Cool Thoughs: February 5, 2009

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  • Words: 3,034
  • Pages: 18
Benjamin Franklin Elementary School February 5, 2009 !"#$%&'()*+,-$#'$(*.* "#$$%&#$$! ! '()!*+,-(.+!/(012+34+15.! ! /'0#$&'()*+,-$#'$(*1! 6#$$%77#$$!! *81(.8(!9:;<=14-!4+!><(325.!! ! 234&'()*+,-$#'$(*5! "#$$!=?-,84+15.!G((+1.0!4+!! ! ! ! ! ! 7H"!*?!D352=(8+! ! !"#$%&'()*+,-$#'$(*67* 77#"$%7I#FJ! G4+B!K:,L!G((+1.0!1.!E/K! ! +$8&'()*+,-$#'$(*69! 7$#"$%77#"$! DMN!G53.1.0!O-0?!P4:(.+1.(!D43+1(2! I#F$%F#F$! ! DMN!Q5<(355?==@* * ABC/DEC?==@* * /!G++*ECIC@=A2C-,84+15.!G((+1.0!4+!K43=(.+(3! !#,%&'()*+,-$#'$(*7:* "#$$!=?

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SIX FLAGS READ-TO-SUCCEED CLUB! HEY KIDS, Did you know that there are only two weeks left to complete your reading for the SIX FLAGS READ-TO-SUCCEED CLUB! Please return your “PINK” Tally Sheets to your homeroom teacher no later than

Wednesday, February 18th. Be sure that a parent or guardians have signed all forms before turning them in. Forms to the office after February 18 will not be accepted! HAPPY READING!


* PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP* * * BC>=BE/QA@G<?==@*D<*/C//D=<*=<*2=<EGH)*2GB>?*5)*7JJ5* ! MB(!I$$Z%$6!28B55:!84:(.-43!4::5)(-!A53!4!3(853-2_=:4..1.0!-4;!5.!G438B!6X!I$$6X!1A! 2,AA181(.+!(<(30(.8;!-4;2!3(<41.(-!L;!U(L3,43;!7X!I$$6?!!@(84,2(!+B3((!(<(30(.8;!-4;2! B4W(!4:3(4-;!L((.!,2(-X!%S"33O*T8OO*-,*84*%,%%834*234&'()*2'$S"*5)*7JJ5U!


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2009-2010 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUS REGISTRATION District 64 owns and uses a GPS based transportation program that helps to accurately determine addresses that are either over or under one and one-half miles from school or fall within a designated hazardous crossing area. The program will automatically assign the closest bus stop to your home address. Current stops are posted on the District 64 website. •

There is free bus service for students living more than one and one-half miles from the school.

There is free bus service for K-5 students who live within the established District hazardous crossing zones.

Although the District provides free bus service to those students who live more than one and one-half miles from school or those who travel across a designated hazardous crossing, regular paid bussing is available ($510 per child annually) if space is available for those who live more than one-half mile but less than one and one-half miles and do not live within the hazardous crossing zones. A cold weather pass is also offered ($305.00 per child) if space is available. The cold weather pass is for the time period from November 30, 2009 through March 18, 2010.

Please complete this form and return it to your school office by March 2, 2009

ALL STUDENTS RIDING THE BUS MUST REGISTER Parent Name Address Elementary School Current Route & Intersection (Routes and stops are subject to change every year due shift in rider population) Student(s) Name

(K-5) Grade (K-5) in Fall 2009

Please indicate which bus service you are requesting:

_____From Home to School and From School to Home

_____Only after school to Jefferson

_____From Home to School and from School to Jefferson

_____Noon bus service

____ My child(ren) will not ride the bus for the 2009-2010 school year

Parent Signature

THIS SECTION IS FOR REQUESTING PAID BUS SERVICE If space is available, I would like to register for paid bus service: Regular Pass ($510.00 per child)

Cold Weather Pass ($305 per child)

Paid bus fees for the 2009-2010 school year will not be accepted prior to the week of August 3, 2009. When you have been notified that space is available, checks should be made payable to District 64 and sent to the attention of the Director of Transportation at 164 South Prospect Avenue, Park Ridge, IL 60068.

! 4!

EMERSON MIDDLE SCHOOL BUS REGISTRATION FALL 2009 SIXTH GRADE SCHOOL BUS REGISTRATION District 64 owns and uses a GPS based transportation program that helps to accurately determine addresses that are either over or under one and one-half miles from school or fall within a designated hazardous crossing area. The program will automatically assign the closest bus stop to your home address. Current stops are posted on the District 64 website. •

There is free bus service for students living more than one and one-half miles from the school.

There is bus free service for 6th grade students who live within the established District hazardous crossing zones.

