Corn Products Cook Book

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 53

DO NOT hesitate to award Karo the prefere nce above any other table yrup used in my househ old. As an accomp animen t to waffles and griddle -cakes it deserves all thar can be said in praise of it. It is as clear and as sweet as honey and richer :n con i tency, withou t the cloying quality that makes honey di tasteful to some, and unwhol esome if eaten freely. I have also used Karo in the prepara tion of puddings and gingerb read, with satisfac tory re ults. The candies made from it are pure and deliciou s.



EMM A CHU RCH MAN HEW ITT Former A ssociate Editor




The Perf ect Pres ervin g Syru p-



(CRYS TAL WHIT E) AND THRE E PARTS SUGA R gives you the finest Preser ves, Jams, J ellies and Canne d Fruits you ever made. Karo brings out the pure flavor of the fruit and makes a smoot her, richer syrup than you can get with all sugar. Jellies and j ams made with part Karo (Cryst al White ) do not crystal lize. Write for our Special Preser ving Cook Book of practic al recipes and valuab le sugges tions for the progre ssive housewife. 2





HIS little book of recipes is the result of many years of housekeeping. They are all practical. They are in daily use in thousands of homes. During my long editorial service on the Ladies' Home Journal and other magazines, I was brought into intimate correspondence with housekeepers in all parts of the United States-and especially with their work and achievements in cooking. I found that their experience was the same as mine - those who had the greatest success with cornstarch recipes always def. ended on Kingsford's. I found, too, that they had developed a wide range of uses for Kingsford's Cornstarch. The novice, for instance, too often knows cornstarch only as the basis of a few puddings and other desserts. The cook of the older generation uses Kingsford's Cornstarch a dozen times a day, in all kinds of dishes. She uses Kingsford's always for thickening her gravies and sauces-which is the secret of their rich, creamy consistency and their freedom from the raw taste that flour gives. Gravies and sauces should be thoroughly cooked. She gets the fine texture of her bread, biscuits, cakes and cookies by mixing part Kingsford's Cornstarch with the flour. She makes her pie crust perfect and flaky by using part cornstarch instead of all flour-and the under crust is dry and tender, even in juicy fruit pies. It is these cooks who have furnished most of these recipes, which have been a staple in my own household for years, and I have added a number originated by myself. Yours very truly,

Forme,· Associate Editor Ladies' Home Journal.


Directions for Measuring Unless otherwise stated, all measures should be level. One-half a spoonful is one-half a level spoonful measured lengthwise through the middle of the spoon. Dry ingredients should be sifted before measuring and piled lightly in the cup. They should never be shaken down. BREAD AND ROLLS, ETC. Wheat Bread 7 cups wheat flour 73 tablespoon butter 1 cup Kingsford's Cornstarcb ~ yeast cake 1 heaping teaspoon salt !4 cup lukewarm watcr ~ tablespoon lard 1 pint milk ~cald the milk and cool till lukewarm. Sift the flour, cornstarch and salt together. "tUb in the lard and butter. Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water; add it to the milk and stir in the dry ingredients. Knead on a floured board for twenty-five minutes. Place in a g reased bowl, rub the top very lightly with softened butter, cover loosely with a so ft cloth , and ri se over night. In the morning mould quickly IOto loaves and put into buttered pans. Rise till double in bulk and bake in a medium oven . Lukewarm water may be substituted for all, or part, of the milk, and one tablespoon of Karo (Crystal White) may be added to the milk when mixing. For Raised Biscuits add a little butter or lard, and a little sweetening it desired.

Graham Bread

1 quart grabam flour 1 tablespoon Karo 3 cups wheat flour ~ tablespoon lard 1 cup Kingsford's Cornstarcb ~ tablespoon butter l Y., teaspoons salt ~ yeast cake 3 tablespoons brown sugar !4 cup lukewarm water !4 teaspoon soda 1 quart milk eald the milk and cool till lukewarm. Sift the dry ingredients together and b in the flour. Di sso lve the yeast in the lukewarm water, and add it and the Karo to the milk. Beat in the dry ingredients and beat twenty minutes. Cover and rise over night. Make into loaves with as little handling as possible. Rise ·11 more than double in bulk and bake in a moderately hot oven.

Parker House Rolls Wbites of 2 eggs 2 cups milk 2 yeast cakes !4 cup sugar 1 tablespoon butt!!r and lard ~ cup lukewarm water mixed Flour l~ teaspoons salt Scald the milk. Pour into the mixing bowl, and add the sugar, salt, and melted butter and lard. When lukewarm add the beaten whites of the eggs


MI SCE LLA NEO US SUG GES TI O N S sugar to mix with the When baking h am , if Karo Syrup is substitute d for brown the final browning , a bread crumbs and yolk of egg with which i t is covered before finer Bavor will be obtained. fine glaze considere d so Brushing pastry lightly w ith Karo Syrup will give it that desirable . to sweeten) \vilt A tablespoo n Karo Syr up stirred into g riddle cakes (not enough tion of Kingsfo rd's Commateriall y assis t i n the process of browning . A s mall propor ;starch w ill improve their texture. from possibilit y of When cooking with Karo Syrup ove r a quick fire, to prevent the boys call them). The: b u rn ing , d rop i n three or four stoue marbles ( " agates ," as prevent the burning but heat wi ll keep these cons tantly on the move and will u o t only will do mos t of the stirring. stir the soda into th", In making cakes, etc., where Karo Syrup is u sed, always syrup.

Syrup will boil ove .., If your fire is quite ho t and you are afmid tha t your Karo The syrup will no t ris'" butter tl,e inside of the vessel abou t t wo inches from the top. high e r th:m the butter. instead oi all Bour. In making pancakes , u se one-third Kingsfor d's Cons tarch Kingsfor d's Cornstarc1h ul teaspoonf a . used are several and scarce are eggs W1:Jcn may be used ve ry satisfacto rily i u place of Que e gg. much better when pallt All kinds of crusts, steamed p u ddings and dumpling s are Kingsfor d's Cornstarc h is used in p lace of all flou~. h. w ith milk a n d egur, When short of cream in a n emergenc y , Kingsfor d's Cornstarc makes a good su-bstitut e. h tly dus t the cake wi ttb To prevent icing f rom running off while bein g s pread . lig Kingsfor d's Corns tar c h . it p ie. such as r hubarb. A little K ingsiord 's Cornstarc h introduce d into a j uic y fru werry, etc. , prevents its run u ing over. t the sal t from grow· A pi11ch of Ki n gsford's Cornstarc h in the sal t cellar w ill preven i ng hard . shmallmv s. e tc. Ki n gsford's Cornstarc h is fi ne to powd e r cand ies. s uch as mar wi th w h ich it is assi m i· T h e wholesom eness o f Kingsfor d's Co rnstarc h . a n d the ease p repared for the ve r y y oumg. l ated . ll1akes i t ll1uch more desirable than flou r fo r thi ngs tile very o ld. and the d elicate.



Kings ford's.

To guard against disappointment, use Kingsford's where ver cornstarch is requir ed. Ordinary cornstarch cannot be depen ded upon for the results y ou desiife. With the many low-grade cornstarches now selling at the price of Kingsford's, you must be watchful of substitution. Kingsford's costs no more than inferior substitutes.

Dema nd Kingsford's. 4

the yeast di ssolved in the warm water, and enough flour to make a thin batter. Beat thoroughly, cover, and rise till about double in bulk. Add enough flour to make a dough just as 50ft as can be handled. Turn 'on to floured board and knead until it is spongy and elastic. Let it rise till triple in bulk. Turn on to ~ we!l-floured bo~rd and ,roll ou\.lig htl y about half an inch thick. Cut with a bISCUIt cutter prevIOusly dIpped in flour. Dip the handle of a case knife in flour, and with it make a crea e through the middle of each piece. Brush over ~alf of the top ~f each piece with melted butter, and press the edges together It g htl~. Place 10 a buttered pan one inch apart. Cover, and let ri se till light. Bake 10 a hot oven twelve to fifteen minutes.

Tea Biscuit or Short Cake Crust 2 well-rounded teaspoons cups flour baking powder cup Kingsford's Cornstarch Milk to make a soft dough teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons lard Sift the dry ingredients together till thoroughly mixed. Rub in the lard with the tips of the fingers or with a fork. Cut in the milk, moi stening only part at one time . When all is moistened, cut all together. Toss lightly on a floured board. Pat out about three-quarters of an inch thick and cut with a biscuit cutter. Bake twelve to fifteen minutes in a rather hot oven. 2~ ~ ~

Popovers 2 eggs 1 cup milk Pinch salt ~ cup flour l4 cup Kingsford's Cornstarch Beat the whites of the eggs very stiff. Add them to the milk, beaten up with the yolks of the eggs and the salt. Put the flour and cornstarch in a mixing bowl and stir in the liquid to make a perfectly smooth batter, then add the rest of the liquid, beating vigorously. Pour into hissing hot, well-greased popover cups and bake twenty minutes in a quick oven. Remove from cups and serve immediately, as they fall quickly.

Graham Muffins 1 teaspoon salt cup flour 1 cup milk ~ cup Kingsford's Cornstarch 1 egg 1 cup graham flour 1 tablespoon melted butter l4 cup sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder Sift all the dry ingredients together till thoroughly mixed. Beat the egg till li
Corn Gems 1 pint corn meal 1 teaspoon salt l~ cups flour 1 pint buttermilk ~ cup Kingsford's Cornstarch lY.. tablespoons Karo 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs Butter size of an egg 1 teaspoon soda ift the dry ingredients together. Add the Karo and beaten egg to the butter· milk and mix quickly with the dry ingredients. Cut in the melted butter last.


Sally Lunn 3~ ~

cups flour 2 cup Kingsford's Cornstarch 2 2 1 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons cream of tartar Mix like muffins. Bake in layer cake tins. and piling two or three high. They may be Karo Sauce (page 21).

tablespoons Karo (Cryslal Wltil.) eggs cups milk Buttcr size of an egg, melted Serve hot, spreading with butter eaten with Karo Syrup or Plain

Lunch Muffins IY.. cups flour ~ cup Kingsford's Cornstarch 2 teaspoons bakin~ powder y.. teaspoon salt Mix as other recipes for muffins.

2 3 1 3

eggs teaspoons Karo ( 0 -; sial U~Jlit.) fuJJ cup milk tablespoons of butter, melted

Brown Bread 2~

cups yellow cornmeal I~ heaping teaspoons soda y.. cup Kingsford's Cornstarch 1 teaspoon salt ~ cup flour 1 cup Karo ~ cup rye meal 316 cups sour milk Sift the dry ingredients together till thoroughly mixed. Add the Karo and stir in the sour milk. Mix well and steam four hours.

French Rolls 4 cups wheat flour 1 tablespoon home-made yeast y.. cup Kingsford's Cornstarch or ~ yeast oake di ssolved :J4 teaspoon salt in lukewarm water 1 egg 2~ cups new milk 2 tablespoons butter Scald milk, add the butter, and cook till lukewarm. Add the yeast and egg well beaten. Sift the dry ingredients and add to the liquid. Beat well, but do not knead. When risen, form into rolls with as little handling as possible, and bake at once.

