Course Contents For Automobiles

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Applied Grammar: sentence structure: Simple, Compound and complex. Declarative, Interrogative and imperative. Parallelism, Split construction, Verb mutilation the tendency to convert the real verb of the sentence into some other form and suits the subject, the object or modifier and then find some other verb to complete the sentence. Pronouns (Vague reference of pronouns and way to correct vague or confusing pronoun reference) Wordiness or verbosity. Confusion of works Punctuation, Proposition English idioms Precis-Writing. Composition: Paragraph writing the topic sentence, Developing the topic sentence into a paragraph, Unity in the paragraph ,Coherence in the paragraph etc: l)Social Justice :2) True Sportsmanship: 3) Public opinion: 4)Practical uses of Hum our :5)Cycling as Recreation. Essay Writing Requirement and classification. Essay on 1. Social Justice, 2. Co- Education, 3. Female Education, 4. Technical Education, 5. Unemployment, 6. The Rising Prices, 7. Nation Developments vender program, 8. Should Student be allowed to take part in polities, 9. The Modern Young Women of Pakistan. Business Letters: (1st Hand parts and Requirements). Quotations Comparative Statements Approval Letters: Office Memorandum, The letter of information / Inquiry letters to Newspaper Invitation, Application. Writing of Scientific Reports: Foreword, Table of Contents, Abstract / Synopsis, Introduction, Introduction, Discussion, Conclusion, Bibliography. RECOMMENDED BOOKS:

1. Clear Writing by leo kirschbaum,N. Y.Henry Hold and Co. 2. English grammar and Composition no. 11 John B. Warrine Joseph Mersand 3. Business Report writing by Robert D.Hay and Raymond V.Lasikar. 4. Technical Reporting(Revised Joseph N.Umie, Jr Jay. R Gould.Hott Renehart and Winston N.Y London 5. A Hand Book of English Grammar and Composition by Zahur Ahmad PAPER#2 MATHEMATICS-I Trigonometry-The since and cosine formulae of trigonometry trigonometric function of half of a triangle area of a triangle. Identities trigonometric equation. Algebra- Revision of the solution of the quadratic equations reducible to the equation the discriminate: nature of the roots, writing equation from roots Simultaneous quadratic equations. Cubic equations solution through factors graphic method. Partial Fraction. Revision of A.P and G.P Definition of H.P .Arithmetic. Geometric and harmonic mean: mixed progression Approximation with the help of Binomial Theorem Function: Exponential and logarithmic function: series for sin x. cos x log x eix=cos x + 1 sin x, Exponential expressions for sin x, cos x: Hyperbolic function Slide Rule- The theory and practice of sfide Rule. Planimeter, The use of polar Planimeter along with its proof. Determinants and matrices- Determinants simple properties and their application to solution of system of equations. Algebra of Matrices and Their application to solution of system of equations Complex numbers- argand diagram, operations with complex numbers and their geometrical interrelations demooivers' Theorem (proof for rational index only).Trigonometric and Hyperbolic functions of complex variable.

Coordinate Geometry- Revision of the equation o: a straight line. Angle between two straight lines, distance of appoints from a straight line equation properties of the parabola ellipse and Hyperbola, Definition asymptotes. Simple properties of the parabola .ellipse and hyperbola, solid Geometry of tine plane and sphere. BOOK RECOMMENDED: 1. Modem algebra and Trigonometry Edited by Dr.S.MYousaf 2. Calculus and Analytical Geometry by Thomas, 4th Edition. PAPER # 3 APPLIED PHYSICS Mechanics. Equilibrium of uniplatner.Concurrent forces,Graphic and Analytical treatment Resultant of nay number of parallel uniplainer forces methods of calculating center of gravity Reduction on any system of uniplainer force, Young's Modules, Bulk modulus and modulus of rigidity. Stretching of wires. Torsion of wire Bending of beam Friction of a rope round a post. Horse Power transmitted by belt. Moment of Inertia. Principles of parallel and perpendicular axes. Calculation of moment of Inertia of a rod about different axes. Moment energy centrifugal and centripetal forces Centrifugal forces on vehicles and banking of tracks. Simple Harmonic Motion. Velocity and Acceleration in S.H.M Phase difference Forces required in S.H.M. Simple and Conical pendulum and loaded govemors.compund pendulum with derivation of formula. Law oi conservation of momentum, Direct impact of Elastic and inelastic bodies. Impact of smooth sphere on a smooth fixed plane. Viscosity Determination of the co-efficient of viscosity, Hydrostaticpressure, center of pressure diagram, Properties of liquids at rest, Archimedes principles Density and Specific gravity and their determinations stability of floating bodies. Air pressure and barometer,

