Cover Letter Final

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 735
  • Pages: 3
Dear Masha,

This assignment was actually harder than I thought it was going to be. I have grown as a writer immensely. John Swales has taught me that being apart of a discourse community is very important (Swales 29). He mentions throughout his article that genre is important within a discourse community such as writing is our tool in school. Peter Elbows has enlightened on me the idea of knowing who your intended audience is (Elbows 22). Without projecting a specific intended audience, it is possible your wiring will be terrible and have no purpose. Kerry Dirk has bestowed upon me his wisdom on figuring what genre is and how to write about it (Dirk 32). This was the most helpful article I read in class by far. I have grown as a writer and person in this class. I see my writing from high school, and I laugh at how unknowledgeable I was about how a proper writer writes. In this quarter I have learned to take feedback respectfully. My abilities shave strengthened in class. My understanding of genre and writing overall has changed with me. With all the class readings we were assigned, it is evident I was not the best writer. I have learned to better my writing by reading others work. These readings have helped me grow as a writer and person. I see everyday things in my life in genre now. It is actually pretty fun and entertaining. These projects have helped me see myself in the groups I have been a part of my whole life and notice what a difference we’ve made in other people’s live. I know I am a part of something bigger. In this assignment I focused on my vocabulary, style in font writing, and illustrations. I wanted my writing to sound intelligent and to be of a standard of being easily read by you. The thesaurus was my best friend in this assignment. I made huge use of it and think my writing came out better for it. Choosing to write about the font in my posters was a technique I think is most important in writing. In poster making everything revolves on the ability of it being legible

to the student body. I chose to talk about illustrations because it is key to making the best posters. Without having pictures, the students just walk on by posters. By having illustrations students tend to read those posters because they look fun and interesting. In the writing portion for my play I had to use language that was intended for older audiences in order for my new genre to work. I would better organize this paper with more time. I feel if I had more time it would be easier to combine paraphs together and make the flow of them sound better. This would enhance my writing’s clarity and be easier to read. If I had more time I would make a formal outline that states exactly what each paragraph should contain to make it easier for me to follow and have all my ideas down on paper. Also, I would make sure to have all the evidence I want to use from the articles on a paper to make sure I use them correctly. By having them on paper I could easily identify what paragraph they belong to. With more time I would also focus on my grammatical errors. I would also focus more on my play and how to make it more suitable for the new intended audience. That was probably the most difficult part of this assignment. I would like feedback on the best way to condense lengthy paragraphs and how to combine the shorter paragraphs. I would like to know the easiest way to identify the sentences that can be taken out that make my writing boring and inconsistent. I believe if I found a way to condense my writing overall and get straight to the point, my writing would be much better. I have worked on my writing now every day. I like to write poems and just write down my dreams. In other words, now that I know how to write, I look forward to writing on my free time.

Sincerely, Dianna Chaidez

Works Cited Dirk, Kerry. “Navigating Genres.” 3 Mar. 2019. Elbows, Peter. “Teaching Thinking by Teaching Writing.” 3 Mar. 2019. Swales, John. “Discourse Community”.” 17 Mar. 2019.

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