Course Schedule Spring 2009 Rbt242 V1.5

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  • Words: 1,841
  • Pages: 7
RBT 242 Course Schedule, Spring 2009 Version 1.5 (2/27/09)


Topics / Categories

1/22/09 Class Orientation

Welcome to YC / RBT 242

Activities/Assignments/Document Titles Welcome to YC / RBT 242 Roster – Student Enrollment Introductions

Roster – Student Enrollment Instructor introduction Syllabus review Logging into Blackboard for course lessons Overview of Topics / Categories to be covered •

Homework Assignments

The first Homework assignment (covering Intro to Residential Energy) will be reviewed in class • All remaining homework assignments are to be completed and submitted in Blackboard (Credit for Intro homework assignment will be given to class attendees)

Classroom Assignments

Review of Classroom Assignment Process: • Each week, questions will be available on Blackboard for download • Classroom assignment questions will be reviewed and discussed in class. • Students may answer questions at home and/or in-class. To receive credit, the assignment must be turned in at the end of each class. • Answers to questions will be posted in Blackboard two weeks after the class where they were discussed. (Credit for Intro Classroom assignment will be given to class attendees)

Classroom Discussion

Introduction to Residential Energy

1/29/09 Principles of Energy

Lesson 1

Text reading assignment (read prior to 1/29 class)

Residential Energy Chapter 1 (Principles of Energy)

Homework Assignment 1 (Complete on Blackboard)

Complete Blackboard Assignment 1 and submit on-line by class time on 1/29

Classroom Assignment 1 (Download from Blackboard)

• • •

Classroom Discussion

Download the Classroom Assignment 1. Questions will be reviewed and discussed in the 1/29 class. Students may answer questions at home and/or in-class. To receive credit, the assignment must be turned in at the end of the 1/29 class.

Instructor’s review:

Blackboard Documents

2/05/09 Energy and the Building Shell

Chapter 1 classroom and homework assignment questions • Discussion of Weatherization current topic(s) and any other Blackboard document(s) posted Current article, event, or topic : - “Energy Tuning Your Home” - “Every House Needs an Energy Audit”

Lesson 2

Quiz 1 (due 2/12) Covers Intro, Lessons 1 and 2

Complete Quiz 1 on Blackboard, and submit it by class time on 2/12

Text reading assignment (read prior to 2/05 class)

Residential Energy Chapter 2 (Energy and the Building Shell)

Homework Assignment 2 (Complete on Blackboard)

Complete Blackboard Assignment 2 and submit on-line by class time on 2/05

Classroom Assignment 2 (Download from Blackboard)

Bring questions to discuss and to complete as an in-class assignment

Classroom Discussion

Instructor’s review: • Chapter 2 classroom assignment questions Discussion of Weatherization current topic(s) and any other Blackboard document(s) posted Current article, event, or topic : Review article "Spy plane employed to shame owners of heat-loss homes”

Blackboard Documents

2/12/09 Air Leakage

Lesson 3

Text reading assignment (read prior to 2/12 class)

Residential Energy Chapter 3 (Air Leakage) Energy Outwest Sections 5.1 (Duct Leakage) and 5.2 (Air Sealing)

Homework Assignment 3 (Complete on Blackboard)

Complete Blackboard Assignment 3 and submit on-line by class time on 2/12

Classroom Assignment 3 (Download from Blackboard)

Bring questions to discuss and to complete as an in-class assignment

Classroom Discussion

Instructor’s review: • Chapter 3 classroom and homework assignment questions • EOW reading assignment

• Blackboard Documents

Discussion of Weatherization current topic(s) and any other Blackboard document(s) posted

Current article, event, or topic : Air Sealing Graphic from Energy Star Thermal Bypass Checklist

RBT 242 Course Schedule, Spring 2009 Version 1.5 (2/27/09)

2/19/09 Insulation

Lesson 4

Text reading assignment (read prior to 2/19 class)

Residential Energy Chapter 4 (Insulation) Energy Outwest Sections 5.3 through 5.6 (Insulation)

Homework Assignment 4 (Complete on Blackboard)