Although the District provides free bus service to those students who live more than one and one-half miles from school or those who travel across a designated hazardous crossing, regular paid bussing ($510.00 per child annually) is offered if space is available for those who live more than a half-mile but less than one and one-half miles and do not live within the hazardous crossing zones. A cold weather pass is also offered ($305.00 per child) if space is available. The cold weather pass is for the time period from November 30, 2009 through March 18, 2010.

Please complete this form and return it to the FRANKLIN SCHOOL office by March 2, 2009 ALL STUDENTS RIDING THE BUS MUST REGISTER Parent Name Address Current Emerson Route & Intersection (Routes and stops are subject to change every year due shift in rider population) Student(s) Name

Grade 6/Fall 2009

_____My child(ren) will ride the bus from home to school and from school to home _____My child(ren) will not ride the bus for the 2009-2010 school year

PARENT SIGNATURE THIS SECTION IS FOR REQUESTING PAID BUS SERVICE If space is available, I would like to register for paid bus service: Regular Pass ($510.00 per child)

Cold Weather Pass ($305 per child)

Paid bus fees for the 2009-2010 school year will not be accepted prior to the week of August 3, 2009. When you have been notified that space is available, checks should be made payable to District 64 and sent to the attention of the Director of Transportation at 164 South Prospect Avenue, Park Ridge, IL 60068.


As you begin making your summer plans, don’t forget the 2009


Session 1 Session 2

Tuesday, June 16 - Thursday, July 2 Monday, July 6 – Wednesday, July 22

Explore the fun and exciting class choices offered this year! Classes held at Franklin Elementary School (Grades K-3) Emerson Middle School (Grades 4-7) Brochures will be available in mid-February. Registration begins Monday, March 2. * !*!*!*!*!*!!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!**!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* ** +84'O*>'O,4&'$*L3$*7JJ5V6J*'4&*!,40'08[,*>'O,4&'$%*L3$*7J6JV66*\*7J66V67! ! MB(!@543-!5A!>-,84+15.!4==35W(-!+B(!A1.4:!84:(.-43!A53!I$$6%7$!4.-!+(.+4+1W(!84:(.-432!A53!I$7$%77!4.-! I$77%7I!4+!+B(!@543-!<((+1.0!5A!a4.,43;!IHX!I$$6?! U5::5)1.0!43(!+B(!<4b53!-4+(2!A53!4::!+B3((!84:(.-432c!85<=:(+(!84:(.-432!84.!L(!W1()(-!5.!+B(!R12+318+! ](L!21+(#!!)))?-H"?530?!!! ! /S"33O*>'O,4&'$*L3$*7JJ5V6J!! V.2+1+,+(!R4;!d!N,0,2+!I"X!I$$6! U132+!R4;!A53!*+,-(.+2!d!N,0,2+!IJX!I$$6! ]1.+(3!@3(4C!d!@(01.!R(8('O,4&'$*L3$*7J6JV66! V.2+1+,+(!R4;!d!N,0,2+!IFX!I$7$! U132+!R4;!A53!*+,-(.+2!d!N,0,2+!I"X!I$7$! ]1.+(3!@3(4C!d!R(8(
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Grandparents As Caregivers

* Do you babysit your grandchildren after school, part-time or full-time? K3#O&*(3#*O8N,*03*",O]*0",Z*,[,4*Z3$,*T80"*0",8$*&'8O(*S34S,$4%Y* K,*S'4*",O]*(3#^**MB12!12!4.!5==53+,.1+;!+5!<((+!5+B(3!034.-=43(.+2X!2B43(!85.8(3.2X!4.-!+4:C!4L5,+! 1.+(3(2+1.0!+5=182!+B4+!)1::!B(:=!;5,!843(!A53!+B(!034.-8B1:-3(.!;5,!:5W(?* ! M5=18#!G4.401.0!e5,3!N.0(3! R4+(#!](-.(2-4;X!U(L3,43;!"!4+!7$#$$!4
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REMINDER FROM THE HEALTH OFFICE As things settle down to a routine following the busy activities of winter break and our recent “snow days,” parents are reminded to regularly check their children for the presence of head lice. The Center for Disease Control has detailed, up-to-date information on head lice, including identification of cases, treatment, and prevention. The CDC website can be accessed at: In addition, the Health Services page of the District 64 website features a link to a new Podcast from the CDC, entitled “Talk About Nit-Picking!” ! ! ! 7!

! ! ! ! ! !

