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Vol. 10, #24, 2009

June 16-30



Subsidizing Homeless, Handicapped, Underemployed and Dying

The Zionist Elephant In The Room

But See It And You're Racist! Mainstream media claims “progress was made” when these two turkeys met! Rothschild’s English MPs milkingthe public for real! MPs' expenses: Tory claims £57,000 to rent flat from own company Millionaire Conservative MP broke parliamentary rules by claiming more than £50,000 in taxpayer-funded expenses to rent a flat from his own company. By Holly Watt and Robert Winnett Brian Binley claimed £1,500 a month to rent the flat for more than three years, despite House of Commons rules forbidding MPs from renting properties from themselves or their companies. The Daily Telegraph can disclose that Mr Binley’s rental claims were first flagged up by parliamentary officials in April 2006, but the payments were not stopped until April of this year. In 2006, he was told that the claims were not allowed. But he was permitted to continue claiming after appealing to Michael Martin, the Speaker of the House of Commons. Mr Martin only ruled in April 2009 that the claims must stop but Mr Binley has not had to repay the £57,000 he improperly received while the Speaker deliberated. The latest disclosure concerning MPs’ expenses will cast further serious doubts over the policing of the system by the parliamentary authorities. The House of Commons is expected to publish details of each MP’s expense claims tomorrow. However, the information is expected to be heavily censored, with addresses and other key details blacked out. With only this information, questionable claims — such as those made by Mr Binley — would be very difficult, if not impossible, to uncover. The latest disclosure comes as: * The Parliamentary Standards Commissioner began an investigation into the expense claims made

An Illinois man left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick email. Unable to find the scrap of paper on which he had written her email address, he did his best to type it in from memory.

by Shahid Malik, the Communities Minister. The Daily Telegraph disclosed last week that Mr Malik received thousands of pounds to rent “office space” which was actually on the ground floor of his constituency home. * Jim Devine, a Scottish Labour MP, was banned by the party’s “star chamber” from standing for the party at the next election. Mr Devine submitted invoices for electrical work worth £2,157 from a company with a fake address and an invalid VAT number. A Labour spokesman said last night: “After considering in detail the case of Jim Devine and speaking to him, the Labour Party’s special NEC endorsements panel unanimously recommended rescinding his endorsement as a Labour candidate. He will not be able to stand as a Labour candidate in any constituency at the next general election.” * Sir Christopher Kelly, the chairman of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, criticised MPs at the start of his expenses inquiry, saying the system appeared to have been “exploited for personal gain”. He hinted that MPs may be prohibited from profiting from taxpayer-funded second homes in future. * Unison, the trade union, threatened to withhold £1 million in political donations to Labour amid anger over the expenses scandal. It has already suspended £100,000 in funding to individual Labour MPs. It is not clear why Mr Binley, the MP for Northampton South, was permitted to continue receiving substantial sums of taxpayers’ money for more than three years despite being in breach of the rules. Mr Binley was elected to the Commons in May 2005. He at first used the “second home” parliamen-

tary allowance — the additional costs allowance (ACA) — to stay at the Carlton Club in London, a gentleman’s club for Conservative supporters. In February 2006, he began claiming rent at £1,500 a month for a flat in Pimlico, close to the Houses of Parliament. Land Registry records show that the flat is owned by a company called BCC Marketing, which had purchased the property in December the previous year for £345,000. Mr Binley is the chairman and founder of BCC Marketing and currently owns 20 per cent of the shares in the company. His wife Jacqueline holds a further 20 per cent of the shares while his son James works for the business. Initially, the arrangement for Mr Binley to pay his own company may have been within MPs’ rules. In 2005, the Green Book, which sets out parliamentary rules, stated that MPs were barred from claiming for “the costs of leasing accommodation from yourself”. However, in April 2006, the rules were tightened specifically to bar MPs from paying rent to their own companies. Following the change, the House of Commons fees office contacted Mr Binley to inform him that his arrangement was outside the rules. Mr Binley appealed and, when Mr Martin rejected it two months ago, Mr Binley says that he moved out of BCC Marketing’s flat and into nearby premises. He has insisted that the rent he paid to the company did not fully cover the costs of the mortgage on the flat. However, had he bought the flat directly himself he would only have been able to claim for the interest on the mortgage, which is substantially less than the full cost of repaying the loan.