Complete Blackboard assignment 4 and submit on-line by class time on 2/19

Classroom Assignment 4

Bring questions to discuss and to complete as an in-class assignment

Field Trip

Duct Blaster Demonstration and Testing College House (1473 Purple Sage) Meet at the house at 5pm; Chino Campus afterwards

Classroom Discussion

Instructor’s review: • Chapter 4 classroom and homework assignment questions • EOW reading assignment

• Blackboard Documents

Discussion of Weatherization current topic(s) and any other Blackboard document(s) posted

Link to Arizona Code College Online Training Network Building Envelope / Insulation video segments • Cellulose • Fiberglass • Spray Foam • Rigid Insulation • SIPS Current article, event, or topic : "Insulating Unvented Attics with Spray Foam"

2/26/09 Home Energy Analysis Tools Guest Speaker

Lesson 5 Samantha Taylor, E3 Energy Inc. “Home Energy Ratings and Analysis Software”

Text reading assignment Homework Assignment 5 (Complete on Blackboard)

Complete Blackboard Assignment 5 and submit on-line by class time on 2/26

Classroom Assignment 5 (Download from Blackboard)

No in-class assignment but students must attend the guest speaker’s lecture to receive points

Classroom Discussion

Guest lecturer

Blackboard Documents

Current article, event, or topic : Download and register for the trial version of REM/Design, see Blackboard for download address

3/05/09 Windows and Doors

Lesson 6

Quiz 2 (due 3/12) Covers Lessons 3, 4, and 5

Complete Quiz 2 on Blackboard, and complete/submit it by class time on 3/12

Text reading assignment (read prior to 3/05 class)

Residential Energy Chapter 5 (Windows and Doors) Energy Outwest Chapter 5.7 (Windows and Doors)

Homework Assignment 6 (Complete on Blackboard)

Complete Blackboard Assignment 6 and submit on-line by class time on 3/05

Classroom Assignment 6 (Download from Blackboard)

Bring questions to discuss and to complete as an in-class assignment

Classroom Discussion

Instructor’s review: • Chapter 5 classroom and homework assignment questions • EOW reading assignment

• Blackboard Documents

3/12/09 Heating

Discussion of Weatherization current topic(s) and any other Blackboard document(s) posted

Current article, event, or topic: Review Efficient Windows Collaborative weblinks posted on Blackboard

Lesson 7

Text reading assignment (read prior to 3/26 class)

Residential Energy Ch. 6 (Heating) Energy OutWest Ch. 3 (Mechanical Systems)

Homework Assignment 7 (Complete on Blackboard)

Complete Blackboard Assignment 7 and submit on-line by class time on 3/12

Classroom Assignment 7 (Download from Blackboard)

Bring questions to discuss and to complete as an in-class assignment

Classroom Discussion

Instructor’s review: • Chapter 6 classroom and homework assignment questions • EOW reading assignment

• Current article, event, or topic:

Discussion of Weatherization current topic(s) and any other Blackboard document(s) posted

Review “Remodeling for Energy Efficiency”

3/19/09 Spring Break, 3/16- 3/20

No Class

3/26/09 Home Performance Assessment on a New Manufactured Home; Guest Speaker

Lesson 8 Charlie Gohman, Arizona Dept. of Commerce, Energy Office

Text reading assignment

RBT 242 Course Schedule, Spring 2009 Version 1.5 (2/27/09) No text reading assignment but Review Arizona Energy Office website and relevant articles (link via Blackboard)

Homework Assignment 8 (Complete on Blackboard)

Complete Blackboard Assignment 8 and submit on-line by class time on 3/26

Classroom Assignment 8

No in-class assignment but students must attend the guest speaker’s lecture to receive points;

Classroom Discussion

Guest lecturer and off-site manufactured home testing

Current article, event, or topic

• • • •

3/28/09 Home Energy Assessment (Sat)

Review and be familiar with the APS Green Choice Products and Programs (link via Blackboard) Arizona Home Performance with Energy Star Energy Star Thermal Bypass and Indoor Air Package checklist APS Home Performance Assessment checklist

Field Trip #1 The first of two Saturday field trips is tentatively scheduled for this date. The objective is to walk through an area home and perform a home energy assessment. Time, meeting place, and house to be assessed for this field trip will be announced in class.

