Continuation Of The Twilight Saga: Old Sun-5

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  • Words: 857
  • Pages: 3
Continuation of the Twilight Saga: Old Sun-5 5. Stuck The following day at school, a note was stuck to my locker.

Meet me behind the Dumpsters at 6 I thought it might have been some random dude, but I couldn't have been sure. Bella had told me that everyone kept their distances from us, the Cullens, so I wasn't really sure if the note was from someone I knew or not. The day went by, bit by bit. Jacob didn't sit next to me during our classes together, and lunch conversation was as bland as it could get. After school, Rose, Alice, Bella, and I all went to Port Angeles for some shopping. Bella told me about her incident here with Edward; the one where the creepy men were stalking her. We had a pretty good time, and I even learned something: Don't get too dressed up for school. Your classmates will only think you're high on the gaudy level. We got back home at about 5:45. Everyone was busy with the baseball game on TV, and they didn't pay much attention to me when I told them I was leaving to explore Forks more. "Go right ahead, Jasmine. Just be back at 9." Carlisle told me. I thanked him and went out into the chilly evening air. I checked my watch. Crap! 5:55. Buttoning up my cardigan, I ran with impressing speed over to the high school's Dumpsters. "Jasmine?" Some guy's voice called from behind the shadows. I jumped slightly, knocking over some trash bags that the custodian had been to lazy to throw in the bins. "EPIC FAIL!" The voice said again. "Who are you? 'Cause I don't know any immature person who says epic fail." As I spoke, I saw a figure wearing a t-shirt and shorts. "Jacob?" "How'd you know?" Jake smiled, revealing ultra-white teeth. "Well, you are just about the only person I know who can wear shorts and a t-shirt in fall- and Forks fall is pretty cold. From what I have heard, anyway." He laughed. "And you're the only vampire I've managed to make friends with." I blushed slightly. "Jacob, why did you call me here? And if this is because of the Cullens going on the reservation's

borderlines, then y---" Jacob interrupted me. "No, no. I just have to talk to you. About Bella. And the bloodsucker Edward." "Hey! I'm a bloodsucker too, you know." He sighed. "Sorry. Just tell me 'bout Bella and Edward. Told Billy I'd be home by 7, and unlike Edward I keep my promises." "What do you mean, 'keep your promises?'" "Edward promised Bells he'd be with her forever-blah, blah, blah. And all this other lovey-dovey junk." I scowled. "Jacob: You know vampires can't keep their promises. It's too dangerous. I mean, everything about us invites humans inour face, our voice, even our scent." "I guess you've just sent me an invitation to you..." Jacob asked, flirtatiously. Taking my time, I smiled beautifully at him (a smile that would dazzle any human) and kicked him hard in the shin. "The Cullens were right-you are a dog." I stormed off, and sped as quick as I could. How could I underestimate a werewolves speed? He was right behind me, just about a second late. "Sorry, Jazz. Didn't mean to get you angry." He flashed me a gleaming smile, making me forget everything that had happened in the past 10 minutes. My conscience strapped me back up on Reality Lane. What the heck am I doing? I am a vampire, for the Volturi's sake. I can beat this stupid bear-dog! "Whatever." I said. "Jacob, I really have to go now. See you later in class?" "Sure, Jasmine." He put his arms out for a hug, obviously thinking he was close enough to me to hug me. "No thanks. Don't want your smelly-dog smell all over me when I walk into our house, do I?" I turned around, and ran off. Home at last! "So, how did you like Forks?" Carlisle asked, smiling. I smiled back, crookedly, replying, "Maybe just a bit too green for my tastes." I then proceeded to run u the stairs. We all know you weren't out to enjoy Forks. What did you do? Edward's voice filled up my mind. I telepathically communicated with him. Nothing it's none of your business. Yes, yes it is. Jasmine, you're the youngest one of us; we

have to take care of you! A hint of doubt was in his voice. Edward, leave me alone. Go to Bella or something. Watch her sleep in your usual, creepy way. His soft, meledious laughter indicated he was amused. Okay Jasmine. But don't forget: I can read minds. I angrily sighed. Bella's gonna choose Jacob, Edward. You hear that? No reply. That meant Edward was out of the house and out of mindreading range. He was far enought so that he couldn't read my mind. Happily, I relaxed on my sofa in my room. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. Tomorrow, I would leanr how to hunt like a "vegetarian" vampire for the first time in my life.

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