Liquid in motion, Application of Bernoulli's Theorem' Flow of a liquid from a tank and contracted tube surface tension. Heat. Gas law, gas laws and kinetic theory, derivation of pressure in terms of kinetic theory of molecules, Thermal Expansion of solids, Unit of heat, Specific heat, specifec heat of gases, Relation between heat energy and Mechanical Energy, Heat of Vaporization, Heat of fusion. Transfer of heat, Conduction, Convention and Radiation, Fist and second laws of thermodynamic adiabatic and Isothermal process. Sound Principles of superposition of waves, stationary waves, transverse Stationery waves, in a stretched string. Transverse stationery waves in metal bar. Sound waves in air, Speed of sound, intensity and loudness of sound pitch and quality of sound interference of sound waves. Beats Doppler affects, Organ pipe and vibrating Air columns. Architectural Acoustics. Light. Spectrum, Spectrometer emission spectra, line spectra, bank Absorption Spectra, Atomic Structure and Emission spectra infra red and ultraviolet spectra. Primary and secondary rainbows .The corpuscular and waves theory of tight, interference of light, interference of light due to two coherent sources, Fresenel's and Biprims-Experiment, Micheloson's interferometer. Diffraction Diffraction due to circular obstacle and circular spectra. Zone Plate, Diffraction due to a single slit, diffraction grating determination of the waves length of light by diffraction grating Polarization and double refraction. Polarization by refraction Brewster's law Double refraction Propagation of light in crystals. The unicycle prism, rotation of the plane of polarization and polarimeter. E. Electricity and Magnetism.Magnetic Materials.B.H.Curves. Hysteres in circuit calculations. Solenoids Pull of an electromagnet. Electrical Circuits, KirchofPs Law. Methods for

Calculating die Currents in an Electric network Establishment and decay of current in a circuit. Self inductance charge and discharge of a capacitor simple R.L.C Circuits. Vacuum Tubes Diodes and Characteristic curves of Triode. Modern Physics. Passage of Electricity through liquids. Electrolytic passage of electricity through Gasses, Electron Determination of charge and mass of an Electron Positives rays canal rays. Mass of Positive Ions and mass spectrograph Atom, Energy level and sub levels, lonization and excitation potential, Elements of quantum theory, Crystal Structure of solids like sodium chloride. Effect of Temperature on emission of electrons and electrical properties of semi conductor like silicon and germanium.






LIST OF EXPERIMENTS ALONGWITH THE APARATUS IN THE SUBJECT OF APPLIED PHYSICS Conversion of galvanometer into voltmeter. Apparatus Weston type Galvanometer, Voltmeter of range 0-3V Rheostat, High Ras: Box Batter of 4 V. Keys and connection wires, Conversion of a galvanometer into and Ammeter Apparatus Weston type Galvanometer, Voltmeter of range O3V, Ammeter of rangw 0-3 Ampere, Rheostat, High Res, Box, Low Res: Box standard copper write of 1 meter length, Batter of 4 Volts, Keys and connection wires. The find the focal length of a concave lens by combination method. Apparatus Concave lens, Convex lens, Optical benches and Optical needles. To determine the co-efficient of viscosity by constant flow method.





9. 10. 11. 12.



