Cooperatives -- Articles Of Cooperation

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 373
  • Pages: 1
Cooperative By-Laws? By- laws should are the set of rules that determines how a cooperatives is to be run without confusion. In general, by-laws should be consistent with the provisions of the Cooperative Code of the Philippines (RA 6938). The by-laws include: •

The qualifications for membership; how they are acquired, maintained and lost;

The rights and obligations of members;

The condition for transfer of a share of interest;

The rules and procedures covering agenda, time, place, and manner of calling, covering , conduct meeting, quorum requirements, voting system, and other, matters related to the business affairs of the general assembly, board of directors, and committees;

The general conduct of the affairs of the cooperative , including the powers and duties of the general assembly, board of directors, committees and the officers, and their qualifications and disqualifications;

The manner in which capital may be raise and purpose for which it can be utilized;

The mode of custody and investment of net surplus;

The accounting and auditing systems.

The manner and limitations of loaning and barrowing, including limitations;

The methods of distribution of net surplus;

The manner of adopting, amending, repealing, and abrogating by-laws;

A conciliation or mediation mechanism for the amicable settlement of disputes among members, directors, officers and committees; and

Other matter pertaining to the purpose and activities of the cooperative.

What does The Article of Cooperation contain? The Article of Cooperation is a duly notarized document that legally binds all the signatories in the formation of a cooperative. It should contain: •

The name of the cooperative which shall include the word " cooperative, " e.g. Sta. Maria Multi-Purpose Cooperative;

The purpose of the cooperative and scope of business;

The term of existence of the cooperative (not more than 50 years);

The area of operation and the postal address of the registrants;

The common bond of membership;

The list of names of the directors who shall manage the cooperative; and

The amount of its share capital, the names, and residences of its contributors and a statement of whether the cooperative is primary, secondary of tertiary in accordance with Article 23 of R.A 6938.

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