================================================================================== ================================================================================== ================================================================================== ================== - thanks to manuel comnenus for pointing these out. ================================================================================== ================================================================================== ================================================================================== ================== type: typo question 6 option b. the word comile is changed to compile. type: suggest question 45 - option d was removed as it was rather confusing. option d was "does not sort at all". the correct answer has been changed to " none of the above ". type: error question 60. the question was updated to include the words " without causing compile time errors ". the answer is updated with the words " however option �a� would cause a compile time error since a final method cannot be over ridden." type: suggest is #43 part of the exam objectives? - it could well be argued that its not. expect things that are not covered in the scjp study guide to appear on the exam. for example - the interrupt() method in the thread class. the objectives broadly say collections. type: error question 12. the question has been replaced with a better one. type: typo question 72. changed the spelling to definition. ================================================================================== ================================================================================== ================================================================================== ================== - thanks to matt caripto for pointing these out. ================================================================================== ================================================================================== ================================================================================== ================== type: typo answer 15. correct explanation is provided but the option wrongly points to 'a' instead of 'b', which is the correct answer.
type: error question 11 and answer 11: mention that only non primitives can be added to the list.