Continuing Ed Leadership Summit Notes 2009

  • May 2020
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Leadership Summit notes Bill Hybels talk, “Leading in a New Reality” 1400 sites, 60,000 people Rogue wave—80 feet, 24 meters We had an economic rogue waver in 2009 The normal we all know and love has left the building Romans 12:8—perseverance in tough times Rogue waves give opportunities for great eladership. They draw something out of us that calm seas don’t 4 lessons from economic downturn 1. Philosophical We have the opportunity to be the church no matter what Acts 2: let’s radicallylive thisout, even sell property to help each other Influence—what can we learn from a downturn God will teach us many lessons “I hope you will learn the beauty and power of the church” We always have to be the church—love, meet the needs of the poor We have a call for the church to be the church 2. Kingdom economics The math doesn’t make sense from a human perspective Luke 14—don’t lose track of the financial costs Jack Welch—in a crisis cash is the king Cash reserves give people time 25% of annual budget in long-term reserves Good exercise C what would we stop doing if our budget was cut 50% B what would we stop doing if our budget was cut 75% A what would we never stop doing Letting go of staff 1. give lots of notice Months of notice Share the process with people 2. let people know what is the cause of reduction

3. Be generous In severance Willow has come up with general goals in their budget 50% staff 10% give away 10% winds of the spirit Give that something which is building steam 15% ministries budgets 15% facilities, utilities, debt service In an economic downturn people are hungry to hear teachings on personal finances People will still give money to kingdom ministries 3. God will do great things in our days God is going to do a great thing—do you believe it Are we hiring fully yielded people. Are we mentoring people Jim Collins book How the Mighty have fallen 1. How many key seats are there in our org Absolute key seats 2. If there are x number of key seats—how many are filled up by the right people 3. What is the plan to fill the key seats 4. Are we developing fackup people for those key seats 4. Adequate replenishment strategy “The pace at which I’m doing the work of God is destroying the work of God in me” Romans 8:6 Be in sync with the Holy spirit—it leads to life’s peace Self-leadership—adequate replenishment strategy Planned negligence strategy Shake up our time to ensure that our bucket gets filled “God wants to do great things in your day through your leadership. You must claim it; believe it Session 2 Hiring, Firing, and Board meltdowns 3 distincti areas of leadership 1. How hire the right people 2. How to relate constructively to boards 3. How to fire someone in a dignified way HIRING PROCESS Culture fit with a person is critical

Do not idealize the person as you are interviewing—people will show you what they want you to see Be clear on the 2 or 3 behavioral things that you want in a person. If the person doesn’t have it, then we shouldn’t’ hire the person What is a healthy sequence for hiring Realize that interviews can be manipulated Spend time with the person Ask the same questions three times in a different way Ask open-ended questions—what are 2 of your weaknesses—how will they impact your organization Ask them questions about their answers Great organizations have clear, strong cultures—people will be drawn to them Make a list What are the needs Do a job description What are the competencies of job The process will drive a good hire—let the process do its work RELATING TO BOARDS The Board has to have its own set of values and covenants which the people on the board agree to Building trust in a board is critical Meeting and Retreats—very different things Take ten minutes at the end of the meeting and ask the question, “how did we do?” Qualities in a Board that you want Have influence Have affluence Have skill set What is the ideal mix in a board? What skill set do you need? You can’t build trust if you don’t’ spend time with people FIRING It is not compassionate not to be honest with people *the most important quality in a staff relationship is candor *hold people accountable

Candor—this has to happen regularly If a person is falling down on the job 1. retrain person— 2. Move the person to another position 3. Fire the person give the person a verbal warning give the person a written warning *The kindest form of management is the truth Session 2 Gary Hamel Manage differently NOW Are you changing as fast as the world around you? We’re losing market share (the church) because of apathy not ignorance People are hungry for the authentic Prisoners of precedence Our problem in the church is inertia The pace of change has never been higher The world is more turbulent than our church is resilient Most organizations are tethered to one model—especially churches Organization atrophy: Vision—strategy—policy—practices—habits What’s hard is reinventing our strategies We must be opportunity minded and not crisis minded 4 imperatives 1. Overcome temptation to overcome denial We are successful until we are not Patterns of denial a. dismiss the problem b. rationalize the problem c. Mitigate the problem d. confront the problem How do we overcome denial 1. Face the facts 2. Question your beliefs (practices)—how we do church Most of what we do todahy will be irrelevant 3. Listen to the renegades Do we welcome dissent