Apparatus Constant flow apparatus, capillary tube stop watch Graduated Cylinder. Calibration of Wattmeter by voltmeter and Ammeter. Apparatus Wattmeter, Voltmeter, ammeter, Variable High Res: 110 Volts uppty keys and connecting wires. Calibration of Voltmeter by Potentiometer. Apparatus Voltmeter, Potentiometer,Galvanometer, stand battery of at least 4 volts, Low vottage battery, Rheaostat, Keys and connecting wires. Calibration of an Ammeter by a Potentiometer. Apparatus Voltmeter, Ammeter, Galvanometer, Potentiometer, Batteries, key and connecting wires To find the focal length of concave lens by concave mirror. Apparatus Concave mirror, concave lens, optical needles and optical bench. Comparison of E.M.F of two cells by Lumsdon method. Apparatus Two different cells, two high resistance boxes, Galvanometer, keys and connecting wires. Internal Resistance of a cell by Potentiomter. Apparatus Potentiometer, Battery, Standard Cell, Rheostat, Resistance Box Keys and connecting wires. Resistance of a Tangent Galvanometer. Apparatus Tangent Galvanometer, Resistance Box, Battery, Reversing Kye, Key and connecting wires. Determine the height between two points. Apparatus Sextant. To determine the value of a given high resistance Apparatus Unknown high resistance, High resistance Box, Weston type Galvanometer, Battery Keys and connecting wires. To determine the resistance of cell by post Office Box.


16. 17. grating

Apparatus Post Office Box, Galvanometer, Cells Connecting Wires. To Measure the reduction factor of a Tangent Galvanometer. Apparatus; Tangent Galvanometer, Ammeter, Battery Reversing Key, Keys and Connecting Wires. < Find the Mechanical equivalent of heat by Electrical method. Apparatus Copper calorimeter Voltmeter, Ammeter, Variable high resistance, 100 Volts Supply, Key and connecting wires. Determination of wave length of standard light by diffraction

Apparatus Spectrometer Standard Monochromatic source of light, Diffraction grating. 18. To find the resolving power of a diffracting grating. Apparatus: Spectrometer, Standard monochromatic source of light, diffraction grating. 19. Velocity of sound in solids by Kundit's tube. Apparatus:Kundt's tube. PAPER#4 APPLIED CHEMISTRY 1.Chemistry for Engineering Materials. Fuels and Combustion, Solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, Industrial Gases, Modem Fuels. Theories of Combustion, Furnaces, Calorific values and other properties of fuels and their determination. 2. Silicate Materials. Chemistry and application of lime, Cement, Bricks, Refractors glass asbestos, Plastic, Rubber, and Ceramics. 3. Water Treatment Chemistry and bacteriology of water, Treatment of water to Portable and industrial purposes. 4. Lubrications and Lubricants. Principle of lubrication, Chemistry and application of dififerent Types of lubrications. 5. Electrodes

Electrode potential and potential and nest equation, Corrosion, Protection and inhibition. 6. Liquefaction of gases, Catalysis industrial application 7. Paints and Varnishes. Drying oil paint, water paints, special paints, varnish lacquer enamels Methods of application. Books Recommended: 1. Applied chemistry for Engineering by Gyngell. 2. Chemistry for Engineering Students by Munro. PRACTICALS WITH EQUIPMENT 1. Fuel Testing 1. 2. 3. 4.

Viscosity Flash point Refractive Index Colorific Value

Salt bolt Viscometer Redwood “Oswald” Abbe’s Refract meter Bomb Colorimeter

2. Solvent Testing 1. Pour Point 2. Cloud Point 3. Aniline Point

Cloud Point Apparatus Aniline Point apparatus

3. PH Value 1. To find out the ph value PH Meter (Cambridge) of solution Lovibond given sample. Comparator 4. Water Testing