C OMMUNITY C ONSOLIDATED S CHOOL DISTRICT 64 Park Ridge-Niles 164 S. Prospect Avenue

Park Ridge, IL60068-4079

(847) 318-4300

FAX: (847) 318-4351

February 2009 IMPORTANT UPDATE ABOUT MRSA INFECTIONS Infections caused by MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) remain an ongoing problem in our society; news stories periodically draw our attention to outbreaks and highlight the need for continuing vigilance. We would like to take this opportunity to refresh your understanding of MRSA, and review tips on how you can help us prevent and control the spread of these infections. What is MRSA? Staphylococcus aureus, often referred to simply as “staph,” is a bacterium that is commonly carried on the skin or in the nose of healthy people. Sometimes, staph bacteria can cause infections; in fact, staph bacteria are one of the most common causes of skin infections in the United States. However, some staph bacteria, such as MRSA, are resistant to certain types of antibiotics. Most MRSA infections are skin infections that may appear as pustules or boils that often are red, swollen, painful, or have pus or other drainage. These skin infections commonly occur at sites of visible skin trauma, such as cuts and abrasions, and areas of the body covered by hair. How is it transmitted? MRSA is usually transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact or contact with shared items or surfaces that have come into contact with someone else’s infection (e.g., towels and razors). Individuals who believe they may have a staph infection or MRSA infection should contact their medical provider for evaluation and appropriate treatment. How can we control its spread? Practicing good hygiene – at home and school – is one of the most important things that we all can do to control the spread of staph and other infections. ! Keep hands clean by frequently washing with soap and water, or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. ! Keep cuts and scrapes covered with a clean bandage until healed. ! Avoid contact with other people’s wounds or bandages. ! Avoid sharing personal items that directly touch the body, such as towels, razors and water bottles. ! Keep fingernails clean and clipped short. ! See a medical provider for a skin infection that is not getting better. ! Maintain a clean environment by establishing cleaning procedures for frequently touched surfaces that come into direct contact with people’s skin.


Students participating in contact sports or other activities that lead to close skin-to-skin contact should take additional precautions related to skin infections and hygiene: ! Do not share towels, clothing, or uniforms. ! Shower as soon as possible after practice or games are over; do not share bar soap. ! Keep equipment clean. ! Wash dirty uniforms, practice clothing, and used towels with hot water and laundry detergent. ! Using a hot dryer, rather than air-drying, also helps kill bacteria. ! Report any cuts, abrasions, or wounds to the coach, PE teacher, and school nurse. In District 64, we practice Universal Precautions, and take every measure to evaluate students and staff who have any type of skin lesion. Skin rashes and wounds may require medical evaluation and physician documentation regarding treatment and contagiousness. In addition, we follow guidelines from the Illinois Department of Public Health, as well as Cook County Department of Public Health regarding the prevention, surveillance, treatment, and reporting of MRSA infections. Finally, our schools have a plan in place to routinely clean and disinfect commonly used areas or frequently touched surfaces, regardless of the threat of MRSA. How can you find out more about MRSA? We offer links to other helpful information about MRSA and other topics related to student health on the Health and Safety Tips page of the District 64 website: Please feel free to contact your building health assistant or me with any questions or concerns. Margaret Petkofski, R.N. Certified School Nurse Facilitator, School Health Services [email protected]

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3:30 – 6:00


10:00 – 11:00 11:00 – 12:00 12:00 – 1:00 1:00 – 2:00

Clean up:

2:00 – 4:00

Name________________________________________________________Phone___________________________________ Email________________________________________________________ Please contact Leah Zamora with any questions 847-384-8531 or [email protected] Please return this sheet to the office or contact Leah directly. Thanks!

! ! ! ! h! ! !



Q. Why did the pig give his girlfriend chocolate candy? A. Because silly… It was Valenswine’s Day! Lol Join us on Valentine’s Day and take a chance on winning raffle prizes at Franklin’s Annual Winterfest Event! GRAND RAFFLE TICKET SALES Friday, February 13th from 3:30-4:30 – Near the school’s front entrance. Get a jump-start and avoid the rush! At Winterfest: 10:00–1:00. Tickets will be on sale near the school’s front entrance, circle drive, and at the raffle prize table in the gym. WE ARE HOLDING TWO GRAND RAFFLES! 1. GENERAL RAFFLE: Tickets are 25 cents each 2. CHINESE RAFFLE: Tickets are $3.00 each 1. GENERAL RAFFLE Buy as many .25 cents tickets as you like. We will deposit all tickets into one large box. GENERAL RAFFLE PRIZES: Board games, electronic games, restaurant gift certificates, Pickwick Theatre movie tickets, Brunswick bowling passes, sporting goods, a Leapster, toboggan, hair products and gift certificate to Michael Vaughan Hair Design, outdoor games, passes to Go Bananas, tickets to Orbit Skating Rink, the Adler Planetarium, Second City, Kohl’s Children Museum and the Sears Tower. See the Noodles & Co. sauté pan filled with goodies and take a chance at winning a gift certificate to the Choo Choo… and there is more!