GRIDDLE CAKES AND WAFFLES Flannel Cakes 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup Kingsford's Cornstarch 3 cups milk 3 rounded teaspoons baking 2 teaspoons butter powder 2 eggs 1 tablespoon Karo Sift the dry ingredients together. Stir in the milk, the butter, melted, and the well-beaten eggs last. Sour milk may be used by substituting one teaspoon of soda for part of the baking powder. Serve with Karo. 7

Rice Panca kes

1 be aping teaspoon baking 1 cup boiled rice po wder 1 cup /lour 1 cup milk 1 egg l4. cup Kingsfo rd's Cornsta rch 1 tablespo on Karo Y.z teaspoon salt egg well Sift the dry ingredi ents together . Soak the ri ce in the milk, add the batter. beaten. Stir all together and add enoug h more milk to make a thin Bake on a hot g riddle . Serve with Karo .

Oatme al Scones 1 good teaspoo n Karo (Crystal Wllile) Y.z cup boiling water 1 cup cold stiff porridge 1 tablespo on butter l4 teaspoon soda into a Aat Put togeth er in th e order named. Turn out on a board and mould slowly on ry ve Bake thin. very roll and , well pin lling ro mass . Flour the served griddle. When desired for table, toast for ten minutes . D elicious with Karo and cream.

Corn Cakes

1 cup milk IY.z cups Indian meal 2 tablespo ons flour Y.z cup Kingsfo rd's Cornsta rch 2 rounded teaspoo ns baking 1 teaspoo n salt powder l Y.z cups boiling water 1 tablespo on Karo 2 eggs water. Sift the meal, cornstarch and salt together, stir in g radually the boilingboiling. Rest the bowl on the stove while srirring , so that it may not stop the Aour in Cool for a few moment s. Stir the milk into the batter, th en sift . Bake and baking powder. Beat thoroug hly and add th e eggs well beaten on a hot griddle. Serve with Karo.

Panca kes (Frenc h Style) l ~ tablespo ons Karo 1 cup milk 3 eggs Little salt 2 cups flour in large thin cakes . quickly Fry minutes. Beat all we ll together for fi ve d sugar and Spread with fruits or sweets, and roll . Sprinkle with powdere serve hot .

Buckw heat Cakes ~ cup warm water 1 quart buckwh eat 1 tablespo on Karo Y.l cup Kingsfo rd's Cornsta rch 1 quart warm water 1 heaping teaspoo n salt Y.l yeast cake and add Sift the dry ing redients together . Soften the yeast in the warm water, eig ht beat eat, buckwh the with Mix water. the of rest it and the Karo to the to make thin minutes and rise over nig ht. In the morning add warm water enoug h to pour onto the griddle . Serve with Karo .



Qu ick Buc kw hea t Cak

es 2 cups buck whe at flour 4 teas poon s baki ng pow de, ~ cup wbe at or grah am flour 2 table spoo ns Karo !4 cup King sfor d's Cor nsta rch Wat er to mak e a thin batt er ~ift the dry ingr edie nts toge ther. Add wate r to mak e a thin batte r and stir ill (he Karo . Serv e hot with Karo . WafBes

cup King sfor d's Cor nsta rch 2 teas poon s baki ng pow der Y.: cup milk 1 heap ing table spoo n butt er 2 eggs I tabl espo on Karo Beat the eggs and add the milk , and together. Add the butte r (mel ted) stir grad ually into the dry in gredie nts sifted last. Coo k in a waffle iron and serve hOI with Karo . l(.

Iv., cups flou , v., teas poon salt

FRITTERS Pla in Fri tter

s cups flour l(. teas poon salt !4 cup King sfor d's Cor nsta rch I egg I heap ing teas poon baki ng Iv., cups milk (abo ut) pow der 1 tabl espo on butt er, melt ed ~ift the dry ingr edie nts toge ther . well and add the melt ed butte r. Add the egg, unbe aten , and the milk . Bea, Fry in deep hot lard , but do not uick ly, else they will be raw insid cook to e. l~

Co rn Fri tter s

8 larg e ears of corn 1 egg 2 teas poon s suga r I tabl espo on melt ed butt er King sfor d's Cor nsta rch and 1 teas poon salt flou r (hal f and hal£ ) to !4 teas poon pepp er hold toge ther \.:7rate the corn enou gh to brea k the un beat en, the butt er, «alt, pepp skin and scrap e the cobs well . Add egg, t orns tarch to hold toge ther, ander and suga r. Add just enou gh flollr and fry in a well -gre ased pan.

Ho min y Fri tter s

1 egg 2 teas poon s King sfor d's Cor n· l(. cup milk star ch 1 quar t boil ed hom iny Pinc h of salt Mix well and mak e into balls . Dip in egg and crum bs and fry in deep fat.

15 clam s

Cla m Fri tter s

1 egg

Y.2 teas poo n baki ng pow der hop clam s fine and add half the juice . Add the egg and enol lgh flour and Corn starc h, mixe d with the baki ng pow der, to mak e a good batte Fry In deep fat . r. F . F' Kin~sford's

rm t

ntt ers

Add two table spoo ns of Kar o Syru uit in the batte r and fry in deep p to rule for plain fritte rs . fat.

Dip pieces of


6 eg!:s 54 cup Kingsford's Cornstarch 2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup boiling water Y.. teaspoon lemon extract ZJ4 cups flour Beat the yolks. of the eggs very light, beating in gradually the sugar. Ad c the beaten whites of the .eggs and boiling. water. Beat \0 very lightly th flour, corn ~t arch and baklOg powder well Sifted together. Flavor. Bake' r a loaf pan 10 a moderate oven.

Angel Cake 2Y.. oz. flour 10 oz. pulverized sugar 1 oz'. Kingsford's Cornstarch Whites of 12 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon cream of tartar Sift the flour, cornstarch and cream of tartar together five times. Beat the ~vhites of the eggs till very stiff, adding a pinch of salt while beating. Fold 10 the sugar, add the vanilla and the flour, very lightly, last. Do 110t beal after flour is added. Turn into a mould greased on the bottom only, anli bake forty-five minutes. Remove from oven and invert on table 50 that ai. may reach it. Do not remove from mould till cold.

Delicate Cake 1 cup butter 1 cup Kingsford's Cornstarch 2 cups sugar 2 cups flour 1 cup milk Y.. teaspoon soda 7 eggs-whites only 1 teaspoon cream of tartar Cream butter and sugar together, add th '.! milk alternately with the dry ingre dients sifted together. Flavor to taste. Fold in th e whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Bake in a moderate oven. Never fails to be good .

Chocolate Layer Cake Y.. scant cup butter l Yi cups flour 1 cup sugar 54 cup Kingsford's Cornstarch 2 eggs l Y.. teaspoons baking powder Y.z cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Sift the flour, cornstarch and baking powder together. Cream t!le butter and , sugar together. Add the beaten eggs, the vanilla and the mdk and flou t! alternately. Beat well and bake in layers in a moderately hot oven.

FILLING 1 cup sugar Y.z cup rich milk 1 square of Baker's chocolate Yolks of 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon Kingsford's Cornstarch Scald the milk. Melt the chocolate over water. Beat the eggs,. add the sugal~ and the cornstarch lVell mixed :ogether. Pour o~ t~e hot milk gradu.a~ly '. Add the chocolate and cook , stming constantly till It comes to the bo!lm~ point. Remove from fire and add vanilla. g 10

Marble Cake WHITE PART

2 teaspoons baking powder cup butter 1 cup granulated sugar 1!4 cups Kingsford's Cornstarclil Whites of 4 eggs Y.. cup milk 2!4 cups flour Cream butter and sugar. Add milk alternately with the dry ingredients sifted together. Flavor with vanilla and fold in the beaten whites of eggs. ~

Y.. cup butter


1 teaspoonful each ground cin 1 cup brown sugar namon, cloves, mace and ~ cup Karo nutmeg Y.. cup sour milk lY.. cups flour Yolks of 4 cggs 1 teaspoon soda Cream butter, sugar, Karo together and add beaten yolks. Add the spice and the milk alternately with the flour and soda sifted together. Pour the tw kinds alternately into a well-buttered tin.

Karo Cup Cake ~ ~

cup sugar lY.. cups Karo cup butter 2!4 cups flour !4 cup Kingsford's Cornstarch. 3 eggs 1 tablespoon cinnamon 3 rounding teaspoons baking 2 tablespoons ginger powder Beat sugar and butter together. Add the eggs, beaten separately. Add the spice and the Karo. Beat in the dry ingredients sifted together. Pour iot gem pans and bake in a very moderate oven.

Karo Fruit Cake 2 1 1 1 1

cups Karo Grated nutmeg cup brown sugar 4 eggs 4Y.. cups flour cup butter Y.. cup Kingsford's Cornstarch cup milk 3 teaspoons baking powder tablespoon each cinnamon 1 cup each raisins and currants , and cloves well floured Beat the butter, sugar and Karo to a cream . Add the eggs, well beaten, th e milk alternately with the dry ingredients sifted together and the spice. Tun" in the fruit last. Bake in a very moderate oven one hour.

Lady Fingers 6 eggs 1 cup flour 1 cup sugar Flavoring !4 cup Kingsford's Cornstarch Mix according to formula. Press the mixture through a tube on to a baking sheet covered with paper, in portions an inch wide and five inches long. Dus~ with powdered sugar and bake from ten to fifteen minutes, without browning . Remove from the paper, brush over the Rat surface of one biscuit with white o~ egg. and press the under side of a second biscuit upon the first. II

Corns tarch Cake

3 eggs cup buttet 1 cup Kingsfo rd ' s Corosta rcl1 cup sugar 1 teaspoo n baking powder Grated rind of 1. lemon together. Add the yolks of th cream and sugar the add :!ream the butter, sifted together . eggs, the lemon rind, and the cornstar ch and baking powder time. Put into Beat the whites of the eggs and add one tablespo onful at a The should be baked a delicat ' mall buttered tins, fillin g onl y half full I' ' traw color in a moderat e oven cmg to sp read 14 cup granula ted sugar l4 cup boiling water Powder ed sugar all the tim e, Boi l g ranulated suga r and water four minutes . Sift in, stirrin a' juice Ot :nou g h powdered sugar to spread . If too thick thin with lemon "'ater. Cakes should be cold when iced . ~ ~

New Jersey Ginge rbread

Y.. cup Kingsfo rd's Cornsta rcb 1 cup brown suga r. 1 tablespo on ground ginger 1 cup Karo 1 teaspoo n ground cloves ~ cup huttet' 1 teaspoo n soda ~ cup lard 1 cup sour milk 2!/.z cups flour it warms add the butter and lard As stove. on place and M ix the sugar and Karo l and bake Add the dry ingred ients sifted together , and last th e sour milk. Beatwel is preferred ' -n a mod erate oven . (Substit ute Lassies for Karo if mol asses flavor