We must learn from the deviants Generate more strategic options We clutch at the familiar Change is more exciting 1000 ideas 100 experiments 10 projects 1 winner IBM—brought in 150 people from the outside to share ideas Deconstruct your orthodoxy—way that you do things What are your orthodoxies List—what hasn’t changed in three or four years Compare to other churches—what are we doing that is the same as other churches The longer you are in the trenches the easier it is to see your root as a horizon Jesus was unconventional Are you more committed to redemption, reconciliation than policies of the church Building organizations that don’t need a fabulous leader There are alternatives to top-down leaders Mobilize, connect, support—leaders today Churches need to be vibrant, resilient, adaptable organizations Session 3 Tim Keller Leading People to the prodigal God I have the key to spiritual renewal Spiritual deadness is still the problem I am going to give a diagnosis of the spiritual deadness and prescription 1. parable is meant for the religious people 2. both brothers are alienated from the Father’s House Both of them want the Father’s money Two ways to get the Father’s money 1. immorality 2. goodness morality These are two ways to reject God The elder brother believes he is with God

The elder brother is lost because of his goodness The gospel is not morality or immorality Gospel—I’m accepted because of what JC has done for me Not—I’m good so I am accepted The eldest brother was obeying God to get things Elder brother meets God through goodness—but really this is an attempt to get leverage with God. There is a self-centeredness and a belief that God owes us something Response to criticism Viciousness Personal devestation Session 4 Jessica Jackley and the KIVA story We believe in the value of co-creation Her father told her that she could do anything Alignment 1. we have a mission hat we come back to What How Why—all of these are parts of their mission Building a common purpose --this is the best way to build and organization When we believe in the possibility of each other we can change the world Session 4 Harvey Carey Against all odds What do we do when life gets hard 1. God’s word is true—believe this When the odds are the highest God shines the best God gives us leaders who are gifted—the role of leaders is to equip Don’t have binders from conferences—just do it Members must take ownership of the work Leaders must genuinely engage them in the work You are about to be motivated to get out of your huddle to play the game What is stopping you from making an impact It’s not about budget—it’s about passion, calling

Session 5 Dave Gibbons Third Culture Leadership Some times things aren’t as they appeared to be What are the greatest commandments Love god and neighbor Problem—who is my neighbor We’ve defined it as someone who likes us God has called us to be a contrarian church—3rd culture leader What is a 3rd culture leader Adaptation—painful It’s normal to love someone who looks like us What 1. focused on the fringe 3rd culture leader about misfits and not masses Creators—people on the margins The fringe and margin lead the movement Missional vision—misfit and then move into the center Jesus was at the margins Who is the outsider in your community—focus on the fringe How do we define success Not a straight line, but a line that goes all over the place Failure is a success to God Your failures are often gifts to the people on the margins Maybe failure is success to the margins 2. weaknesses guide us 3. relationships trump vision We need less visionaries and more relationships 1. Priority shits Move from sermon prep to leadership development Hang out with people Hand out with people who are not like me 2. design/space shifts

Obedience is more important than passion 4 acts of obedience 1. deeper collaboration Not just our local congregation 2. communal living 3. prayer The church doesn’t believe in the power of the Holy Spirit 4. radical sacrifice for the outsider See the beauty of the gospel Session 5 Wes Stafford How do we leverage the pain and hurts in our lives for ministry Wes Stafford: my passion comes out of the pain People don’t care about what you know until they know why you care! What’s your cause What is it that moves you passionately We have worth because God gives us worth In not forgiving—you not allow someone to live in me (my heart) rent-free Forgiveness does mean giving up the right for revenge

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