1. Hardness 2. Chloride content 3. Sulphate 5. Cement Testing PAPER # 5 APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS BASIC THERMODYNAMICS CONCEPTS Basics of thermodynamics, The system, working substance heat and work, state and properties, temperature scales, absolute Temperature, The State of the working fluid .Processes and cycles. P-V diagram. Reversibility, Reversible work. THE FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS Principle of the Conservation of Energy, Internal Energy, The non-flow equation & their Analytical application. THE WORKING OF FLUID Liquid, vapour, gas, Latent heat of vaporization. Critical Pressure. Critical Point, Dryness fraction, wetness fraction. Properties of wet vapour. Properties of superheat, use of vapour tables. THE PERFECT GAS The characteristic equation of state/gas, Specific heat, Ideal Gas Laws. Relationship between the specific heats Enthalpy of perfect gas. Ratio of specific heats REVERSIBLE PROCESSES Reversible non flow processes. Constant Volume Process. Constant Pressure Process. Isothermal Process, Reversible adiabatic non-flow process. Poly tropic processes. Reversible flow processes. Irreversible processes. Free expansion process, Throttling Process, Adiabatic Mixing. THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS The second law of thermodynamics, the heat engine, Entropy, The T-S Diagram for a vapor The T-S Diagram for a Perfect gas. Reversible Processes, the Constant Volume Process on T-S Diagram, Constant Pressure Process on T-S Diagram Reversible adiabatic Process on T-S Diagram, Poly tropic Process.

THERMODYNAMICS AIR CYCLES Carnot Cycle, Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle, The Dual Combustion Cycle & Their air Standard Efficiency/ Application HEAT TRANSFER Introduction to Conduction. Convection and Radiation, Fourier's Law, Conductive heat Flow through Half Surfaces, Conductive heat Flow through Cylinders Heat flow by convection, radiant Heat Transmission. HEAT EXCHANGERS parallel flow heat exchanger. Counter flow heat exchanger. Cross flow heat exchanger multi pass and mixed flow heat exchanger. Air Compressors Reciprocating: Functions, Types and condition for maximum efficiency, effect of cylinder clearance. Rotary air Compressor: Types, work done, efficiency of rotary compressors and characteristics of centrifugal and axial flow compressors. Fuels: Combustion of fuels, conversion of volumetric analysis, analysis by weight, weight of carbon in burnt gases, weight or air required for complete combustion of fuel, weight of fuel gases per pound of fuel burnt, weight of excess air supplied, method of analyzing flue gases, heat carried away by flue gases, volumetric analysis of gases, air fuel ration for I.C engine. Nozzles: Nozzles shape, critical pressure ratio “maximum mass flow or checked flow, Nozzles of the design pressure ratio” nozzle efficiency. PRACTICAL: Problems solution based on theory units, Verification of Joule's Law, to study the performance of rotary and reciprocating air compressors and draw their characteristic curves, to draw the P

V diagram of diesel engine, study of exhaust gas analyzer and analysis of exhaust gases. Study the performance of nozzles. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Eastop, T.D and Me Conkey . Applied Thermodynamics' for Engineers and Technologists, Whihlia Clowes and sons Ltd., London and Beales. 2. Jones, J.B. and Hawkais, G.A Eds. Erigineering.Thermodynamics John Willey and Sons, Inc. NewYork. 3. Rainer Joel, Thermodynamics PAPER # 6 MECHANICS OF MACHINES FRICTION Definition and types, Law of Friction, Coefficient of Friction, Limiting angle of friction. Free Analysis of sliding Body. Efficiency of inclined plane, Screw Jack, Efficiency of a screw Jack, Fiction of Pivot and Collar Bearing, Plate Pivet Bearing, Plate Cooler Bearing Thrust Bearing (Auto Design) Ball and Roller Bearing. KINEMATIC PAIRS Element links, Classification of link, Lower and Higher Pairs, Kinematic Chain,s Mechanisms & Machines, Hook's Joints VELOCITY & ACCELERATION DIAGRAMS FOR MECHANISM Relative Velocity, Relative Diagram for a single Link, Velocity Diagram for Four Bar Linkage. Velocity Diagram for slider crank Mechanism, Instantaneous Centre, Acceleration, Acceleration Diagram for a Link, Acceleration Diagram of a Four Bar Linkage. Velocity Diagram for slider crank Mechanism, Instantaneous Centre, Acceleration, Acceleration Diagram for a Link, Acceleration Diagram of a Four Bar Linkage.