2. CHINESE RAFFLE Buy as many $3.00 tickets as you like. Bring your tickets to the grand raffle tables in the gym. You “pick-a-prize”, then deposit raffle tickets into designated prize boxes. Keep fingers crossed and hope to win the prize you selected. CHINESE RAFFLE ITEMS: Geovany Soto autographed baseball and Patrick Kane autographed puck donated by Hobbs Hobby Hut, American Girl Doll, Chrissa (donated by the Bosak family), Chicago Bears laser autographed football, Chicago Bulls Tickets donated by the Hernandez family/Ragnar Benson Construction Co., 10 yoga sessions donated by Sun and Moon Yoga, “Zoom” Teeth Whitening donated by Dr. Nikki Laskaris, a Fukodome jersey (donated by the Mathias family), Silpada Jewelry, Hand Car Wash & Wax donated by Like New Auto. Look for the Wii Rock Band, The RipStick “G”, an iPod, 6 front row tickets to the 2009 Holiday Sing, Principal for a Day, Brookfield Zoo ticket package and more!

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Gift Basket



Ice Cream Social

Dishes, toppings, ice cream gift cards, cones, scooper, napkins


Ice Cream Social

Dishes, toppings, ice cream gift cards, cones, scooper, napkins

Pogge AM

Arts & Crafts

Craft items, kits, supplies, markers, sequins, Michael's gift card, paper, crayons, paints, stickers, stamps, scrap booking items

Pogge PM

Baking Buddies

Anything for baking, mixes, utensils, cookie cutters, pans, sprinkles, Cookbooks

Weller AM & PM

Girls/Boys Toy Chest

Age appropriate toys for girls or boys in grades K-2, gift cards, books


Summer BBQ

Grilling items, spices, utensils, bbq sauces, apron, marinades


Princess Party

Dress-up items, kid-friendly makeup's, lip glosses, jewelry, costumes, any Disney related items


Go Cubs Go

Cubs T-shirt, Cubs hat, poster, calendar, baseball, sports gift card


Barbie Mania

Anything Barbie goes, dolls, clothes, games, toys


Stationary & Cards

Office supplies, note cards, pens, paper, post-its, colored pens, stamps, greeting cards, calendars, scrap booking items


I Love Chocolate

Anything chocolate, candy, syrups, gift cards


Coffee & Tea Lovers

Special coffees, nice mugs, flavored syrups, Starbucks gift card, various teas


NFL Fans

Any NFL team related items, t-shirts, hats, sports gift card, pennants, Flags


Older Girls' Toys

Age appropriate toys for girls in grades 3-5, gift cards, books


Older Boys' Toys

Age appropriate toys for boys in grades 3-5, gift cards, books


Chef & Kitchen Needs

Utensils, potholders, dish towels, recipes, soup mixes, spices, Cookbooks, dish soap, sponges, measuring spoons


Wine Lovers

Bottled wines, glasses, decorative corks, cheese boards, wine towels, Winestyles gift card, hor d'oeuvre related items


Relaxation & Spa

Candles, bubble bath, relaxing music, shower gel, lotions, books, personal care items


Family Game Night

Board games, dice games, game books, chess, checkers, hand held games,


Movie Night

Blockbuster gift card, DVDs, candy, popcorn, movie tickets


Mangia Italian

Olive oils, pastas, sauces, dishtowels, spices, pizza pans, pizza cutter, cookbooks


Music Mania

CD's, I Tunes gift cards, musical movies, musical instruments

! 13!

Dear Franklin Families, It’s not too late to donate prizes for the Winterfest raffle! Some examples of past donations were sporting goods/clothing, toys, gift certificates, sporting event tickets, books, videos, and electronic items. Cash donations are welcome, which we will put towards purchasing prizes. Please drop off donations at the school office and be sure to sign the donation log so we know whom to thank. If it is more convenient, I will gladly pick up donations from your home. We greatly appreciate any donation as Winterfest proceeds go towards initiatives that benefit our children. Thank you so much in advance! Aggie Malin 847-384-0519 or [email protected] ! ! ! ! ! !

Mark your calendar for more FUN UPCOMING PTA EVENTS: ! ! 14!

! ! ! ! ! ! !

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SATURDAY, MARCH 7th 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. CENTRAL COMMUNITY CENTER 1000 W. Central Road – Mt. Prospect

$4.00 Per Skater Bring your roller skates or blades and enjoy a fun filled evening with your family and friends. There will be a limited number of in-line skates available for rental ($5.00). Or, if that’s not for you, join us and let your kids run around in the gym and shoot hoops. Advanced reservations encouraged by sending in the bottom portion of this flyer with your cash or check made payable to Franklin PTA. All children must be accompanied by an adult. For questions contact Tina Bull at 847-698-7163.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------Family Name _____________________ Number of People Skating _________ Amount Enclosed _________________ !






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