Copy Of Rubric Shom Art Exploration Shoe Drawing

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 513
  • Pages: 1
Name:  SHoM Assessment Rubric  Assignment: SHoM Slide Deck  Circle the number in pencil  that best shows how well  you feel that you completed  that criterion for the  assignment.  Criteria 1 - Developing  Craft  Learning to use tools, materials, artistic conventions; and learning to care for tools, materials, and space

  Criteria 2 –Engage and  Persist  Learning to embrace problems of relevance within the art world and/or of personal importance, to develop focus conducive to working and persevering at tasks. 

Criteria 3 – Observation  Envision and Express:  Learning to attend to visual contexts more closely than ordinary "looking" require. Learning to picture mentally what cannot be directly observed, and imagine possible next steps in making a piece. Find Meaning; ​Learning to create works that convey an idea, a feeling, or a personal meaning

  Criteria 4 – Stretch and  Explore: ​Learning to reach

Beginner: 1  I did not use  drawing  techniques and  there are no  connections to  other artwork/  experiences 

Learning to think and talk with others about an aspect of one's work or working process, and learning to judge one's own work and working process and the work of others   

Proficient: 3-4 

Advanced: 5 

I attempted  techniques and  tried to make  connections to  other artwork/ 

I applied techniques as  well made connections  to other artwork/  experiences 

I skillfully incorporated  techniques as well as made  connections to my  previously made  artwork/experiences. 

I challenged myself to  embrace my art making  problems and developed a  distinct focus within my  work. 


I let my art  making problems  take over my  artwork and my  artwork lost focus  as a result. 

I let my art making  problems influence  my work and my  focus lost clarity  because of it. 


I challenged myself to  not let my art making  problems hinder my  work too much; I  developed a focus  within my work. 

I spent no time  observing my  subject matter, art  making processes  and/or the  environment  around me. 

I spent limited  time observing my  subject matter, art  making processes  and/or the  environment  around me. 

I spent time observing  my subject matter, art  making processes  and/or the  environment around  me that I may have  otherwise missed. 

I spent an extensive amount  of time observing my subject  matter, art making processes  and /or the environment  around me that I may have  otherwise missed. 

I challenged myself to  explore 

I took risks in my art making  and learned from my  mistakes. 

I applied a skillful use  of tools and media and  produced a finished  work of art 

I incorporated highly skillful  use of art tools and media  and produced a cohesive  finished work of art 


I stayed with what  I am familiar with 

beyond one's capacities, to explore playfully without a preconceived plan, and to embrace the opportunity to learn from mistakes. 

Criteria 5 – Reflection and  Understanding Art Worlds 

Emerging: 2 


I experimented  with a new idea or  media but my  finished work  reflects what I  always do. 

  I started and  finished my work  with no  consideration of  how it might turn  out. 

I attempted to  produce a drawing  using my drawing  skills. 




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