4/02/09 Lighting and Appliances

Lesson 9

Quiz 3 (due 4/09) Covers Lessons 6 and 7

Complete Quiz 3 on Blackboard, and submit it by class time on 4/09

Text reading assignment (read prior to 4/02 class)

Residential Energy: Ch. 7 (Lighting and Appliances) Energy OutWest: Ch. 4 (Appliances and Lighting)

Homework Assignment 9 (Complete on Blackboard)

Complete Blackboard Assignment 9 and submit on-line by class time on 4/02

Classroom Assignment 9 (Download from Blackboard)

Bring questions to discuss and to complete as an in-class assignment

Classroom Discussion

Instructor’s review: • Chapter 7 classroom and homework assignment questions • EOW reading assignment

• Current article, event, or topic

Discussion of Weatherization current topic(s) and any other Blackboard document(s) posted

Review site on lighting and appliances (Blackboard links)

4/09/09 Cooling

Lesson 10

Text reading assignment (read prior to 4/16 class)

Residential Energy: Ch. 8 (Cooling)

Homework Assignment 10 (Complete on Blackboard)

Complete Blackboard Assignment 10 and submit on-line by class time on 4/09

Classroom Assignment 10 (Download from Blackboard)

Bring questions to discuss and to complete as an in-class assignment

Classroom Discussion

Instructor’s review: • Chapter 8 classroom and homework assignment questions • Discussion of Weatherization current topic(s) and any other Blackboard document(s) posted

Current article, event, or topic


4/16/09 Water Heating

Lesson 11

Text reading assignment (read prior to 4/16 class)

Residential Energy: Ch. 9 (Water Heating)

Homework Assignment 11 (Complete on Blackboard)

Complete Blackboard Assignment 11 and submit on-line by class time on 4/16

Classroom Assignment 11 (Download from Blackboard)

Bring questions to discuss and to complete as an in-class assignment

Classroom Discussion

Instructor’s review: • Chapter 9 classroom and homework assignment questions • Discussion of Weatherization current topic(s) and any other Blackboard document(s) posted

Current article, event, or topic


4/23/09 Health and Safety Diagnostic Testing Quiz 4, Due 4/30 Covers Lessons 8, 9, 10, and 11 Text reading assignment (read prior to 4/23 class)

Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Complete Quiz 4 on Blackboard, and submit it by class time on 4/30 Residential Energy: Ch. 10 (Health and Safety) Energy OutWest Ch. 1.1 (Client Health and Safety) Energy OutWest Ch. 2 (Diagnostic Testing)

Homework Assignments 12 and 13 (Complete on Blackboard)

Complete Blackboard Assignments 12 and 13; submit online by class time on 4/23

Classroom Assignments 12 and 13 (Download from Blackboard)

Bring questions to discuss and to complete as an in-class assignment

RBT 242 Course Schedule, Spring 2009 Version 1.5 (2/27/09) Classroom Discussion

Instructor’s review: • Chapter 10 and 11 classroom and homework assignment questions • EOW reading assignment

• Current article, event, or topic

4/30/09 Energy Audit Software Programs Text reading assignment (read prior to 4/30 class)

Discussion of Weatherization current topic(s) and any other Blackboard document(s) posted


Lesson 14 Review websites listed on Blackboard

Homework Assignment 14

Complete Blackboard assignment 14; submit on-line by class time on 4/30

Classroom Assignment 14

Bring questions to discuss and to complete as an in-class assignment

Classroom Discussion

Review of available residential energy analysis software

Blackboard Documents

Energy Audit Analysis Website Links REM/Rate Energy 10 Energy Gauge WrightSoft

5/02/09 Home Energy Assessment (Sat)

Field Trip The second of two Saturday field trips is tentatively scheduled for this date. The objective is to walk through an area home and perform a home energy assessment. Time, meeting place, and house to be assessed for this field trip will be announced in class.

5/07/09 Final Exam

Last Day of Class

Date TBD by Student Consen sus

A proctored national raters exam will be arranged to be given at Yavapai College; scoring to be performed through an official HERS-approved provider; additional fees to take this exam will apply (approximately $100). Additional information on this exam will be provided.


Final Exam in Blackboard, Comprehensive (covers all lessons)

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