Contrasts Between The Rapture & 2nd Coming

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  • October 2019
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CONTRASTS BETWEEN THE RAPTURE AND THE 2ND COMING The following is an excerpt from the book, “Bible Prophecy, Bible Versions, Spiritual Formation,” by author / speaker Jocelyn Andersen. Her radio commentaries can be heard on Sharecropper Christian Radio Her latest book, Woman Submit! Christians and Domestic Violence, is available where ever books are sold. She invites you to Visit for details. Her book, Bible Prophecy, Bible Versions, Spiritual Formation, is available FREE for Download at Visit for information concerning all her books. Permission is given to copy, distribute and transmit this work for non-commercial use only. All other uses must have written permission from the author.

CONTRASTS BETWEEN THE RAPTURE AND THE 2ND COMING Below is a list of contrasts between the time Christ returns in the air for his saints and the time he physically returns to the earth with his saints: 1. Before the rapture, whoever calls on God through the name of his resurrected son, Jesus Christ, shall be saved (Romans 10.9-10, 13). / After the rapture, only those who endure to the end shall be saved (Matthew 24.13). 2. Before the rapture, the criteria for salvation is faith alone—without works (Ephesians 2.8). / After the 2nd Coming of Christ, one of the criteria of judgment for entering His Kingdom will be works (Matthew 25.31-46). 3. Before the rapture, no one knows the day or the hour the son of man will come (Matthew 24.36, 42). / After the rapture, the days can be counted (Daniel 12.11).

4. At the rapture, Jesus will be coming out of Heaven without his saints. He will be coming to earth for his saints (1 Thessalonians nd 4.16-17). / At the 2 Coming, his saints will be coming out of Heaven with Him (Zechariah 14.4, 1 Thessalonians 3.13). 5. Before the rapture, we are looking for a sudden, imminent appearance (Hebrews 10.37). / After the rapture, the days to Christ’s appearance can be counted. Christ’s appearance will bring an end to The Great Tribulation (Daniel 12.11). 6. At the rapture, the Archangel will blow the trumpet (1 Thessalonians 4.16). / At the 2nd Coming, God (Jesus) himself will blow the trumpet (Zechariah 9.14, Isaiah 27.13, Matthew 24.31). 7. At the rapture, the trumpet signals the resurrection of the dead and changing of the living. No angelic gathering takes place (1Cor15:52). / At the 2nd Coming, the trumpet precedes an angelic gathering—no resurrection of the dead or changing of the living takes place (Matthew 24.31, Mark 13.26-27). 8. At the rapture, those resurrected and caught out will be changed and become as the angels (Matthew 22:30). / At the 2nd Coming, survivors of the Great Tribulation will first be judged at the Judgment of the Nations. They will then enter Christ’s Kingdom in their mortal, physical, condition. During the first 1000 years of Christ’s Kingdom, some will marry and give birth. Some will even die (Isaiah 65.20-23). 9. At the rapture, Christ is coming for all who belong to him—those in Christ (1 Thessalonians nd 4.16-17). / At the 2 Coming, Christ is coming

as deliverer only to those who are looking for him (Matthew 24.44-51). 10. At his first coming, Christ came to reconcile. The resurrection from the dead and the catching up of the living are included in that reconciliation (Colossians 1.20). / At his 2nd Coming, Christ is coming not to reconcile but to subdue (Philippians 3.21). 11. When Jesus comes in the air at the rapture, there will be only raised and changed bodies (1 Thessalonians 4.16-17). / At His 2nd Coming, there will be dead bodies (Luke 17.37, Revelation 19.21). These contrasts present great doctrinal difficulties for those who fail to differentiate between Christ’s coming out of Heaven for his saints and his coming out of Heaven with his saints. When it is understood that these are two completely separate events, contradictions disappear (1 Thessalonians 4.16-17, Jude 14). This has been an excerpt from the book, “Bible Prophecy, Bible Versions, Spiritual Formation,” by author / speaker Jocelyn Andersen. Her informative, challenging and often provocative radio commentaries can be heard on Sharecropper Christian Radio Her latest book, Woman Submit! Christians and Domestic Violence, is available where ever books are sold. She invites you to Visit for details. Her book, Bible Prophecy, Bible Versions, Spiritual Formation, is available FREE for Download at Visit for information concerning all her books. Permission is given to copy, distribute and transmit this work for non-commercial use only. All other uses must have written permission from the author.

Jesus said by our words, we will be justified, or by our words, we will be condemned. That is a frightening thought for most of us. During the course of a lifetime we speak many words, and we do not always choose our words wisely.

The wisest choice of words we can ever make is to confess with our mouth that Jesus Christ is the risen Son of God. If we come to God on those terms, with a truly repentant heart, we are promised eternal life. A broken and contrite heart, he will not despise. Here is what it all boils down to. Our God is merciful and loving. He does not unnecessarily complicate things. We read in Romans 10. 9, 10, and 13, that if we confess with our mouth, words, that Jesus is the Son of God, and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead, and call on God to save us according to those terms, We, Will, Be, Saved. Is it well with your soul?

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