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  • Words: 2,555
  • Pages: 3
TC 48

1 - GENERAL DESCRIPTION TC48 is a programmable microprocessor based pulse counter with 3 output functioning and 2 counting modes (UP or DOWN), all programmable. The counting state is visualised on 4 digits display while the output state is signalised by a led. The instrument has a relay output, 1 counting input (IN) and 1 or 2 digital inputs for reset (RES) and count enable (EN) . The programming of the instrument is possible by means of the keys placed on the front where is present also a reset key.


Distributed By: A TEC Po Box 12761 Pittsburgh, PA 15241 Phone: 412-835-6270 Fax; 412-835-6205


OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Vr. 02 (I - GB) - cod.: ISTR 03899 PREVIOUS STATEMENT: In this manual are contained all the necessary information for a correct installation and the instructions for the use and the maintenance of the product; we recommend, therefore, to read carefully the following instructions. The maximum care has been used in the realisation of this document, anyway TECNOLOGIC S.p.A. does not assume any responsibility deriving from the use of itself. The same consideration has to be done for each person or Company involved in the creation of this manual. The herewith issue is an exclusive property of TECNOLOGIC S.p.A. which forbids any reproduction and divulgation, although partial, if not expressly authorised. TECNOLOGIC S.p.A. reserves the right to execute aesthetically and functional modifications, at any moment and without any notice.

INDEX 1 1.1 1.2 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 5.1 5.2 6 6.1 7


1 - Key P : Used for the set point setting and to program the functioning parameters 2 - Key DOWN : Used to decrease the values or to select parameters 3 - Key UP : Used to increase the values or to select parameters 4 - Key RESET : Used to reset the count 5 - Led OUT/SET : Signalize when the output is on (on) or off (off) and signalize the set point or the parameters programming mode (flashing) 6 - Led COUNT : Signalize when the couting is enable (flashing) 1.2 - INSTRUMENT CODE TC 48 a b cc a = SUPPLY Y : 24 VDC A : 24 VAC C : 110 VAC D : 230 VAC b = CONNECTIONS O : OCTAL Socket U : UNDECAL Socket cc = SPECIAL CODES 2 - TECHNICAL DATA ELECTRICAL DATA Supply: 24 VDC, 24, 110, 230 VAC +/- 10% Frequency AC: 50/60 Hz Power consumption: 3 VA approx. Input/s: 2/3 digital inputs for Counting (IN), Reset (RES), and (only for Undecal conn.) Count Enable (EN); non-optoisolated for voltage-free contacts or Open Collector (NPN transistors) Output/s: Relay (8A-AC1, 3A-AC3 250 VAC) Auxiliary supply output: 12 VDC / 30 mA Max (only for Undecal conn.) Electrical life for relay output: 100000 operat. Protection class against electric shock: Class II for Front panel