VALVES Piston slide valve for steam Engines, Lap, Lead and Angle of advance Valve Diagram EXPANSION VALVE Meyer Expansion valve, Valve Diagrams for the Steam Engine, Reversing Mechanism Bilgram diagram, The Stephenson link Motion. CAMS Cams Mechanism and its uses, types of cams and Followers, Graphical and Analytics determination for displacement, Velocity and Acceleration curves of cams of known profile and types of followers, Graphical methods of determination of cam profiles ENGINE TURNING MOMENT DIAGRAMS Turning Moment Diagram for single cylinder, Double Acting Steam Engine. INERTIA FORCES Effect of Forces on a Link, Equivalent two mass systems, Dynamically Equivalent Systems Crank Shaft Torque Required to Accelerate Connecting Rod, Forces on Engine Frame due to Connecting Rod Inertia. GOVERNORS Distinction Between a Flywheel and a Governor, Type of Governor, Simple Centrifuge Governors, Watt Governor, Parter Governor, Proell Governor, Spring Loaded Governor Controlling Force, Sensitiveness of Governors, Effort of a Governor, Power of aGovernor. PRACTICAL: Laboratory work relevant to theory BOOKS RECOMMENDED Theory of Machines by R.S. Khurmi & J.K.GUPTA



Operation, power and development, Engine Cycles, Principles of operation, power and it measurement.

PRINCIPLE PARTS OF ENGINE AND THEIR FUNCITONS: Types, construction, adjustment of cylinder, cylinder block, cylinder head, cylinder liner(Sleeve) Crank Case, Piston, Piston rings and Piston pin, Connecting Rod, Crank Shaft, Clutch Shaft bearings and fly wheel, valves and its operation, valve mechanism, service. FUEL AND COMBUSTION: Gasoline tests and their significance, antiknock quality, octane number, volatility, reid vapor pressure test, sulphur content, Gum Content, heat values, gasoline additives, dtesel fuel tests and their significance, viscosity, flash point, pour point, cloud point, Cetane number,diesel fuel additives. FUEL SYSTEM: System of fuel injection, major parts of fuel system, fuel injection pump/carburetor, injector operation servicing of fuel system, trouble shootings, governing system. IGNITION SYSTEM: Operation, maintenance and repair, principles of battery, spark and compression ignition, spark plugs, condenser, distributors, induction coils, magnets and electric starters. TRACTION: Introduction, Traction Model, Weight transfer, chassis technology, Tire and ply rating, Tire service and maintenance, Tube ballasting, track width adjustment. Energy Conservation in Tractors


Air intake system, air cleaner, super charger, inlet manifold, exhaust system, Exhaust manifold, Turbo charger, Muffler, care of inlet and exhaust system. POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM: Clutch, function, Principle of operation, details of components, working of single and dual clutch plate system, clutch adjustment, gear box inspection and repair of gear box, principle of gearing, types of gear box, gear box repair. DIFFERENTIAL AND FINAL DRIVES: Function, Principle of operation differential lock, differential service, final drive. HYDRUALIC SYSTEM OF TRACTORS: Principle of Hydraulic system, working of hydraulic system, Components of Hydraulic Circuits, Implement Control, Maintenance and repair of hydraulic system. GAS TURBINES Gas Turbines introduction, Classification, Design, Friction of Blades. Semi Circuit and open circuit gas turbines. A principle of operation of gas turbines for cars, free piston gasfires basic principles. PRACTICALS: 1. Measuring the speed of engine shaft (PTO). 2. Study of main components of engine. 3. Engine cooling system demonstration. 4. Engine lubrication system demonstration 5. Servicing a Single Cylinder Petrol Engine. 6. Servicing a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine. 7. Tour to Millat Tractors Ltd. (Lahore) . 8 Study of Hydraulic control and power transmission system in the workshop. 9 Measurement of engine power and draw bar.