Street News Smiles

Unfortunately, he missed one letter and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher's wife, whose husband had passed away only the day before. When the grieving widow checked her email, she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream and fell to the floor in a dead faint. At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw

this note on the screen: DEAREST WIFE: JUST GOT CHECKED IN. EVERYTHING PREPARED FOR YOUR ARRIVAL TOMORROW. P.S. SURE IS HOT DOWN HERE. ——————– A young girl came home from a date looking sad. She told her mother, “Charles proposed to me a few minutes ago.”

Thank You For Assisting Advertise Now! We sell to Our Street Vendors To our loyal readers; we don’t give Help Themselves! it away! 416 288-1758

“Then why are you so dad?” her mother asked. “Because he also mentioned he was an atheist. Mom, he doesn’t believe there’s hell!” Her mother replied, “Marry him anyway. Between the two of us, we’ll show him how wrong he is.” ——————

Canada: The Best Place In The Whole World! Why do the Daily Papers Hide The Flag? Ask Harper!!

A Whole Ten Years Of Revealing The Truth! Why does the mainstream media hide the truth? Because they are owned! The Power of the Press Belongs To Those Who Own One! We aren’t owned by big corporations and their political agents who come in many forms to the detriment of Canadians. National Post reporter Michael Brean chased me to know names of our informants! He wanted to know our printer, our profits, etc. with the ostensible reason to intimidate Canadians which he does. Then he invented a story claiming I worked in an antique store. In a 3 day series to smear us at National Post he suppressed my past contract customers’ names like Ontario Premiers Bill Davis and Bob Rae-Levine, also NDP leader Jack Layton. I also performed media duties for the OPP helping Archie Ferguson celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the OPP in publications. Brean demanded our associates’ names like the Masons, Shriners and Jews who support and inform this paper with real news and insights as well as our international correspondents. People in

Toronto are the targets of these highly- wanted to photograph me but felt more organized and researched Mossad-agent comfortable taking me down a dark alley types; National Post attempted to deride whose photographer then clicked on my TSN as a “dubious social mandate” face close-up for about 50 (Mossad) shots. Coren also debriefs political acbecause it helps the homeless! Our Michael tivists in Toronto whether running for Tory supporters and Honda advertiser shrink in leadership or simply as Tamil victims. fear from false accusations of the zionist We came across Coren at a Reform Party poison powers in Toronto. Local zionists Convention in Ottawa wearing a costume celebrate the torture and murders of Palpretending to be one of the dressed-up estinians while denying the existence of rubes: heavy, shiny black shoes, tweed its 3rd most powerful military and 400 nujacket, etc. while he still had hair. Murray clear warheads threatening neighbours all Dobbin put me onto the racism in the Rethe way to Europe. Our ongoing documenform Party which was a source of curiosity tation of local Jews who fear the antifor the Mossad types who were busy infilsemitism created by local and internatrating CSIS at the time, Bob Rae-Levine tional zionists will not stop. National Post included.

Today, we are asking what Bob Rae-Levine was doing in the civil war in Sri Lanka? Israeli zionists have been reported as profiteering by selling arms to both sides as well as providing fighter pilots to help kill Tamils. What did Bob Rae Levine involve himself in by 25 visits to that country until he is now denied access? Previously, we exposed Bob Rae Levine’s Maoist

brother-in-law as being involved in smuggling Chinese into Canada in 1971 period (tried to hire me) — Maurice Strong, long time family friend had his aunt living in China acknowledged by Chairman Mao himself. The brother-in-law got the contract to print Peking maps for his Perly Map company. When Bob Rae Levine tries to sell Ontario Hydro to Enron he identifies himself as a target of some interest

to authorities in Canada. Rae-Levine also involved himself in CSIS — we here at Toronto Street News wonder where he will pop up next since he hasn’t amounted to anything in life except as a trickster to our simple eyes. Why do National Post editorial writers hide their names while trying to smear us?? — VPF

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