Yanke e Cake

l!l.z cups flour 1 cup milk 1 egg !I.z cup Kingsfo rd's Cornsta rcb Butter size of 2 eggs 3 teaspoo ns baking powder sugar l !l.z cups Sift the dry urn butter, sugar and unbeate n eggs into a bowl and beat well. one cup milk . . ng redients toge th er and add to first mixture. Stir in slowly hour . G ood F lavor to taste, and bake in moderat e oven three-qu arters of an 1. cr. C ream p ..UllS 150 as laye r cake . an d E~ c airS flour, which includes l Y.. cup 1 2 eggs !I.z cup boiling water tablespo ons cornsta rch 4 level tablespo ons butter ch, well . ut butter and boiling water in a saucepa n, add the flour and cornstar Remove from nixed, all at once and cook till it leaves the side of the pan . at a time, the unbe aten ~ he fire, cool by beating, and when cold beat in, one the batter in round s ~ggs. Line a baking sheet with buttered paper. Drop split and filJ n it and bake in a hot oven for thirty minutes . When cold , rit! whipped cream or the cream fillin g. CREAM FILLING

1 cup milk 2 tablespo ons Kingsfo rd' s 2 eggs-yo lks onl Cornsta rch 1 teaspoo n vanilla 2 teaspoo ns flour l4 cup sugar Pinch of salt paste with vl'ix the cornstar ch and flour. Add the salt and mix to a smooth and add to thl' .?ne-qua rter cup of the milk . Scald the rest of the milk , 1.'2






cornstarch. Cook in a double boiler twenty minutes. Add the b of the eggs and cook long enough to set. Remove from the fire ' vanilla and sugar. If the mixture has been carefully stirred \Vh: it will be smooth. If lumpy, strain, cool and fill the cold puffs

Crullers · 3 tablespoons melted lard 3 cups flour 1 cup Karo (Cr, 'sta l ?Vlll'le) !4 cup Kingsford's Cornst l~ cups sweet milk 3 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs Stir the lard into the Karo and the milk and the eggs well beaten. Sift the flour, cornstarch and baking powder together. Stir into the first mixture , beating well. Add enough more flour to make a soft dough. Roll out and fry in deep fat. ~

N ew York Cookies

cup butter and lard 1 cup sour milk 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon soda ~ cup Karo (Crystal Wltile) Flour to roll Melt the lard and butter, stir into the syrup, add the sugar and the sour mil k, in which the soda has been dissolved. Mix with enough flour to roll out. l~

Ginger Cookies

cups lard 2 tablespoons ginger 1 cup brown sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 cups flour ~ cup Karo 4 eggs Warm the Karo and sugar and add the lard. Beat up the eggs and add to the first mixture; th en add the gin g er and the flour and baking powd er. Beat hard and add enough flour to roll out. Bake in a quick oven. (Sub stitute Lassi es for Karo if molasses flavor is preferred ,and useone-halfteaspoon bakingsoda in place Ginger Snaps of baking powder.) 1 cup lard (or part butter) 1 egg 1 tablespoon each of gin ger, 1 cup Karo 1 cup brown sugar cinnamon and allspice 2 cups flour 2~ cups flour 3 teaspoons soda !4 cup cornstarch 1 tablespoon vinegar Boil lard, sugar and Karo together. Add, while hot, two cupsof flour. Dissolve soda in vinegar and add when cool. Stir in the egg and spice. Add the cornstarch and enough flour to make a stiff dough. (Substitute Lassies for Karo if molasses flavor is preferred .)

Karo Gingerbread (Hard) 1 cup butter 1 teaspoon cinnamon ~ cup brown sugar 3~ cups flour ~ cup Kingsford's Cornstarch 2 cups Karo 1 cup milk 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon ginger Cream butter and sugar together, adding the Karo, milk and spice. Sift the flour, cornstarch and baking powder together. Add about one-half of this


cornstarch. Cook in a double boiler twenty minutes. Add the beaten ydlks of the eggs and cook long enough to set. Remove from the fire and add the vanilla and sugar. If the mixture has been carefully stirred while thickening it will be smooth. If lumpy, strain, cool and fill the cold puffs.

Crullers 3 tablespoons meltcd lard 3 cups flour 1 cup Karo (C1J·sfal W hite) !4 cup Kingsford's Cornstarch lY.z cups swcct milk 3 teaspoons baking powder 2 cggs Stir the lard into the Karo and the milk and the eggs well beaten. Sift th e Rour, corn sta rch and baking powder toget her. Stir into the fi rst mixture, beating well. Add enough more flour to make a soft dough. Roll out and fry in deep fat.

New York Cookies ¥.z cup buttcr and lard 1 cup sour milk 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon soda Y.z cup Ka ro (C1J'slal White ) Flour to roll Melt the lard and butter, stir into the syrup, add the suga r and the so ur milk, in which the soda has been dissolved. Mix with enoug h Rour to rollout.

Ginger Cookies 2 tablespoons ginger l¥.z cups lard 2 teaspoons baking powdcr 1 cup brown suga r 2 cups flour ¥.z cup Karo 4 eggs Warm the Karo and sugar and add the lard . Beat up the eggs and add to the first mixture; th en add the gi nger and th e Rour and baking powder. Beat hard and add enough Rour to roll out. Bake in a quick oven . (Substitute Lassies for Karo if molasses Ravoris preferred ,a nd use one-half teaspoon baking soda in place Ginger Snaps of baking powder.) 1 cup lard (or part butter) 1 egg 1 tablespoon each of gingcr, 1 cup Karo cinnamon and allspice 1 cup brown sugar 2Y.z cups flour 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons soda !4 cup cornstarch 1 tablespoon vinegar Boil lard, sugar and Karo together. Add, while hot, two cups of Rour . Dissolve soda in vin egar and add when cool. Stir in the egg and spice . Add the cornstarch and enoug h Rour to make a stiff doug h. (Substitute Lassies for Karo if molasses Ravor is preferred.)

Karo Gingerbread (Hard) 1 cup butter 1 teaspoon cinnamon Y.z cup brown sugar 3Y" cups flour Y.z cup Kingsford's Cornstarch 2 cups Karo 1 cup milk 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon gingcr Cream butter and sugar tog ether, adding the Karo, milk and sp ice . Sift the flour, cornstarch and baking powder together. Add about one-half of this

















mixture to the first mixture and beat well. Add the rest of the Rour and as much more as is necessary to make a stiff dough. Roll one-half inch thick and cut into rounds or squares. Immediately after taking from the oven, brush with Karc Syrup and put away to dry. (Substitute Lassies for Karo if molasses Ravor i~ preferred, and use one teaspoon baking soda in place of baking powder.)


(Crystal WI,,~e)

1 gra ted sour apple 1 grated lemon rind and juico 1 egg Vanilla to taste Cook all together for five minutes, adding vanilla when cold.

:w cup sugar

Fruit and Nut Filling Chop dried fruit and nuts very fine and rub to a paste with Karo Syrup.

Raisin Filling 1 cup water !4 cup Karo (Cryst al W;zzl.) 1 cup raisins 73 cup sugar 1 egg Seed and chop the raisins. Add sugar, Karo and water, and cook till raisins are soft. Put over pan of water, and add egg slightly beaten. Cook till consistency of thick cream. Flavor with lemon . Cool before using.

Fig Filling !4 pound chopped figs

~ cup boiling water l~ tablespoons lemon juice cup sugar Grated rind of ~ orange 2 tablespoons Kingsford's Cornstarch Put figs, sugar, cornstarch in a double boiler and pour on the boiling water, stirring all the time. When well mixed add the lemon juice and orange rind. Cover and cook one-half hour, stirring occasionally. ~

Chocolate Icing ~1

cup sugar !4 bar chocolate !4 cup Karo Syrup Pinch of salt 8 tablespoons milk !4 teaspoon vanilla Boil sugar, Karo a.nd milk. Add the grated chocolate and salt, al.ld ~ook ~II it forms a soft ball 10 cold water. Remove from fire, Ravor, and stir till thick enough to spread.

Brown Icing

3 tablespoons cocoa YI cup Karo (Crystal WI,,~e) Strong coffee 1 cup confectioner's sugar Stir the syrup, sugar and cocoa together and moisten with the coffee until proper consistency to spread. I4

PIES lYi cups flour

Plain Crust

YI cup Kingsford's Cornstarch Y.. teaspoon baking powder Sift the dry ingredients together. Cut in meal. Cut in the water quickly. Handle tough.

Y.. teaspoon salt Y.. cup lard

l4 cup icc watcr the lard till of the consistency of as little as possible, else it will be

Richer Crust

3 cups flour 1 heaping cup lard (part butter 1 tablespoon Kingsford's may be used) Cornstarch Icc water to moisten so that it 1 teaspoon salt may be rolled out Mix as directed above. Use only water enough to prevent crust from being crumbly. Teo much water makes it hard .

Blackberry Pie Line pie plate with rich crust. Wash and drain the berries, and fill plate quite full. Sprinkle well with sugar, and sift over all one gene ·ous taolespoon of Kingsford ' s Cornstarch. Season with cinnamon and bits of butter. Add the top crust, wel l pricked, and bake. Strawberry, whortleberry, rhubarb and peach pies should be thickened the same way with Kingsford's Cornstarch.

Cranberry Pie Fill pie plate, lin ed with paste, with cranberries which have been pricked, washed and dried. (Unless dried there will be too much liquid.) Fill the plate two-thirds full of Karo (Crystal Wh ite) into which a teaspoon of Kingsford's Cornstarch has been stirred, and cover with well-pricked paste.

Cocoanut Pie

3 eggs 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon Kingsford's 2 cups milk (scalded) Cornstarch Y.. cup freshly grated cocoanut Beat the yolks of the eggs, add the sugar and cornstarch, and pour on the scalded milk slowly. Add the grated cocoanut, and turn into a deep plate lined with rich paste. When baked, cover with a meringue made from the whites of the eggs, well beaten, to which three round tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar should be added. Sprinkle with cocoanut and brown in the Lemon Pie oven. 1 cup Karo (C>'Yslal Wid/e) 3 eggs Rind and juice of 1 large lemon 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons Kingsford's Cornstarch Pinch of salt Cook the Karo, milk and cornstarch together in a double boiler for fifteen minutes. Beat the yolks of two eggs and one whole egg slightly and stir smooth with the first mixture. Add the lemon juice and rind of the lemon and the salt, and cook one minute. Fill the paste while hot and bake in a quick oven. "Vhen cool make meringue of the whites of the two eggs, and return to the oven to brown.


Karo Pie

K aro (Crystal Line pie pl ate with rich crust, and fill two-third s full with poons KingsWhite) . Stir in lightly without touching the paste two tea Lay strips of ford 's Cornstarch. Lay over the top thin slices of lemon. crust from edge to edge. Bake slowly.

Pumpk in Pie

2 tablespo ons Raro 2 eggs 114 cups dry pumpkin 2 tablespo ons m elted butter 1 teaspoon Kingsfo rd's ~ teaspoon ginge r Cornsta rch 1 teaspoon cinnamo n !6 cup brown sugar ~ teaspoon salt 1 cup rich milk red ients thorBeat the eggs slig htly . Add to the milk. Mix the other ing oug hly, and bake with on e cru t. and bake, To Prepare Pumpkin . - Cut pumpkin in half, remove the seeds open side down. When soft , scrape from th e sk in and mash .

