Course Checklist Online

  • December 2019
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Module Checklist for online assignments: AMA 171 AP/Terminology/Pathology 2 Skin and Senses Student name_______________________________________Qtr/Yr_______________ ***Download this form and save it on your computer. You will need to fill it out and sign it electronically and email it back with the work you complete. Our program is required to keep all work on file for our accrediting body. TEXT AND MATERIALS (REQUIRED): 1) Course syllabus and other materials available on website. 2) The Language of Medicine w/CD, Chabner, latest edition. 3) Access to a computer with e-mail and Internet 4) Keyboarding ability and knowledge to save work in RTF (Rich Text Format) 5) Cards or paper to make flash cards. (OPTIONAL): 6) A medical dictionary or medical encyclopedia (1 volume) is recommended for courses AMA 170 - AMA 181. NOTES: You will refer back to the first four chapters and use them throughout the rest of the modules and really learn the word parts (i.e. - a word part = cardi/o; a medical term = cardiovascular) Yes, there is a lot to learn! Everything is important - spelling, pronunciation, definitions. Many word parts and terms are covered more than once since many relate to more than one body system. These first four chapters are not the only time you will encounter these word parts and terms! The CD that accompanies your text is a very useful too with exercises and word pronunciation. There are interactive games and quizzes to help you study, it is very important to utilize this CD. There are no assignments with points for using the CD, but they are highly recommended if you have the time. Your focus in this course should be to learn word part definitions as well as medical terms and abbreviations. You will not learn ALL the terms in these modules. If you really learn the word parts (remember, parts combine to make terms) you can usually figure out the meaning of terms you encounter that you do not know. Continue to review your word part flash cards through the rest of these modules and throughout your program.


You are not expected to memorize everything in each chapter! Focus on the things that seem “emphasized” (by a picture or diagram, a separate box or table, in bold, etc.). Pay attention to what is covered more in-depth and to word parts and terms that come up repeatedly. You will, by reading through each chapter, develop a sense of the most common word parts and terms. Always study parts and terms for the body’s organs and systems (i.e., “cardi/o”=heart and “nephro”=kidney). Other important information will be used daily in the office or apply to many things such as colors, directions or numbers, and word parts that can apply to many different systems (i.e., “sub”=under or “itis” =inflammation).

Follow this list step-by-step to complete this course and prepare for the exam(s) by the end of the current quarter. Record your initials or date when you complete each step. You do not have to complete all work before taking the final. _____1. Record date you started this module. _____2. Read chapter 16 in the text completely. This includes all items in addition to the text: boxes, tables, diagrams, etc. _____3. Make flash cards of all word parts and the abbreviations on pg 632-636 and from the table 16-1.Write the word part on one side and its meaning on the other side. Study these often, repetition is helpful with memorizing. _____4. Complete the following pages in the text: 632-636 and 651-657. You can write them in your text but you will need to type them and save them in RTF for email submission. Be sure to label the pages and numbers of the assignments so that I know what I am grading. _____5. Practice pronunciation out loud as indicated in the text. The CD with your text is an excellent tool for pronunciation. The CD also has useful games and such for practice, use it! Read the handout items found on the handouts link on the website. Your focus in this section is pronunciation! The CD and Power Points are helpful. Speaking and pronouncing medical words correctly is very important. _____6. Take the mid course exam on the website at this point. This exam covers chapters assigned so far. It is important to take the tests while the material is fresh in your mind! _____7. Read Chapter 17 in the text completely as stated in #2 above.


_____8. Make flash cards of all word parts in Combining Forms and Suffixes and Prefixes, pg 676-680 and 694-696 including all the abbreviations pg 689 and all abbreviations on pg 699. _____9. Complete the following pages in the text: 676-680, 694-695 and 701708. _____10. Practice pronunciation out loud as indicated in the text and as stated above. _____11. Search the Internet for resources for patients to get information on glaucoma, cataracts, hearing loss, acne, and malignant melanoma. Prepare a list of these resources, complete with name of the organization, their mailing address, their phone number, their e-mail address or website, and a brief explanation of what materials or information they have available. You should be looking for materials such as a brochure or a patient information sheet that contains information on the disease/condition at a reading level suitable for the layperson (patient). Not too technical, not a complicated medical journal article, not something directed for healthcare workers who provide the care. Check with the instructor with questions as needed. Choose and turn in 3 items of patient information by retyping or cutting and pasting from reputable website and saving it in RTF being sure to include the URL. _____12. Review material and flash cards in preparation for the exam. Spelling must be accurate on all exams and assignments! Study the handout diagrams. _____13. Search the web for a topic you read about in these chapters. Be sure to use reputable web sites and write a paragraph discussing what you learned. Be sure to include the URL of each website visited; quote your source. Participate in the online discussion on the website (go to discussion page: 25pts off if not done). _____14. Using the course syllabus write your explanation of student learning objectives 5, 6, and 7. State the major parts of the body system(s) and a very brief function for #5. Choose 2 or 3 common diseases/conditions discussed in the chapter(s) and state concisely what it is for #6. Finally for #7, state the common signs and symptoms, tests and treatments for the diseases you chose for #6. Type this on a separate sheet. These need to be meaningful to get the points, really answer these! Again you will type these up and save in RTF for email submission. _____15. Note date all assignments were completed. _____16. Submit your completed work via email, be sure to include the grade sheet, the completed and signed checklist, the assignments you completed


(these should be typed and saved in RTF format). I will grade your work and send you back a copy of your grade sheet via email. _____17. Take the AMA 171 final course exam on the website. ----------------------------------------------------I confirm that I, myself, completed each task required for this course as stated on this checklist. I have utilized any campus/instructional resources available as needed and as required. I understand the importance of the entry-level MA knowledge’s, skills and competencies that are met by this course. Signed_________________________________________date______________ 8/07



AMA 171 AP/Terminology/Pathology 2 Skin and Senses






Chapter 16 Text pages



Mid-course exam (ch. 16)



Chapter 17 Text Exercises



Internet resources for patients



Course Web search materials



Course syllabus objectives



Checklist submitted



Final course exam (ch. 17)









________ 8/07

* Be sure to download this and save it on your computer so you can add your name and quarter started and send it back via email with your completed assignments.


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