TECNOLOGIC - TC 48 USER MANUAL (I - GB) - Vr. 02 - ISTR 03899 - PAG. 1

Insulation: Reinforced insulation between the low voltage section (supply and relay output) and the front panel; Basic insulation between the low voltage section (supply and relay outputs) and the extra low voltage section (inputs). MECHANICAL DATA Housing: Self-extinguishing plastic, UL 94 V0 Dimensions: 48 x 48 mm DIN, depht 91 mm Weight: 200 g approx. Mounting: Flush in panel in 45,5 x 45,5 mm hole Connections: Octal or Undecal pin socket Degree of protection of front panel : IP 54 mounted in panel with gasket Wiring example of IN counting input of a NPN transistor device, directly Pollution situation: Normal supplied by the instrument trough the auxiliary output. Operating temperature: 0 ... 55 °C Operating humidity: 30 ... 95 RH% without condesation Storage temperature: -10 ... +60 °C FUNCTIONAL DATA Operation: 3 programmable modes: COUNT, RESTART, RESTART-LAP Measurement range: Display 9999 Max Max counting input frequency: 30 Hz, 300 Hz, 1000 Hz programmable Action: 1C type according to EN 60730-1 Compliance: ECC directive EMC 89/336 (EN 50081-1, EN 50082-1), ECC directive LV 73/23 and 93/68 (EN 60730-1) 4 - OPERATING MODE 3 - INSTALLATION MECHANICAL MOUNTING: The instrument, in DIN case 48 x 48 mm, 4.1 - OUTPUT OPERATING MODE is designed for panel mounting. Make an hole 45,5 x 45,5 mm and insert The instrument can be programmed by the parameter "F" to operate in any the instrument, fixing it with the provided special brackets . We of the following 3 modes: recommend to mount the gasket to obtain an IP 54 front protection. Avoid 1 = RESTART: When reaching the programmed set or the 0000 value to place the instrument in areas with humidity or dirt. Connect the (depending on whether the counting mode is UP or DOWN) the ouput is instrument as far as possible from source of electromagnetic disturbances activated and it remains in this state for the whole time programmed in the so as motors, power relays, relays, electrovalves,etc. "r" parameter; the display shows the value reached, and the counter does ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS: Carry out the electrical wiring not count any pulses received during this time. When the "r" time has connecting only one wire for each terminal , according to the following elapsed the output is deactivated and the counter automatically resets diagram, check that the power supply is the same as indicated on the counting, thus setting itself for a new cycle: it then starts again to count the instrument and the loads current is not upper than the maximum current pulses received. Therefore, reset of counting and output occurs when the admitted. The instrument, being a built in equipment with permanent "r" time has elapsed. connection into a cabinet, is not furnished with internal device protecting from overcurrent : it's recommended , therefore, to properly protect all the electric circuits connected to the instrument, with devices (ex. fuses) proportionate to the circulating currents. It's strongly recommended to use cables with proper insulation, according to the working voltages and temperatures. Furthermore, the input cables has to be kept separate from line voltage wiring. If the input cables is screened, it has to be connected on the ground with only one side. It is advisable to check that the 2 = RESTART-LAP: This operating mode is similar to the previous one, parameters are those desired before connecting the outputs to the the only difference being that during the "r" time the counter - even though actuators so as to avoid malfunctioning . Whenever a failure of the it continues to display the value reached and maintains the output instrument could cause dangerous or damaging situations, it should be activated - counts all the eventual pulses it receives. When the "r" time has kept in mind that the plant has to be provided with additional devices to elapsed, output is deactivated and counting continues starting from the value reached during the "r" time. Therefore, the counting reset occurs ensure the safety. when the programmed set has been reached, while the output reset is carried out when the "r" time has elapsed.

3 = COUNT: The ouput is activated when the programmed set or the 0000 value have been reached (counting mode may be UP or DOWN), and it remains activated until receiving the manual reset control, which can be transmitted by the remote input or the front key.

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4.2 - OPERATING MODE OF COUNTING CONTROLS When the EN input is closed the pulse counter is ready for counting (i.e. it can count pulses), and this state is signalled by the flashing of the decimal point led on the left of the display. When counting is enabled the set can be displayed but not modified, and obviously access to the parameter programming mode is not possible. In order to modify the set or to programme parameters with the EN input closed, use the RESET and P keys (see Chapter 5). With the EN input closed, pulses received by the IN input are recorded by the counter. Reset of the counting and of the output state occurs automatically if operating mode is "F" = 1 (restart) or "F" = 2 (restart-lap); otherwise it can be carried out manually in any mode by means of the RESET key or the RES input. 4.3 - DISPLAY AND OUTPUT OPERATING MODE The decimal point on the right operates as OUT/SET (i.e. it signals the output state or, when flashing, the input state in the set programming mode), while the decimal point on the left flashes to indicate that the counting mode is activated. After reset the display will show 0000 if the counting mode programmed is UP, or the set value programmmed if the counting mode is DOWN. If the counting mode is UP, output is always activated at the end of counting, i.e., when the set value has been reached. Otherwise, if the counting mode is DOWN, it is activated when the 0000 value is reached. The output is always deactivated by means of the reset control, either automatically (at the end of the time "r" in modes "F" = 1: RESTART and "F" = 2 RESTART-LAP) or manually (mode "F" = 3: COUNT). 5 - PROGRAMMING

