Physician Nurse Pair-wise Correlation Coefficient*
Underweight for 0.7680* 0.4088* 0.5388* Age in Under five Children Malnutrition cases 0.7188* 0.3027 0.3822 in Under five Children Malaria Cases in 0.8078* 0,4393* 0.5718* Under Five Children Full Immunization t 0.8214* 0.2889 0.4982* Age 1 Ratio of Children 0.4163* 0.2067 0.4424* per Immunization Number of 0.7536* 0.4538* 0.5541* Insecticide treated nets distributed Number of -0.1657 -0.0325 -0.1121 Insecticide treated nets per malaria case Number of 0.7644* 0.4263* 0.8377* Facilities Number of 0.1388 -0.1368 0.0318 Obstetric deaths • The asterisks (*) and shading means the coefficient is statistically significant at 5% level of significance