Measurement of tractor tire slippage with different implements. 11 Measurement of air pressure/air fuel ratio in each cylinder of engine. 12 Injector servicing. 13 Fuel injector, pump adjustment and calibration. 14 General over hauling of multi cylinder petrol engine/diesel engine. 15 Plug cleaning (automatic plug cleaner). 16 Operating cost of tractor with different implements. 17 Study tour to Ghazi Tractors limited. D.G. Khan. RECOMMENDED BOOKS Liljedahi. J.B. et 1994 3rd ed. Tractors and their power units. John Wiley and Sons. New York. Applied Thermodynamic for Engineering Technologist. Eastop, T.D and M.c- Conkey ( Longmans) REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Se Jain and CR Ra. 1992. 3rd ed Farm tractor: maintenance and repair. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing CO., Ltd., New Delhi. 2. Promersoerger and Bishop. 1992. 3rd ed. Modern Farm Power. Prentice Hall Inc Englewood Clifs, New Jersey., USA. 3. Liljedahi J.B etal. 1994. 3rd Ed. Tractors and their power units, John Wiley and Sons, New York. 4 Sc Jain and CR Rai. 1992. 3rd Ed. Tractors maintenance and repair, Tata Me Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi. 5.

Promersberger and Bishop. 1962. 3rd Ed. Modern Farm power, Prantice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey USA.

PAPER # 8 DESIGN OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY Bearing: Journal bearings, types of journal bearings, petroff s equation, hydrodynamic lubrication, geometric relations for a journal bearing, lubricant flow through bearings, permissible minimum film thickness, heat dissipated from a bearing, lubricants, H.P lost in bearings. Ball and Roller bearings: Static and dynamic load capacity, equivalent dynamic load, sizes of bearing, types of rolling bearing, thrust bearings. Gears: Introduction, gear types, synthesis of spur gear, parallel helical gears, worm gears straight, spiral and bevel gears, differentiate, gear tooth loads, design decisions, tooth stress, stress concentration. Clutches, Brakes and Coupling, Positive contact clutches, frictional clutches and brakes, friction materials, design of internal expanding and external contracting brakes, rigid and flexible couplings, hydraulic couplings. Flexible power transmitting elements: Flat and V-belts, design consideration, belt slip and creep, velocity ratio, length of belt and power transmitted by belt, design of belt pulleys, ropes and rope drives, roller chain and drives, flexible shafting, universal joints. Design of tillage tools: Fundamentals of designing farm machinery, Physio mechanical properties of soil, principles of wedge theory, mechanics of tillage tools draft requirement. Factors affecting soil failure patterns, implement draught and scouring, design of harvesting and threshing machinery components. Practical Design of the following machines components for Agri Machinery :1. Bearings-journal, roller and thrust.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Gears-Helical, Spur, worm bevel. Clutches-power clutches, Slip Clutches. Brakes-Mechanical and Hydraulic. Universal shaft, Universal joints. Belts and Pulleys-flat belts, V-belts and sheaves, variable sheaves, timing-belts. 7. Student projects on the design of tillage tools, seeding, harvesting and threshing machinery components. Text Books 1. Faires V.M. 1996, Design of Machinery elements. The Willaim Books Co. New York. 2. Shigley I.e. 1996, Mechanical Engineering Desing McGraw Hill Books Co. N.Y. 3. Cray Krutz L. Thompson and P. Claar 1994, Desing of agricultural machinery. John Willey and Sons. N.Y. 4. Bemacki H. J. Hainan C. Kanafoski 1993 Agricultural Machines: Theory and construction Vol 1. U.S. Dept of Commerce 5. Bosoi E.S, O.V. Vemiaey, LI Smironov and E.G. sultan Shakh 1990Theory, Construction and Calculation of Agricultural machines Oxinian Press pvt. Ltd. New Delhi Reference Books: 1. Taylor. G.E. Wringlay, J.S. 1984. Engineering Design Sir IsaacPitman and Sons PAPER # 9 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER BASICS OFCOMPUTER Introduction and History of Computer Types of Computer Computer Organization COMPUTER SOFTWARE Software introduction Types of software PC Platform Computer Virus