Exit from the parameter programming mode occurs automatically when no key is pressed for about 20 sec, or manually by pressing the RESET key. P.A.: During the counting is't possible to enter in the parameters programming mode. 6 - DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS F - OPERATING MODE : Permits the user to select the operating mode. The 3 mode are: 1 = RESTART 2 = RESTART-LAP 3 = COUNT C - COUNTING MODE: It establishes whether counting must be carried out by increments (UP) or decrements (DOWN), i.e. whether the display must show the pulses which have been counted or remaining pulses. The options are: 1 = UP 2 = DOWN r - RESTART AND RESTART-LAP TIME: This parameter allows the user to determine the automatic reset delay time in "F"= 1 and "F"= 2 operating modes (refer to what has already been said in the description of these operating modes). Programming options for this parameter are: 1 ... 99 (tenths of sec.) H - MAXIMUM COUNTING FREQUENCY: This parameter acts on a software filter and allows the user to select the maximum acceptable input frequency for counting, and it is used according to the type of signal transmitted at the input port (from relay, contact, encoder, etc.). The options are: 1 = 30 Hz 2 = 300 Hz 3 = 1000 Hz d - COUNTING DIVISION: This parameter permits the user to divide the number of pulses received by the input port and to use the result as the counting value of the counter (both for display and the output operating mode). Programming options for this parameter are: 1 ... 999 b - BACK-UP MODE : It determines counter behaviour in case of power failure. The options are: 1 = It stores counting: in the eventuality of power failure the counter stores the value reached, and when the power supply is restored it restarts counting from this value. 2 = It resets counting: in the eventuality of power failure the counter does not store the value reached, and when the power supply is restored it restarts counting from 0000 (if in UP mode) or the set value (if in DOWN mode).

5.1 - PROGRAMMING OF SET-POINT During the counting enable phase (which is signalled by the flashing led at the left of the display and can be activated by closing the EN input) the set value can only be displayed but not modified; the set is displayed by pressing and then releasing the P key (the set value is displayed and the OUT/SET led flashes). The set programming can, on the other hand, be carried out: A - When the instrument is not in the counting enable phase (EN input is open and the left led display is on); by pressing and releasing the P key the programmed set is displayed and the OUT/SET led flashes. B - When the instrument is in the counting enable phase (EN input is closed and the left led display is flashing); by pressing and releasing the RESET and P keys the programmed set is displayed and the OUT/SET led flashes. At this point, to modify press key UP so as to increase value or DOWN so as to decrease it. These keys count one digit at a time but if the keys are pressed for over one second the value increases or decreases rapidly and after two seconds the speed increases even more, so as to reach the desired 6.1 - PARAMETERS TABLE value immediately. Exit from the set programming mode occurs Par. Description automatically when no key is pressed for about 5 sec, or manually by Operating mode F pressing the RESET key. Counting mode C P.A.: During the counting is possible to show the set but is't possible to Restart time r modify it. 5.2 - PROGRAMMING OF PARAMETERS During the counting phase access to parameter programming is forbidden; access is possible: A - When the counter is not in the counting phase (EN input is open and the left led display is on), by pressing the P key and holding it down for about 5 sec. B - When the counter is in the counting phase (EN input is closed and the left led display is flashing), by pressing the RESET and P keys and holding down the latter for about 5 sec. After 5 sec, the alphanumerical code of the first parameter and its set value will be displayed and the OUT/SET led will flash so as to signal access to the parameter programming mode. At this point, by releasing the P key and pressing the UP or DOWN keys the various operating parameters and their settings can be shown on the display. Once the parameter to be modified has been displayed, press the P key and hold it down, then press UP or DOWN in order to modify its setting. Once the desired value has been set, release the P key and, if necessary, select and modify another value following the same procedure.

H d b

Maximum input frequency Counting division Back-up mode

Range 1-2-3 1-2 1 ... 99 tenths 1-2-3 1 ... 999 1-2

Def. 1 1 1


1 1 1

7 - PROBLEMS, MAINTENANCE AND WARRANTY HOW TO CLEAN: We recommend to avoid abrasive cleaners or containing solvents which could damage the instrument. WARRANTY AND REPAIRS: The instrument is under warranty against construction vices or defected material, noticed within 12 months from delivery date.The warranty is limited to the repairs or to the substitution of the instrument. The eventual opening of the housing, the violation of the instrument or the wrong use and installation of the product means the automatically decay of the warranty

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