Cotton Action Plan Edited

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SIXTY DAYS ACTION PLAN (1st June 2009 to 31st July 2009)

AGRICULTURE EXTENSION DISTRICT RAHIM YAR KHAN Prepared By: Muhammad Irfan Arshad Credit & VO Help Officer Crop Maximization Project-II Rahim Yar Khan



Land Statistics


1 2 3 4

Reported Area Cultivated Area Un-cultivated Area Forest

1767484 1495212 272272 18259

Cotton, Sugarcane, & Rice are major kharif crops sown during kharif season 2009 in District Rahim Yar Khan. Cotton, being the major kharif crop, pumps blood into the economic arteries of Pakistan & always gains high priority for Agriculture Extension. So keeping in view the vital importance of the crop, the Government of Punjab Agriculture Department is giving special emphasis for increase in the area, production and yield of cotton crop during kharif season in 2009-2010. The action plan will sensitized farming community and help the staff to achieve the targets for sowing of kharif crops in District Rahim Yar Khan with better agronomy and plant protection management with supply of quality inputs. 1. Distribution of targets: The targets of kharif crops as received from the Director General Agri. (Ext. & A.R) Punjab, Lahore are further distributed up to union council for the implementation in true spirit. Targets for Area, Production, & Yield Of Cotton Crop 2009-2010 Sr. # 1 2 3 4

Tehsil Rahim Yar Khan Sadiq Abad Khan Pur Liaqat Pur District Total

Area (Acres) 233120 204190 146281 122279 705870

Production (000 bales) 4411.67 410.69 310.39 220.69 1353.44

Yield (Maunds/Acre) 26.23 26.23 26.23 26.23 26.23

Targets for Area, Production & Yield Of Sugarcane 2009-2010 Sr. # 1 2 3 4

Tehsil Rahim Yar Khan Sadiq Abad Khan Pur Liaqat Pur District Total

Area (Acres) 51342 81262 64207 46728 243540

Production (000 Tons) 1330.01 2063.89 1535.91 1121.79 6051.60

Yield (Maunds/Acre) 666.65 666.65 666.65 666.65 666.65

Targets for Area, Production & Yield of Rice 2009-2010 Sr. # 1 2 3 4


Rahim Yar Khan Sadiq Abad Khan Pur Liaqat Pur District Total

Area (000 Acres) Basmati 10.6 11.12 4.58 4.6 30.9

Others 6.47 6.47 2.84 3.09 18.87

Production (000 Tons) Basmati Others 8 5.85 8.37 5.85 2.58 2.55 4.59 2.78 23.54 17.03

Yield (Maunds/Acre) Basmati 20.4 20.4 20.4 20.4 20.4

Others 24.17 24.17 24.17 24.17 24.17

2. Timely Sowing of Cotton Crop. Aggressive campaign is being launched for timely sowing of cotton on maximum area and late sowing of cotton is discouraged as far as possible. Moreover sugarcane cultivation is also discouraged in the cotton areas. 3. Monitoring of Inputs. The availability of Certified Cotton seed, fertilizer, weedicides & other inputs will be ensured to the growers with the help of field staff and other agencies. • Periodical meetings are to be arranged with the seed companies regarding their available stock and with authorities of FSC & RD for availability of quality seed. • Growers are to be trained to make the balanced use of fertilizer; they are also encouraged to apply micro-nutrients, subject to the soil fertility status. • Weeds not only reduces yield of crops but also act as alternate host for different pests and diseases so special focus will be given on availability of quality weedicides and weed management. • The Canal Water Supply Position will be monitored as per schedule issued by Irrigation Department. For this purpose instructions have been issued to all field staff to be vigilant and report to higher offices regarding any deviation from the rotational plan issued by the irrigation department. 4. Strategies for Technology Transfer. Farmer meetings will be conducted in each village of the district by 35 teams to disseminate the production technology of Cotton in the District which will focus the following: • • • • •

To ensure the effective implementation of training schedules in the district, production technology as finalized by the Govt. and will be disseminated to the farmers during the training phase to be executed from 1st June to 15th July 2009. Focus will be made on reducing yield gap between average and progressive farmers Meeting with notables of each village coupled with farmer gatherings. Identification of mentors and activists for spreading the improved/recommended agricultural information Quality of training imparted to growers will be ensured.