Mock Cream Pie

1 pint of hot milk 1 cup sugar Pinch of sa lt 4 tablespo ons Kingsfo rd's 1 teaspoon butter Cornsta rch Yolks of 3 eggs . Stir in Beat the yolks of the eggs , ad d the suga r an d co rn starch, well mixed t already cru a into urn T butter. and lt sa the add and ly ow sl milk th e hot meringu e and ba ked . Grate nutm eg on the top. Bake till firm. Cove r wit h brown . Mince Pie 1 pint boiled cider 1 lb. suet ~ lb. chopped citron 8 Ibs. tart a pples 1 tablespo on sa lt 4 lbs. lean boiled beef 1 tablespo on ground spices 3 lbs. seeded raisins 1 tables poon mace 2 Ibs. currants 1 tables po on cloves 1 lb. brown sugar 1 tablespo on allspice 1 qu a rt Karo 4 t ablespoo ns cinnamo n 1 pint brandy 2 nutmegs , grated 1 pint Madeira wine 2 quarts sweet cider the brandy Chop the suet, apples and beef, and add all the ing redi ents except wine. Cover and wine. Heat thorough ly, cool , and add the brandy and crust. tightly and keep cold but do not free ze. Bake in a rich double

Orang e Tart 73 cup Karo (Crystal Wlltl e) 1 cup boiling water 1 teaspoon lemon juice 4 tablespo ons Kingsfo rd's 3 eggs Cornsta rch 1 large, juicy orange and the boili ng Cook the cornstarc h, made smooth with a little cold water, grated ri nd of tl\e water for five minutes. Add the pulp and part of the pour slow ly on orange, the Karo and the lemon juice . Heat thoroug hly and


to the beaten yolks of the eggs. Beat thoroughly . Pour into a tart crust, cover with meringue made from the whites of the eggs and flavored with lemon juice. Brown in oven. Serve cold.

PUDDINGS Cornstarch Pudding 3 cups scalded milk !4 teaspoon salt 6 level tablespoons Kingsford's 2 eggs Cornstarch 1 teaspoon vanilla Y.3 cup sugar Mix the cornstarch with a little cold milk. Stir the hot milk slowly onto the cornstarch and stir over water till it thickens . Cook eight minutes. Beat the eggs slightly, add the sugar and salt. Add the cornstarch mixture to the eggs, and cook, stirring constantly, one minute longer. R emove from fireadd the vanilla. Serve cold with cream and sugar. (Serves six persons.)

Blanc Mange 2!4 cups milk, scalded Pinch of salt 6 tablespoons Kingsford's 1 teaspoon vanilla Cornstarch Mix the cornstarch with one-quarter cup of cold milk, add the sa lt and stir the scalded milk slowly onto the cornstarch. Cook over water for twelve minutes, stirrin g till it thickens. Add vanilla. Stir well. Turn in a mould wet with co ld water to set.

Chocolate Blanc Mange Melt one squa re of chocolate over water, add to hot milk and proceed as above. Sweeten to taste.

Delicate Custard Yolks of 2 eggs 1 dessertspoon Kingsford's Cornstarch 2 tablespoons Karo (Crystal White ) 1 pint mille, scalded Mix the cornstarch, Karo and eggs, and pour on the hot milk. Cook over water till it thickens. Flavor with vanilla. May be poured over fre sh or stewed fruit.

Prune Whip

1 pound prunes 2 eggs-whites only 1 tablespoon powdered sugar Soak the prunes over night in water enough to cover. Cook in the water in which they have been soaked. Remove stones, chop fine and sweeten to taste . Add the whites of the eggs beaten with the sugar. Beat thoroughly and stand on ice for one hour. Serve with Delicate Custard.

Tipsy Parson 1 pint milk 1 heaping teaspoon Kingsford's Yolks of 2 eggs Cornstarch Moisten pieces of sponge cake with sherry and lay in a glass di sh. Pour over the cake a custard, made of the eggs, milk and cornstarch, sweetening to taste . 17

cover with a Before serving sprinkle freely with blanche d almonds and may be added . ~ream whipped of cup One eggs. of whites from made e meringu

Apple Dump ling - Baked

each with a ~ooa Peel and co~e the required number of tart apples and cover (Crystal ''''hIte). crust .. Put 10 a baklOg pan and pour over each a little Karo hot water. Bas:e Turn !nto the pa.n one c.up br.own sugar and two cups of rich brown. dumplin gs from time to time, till apples are soft and crust a

Boiled Apple Puddi ng

1 tablespo on Kingsfo rd's 1 pint chopped apples Cornsta rch 1 pint bread crumbs ~ teaspoo n salt 1 cup raisins ~ cup Karo 73 cup chopped suet 1 cup milk 1 egg (unbeat en) ingredie nts and Mix the apples and bread crumbs. Add all the rest of the hot with sauce. beat well. Put into buttered moulds and boil two hours. Serve

Boiled Indian Puddi ng

~ cup Karo 1 cup Indian meal 1 tablespo on butter I quart milk Salt to taste I cgg ~ cup sugar ly. When Pour one pint of milk onto the meal and set to boil, stirring constant Karo, butter, thick remove from the fire and add the egg well beaten, sugar, bag. Serve with salt and the rest of the milk. Steam or boil in a floured is preferre d.) . bard sauce. (Substit ute Lassies for Karo if molasses flavor

Graha m Puddi ng

Y.z cup sour milk cup Karo ~ teaspoo n soda cup brown sugar I cup raisins cup butter Spices to taste 1 egg 1~ cups graham flour egg, well beaten. Stir the sugar:lO d Karo together , add the butter, melted, and the dissolve d. Add Stir in the flour and the sour milk, in which the soda has been and serve with the spices, and the raisins, well floured, last. Steam four hOllrs is preferre d.) plain Karo Sauce. (Substit ute Lassies for Karo if molasses flavor ~ ~ ~

Christ mas Puddi ng

H4 pounds bread crumbs pound shelled almond s 2~ cups flour Y.z pound candied orange peel ~ cup Kingsfo rd's Cornsta rcb 3 pounds raisins 1 ounce mixed spices 3 pounds currant s 12 eggs 2 pounds chopped beef suet Milk to bind all togethe r 1 pound brown sugar 1 cup Karo Add the rest of Chop the almonds , orange peel, raisins, currants and suet. the ingredie nts. Tie in a floured bag and boil for eight hours. I8 ~

Yum Yum Pudding 1 cup cooked cereal (left over) ~ cup raisins ~ cup Karo (Crystal W11l1e) 2 eggs ~ oup milk Put all togethe r into a double boiler. When smooth turn into a buttered baking dish and bake forty minutes. Eat with cream.

Dandy Pudding 1 quart milk ~ cup sugar 4 tablespoons Kingsford's Cornstaroh 3 eggs Make a custard of the milk, cornstarch, sugar and yolks of eggs. Flavor wit lemon and pour into individual glasses. Make a meringue out of th e white. of the eggs and cover top of each g lass.

Plain Fruit Pudding 1 cup butter and suet mixed ~ grated nutmeg 1 cup Karo 1 egg 1 cup r aisins 2:j4 cups flour 1 cup currants !4 cup Kingsford's Cornstarch 2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 teaspoons baking powder Sift the last three ing redients together and mix in the order given. Steam three hours.

CUSTARDS Cup Custard 2 eggs ~ teaspoon Kingsford's 3 cups milk Cornstarch 2 tablespoons sugar Pinch of salt Mix the cornstarch with the sugar and add to the slightly beaten eggs. Pour en the milk slowly, add the salt. Flavor to taste and set in cups of water iu the oven to cook till thick.

Mock Custard 1 quart milk, scalded Pinch of salt ~ cup sugar 4 eggs 2 tablespoons Kingsford's 1 table spo on butter 1 teaspoon cinnamon Cornstarch Mix the cornstarch to a smooth paste with a little cold milk, add the scald~d milk slowly, and cook over water till thoroug hly done. Mix the other ingredients and combine with the first mixture. Cook only long enough to thicken the eggs-not more than two or three minutes.

Orange Custard 1 pint milk-scalded 1 tablespoon Kingsford's Yolks of 2 eggs Cornstarch Sugar to taste Mix eggs, sugar and cornstarch and pour the hot milk on slowly. Cook over water, stirring constantly, till it thickens. Cool. Slice four oranges and arrange in a serving dish with layers of sugar. Pour the custard over the whole. 19

Coffee Custard 1 pint milk 1 cup strong, hot coffee ~ cup Karo (Crystal ~17tite) 1 tablespoon Kingsford's 3 eggs Cornstarch Heat milk and Karo to boiling point. Add the eggs, well beaten, the coffee, and the corn starch mi xed till smooth with a little cold milk. Stir till it thicken s. Pour into glasses. When very cold serve with whipped cream.

SWEET SAUCES Chocolate Sauce Y.. tablespoon flour

lY.. squares chocolate ~ cup suga r 1 tablespoonful Kingsford's 2 eggs Cornstarch Y.. teaspoon vanilla Pinch of salt 1 pint scalded milk M ix the cornstarch and flour, and make smooth with a little cold milk . Cook in the scalded milk over water for ten minutes. Melt th e chocolate. add onequarter cup sugar and turn into the thickened milk . Beat the whites of th e eggs very stiff, add the rest of the sugar and the yolks of th e eggs. Stir th e hot mi xture slowly into the eggs and return to double boiler and stand for a moment or two, but do not cook. Flavor and cool.

Banana Sauce 2 large ripe bananas 2 tablespoons Kingsford's 4 tablespoons lemon juice Cornstarch Y.. cup sugar 114 cups boiling water Mash bananas and rub through sieve into a saucepan. Cover immediately with lemon juice to prevent di scoloration . Mix the corn sta rch and sugar, add to fruit, pour on the boiling water and stir till it thicken s. Cook ten minutes. Stra in and beat well . Mock Cream 2 teaspoons Kingsford's 1 pint scalded milk Cornstarch 1 teaspoon vani lla Whites of 2 eggs 2 tablespoons sugar Mix the cornstarch and sugar, and cook in the hot milk ten minutes. Strain and cool. Add vanilla and whites of eggs beaten stiff. Makes a good substitute for whipped cream.

Lemon Sauce (Hot) 2 cups sugar Juice and grated rind of 2 2 tablespoons Karo ( Crystal Wl1ite) lemo ns Y.! cup butter 1 teaspoon Kingsford's 1 cup water Yolk of 1 egg Cornstarch Cook the sugar, Karo, butter, water and lemon juice together. When it comes to the boil, stir in slow ly the cornstarch made smooth with a little water, and the beaten yolk of the egg. When cooked, add the white beaten stiff. Serve hot. 20







Plain Karo Sauce

1 cup dark brown sugar 1 cup Karo 2 tablespo ons butter 1 cup cream Yolk of 1 egg 1 tablespo on Kingsfo rd's Cornsta rch Cream the butter and sugar together ; a~d !he b~aten yolk of .the egg, ~he Karo and the cream and corn starch. Bod tdl thick. Add whiskey or wme if desired, after removin g from the fire.

Coffee Sauce

2 cu ps strong coffee 1 egg :j4 cup Karo (Crystal While) 1 tablespo on Kingsfo rd's Cornsta rch Boil coffee and Karo together . Pour wh ile boiling over th~ egg and cornstarch . Beat vigorous ly. Strain and cool.