DATA PROCESSING STORAGE Data Processing Techniques Data Storage(Bit, Byte, RAM, ROM, Cache Memory, Secondary Storage (FDD, HDD, TAPE, CD, FLASH DRIVE) PROCESSOR Bus Port The processor Characteristics • Word Size • Processor Speed • Ram Capacity INPUT AND OUTPUT DEVICES INPUT DEVICES Keyboard and its types Point and Draw Devices Scanner and Digjtal Camera and Speech recognition System and Multimedia OUT PUT DEVICES Monitor(Graphic Adaptor,Size,Resolution and and Types of Monitor) Printers and Types( Dot Matrix.lnkjet and Laser) Plotter (Raster and Pen) Presentation Graphics and Special Function Terminal( AT MS POSs) WINDOWS Windows Introduction Understanding Windows Help The Desktop and Types of Windows( Application,Documents and Dialog) Elements of an Application Windows Understanding Folders. Copying, Deleting and Moving Files WORD PROCESSING ( MS WORD) Basic Concept and features Creating, Saving, Editing, Formating, and Printing Documets Working on Multiple Documents ELECTRONIC SPREAD SHEET ( MS EXEL) Basic concept and features

Creating,Saving,Editing,Formating, and Printing Documets Working on Workbook POWER POINT & OUT LOOK Basic Concept and features Creating,Saving,Editing,Formating, and Printing documents BASIC OF INTERNET USAGE Introduction Word Wide Web and Website Introduction to internet based services and use of Email PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Introduction GW Basic programming VB Programming JAVA & JAVA Script Programming PRACTICAL: Laboratory work relevant to theory. BOOKS RECOMMENDED Fundamentals of Computers: by Larry Long & Lacy Long, National Book Foundation, Islamabad PAPER #10 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & TRANSPORT PLANNING Industrial Management Industrial Engineering & Management, Scope of industrial management, Types of organization, Scope of Farm Mechanization, Automation in industry, Maintenance systems, System of salaries & wages,, Production planning and control, Production Management, Total Quality Management(TQM), Quality, Assurance, ISO 9000& 14000. Transport Planning Introduction of the function of transport, economic social and military need of transport, The services of transport, the essentials of transport system, the way, the terminal, the sole operator, partnership. The joint stock company, private and

public limited companies, the public utility companies, the public authority. Provisional orders additional power and abandonment's State controls, Concession highway obligation. Licensing, Administrative and functional department, Types of Organization, Department Organization, Divisional Organization, Functional Control Regional Organization, Common Services. Capital and finance: Authorized capital, Issued Capital, Fixed Capital, Loan Capital. Revenue and expenditure: Gross and net revenue, Collection revenues, Protection of revenue Expenditure.Depreciation: Depreciation of renewal. Methods of depreciation, sinking fund, the life purchased loan betterment: Obsolescence. Rates: Fare and charges standing charge, running expenses, cost of service, value of the service transport de fronted charging. Type of passenger fares, Passenger travel classification, reduced fare. Co-ordination and Integration: Saturation point, Co-ordination spheres of transport operation integration. Monopoly and Competition, Removal of wasteful competition. Traffic operation, Loading, Conveyance, Traffic Control, Traffic equation, on loading and delivery, operation staff, review of operation results, transport presentation Publicity and public relation. Traffic advertising. Auxiliary Business: Supplementary transport terminal services, Customer amenities, power manufactures, Segregation of cost, profit and loss, Revelation of auxiliaries.


Industrial Management by K.K.AHUJA, Khanna Publishers, Delhi-6 2.The Elements of Transport by R.J. Balon. PAPER #11 PROJECT DESIGN & REPORT

Students will be required to work out independently drawing and detailed design of automobile & Agricultural machinery parts. Projects will be allotted to the students by the project Advisor

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