(A) Farmer Trainings Schedule Village level farmer training program for cotton consists of six phases as followed: Phase 1st Phase

Period 1st January to 15th February

Technology to be Transferred Destruction of diapausing pupae of ABW &

2nd Phase 3rd Phase 4th Phase 5th Phase 6th Phase

16th February to 31st March 16th April to 31st May 1st June to 15th July 16th July to 15th October 16th October to 30th November

removal of cotton sticks Destruction of pink boll worms Agronomy, Turning over of heaps of cotton sticks Plant protection, Agronomy Pest scouting Cotton contamination & picking technology

The third phase of farmers training has been completed successfully on 31-05-2009 and 4th phase of farmers training schedule has commenced w.e.f 01-06-2009 & goes up to 15-07-2009. Trainers will impart training to the growers at village level regarding modern agronomic and plant protection practices i.e. efficient use of fertilizer, Irrigation management, Pests Identification and their controlling measures etc. (B) Technical Staff Deputed for Farmer Trainings Program. 1. Deputy District Officers Agriculture (Extension) at Tehsil level. 2. Agriculture Officers at Markaz level. 3. Agriculture Inspectors at Markaz and Union Council level. 4. Field Assistants at Union Council level. (C) Distribution of Farmers Training Teams Name of the Tehsil Rahim Yar Khan Sadiq Abad Khan Pur Liaquat Pur District Total

No of teams 11 8 8 8 35

No of villages to be covered in 4th phase 316 308 261 237 1122


Practical demonstration and implementation of agronomic & Plant protection practices will be made on all 852 HUB sites in the District. It is planned to sow one Demonstration Plot/Block in the field of Hub farmers by each Field Assistant, necessary instructions for the implementation of this has been issued. (A) Hub Sites at Tehsil Level:

Sr. Name of the tehsil 1 2 3 4

No. of Hub sites

Rahimyarkhan. Sadiq Abad. Khan Pur. Liaquat Pur District Total

312 204 192 144 852

(E) Publicity/Awareness Campaign.

Following measures are to be taken regarding the delivery of production technology of kharif crops to the growers i.e. fertilizer, irrigation, weeds and pest management: • Wall chalking, • Writing of Mottos & Burjies • Use of mosque loud speakers • Print and electronic media coverage • Distribution of technical literature 5. QUALITY ASSURANCE STRATEGIES Following measures are to be taken to ensure the quality of inputs. I. •

Effective Pest Management Campaign

Effective Pest Management campaign is to be initiated w.e.f 16-07-09 and will carryon up to October. All field staff will be engaged in pest scouting of cotton crop. They will report daily to Deputy District Officer Agriculture (Ext) at Tehsil level regarding hot spots of area and action taken which will be conveyed to district level. The same will be reviewed at district level and conveyed to provincial level. Contacts with bio-control labs for ensuring availability of trichograma cards & their installation in the fields. II. Anti Adulteration Campaign of Pesticides/Fertilizers

Availability of timely and qualitative fertilizer/pesticides will be ensured, for this purpose following pesticides Inspectors/ Deputy Fertilizer Controller and Assistant Fertilizer Controller are assigned the duties to monitor the Anti adulteration Campaign of Pesticides and Fertilizers regularly. All possible efforts will be made for supply of quality Pesticide/Fertilizer in the field and daily receipt and supply of fertilizer will be monitored. The field staff will be used as informer for conducting raids against the suspicious dealers.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

District Officer Agriculture Extension Rahim Yar Khan, Pesticide Inspector/Deputy Controller of Fertilizer. Deputy District Officer Agriculture Extension Rahim Yar Khan, Pesticide Inspector/Assistant Controller of Fertilizer. Deputy District Officer Agriculture Extension Sadiq Abad, Pesticide Inspector/Assistant Controller of Fertilizer. Deputy District Officer Agriculture Extension Khan Pur, Pesticide Inspector/Assistant Controller of Fertilizer. Deputy District Officer Agriculture Extension Liaquat Pur, Pesticide Inspector/Assistant Controller of Fertilizer.

6. Monitoring Mechanism: Farmer training program has been organized in cotton area and 4th phase is in action from 1 June 2009 and will continue till 15 July. In order to ensure that 100% villages are covered in an effective and efficient manner, and to physically verify the grounds position & evaluate the impact of training program and other extension activities, following officers will perform the duties of monitor in their jurisdiction. st

1. 2. 3. 4.

Executive District Officer Agriculture Rahim Yar Khan The Cotton Botanist, Cotton Research Institute Rahim Yar Khan District Officer Agriculture (Extension) Rahim Yar Khan Deputy District Officers Agriculture (Extension) in Rahim Yar Khan District

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