Sauce for Plum Puddi ng

2 tablespo ons butter ~ cup sugar 2 teas poons flour 1 teaspoo n Karo (Cryslal If'llilc) 2 teaspoon s Kingsfo rd's 1 pint boiling water Cornsta rch ~ teaspoo n lemon juice Stir all together and cook, stirring constant ly, till it boils and becomes thick,

Brand y Sauce

3 level tablespo ons Kingsfo rd's 1 pint hot water Cornsta rch 1 tablespo on Karo (Cr:),!lal Witt/c) ~ level teaspoo n flour It. cup brown sugar Pinch of salt 1 teaspoo n vanilla 1 rounded tablespo on butter 1 generou s tab lespoon brandy Stir the cornstar ch, Rour and salt together , and blend with the butter. Stir in th e hot water graduall y, add the other ingredie nts, and cook, stantly, five or six minutes. Add vanilla and brandy, remove stirrin g confrom fire, and beat in a second tablespo on of butter.


Remove roast from pan, and pour off all the fat except one good Add one tablespo on of Kingsfo rd's Cornstar ch. Put over the tablespo onful. stirrin g constant ly, till we ll browned . Add g radually , stirringfire and cook all the time: one pint of boiling water, and cook till thick and smooth. All brown g ravies may be made from this recipe.

Cream ed Chick en Gravy

Pour desired amount of milk into pan where chicken has been fried with butter, salt and pepper, and thicken with Kingsfo rd's Cornsta . Season rch rubbed smooth with a little cold milk. 21

White Sauce 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons IGngsford's Cornstarch Salt and pepper to taste Rub the butter and cornstarch together and add the cold milk. Place over a moderate fire and stir constantly till it boils. Cook thoroug hly. This sauce may be used for vegetables. For fish add hard-cooked eggs , either chopped or sliced .

Lobster Sauce 1 lobster I /S teaspoon cayenne pepper lY.z tablespoons Kingsford's 1 pint boiling water Cornstarch Lemon juice Cut the lobster into dice. Rub the" coral" to a paste with part of the butter. Make a sauce of the cornstarch, rest of butter and water, add the coral, and season to taste with lemon juice and salt. Simmer five minutes and strain over the diced lobster. Boil up once and serve.

Tomato Sauce 1 pint tomatoes 1 bay leaf lY.z tablespoons Kingsford's 1 large slice onion Cornstarch 2 tablespoons butter Salt and pepper to taste Put the onion and bay leaf into the tomatoes and simmer gently twenty minutes. Rub through a strainer and add to the butter and cornstarch previously rubbed together. Stir over a moderate fire till it boils, and season to taste. Cook thoroughly.

Caper Sauce 2 tablespoons butter 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon vinegar 1 tablespoon Kingsford's 3 tablespoons capers Cornstarch Salt and pepper to taste Rub butter, flour and cornstarch to a paste. Add the milk and stir over moderate fire till it thickens. Add vinegar, capers and seasoning. Serve with lamb or mutton.

Parsley Sauce Make a white sauce and add chopped parsley and a little lemon juice. with fish.


Velvet Sauce 4 tablespoons butter 1 quart chicken or veal stock lY.z tablespoons flour Y.z cup mushroom liquor lY.z tablespoons IGngsford's 6 whole peppers Cornstarch Salt and dash of nutmeg Combine as directed in white sauce, using stock in pl ace of milk. Boil twenty minutes. Skim and simmer for one hour. Strain and season if necessary. Add a few drop~ of kitchen bouquet. 22


ICE CREAMS AND ICES Tutti Frutti Soak one-half pound of dried and candied fruit in one glass of whiskey and lemon juice. Add to ice cream when partly frozen, and finish freezing.

Kingsford Ice Cream 1 cup sugar 1 pint milk ~ teaspoon salt Yolks of 3 eggs 1 pint cream 1 tablespoon Kingsford's Cornstarch Mix the cornstarch with the sugar and add to the slightly beaten eggs. Pour on the milk slowly, add the salt, and cook over water till thoroughly done . When cold, add the cream and freeze, flavoring to taste.

Vanilla Ice Cream Make as above, substitutin~ one or two whole eggs for the three yolks. with one tablespoon of vamlla.


Frozen Custard 1 Quart rich milk 2 teaspoons Kingsford's 1 handful raisins Cornstarch ~ cup nut meats, chopped ~ cup sugar ~ cup ICaro 2 teaspoons vanilla 3 eggs Heat the raisins in the milk in a double boiler for twenty minutes. Make a custard of the other ingredients, adding the nut meats when cold. Freeze a$ ice cream. This may be varied by adding chopped figs, dates, etc.

Karo Ice Cream To each quart of cream or rich custard, add one cup of Karo (Crystal White) and one teaspoon of vanilla. Freeze, and serve plain or with English walnuts, chopped, over the tClp .

Cafe Frappe =l4 cup Karo (C""stal While) 1 tablespoon Kingsford's 1 Quart strong coffee Cornstarch 1 Quart cream Cook the cornstarch in the coffee till thickened. Add the Karo, and when cold, add the cream. A little sherry may be stirred in before freezing. Serve in sherbet or champagne glasses .

Maple Mousse 3 eggs 14 cup Karo (Crystal Wlu1e ) =l4 cup maple syrup 2 cups cream Heat the syrup and pour over the beaten yolks of the eggs, stirring briskly. Whip the cream and the whites of the eggs and fold into the first mixture, Pack in ice and salt and stand several hours without stirring.


Frozen Compote 3 pints boiling water 3 3 cups sugar 3 ~ cup Karo ( Crystal WIl!~el 3 3 shredded oranges Dissolve the su g ar in the water and add the freeze as ice cream.

cups shredded pineapple cups mashed strawberries large bananas, mashed Juice of 3 lemons Karo . Pour over the fruit and

Jelly Sherbet 73 pint sugar 4 le mons y.! pint Karo (Cr y stal W hite) 1 glass acid jell y Whites of 2 eggs Make lemonade of two pints of water, juice of four lemon s, su ga r, syrup and one gla s of acid jelly . Put into freezer, and wh en well chilled, but not frozen, beat in whites of two eggs, and freeze. This quantity will freeze to one gallon.

Grape Ice 1 pint grape juice ~ cup Karo (O'Ysta l WI,,~e) ~ cup sugar Whites of 4 e ggs Beat whites of eggs and add after the mixture is partly frozen.

BEVERAGES Spruce Beer 1 gallon water ~ pound brown sugar 1 ounce hops l }f cups Karo (O'yst,,1 ~Vlt ite) 1 rounded teaspoon ground 1 scant ounce essence of ginger 6pruce Boil well. When nearly cold, add one cup yeast and set away to ferment in a jug or jar. Will be ready to bottle in a d ay or two.

Fruit Punch 1 Quart grape juice 6 lemons 2 oran ges 2 cups Karo (Cryst al W hite) 2 Quarts Apollinaris water Mix the grape juice, K aro and juice of lemons and oranges. Chill. Ju st before serving add the Apollinaris and thin slices of orange and pineapple cut into dice. T P h



1 Quart moderately strong tea 3 sliced oranges ~ can pineapple 2 cups Karo ( O ,;),stal l'Vltilc ) 1 dozen lemons Water to make 1 gallon Apollinaris may be used in place of part of the water, or a quart of claret may be added. M u II e d G rape J' Ulce 1 cup water 1 Quart unsweetened grape juice Put in double boiler and cook one-half hour. 24

~ ~

cup cassia buds cup Karo ( Cr~'stal WI,,~e) Serve very hot in bouillon cups.


Karo Eggnog White of 1 egg beaten stiff 1 cup rich milk Yolk of 1 egg 1 tablespoon sherry, brandy 1 tablespoon Karo (Crystal While) or whiskey Mix in the order given, beating all the time . Dust the top with grated nutmeg and serve very cold.

Temperance Punch 1 gallon water l6 dozen oranges 4 cups Karo (C,')'stal 1V11I'le) 1 can pineapple 1 dozen lemons Cut pineapple into dice and pour syrup made from water, Karo and fruit juice over it. Fill bowl about half full of cracked ice, and add punch.

Iced Coffee 1 quart strong coffee

M cup Karo

(Crj'stal WII1'le)

Cream to make good color

Serve with cracked ice.


Creamed Chicken on Toast Remove the meat from the bones of cold cooked chicken and cut in dice. Heat in just as little water as possible. Add a white sauce, and when thoroughly heated pour onto hot buttered toast. For the sauce use: 2 tablespoons butter 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons Kingsford's Salt and pepper to tas te Cornstarch Little chopped parsley

Tomato Toast a la Kingsford l6 cup strained tomatoes Pinch of pepper 14 cup Kingsford's Cornstarch 8 slices of toast 1 teaspoon salt Cook the rest of the can of tomatoes for fifteen minutes. Thicken with the cornstarch made smooth with the strained tomato. Seaso n. Dip the edges of the toast in sa lted water. Butter and lay in a serving dish. Pour on the hot tomato and garn ish with parsley. This may be varied by adding half a cup grated cheese, or cooking a sl ice of onion and half of a sweet pepper with the tomato.

Fondu l6 pound good dry cheese 1 cup cream 2~ tablespoons Kingsford's Yolks of 4 eggs Cornstarch Whites of 5 eggs Cook the cornstarch with the cream till thick; turn in the cheese, grated, and add a little sa lt. Stir tiJl cool and add the yolks, well beaten. Fold in tht! whites beaten very stiff. Bake in a papered tin in a hot oven, fiJling tin only half full. Bake twenty minutes, and se rve at once, as it will fall.


Creamed Codfish 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup desiccated codfish ~ cup cream 2 teaspoons Kingsford's Cornstarch Pepper to taste Soak tlle codfish for one hour in warm water. Cook the butter and cornstarch together, add the codfish, and stir constantly. Stir in the cream and add a little pepper. Simmer ten minutes, stirring constantly.

Creamed Oysters 1 pint oysters ;4 teaspoon salt ~ cup beef stock Pepper to taste 2 tablespoons Kingsford's 1 teaspoon Worcestershire Cornstarch sauce 3 tablespoons butter Few drops onion Rinse the oysters and drain. Strain the oyster liq uo r and cook the oy ters in it till the edges begin to curl. Make a sauce of th e butter, cornstarch, beef stock and half cup of the oyster liquor. Season. Ad d the oysters , cook about one minute and serve in patties .

Welsh Rarebit ~

pound cheese 1 cup milk 1 round tablespoon butter 2 teaspoons Kingsford's Cornstarch Melt the cheese with the butter and add the milk, into which th e cornstarch has been sti rred . Sct over fire and stir till it has cooked. Do not boil the cheese. The safest way is to cook over water. Season with salt and paprika.

Lobster Patties Cut into sma ll pieces tai l part tlVO boiled lobsters. Season well with pepper, salt and a little lemon juice. Dissolve two ta blespoons Kingsford's Cornstarch in a little cold milk an d turn into one pint boiling milk. After it has thickened add butter and cook until quite thick. Stir lobster into this mixture and heat through. Fill patty shells which have been heated.

Curried Eggs 1 slice onion 1 teaspoon curry powder 2 tablespoons melted butter ;4 teaspoon salt l~ tablespoons Kingsford's lY-! cups milk Cornstarch 5 hard-boiled eggs, cut length¥.. tablespoon flour wise in quarters Brown the onion in the butter and add the flour and cornstarch; stir in the milk, stirring till it thickens, and season. Add the eggs and cook long enough to heat thoroughly, and serve at once with hot boiled rice.

