilitation Remove all discriminations, injustice and social oppressions and provide them with equal status and rights in the society. Change negative and stereotype portrayal of women in the mass media.

Left Democratic Front Reality with Respect to Social Rights Ø Started countrywide awareness raising program about H.I.V. and AIDS. Ø Undertook countrywide awareness raising rallies and marches against violence and on laws on violence. Ø Started Hot Line System for women who’s are afraid of becoming victim of violence. Ø Extended free education for women and female stipend up to class XII and to urban areas. 6. Institutional Arrangements

Remove institutional biases against women Actions to be taken In the short term Ø Recruit women in high positions in the government administration through lateral entry. Ø Provide VAW training to police and medical personnel; establish links between women’s groups and police; appoint more women judges; set up more legal aid mechanisms for women; use family health visitors to identify domestic violence cases Ø Make ‘Women in Development (WID)’ focal points more effective by defining their roles and responsibilities. Ø Build formal contacts with women’s organizations and consult women’s organizations in taking major policy decisions and project designs. Ø Stop giving public money to any institution that promotes or tolerates discrimination against women. Ø Include in official forms and documents provision for mother’s name in addition to father’s name. In the Medium Run Ø Recruit women in the government at all levels with the objective of attaining 50 % participation of woman. Ø Recruit more women in the military force. Ø Conscientize the visual media about negative images of women and introduce gender focal points in Bangladesh TV and Film Development Corporations. Ø Introduce more women police, and special cells for women’s complaints. Ø Undertake effective sensitization programs on discrimination against women for the police and judges, officials and other cadres’ training program. Ø Incorporate women’s representation on land distribution committees. Ø Create a safe and supportive work environment and introduce daycare facilities in the government offices and in the large private organizations. Pre-election Commitments by Increase employments rate and upgrade promotion in service BNP shall be taken for female. Increase hostels in different towns for the working women. Women’s Empowerment and Today’s Realities: From the Point of View of Accountability


National Policy Review Forum 2003

Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh Bangladesh Communist Party

Preference shall be given to the rural women in primary school teacher, family planning and social welfare activities. Special monitoring system about security and opportunities in work place shall be provided for the workingwomen. In accordance with the women's right in Islam, women will be given opportunity to work. Undertake steps towards positive dissemination in favor of women to balance past negative discrimination

Reality with Respect to Institutional Arrangements Ø Established safe home under supervision of MOWCA for women and child who’s violate the law but not convicted. Ø Withdrew partially ban on women workers going abroad and allowed women above 35 years age to work abroad. Ø Building capacity under newly established Manpower Development and Export Ministry for providing safety to women workers and lifting ban on women going abroad to work. Ø Introducing 60% of quota system for female in appointing teacher in the primary school. Ø Started female bus service in Dhaka city. Conclusion First: We Observe and Remain Highly Concern Ø One of major failure of the government is its non-compliance of election promise with respect to women in the parliament. Ø Political power of the women representatives (which was weak and undefined to start with) at the local government is eroding.

Ø Violence against women increased in an alarming rate. Violence against women is used as tool for political rivalry and other disputes. Second: Our Demand to the Government Ø Government needs to fulfill its own election commitments within a meaningful timeframe. Ø Government needs to effectively and in a timely manner implement various measures it has already put in place. Ø Include gender issues in a comprehensive manner in National Poverty Reduction Strategy of Bangladesh and ensure its effective implementation.

Women’s Empowerment and Today’s Realities: From the Point of View of Accountability


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