Cos Definition

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,113
  • Pages: 5
1. Account_Status_Map: This map contains all possible status for a Account life cycle. 1.1. Status ID (Number), 1.2. Status Description (Char (20)) S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Status ID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . . N

Status Description Pre Provision Active Used Zero Balance Blocked Quarantine Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Suspend 1 . . Suspend N

2. Free_Bucket_Map: This map contains information of all the Free Promotional Buckets available in the system. 2.1. Bucket ID (Number), 2.2. Bucket Description (Char (30)) S. No. 1. 2. 3.

Bucket ID 1 2 3

Bucket Description Bucket 1 Bucket 2 Bucket 3

Note: Max three Buckets is possible for first phase of Prepaid PCO. 3. Allowed_Transaction: This table contains a mapping between Transaction type and Service Level ID. 3.1. Transaction ID (Number), 3.2. Service Level ID (Number), (1:Local, 2:STD, 3:ISD) 3.3. Transaction Type (Number) S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Transaction ID 1 2 3 4 5

Service Level ID 1 2 3 1 2

Transaction type V V V S S





Note: Here Transaction Types – V for Voice and S for SMS 4. Allowed_Action: This table contains different combinations of transaction type along with their Service Level. 4.1. Action ID (Number), 4.2. Transaction ID (Number) (Refer 3.1) S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Action ID 1 1 1 1 2 2

Transaction ID 1 2 4 5 3 6

Note: a) Action ID=1, Voice (Local, STD) and SMS (Local, STD) are allowed. b) Action ID=2, Voice (only ISD) and SMS (only ISD) are allowed. 5. Class_Of_Service: This table contains different properties of “Class of Service” in the system. 5.1. Cos ID Number, 5.2. Cos Description Char (25), 5.3. Threshold Balance Number, 5.4. Allowed Negative Balance Number, 5.5. Max Simultaneous Calls Number, 5.6. Max Call Duration Number, 5.7. Max Balance Number, 5.8. Expiry Carry Over Char (1), 5.9. Cos Change Allowed Char (1) S. No. Column Name 1. Cos ID 2. 3.

Cos Description Threshold Balance

Description Identification of CoS Alpha numeric description to identify a particular CoS This column decides a threshold balance limit per CoS wise, below which a “Low Balance Warning” is to be play to subscriber.

Possible Values Any Numeric value Alphanumeric char string Any Numeric value in paisa e.g. 5000, means below 50 Rs Low Balance Warnings Announcement is to be play.

4. 5. 6.

Allowed Negative Balance Max Simultaneous Calls Max Call Duration


Max Balance


Expiry Carry Over


Cos Change Allowed

This column gives flexibility to Prepaid subscriber to use their account up to a limit after their balance become 0. This column specify how many simultaneous call is to be allow for a particular CoS. This is a fraud precautionary field. This column specify how long a call can be for a particular CoS. This column specify how maximum balance a account can have under a particular CoS. This column specifies whether the new Recharge Expiry Date is to add in the existing one or not.

This column specifies whether subscriber under this Cos is allowed to change their CoS through recharge or not.

Any Numeric value in paisa. Any Numeric value. Any Numeric value in seconds. Any Numeric value in paisa. Flag ‘Y’ or ‘N’. Y: Old expiry date is to carry over. N: Final expiry date will be max (Existing expiry Date and New Recharge expiry date) Flag ‘Y’ or ‘N’.

6. Pre_Provisional_Balance: This table defines different parameters at time of Pre Provisioning. This table will decide in which free promotional bucket the initial balance should go, what default status and action id should be with new subscriber under this Cos. 6.1. Cos ID Number, (Refer 5.1) 6.2. Bucket ID Number, (Refer 2.1) 6.3. Status ID Number, (Refer 1.1) 6.4. Balance Number, 6.5. Default Action ID Number, (Refer 4.1) Note: If Bucket ID is kept as NULL, then balance will go into Core Account balance. 7. Suspend_Condition: This table defines different parameters under different Suspend level. 7.1. Cos ID Number, (Refer 5.1) 7.2. Suspend ID Number, 7.3. Suspend Description Char (30), 7.4. Action ID Number, (Refer 4.1) 7.5. Days Validity Number,

7.6. Reactivation Charge 7.7. Balance Carry Over 7.8. Warning Period S. No. Column Name 1. Cos ID 2. Suspend ID 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Number, Char (1), Number

Description Identification of CoS Identification of Suspend ID

Suspend Description Action ID

Alpha numeric description to identify a particular Suspend level This column defines default Actions allowed under this particular Suspend level Days Validity This column defines validity period in no. of days for a particular suspend level Reactivation This column defines reactivation charges Charge for a particular Suspend level requires to come back to Active state Balance Carry This column defines whether balance is to Forward carry over after reaching to this suspend level or not Warning Period This is period wherein an announcement will be held, after which the account will go into next suspend level

Possible Values Refer 5.1 Any Numeric value Alphanumeric Value Refer 4.1 Any Numeric value Any Numeric value in paisa Flag ‘Y’ or ‘N’ Any Numeric value

8. Bucket_Cos_Map: This table contains different parameter regarding promotional buckets available under a particular CoS. 8.1. Cos ID Number, (Refer 5.1) 8.2. Bucket ID Number, (Refer 2.1) 8.3. Action ID Number, (Refer 4.1) 8.4. Priority Number, 8.5. Balance Carry Over Char (1), 8.6. Max Call Counter Number, 8.7. Max Balance Number, 8.8. Inhibit Balance Char (1), 8.9. Expiry Carry Over Char (1), 8.10.Max Recharge Voucher Number S. No. Column Name 1. Cos ID 2. Bucket ID 3.

Action ID



Description Identification of CoS Identification of available promotional buckets under this particular CoS Allowed actions to this particular set of CoS and Bucket Priority among all the buckets available

Possible Values Refer 5.1 Refer 2.1 Refer 4.1 Numeric Value,

under a particular CoS 5.


Balance Carry Over Max Call Counter Max Balance


Inhibit Balance


Max Recharge Voucher


Should balance is to carry over after new recharge or expiry or not By this value we can restrict no. of call under a particular bucket for a CoS By this column we can restrict maximum balance for a particular bucket under a CoS This column decides whether this particular promotional bucket can be use or not after account’s core balance become 0 This column decides maximum recharge value for a particular bucket under a CoS

should be unique though a CoS Flag ‘Y’ and ‘N’ Numeric value Any positive Numeric value Flag ‘Y’ and ‘N’

Any Numeric value in paisa

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