Poached Eggs

a la


Poach eggs in hot, salted water. Place on platter and cover with sauce made as follows: ~ cup rich milk ¥.. tablespoon Kingsford's Cornstarch 1 tablespoon butter Salt and pepper to taste Combine as white sauce. May be served on toast if desired.


Macaroni Milanaise y.. package macaroni

1 slice onion 2 level tablespoons Kings" 1 can tomatoes (or 1 stalk celery ford's Cornstarch fresh ones in pro3 cloves 1 oup bread crumbs mixe portion) Pinch of soda with 1 bay leaf 2 level tablespoons 1 rounding tablespoon 1 blade mace butter butter, melted Y.. cup grated cheese Break macaroni into inch lengths and drop in salted 'boiling water. Cook tm tender, and drain. Season tomatoes with bay leaf, mace, onion, celery, cloves and soda, and cook twenty minutes. Melt butter and stir into the cornstarch , season with salt and paprika, and gradually add tomato pulp. Cook till thickened. When cool, add cheese. Lay the macaroni and the sauce layer for layer in buttered baking pan. Put crumbs over them, and bake in moderate oven till crumbs are browned. Serve hot.

Chicken Croquettes 1 pint finely chopped cold 2 tablespoons Kingsford's ohicken Cornstarch 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon onion juice Y.. teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup cream 1 pint bread crumbs 4 eggs 3 tablespoons butter Cream the butter and cornstarch, add the cream and cook over moderate fire till it thickens. Add meat and seasonings and boil for two minutes. Pour over two eggs, weli beaten; when thoroughly mixed, cool. Shape into croquettes, dip in crumbs, then in egg, and in crumbs again, and fry in deep fat.

SOUFFLEs Kingsford Cheese Souffle 1 cup milk 3 eggs Y.. cup grated oraokers 1 teaspoon Kingsford's Cornstarch Y.. oup grated cheese Cook the cornstarch in the milk, and when it comes to the boil add the craclce crumbs. Beat the yolks of the eggs, and add the cheese. Stir this into the first mixture, and season to taste. Add the whites of the eggs, beaten stiff, and bake at once.

Apple Souffle

4 tart apples ~ teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons Kingsford's Cornstarch 1 cup boiling water 1 tablespoon flour 1 teaspoon lemon 4 tablespoons cold water Sugar to taste 1 tablespoon butter 3 eggs Pare, core and cook the apples. Rub through a coarse sieve. Dissolve the flour and cornstarch in the cold water. Add the butter and salt to the boiling water and blend with the thickening. Add the apple pulp, sugar and lemon and beat well. Remove from the fire and add the beaten yolks. Fold the whites, beaten stiff. Bake in a shallow dish until puffed and brown.



OMELETS Omele t au Gratin I teaspoon Kingsfo rd's Cornsta rch v.: cup milk Mix like ham omelet.

4 eggs v.: cup grated cheese Season to taste

Spanis h Omele t

I tablespo on capers 2 tablespo ons melted butte r 2 tablespo ons chopped mushroo ms I tablespo on chopped onion !4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespo ons Kingsfo rd's Dash of tob as co Cornsta rch 4 eggs I tablespo on Bour 4 tablespo ons water 1:j4 cups strained tomatoe s v.: teaspoon salt I tablespo on chopped sweet Pepper to taste pepper Stir in the Brown the onion in the butter and add the flour and cornstarc h. of sa lt and tomato, stirring till it thi ckens, and add one· quarter of a teaspoon season with the tobasco. Beat th e eggs till well mixed, add th e water and omelet pan. one-half teaspoon of salt and pepper to taste . Cook on a buttered the sauce . Spread part of sa uce over it, fold and dress with the remainde r of

Ham Omele t

.1 tablespo o n butter I cup milk Iv.: tabl espoons Kingsfo rd's v.: cup minced ham 3 eggs Cornsta rch eggs and ham and beat beaten e th Add milk. the in h Cook the cornstarc very hot. again. Melt the butter in an omelet pan, and add the omelet. Serve

VEGE TABL ES Cream ed Spinac h

roots, throw After thorough ly washing and picking over spinach, cutting off begll1l to boil. into boiling water and allow to cook twellty millutes after it lJas drain, squeeze If boiled too long, it will become dull in color. When tender, let simmer and chop fine. Seaso n to taste with butter, pepper and sa lt, and for five minutes. Dress with white sauce.

Cream ed Parsni ps

se, put Scrape and boi l till tender six medium- sized parsnips . Slice lengthwi er and salt back in sk illet over fire and dress with two tablespoo n s butter, pepp Remove to taste, and a little finely minced parsley. Stir until butter boils. cream in parsnips and lay in serving dish. Add to butter, three tab lespoons allow to boil which has been dissolved a good pinch Kingsfo rd's Cornstar ch, up well once, and pour over parsnips .

Cream ed Cabba ge

Bailor Select a tender head. Cut in six, lengthwi se, and remove the heart. but do not steam the rest until tender. Drain thorough ly and cut in small pi eces, served. till mince. Dress with white sauce and put back in skillet to keep hot




Fried Eggpla nt

Pare and s)ice the eggplant as desired and dip at once into egg (previously sea~oned with salt an~ pepper) and then into Kingsfo rd's Cornstar ch, seeing to It that every part IS well covered. Fry in deep hot fat to a rich brown Lay on .bro\,:n paper .until serv ed , to absorb any extra grease cooked 10 tIllS way will be found very delicate and digestibl . Eggplan t e

To Sweet en Vegeta bles

Many housekee pers like to add a little sweeteni ng to some kind s of cooked vegetable s - corn, peas, sq uash, tomatoes , etc . For this purpose , Crystal White) will be found most acceptab le, as it lends a delicious Karo flavor

Boston Baked Beans

To one pint dried beans, add one quart milk-wa rm water. Set on back ot ra nge and soa k over ni gh t. Wash from this water , add three pints warm water and cook till tend er. This will take about three hours or a little less, possibly. Drain well and season with salt and pepper. Place in center of baking dish a nice, firm, sq uare piece of boiled sa lt pork and surround it with beans. Pour over all two tablespo ons Karo and bake for an hour. By thi' time it will be a rich brown ,

Baked Sweet Potato es

Parboil th e potatoes, peel and cut in half lengthwi se. Put in baking dish and cover generous ly with butter. Pour over all one good half cup Karo White) and sp rinkle thickly with brown sugar. Baste every little (Crystal while and bake to a nice brown . B k d P .

a e

arsmp s

Parsn ips may be baked with Karo Syrup in the same way as sweet ~crape before boiling, and cook thorough ly before baking


SOUPS Aspara gus Soup

1 bunch asparagu s 3 tablespo ons butter 3 cups milk 1 teaspoon Karo (Crj 'slal WI"I~ 3 tablespo ons Kingsfo rd's Salt and pepper to taste Cornsta rch I...ook the asparagu s in boiling salted water,. Remove fro.m. liquor, cut tip into tureen and keep hot. Mash throu gh sieve the remamm g stalks, Pu. the milk to scald and when hot tu'rn into the water in which the asparagu ! was cooked. R~b butter and cornstarc h to a cream, stir in part of liquid and cook, stirring constant ly, until the cornstarc,h is thorough the hOI ly cooked, Add the rest of the liquid, the asparagu s pulp, seasOOlng and Karo When boiling pour over the tips. Serve with strips of toasted bread .

Cream of Chick en Soup

2 quarts chicken brotb 2 tablespo ons Kingsfo rd's 1 cup cream Cornsta rch Season broth with mace, salt, celery seed and pepper .. ~iss?lve. the corn starch in the cream, Stir slowly into the hot broth and stir till It thick ens




a la


1 left-over roast chicken :J4 cup boiled rice 2 quarts water l{, cup cream 1 teaspoon Kingsford's Cornstarch Salt and pepper to taste Cut all the meat from the carcass of the chicken and chop very fine. Put the bones in the water, and simmer for two hours. Remove the bones and thicken with the cornstarch made smooth with a little cold water. Add the chicken and rice, and when very soft rub through a coarse strainer. Bring to the boiling point again, add the cream, and season to taste.

Cream of Tomato Soup 1 quart fresh or canned tomatoes 3 tablespoons Kingsford's Pinch of soda Cornstarch 3 tablespoons butter Salt and pepper to taste 1 quart milk Make a sauce of the butter, cornstarch and milk, and season well. Heat the tomatoes and strain, adding a bit of soda. When both sauce and tomatoes are very hot, pOllr the tomatoes into the 'White sallce and serve quickly. Serve with croutons. 0 t S

ys er


1 dozen oysters 1 cup milk l{, teaspoon Kingsford's Cornstarch 1 rounded teaspoon butter Salt to taste Drain oysters and chop very fine. Put back in the liquor and let them boil up three times, skimming each time. When done, strain and to the liquor add the milk, in which the cornstarch has been soaked. Just before serving add the butter. Clam soup may be made in the same way .

FOR THE INVALID Cream Toast 2 teaspoons Kingsford's Cornstarch 2 teaspoons butter 1 pint boiling milk Whites of 2 eggs Dissolve the cornstarch in a little cold milk. Pour the boiling milk slowly onto it, stirring till smooth, and cook till thoroug hly done. Add the butter, and season to taste. Pour the boiling milk over the well-beaten whites of the eggs. Pour over good brown toast and serve at once.

Kingsford's Gruel One of the most delicate and delicious gruels that can be offered the convalescent is made by thickening .milk with Kingsford's Cornstarch . The milk shou ld be scalded and seasoned with a pinch of salt. Then enough cornstarch. which has been dissolved in a li ttle cold milk, should be added to make it the consistency of rich cream, when it has come to the boil. Be very careful not to make it too thick, as in this condition it is generally most unattractive to the invalid . Should the convalescent prefer a sweetened grue l, add one teaspoon sugar and one teaspoon Karo (Crystal White) to each pint of milk. Flavor with vanilla or a little nutmeg. When permitted, a few seeded raisins are a welcome addition. Or a little sherry may be added.



Split Pea, Lentil or Bean Puree (Dried Legumes) 1 pint dried legumes 3 tablespoons Ki.ngsford ' s Cornstarch 1 oruon ~ head celery Salt and pepper A ha m bone if at hand l ~ cups milk Soa k the legumes over nig ht in co ld wate r; was h, drai n , and simmer in three pints of wate r, sti rring ofte n with a wooden spoon and add in g mo re water as evaporation necess itates. If a ham bon e be used, put on 10 cook at the same ti me as the legu mes . Whe n th e vegetables are becomi ng tend er, saute the onion and celery, cut lin e, in a litt le drippin g , an d ad d to the sou p; wh en all are tende r pass th rough a sieve , reheat , and stir in t he butter and corn sta rch creamed togeth er, and add the milk to the soup.

Cream of Celery Soup 6 stalks celery ~ can tomatoes 1 pint water 1 pint milk 2 teaspoons Kingsford's 1 tablespoon butter Cornstarch Salt and pepper to tas te Cook th e celery in the water till soft, mash and strain. M ake a sa uce of the corn tarch , butter and mil k. Add th e ce lery and the tomatoes , heated, with a pinch of soda , an d strai ned . . Season. Serve in bouillon cups, with a spoonful of whi pped cream on top .

