Course Syllabus Ed 704

  • November 2019
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EDL 704: Seminar in Educational Change Course Instructor Rie Atagi, Ed.D. Mobile: 086-013-6862 E-mail: [email protected] or alternatively, [email protected] Course Description This is a seminar to discuss issues in educational change. It reviews the theories of policy cycle, decision making and leadership, and examines the three cases of educational change: 1. Thailand’s current educational reform; 2. Education toward democracy in China; and, 3. Teacher policies of OECD countries. Through examination of these cases, students are expected to learn multiple aspects of issues in educational change and to develop analytical and critical thinking. A site-based action research project is required to apply what is learned into practice. This course will aim at your acquiring: • Knowledge of basic theories of educational change. • Understanding of multiple aspects of issues in educational change. • Analytical and critical thinking to examine issues in your own surrounding. • Development of skills to propose and plan for educational change. Course Schedule November 29 (Sat): 9 am ~ 6 pm: Introduction, Review of Theories, and Educational Reform in Thailand • Course overview and explanation of the assignments • Review of theories o Leadership theories o Models of decision making • Thailand’s current education reform o Review of policy cycle o Why is the educational reform needed? o What is the framework and content of Thailand’s educational reform? November 30 (Sun): 9 am ~ 6 pm: Issues in Teacher Policy – International Experience and Issues in Private Tutoring • Review of “Teachers Matter – Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers” findings. o What are the main concerns about teachers of the OECD countries? o Common policy directions in attracting, developing and retaining teachers • Review of “Supplementary Shadow Education” o What are positive and negative factors of private tutoring? o How does that affect formal schooling? o What is your opinion and suggestion?


December 2 (Tue): 6 pm ~ 9 pm: Case Study – China • Educational change in China - toward democracy (watch BBC video) o What are the challenges they are facing? o If you were a teacher there, how would you deal with the election? December 4 (Thu): 6 pm ~ 9 pm: Thailand’s current education reform – continued from Day 1 • Each student will present one’s reflection on the following questions. o What is the progress to date? o What are the issues and challenges? o What changes do you see in your school? December 6 (Sat): 9 am ~ 6 pm: Thailand’s current education reform presentation – continued and class teaching of “Teachers Matter” Each student will lead the class on one chapter chosen from “Teachers Matter.” December 7 (Sun): 9 am ~ 6 pm: Class Teaching - continued Each student will lead the class on one chapter chosen from “Teachers Matter.” Assignments 1. Presentation We will learn about the current educational reform in Thailand. You are to choose one chapter from the National Education Act and present the issues and challenges in promoting the chapter. Your experience of how the changes are affecting your school and your reflection on how to promote the reform (or not to) should be included. Presentation time will be approximately 15 minutes. 2. Class Teaching You will have 30-40 minutes to lead a class to discuss teacher policy. The text is “Teachers Matter – Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers”. Each student will choose one section or chapter from the text (Ch.3~ 6). The assignment aims at deepening your understanding of issues around teacher policy and developing effective communication skills. 3. Action Research/Action Plan for Implementing Educational Change (December 17, Wed: = Paper due) You are to choose one issue or challenge that you think is important and worth taking initiative to solve or improve the educational situation through developing a project proposal with an action plan. The topic should be chosen from what is learned from the course (teacher policy and educational reform). The action plan has to be practical and feasible to implement. Your analytical and critical thinking of the issues should be the focus of the paper.


The guidelines of how to make a project proposal and how the project should be evaluated will be discussed in the beginning of the course. You are to submit the paper by December 17 (Wed) to [email protected]. (I will confirm the receipt by e-mail reply.) The proposal should be no more than 10 pages, single space and 12 point font. Evaluation Letter grades will be given based on the following criteria. • Class participation (30%) • Class presentation (40%) • Final paper (action research proposal) (30%) References Text 1. National Education Act B.E. 2542 (1999) and Amendments. Office of the Education Council, Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Thailand. Available at 2. Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers: Teachers Matter (2005) OECD. Available at Suggested Reading 3. Fullan, Michael. (2001) The New Meaning of Educational Change. (third edition). New York: Teachers College Press. 4. Owens, Robert. (2001) Organizational Behavior in Education: Instructional Leadership and School Reform. Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc. 5. Hoy, Wayne K. and Miskel, Cecil G. (2002). Educational Administration: Theory, Research, and Practice. New York: McGraw Hill Inc. 6. Education in Thailand (various years) available at 7. Tomlinson, Harry. (2004) Educational Leadership: Personal Growth for Professional Development. London: Sage Publications 8. Adler, Nancy J. (2002) International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. Southwestern Thomson Learning. 9. Goleman, Daniel. (1998) “What Makes a Leader?” in Harvard Business Review


Guideline for Action Plan 1. Identify an issue: Explain your vision 2. Explain why it is a problem: a. Define the issue b. Provide evidence c. Demonstrate the need for change 3. Establish objectives 4. Explain the procedure: how you approach a. Plan of action 5. Identify logistics, who, how much and how long and where 6. Hypothesize results and key obstacles 7. (Evaluation criteria) Evaluation Criteria for Paper 1. Is your vision clear? (30%) 2. Is your action plan viable? (30%) 3. Is the issue well-speculated? (40%) In addition to the above, demonstration of understanding of what you have learned in the course will be evaluated in the final written format.


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