Cream of Corn Soup 1 can corn !4 teaspoon black pepper 1 Quart milk 3 tablespoons butter 1 slice onion 1 cup cream Bit of mace Yolks of 2 eggs 1 heaping teaspoon Kingsford's Cornstarch M ash the corn to a pulp and put in a doub le boiler. A dd the mi lk, onion and mace. Rub th e butter and cornstarch to a paste, ad ding th e pe pp er, and stir into the lirst mixture. When thoroughly cooked, strain and add the cream and eggs.

Oxtail Soup 2 oxtails 3 onions 1 head celery 1 cup water 2 tablespoons butter 1 bay leaf 4 cloves 3 Quarts boiling water 1 teaspoon salt 4 peppercorns 3 carrots 1 tablespoon Karo (Crystal TV l

CANDY MAKING Candy making , more than any other species of cooking , require s strict attentio n to directio ns as to quantit ies and methods. Theref ore all recipes should be strictly followed. When a syrup forms a fine thread upon droppin g from a spoon :t is called" hairing " or "thread ing." After this stage the syrup !\hould never be stirred, as it will granula te. In handlin g or pulling aU boiled candies, the hands should be well buttere d to prevent the mixture sticking to them. If the pot in which Karo is boiled for candy is buttere d for an ;nch or two down, the liquid will not boil over. It will not rise after it reaches the butter. Should fondan t stick to the hands, dip the fingers into alcohol. After a boiled syrup is beaten, it should look like lard or very thick cream. Otherw ise it has not been allowed to cool sufficiently before the beating process was begun. Use fresh, cold water for each trial of candy; prefera bly ice water.

Fonda nt Cream s and Choco lates nut Fondant is the basis of all "French candies "-choco late creams, etc. creams, stuffed dates, int, Fondant is usually flavored with vanilla, fruit juice or extract, pepperm make fondant, of quantity desired the Take . flavoring wintergr een or other and knead a small hollow, drop in a few drops of the required flavoring add a little enough rong st not is flavor the If mass. thorough ly through the in too much , more at a time until sufficient, being very careful not to get especially of pepperm int, wintergr een or other essential oils. sma ll ball For the nut creams use preferabl y the vanilla fondant -make a nut either half a place palms, the between fondant by rolling a little piece of should be side and press together. Almond s, hazel·nu ts and Brazil-n uts a piece of covered with a very thin layer of fondant. Flatten out on the hand nut , rolling fondant, place the nut in the center and fold fondant around the


lVell in the palms until the nut IS entirely CO,'f l( 0 J' hese will be much easi ' to make and the fondant adheres better to Iht n llt if they are washed fir t, dried on a cloth and covered while damp. For fruit creams take dates, raisins an d I ru n ~ , seed carefully so as t) keep the fruit as whole as possible, th en makt ~ small roll of fond ant an I insert in the opening . A particula rl y delici o s a ri ty of stuffed fruit is made by pressing an almond or small piece of nm il. th · fondant Any of th.· above may be coated with chocolat e. Plain chocolate creams are simply small d lj ~ t \"nd ant variously fl avored and coated with chocolate. To make the chocolate coats , melt the c . 0 ('0 I a!.! in the inner part of ouble boiler and keep hot without allowing t boil Drop the centers in onc at a time and lift out with a silver fork immed iale! they are covered, allowin g the surplus chocolate to drip off, and place on . buttered plate or wax papcr (0 cool and harden. In very hot weather they may need to be cooled in the refrigera tor , when they should be covered Ii ht l with a bowl to prevent sweating . If sweet chocolate covering is desired, stir 80nll tondant, a little at a ti m .~ mto the melted chocolat e, mixing thorough ly , u nti l , weetened to taste . . Creams and chocolat es are more easily mad e in cool weather than in hor , and the hand should be kept as cool as possibl e whi!.: working the fonda nt . There is another method of covering nut~ which makes a variety. Put the fondant in a vessel and set in another of boil in g water, until it has melted to the consisten cy of cream . Dip each piece 01 nui. as for chocolate crea l11~ , and set aside to harden. When all are don e, d l}. ag ain to give a good, thi ck coating

Karo Fonda n t Y., cup Karo lY., cups sugar Boil without stirring until it threads K.eep cool and dry till needed.

l4 teaspoon cream of tartar Y.l ou hot water When artia ll y cool, beat till cream,

Karo Fudge (A great succe~ s ) 2 squares (or ounces) chocolat e '9.i cu Karo Y., cup cold milk 2 tablespo ons butter 2 cups granulat ed sugar 1 tea6poon vanilla Grate the chocolat e, and add all the ingredie nts exceptth evanilla . Cook stirring once in a while. Cook till it makes a soft ball in cold water slowly , about five minutes after actually boiling) . Remove from fire, add (require3 the vanill a and beat until it begins to granulat e. Pou r at once into a buttered pan. Mark deeply in cakes when nearly cold . 33

Divini ty Fudge

1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups sugar Y.z cup cbopped nut meats ;U oup Karo Y.z pound dates, stoned and ~ cup water out fine 2 eggs (wbites only) in cold water. Beat the tried when crisp till water and Karo sugar, Cook slowly onto them, beatsyrup the pour and bowl, large a in eggs the whites of nuts and dates. vanilla, the Add harden. to begins it till whole ing the large squares. in cut cool, When tin. buttered shallow a on thick Spread quite

Divini ty

2 ounces cbopped nuts 2 cups sugar 13 eup Karo 2 ounces cbopped raisins Y.! cup bot water 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs (wbites only) forms a hard mass in cold water. it till together water and Karo sugar, Boil nuts and raisins. Pour on the the in beat and stiff, very eggs of whites Beat will stand alone, drop from mixture When . time the all beating syrup, hot plates. buttered onto teaspoon

New Swee t" Divin ity" (Especia lly recomme nded) FIRST SAUCEP AN

3 cups sugar

1 cup Karo

13 cup water


Y.z cup water 1 cup sugar directed below: as ts ingredien g followin The 1 cup cbopped nuts 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 eggs (wbites only) tested in a Cook the contents of the first saucepan till it forms soft ball when saucepan cold water. Twenty minutes after starting the first, start the secondit over th e and cook till it threads. When contents of first pan is ready, pour slowly the beaten whites and beat briskly. When it is ready to turn out, add nut meats and contents of the second saucepan , continui ng to beat, and add the cold. vanilla. Turn out into a buttered tin, and cut in squares when

Karo Caramel~ ~ cup vinegar 1 cup granulat ed sugar 2 tablespo ons butter 1 cup Karo 1 teaspoon vanilla ~ cup water the butte r . Boil the sugar, Karo, water and vinegar six minutes, and add stir in the and Cook till it forms a soft ball in cold water. Remove from fire, may be vanilla. If preferred , one-half cup of candied cherries, cut in halves, in square! added. After heating thorough ly, turn into buttered tins. Mark when cool, and cut when cold. Wrap each cube in waxed paper.


Choice Karo Caramels 2 cups granulated sugar 1 cup butter 1:)4 cups Karo 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups cream 1 cup chopped nuts Cook sugar, Karo, half the cream and butter together. When it boils, stir in the rest of the cream , but do not allow boiling to cease. Test for a firm ball in cold water. Add vanilla and nut meats. Turn into buttered tin. When nearly cold, cut in cubes and wrap in waxed paper. The boiling sometimes requires nearly an hour, but when carefully made these caramels cannot b excelled.

Walnut Caramels 2 pounds brown sugar 4 tablespoons butter 1 cup Karo 6 squares bitter chocolate 1 cup milk Y.. pound walnuts Put all the ingredients except the nuts into a saucepan and bring slowly to the boiling point. Continue to boil till 240 0 F. on sugar thermometer is reached. Add the chopped nuts and turn into buttered tins. Mark in squares when cold.

Karo Cream Caramels 1 cup cream 4 tablespoons butter Y.l cup Karo 2 tablespoons flour ;j4 cup sugar 2 tablespoons Kingsford's 1 teaspoon vanilla Cornstarch Put sugar, Karo ancl half the cream into saucepan and stir constantly till it boils; add the rest of the cream slowly. Do not let boiling cease. Cook till a soft ball forms in cold water. Add the flour , cornstarch and butter creamed together, and continue to cook till a firm soft ball forms in cold water. Turn into buttered tins, and mark in squares when cool. N ulS may be added if desired.

Karo Divinity 3 cups brown sugar Y.. cup Karo 73 cup water 1 ounce chocolate Cook the sugar, Karo and water to the soft melted over hot water, and proceed as in may be omitted.

2 eggs (whites only)

Y.. teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped nuts

Y.. teaspoon vanilla ball, having added the chocolate rule for Divinity. The chocolatti

Chocolate Caramels 4 squares chocolate 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup milk 1 heaping tablespoon butter 1 cup Karo 1 teaspoon vanilla Cut up the chocolate and add to the milk . When dissolved add the Karo and sugar and cook till it forms a hard ball in cold water. Add the butter when nearly done. Remove from fire and pour into buttered pan. Chopperli nuts may be added. Mark in squares when cool.


Peppe rmint Candy

2 tablespo ons butter 2 cups brown sugar Few drops oil of pepperm int 1 cup Karo in cold water. Add butter harden will it till .doil sugar and Karo together when cold. and pepperm int. Turn into buttered tin, and mark in sq uares

Karo Kandy for Pulling

2 tablespo ons melted butter 1 cup brown sugar 1 tab lespoon lemon juice 1 cup Karo tested in cold water. Pou. ~ ook all togethe r wi thout stirring till brittle when nto buttered pans till cool enough to pull.


1 tablespo on bu tte r 2 cups sugar Pinch of soda 2-pound can Karo 2 teas poons vanilla ~ cup vinegar When nearly :Boi l suga r and Karo till it gets a little thick and add vineg ar. The test fo r one add butter and soda. Remove from fire and add vanilla. :!II taffy is that it must be crisp in cold water.

Taffy No. II 1 cup sugar 1 cup Karo ~ cup butter C ook till crisp in cold water . cool.

~ ~

cup milk cup grated chocolat

Put in buttered tin and mark in squa res w hen

Karo Candy

1 tablespo on butter cups dark brown sugar Y.. cup chopped walnuts 1 cup Karo Y.. teaspoon vanilla ~ cup rich milk water. Wh en Boil sugar, Karo and milk to a soft ball when tested in cold ken from the early done add the butter, and add nuts and vanilla when ta B eat till creamy as it cools. ~tove . l~

Soft Karo Candy

2 tablespo ons butter cups dark brown sugar 1 teaspoon lemon extract cup Karo , adding the :Boi l sugar, Karo and butter to form a hard ball in cold water to pull. ;emon wh en nea rly done. Turn into buttered tin till coo l enough waxed paper. W hen a lig ht color pull into inch strips, cut in pieces and wrap in l~ ~

Yellow Jack

add one-half T o one qu art Karo which has been boiled for thirty minutes y smooth . teaspoon bica rbonate of soda which has bee n rubbed absolutel tested in when Allow to boil, st irring constantl y or it may burn, until brittle juice . When cold water. Remove from fire and add one tablespoon lemon two strand s l:ool enough to handle, pull until a light, bright yellow. Twist logether and cut into desired lengths. 36

Karo Cream Drops Use the rec.ipe for" Yellow Jack," but instead of twisting or braiding after it has been pulled, rollout into two half-inch sheets. Lay these together with a layer of Karo fondant between. Cut into squares or other shapes.

Peanut Candy 1 pound brown sugar 4 tablespoons butter 1 cup Karo :J.i pound shelled peanuts 1 cup water Boil sugar, Karo and water till it is crisp when dropped in cold water. Just before taking from the fire add the butter and the nuts. Pour into a well· buttered tin.

Butter Candy 2 cups sugar 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 cup Karo 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons hot water Boil all except the butter, which should be added when nearly done, until brittle in cold water. Pour into buttered tins.

Karo Butter Scotch 1 teaspoon vinegar 1 cup sugar 1 cup Karo l{z cup butter Boil all together until it becomes instantly brittle when dropped in cold water. Pour thinly onto buttered pans. If desired to mark in squares it must be done at once, as it cools immediately.

Karo Sea Foam 3 cups sugar l{z teaspoon salt l{z cup Karo 1 cup chopped nuts 73 cup water 1 teaspoon vanilla Whites of 2 eggs Boil sugar, water and Karo till it forms a soft ball in cold water. Pour slowly onto the whites of the eCTgs beaten with the salt. Continue to beat till nearly stiff enough to hold its form, add the nuts and flavoring and turn into brick-shaped bread tins. When cold turn onto waxed paper and cut in squares.

Karo Wafers 2l{z cups sugar Y-l cup Karo l{z cup water Boil together without stirring to form a soft ball in cold wate r and turn onto a buttered platter. Do not add scraping from saucepan. When cool enough to dent, work with a wooden spoon or paddle until creamy and firm. Cover closely with a bowl and stand thirty minutes, when it should be kneaded like bread. Put the" loaf" into a double boiler and add one teaspoon vanilla. It will soon soften to a thick cream. When thin enough to drop from a spoon, make rounds on waxed paper. If too stiff, a very little hot water may be added (teaspoonful at a time) while the mass is in the double boiler.




1 cup brown sugar 2 cups white sugar 1 cup Karo ~ cup milk

2 squares of chocolate 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanilla SECOND MIXTURE

2 cups brown sugar 1 cup milk 1 cup cbopped nuts 2 cups white sugar 2 tahlespoons butter Boil the first mixture til l quite thick and pour onto a buttered tin. Then boil the second mixture together, adding the nuts when done, and pour over the brown mLxture in the pan.

Karo Kokoanut Kandy ~

cocoanut 1 cup Karo 1 teaspoon vinegar 1 cup brown sugar 1 tablespoon butter Shave the cocoanut fine and spread on tin dish es in a warm place to make soft and pliable. Boil the other in g redients without sti rring till brittle in cold water. Stir the cocoanut lightly in and pour onto buttered tins.

Karo Nougat ougat may b~ made like Karo Kokoanut Kandy except that chopped nut. hould be substituted for the cocoanut. A mixture of shellbarks, cream nuta and a lmonds is gene rally used, but any others may be used.


Glace Nuts and Fruits 1 cup sugar 1 cup Karo 'l3 cup water Boil till the syrup brittles instantly in ice water. Keep hot in double boiler. Dip in nuts and fruits one at a time, taking out on the points of a fork and laying on buttered plate. Th ey harden immediately. Nuts and fruits may also be covered in a way which, while it is not exactly a glace, is deliciou s. Melt a portion of Karo fondant in a double boiler and dip in the nuts and fruits as above. As they harden dip again.

Coloring for Candies Wh en making candies, coloring matter is desired, to lend a pleasing variety. Perfectly harmless yellow, green and pink may be used. Saffron will give the yellow tint; spinach and beet leaves crushed and boiled in a little water will give green; and the juice of strawberries, raspberries and blackberries or elderberries will give varying shades of pink in summer, whili! that of cranberries may be used in winter.

Popcorn Balls and Fritters After the corn has been popped, take from the quantity any uncooked or partially cooked grains, being sure to have only fine, large, puffy ones. To one cup Karo allow one tablespoon vinegar. Boil together until it hardens when dropped in cold water. When ready pour over the popcorn while hot. As soon as cool enough to handle, butterthe hands well and form themass into balls. To make Popcorn Fritters, form the mass into flat, round cakes instead of balls.




Su ggestions . . . . . . ?vI ens uring D irections . Brend and Rolls . CI C. Gridd le Cakes and Warnes Fritters .

Cakes nnd Cookies F illings (or Layer C akes Pies

Puddings C ustards Sweet Sauces .


4 5 5 7 9 · 10 .14 . 15 · 17 .19 .20

G ravies. Ment Snuces I cc C reams . Ices Beverages Entrees.

soumes . Omelets Soups Inva lid. Recipes (or tbe .


. 21 .21

.23 . 23 . 24

.25 . 27 . 28 . 29 .31 .32

INDEX Angel Cake Apple Dumpling. Baked Apple soum€: Asparagus Soup Baked Pars nips B.ked Swee t Potatoes Banana Sauce Blackberry Pie Blanc ~I ange Boiled Apple PuddincBos ton Baked Beans Bran dy Sauce Brbwn Bread Brown IcincBu ckwh ea t Cakes Bu tter Candy Buttersco tch. Karo Cafl! Frappe . Candy for Pullin!!. Karo . Candy . Karo. Candy. Soft . Karo . CaDer Sauce Caram els. Chocolate. Caramel s. Cream. Karo Caramels. Karo . . . • Caramel s. Choice. Karo Caramels. "Valnut Cheese So uml!. Kingsfo rd Chicken Croquett es Chocola te Blanc Mange Chocolate Icing Chocolate Larer Cake Chocolate Laj'er Cake Filling Chocolate Sauce Christmas P udding Clam Fritters Cocoanut Pie

Coffee Custard Coffee auce Coloring (or Candies COlllanche Corn Cakes Corn Fritters Corn Gems Corn s tarch Cakes Cornstarch Cakes. Icing Cornstarch Pudding Cran berrj' Pic Cream Drops. Karo Cream Fillinc- . Crea m Puffs Cream Toast Cream of Celery Sou p Cream of Chicken Soup Cream of Corn Soup Cream of Tomato Soup Creamed Cabbage Creamed Chicken Gravy Cream d Chicken ou Toast. Creamed Codfish Creamed Oysters Cream ed Parsnips Cream ed Spinach Crullers Cup Cake. Karo . Cup Custard Curried E ggs Dand y Pudding Delicate Cake Delicate Custard "Divioit),. 01

· 10 .18 .27

.29 .29 .29 .20 · 15 .17 · 18


. 21 7 . 14 8 .37 .37 . 23 .36

.36 . 36 .22

.35 .35 . 34

.35 . 35 .27 . 27 .17 · 14 · 10 . 10 .20 · 18 9 .15


.20 .21

.38 .38 8 9 6 .12 · 12 .17 · 15 .37 · 12 .12 .31

.30 .29 .30 .31 .28 .21

. 25 .26 . 26

.28 . 28 · 13 .11 . 19 .26 · 19 · 10 · 17


.. Divinity," Karo


.. Divinity." New Sweet E clairs

. 34 . 12



IN DEX- Continued PAG E

E ggnog. Karo Fig Filling Filling. Karo. Flannel Cakes Fondant. Creams and Chocolates Fondant. Karo. Fondu . . . . . . French Rolls . . . Fried Eggplan t . Frozen Compote Fro zen Custard . Fruit and Nut Filling . Fruit Cake. Karo Fruit Fritters . F ruit Punch . . . Fudge. Divinity . Fudge. Karo . . . Gingerbread. Karo. Hard Glace I\uts and Fruits Gin ger Cookies Ginger Snaps . . Graha m Bread Graha m Muffins. Graham Pudding Grape I ce . . . . Gruel. Kingsford's . Ham Omelet Hominy Fritters . . I ce Cream. Karo . . Ice Crea m. Kingsford's Iced Coffee . .. . . . Indian Pudding. Boiled Jelly herbet Kokoanut Ka ndy. Karo Lady Fingers • . . Lemon Pie L emon auce. Hot. L oaf Sponge Cake L obster Patties • • Lobster Sauce . . . Lunch Muffins Macaroni Milanaise Maple Mousse Marble Cake Millce Pic . . Mock Cream Mock Cream Pic Mock Custard .. Mull ed Grape Juice New Jersey Gingerbread New York Cook ies N ougat. Karo . Oatmeal Scones . .

.25 • 14 ./-1

· 7

. 32 . 33 . 25 · 7

. 29 . 24 . 23

· 14


· 9 .24 .34 . 33 .13

.38 · 13 · 13 · 5 · 6 .18 .24 . 31 . 28 · 9 .23 . 23 .25 .18 .24

.38 .11 . 15 . 20 . 10 . 26 .22

· 7 . 27 . 23

. 11

. 16 .20 . 16 · 19 .24 · 12 · 13

.38 8


Omelet au Gratin Orange Custard Orange Tart .. . Oxtail So up .. . O)'ste r Soup . . . P ancakes (French SI)'le) . Parke r H ouse Rolls . Parsle), auce .. . Pean ut Candy . . . Pepperm in t Candy Pie Crust. Plain . Pic Cru s t. Riebe r . Pie. K aro . . . .. Pl ai n Fritters . . . Plain Frui t Pudding Plain Karo Sauce .. Plum Pudding alice Poacbed Elfgs ilia Kingsford P opcorn Balls and Fritte rs Popovers . . . . . . . . Prune Whip . . . . . . . Pum pki n Pic . . . . . . Quick Buckwheat Cakes Raisin Filling .. Rice Pancakes .. Roast Beef Gravy Rye Bread Salll' Lunn Sea Foam. Karo Sbort Cake . . . Soup ilia Reine pani h Omelet Split Pea Soup Spruce Bee r Taffy Taffy No. II . Tea Biscuit . Tea Punch Temperance Punch Tips y Parson .. . Tomato Toast u la Kingsford Tomato Sa uce .. . . . . Tutti Frutti . . . . .. . Vanilla Icc Cream Vegetables (to Sweeten ) . Velvet Sauce Wafers. Karo . . Waffles Welsh Rarebit Wheat Bread White Sauce Yankee Cake Yellow Jack . Yum Yum P uddinlr

. 2' .19 .16

.30 .31 8

5 .22 ·37

. 36 . 15 .15 .16 9 .19 .21 .21 .26

. 38 6 · 17 .16 9 . 14 8 .21

5 7 37 6 . 31

.28 .30 .24

. 36 .36 6 .24 .25 · 17



.23 .23


. 22

.37 · 9. .26

5 .22 . 12


. 19

MAZOLA A Pure Corn Oil for Salads and Cooking

Mcooking AZOLA is a pure, wholesome, vegetable oil refined especially for purposes and for use in salad dressings and ·sauces. It is made wholly from Indian corn by a process that was successfully perfected after years of persistent work . Mazola meets the demand among careful hOllsewives for a vegetable fat to take the place of animal fat s in the preparation of dishes for rhe family table. Mazola is superior to butter or lard for frying . It stands the higher temperature required for frying w ithou t burning, and is far mon! economical. Good cooks prefer it for making Breads, Pies, Cakes and Sances. For Salad Dress ings Mazo la eguals the best impo rte d oils thot the housewife closses os lu xuries because they a rc so ex pensive .

Special jJ/faz ola Cook Book sent free on r equest

SERIAL "'0.828.

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