Content Area Reading

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Content Area Reading Rationale and Concept Carron Silva EDU583 Grand Canyon University November 4, 2009

What is Content Literacy? 

“The ability to use reading, writing, talking, viewing and listening to learn subject matter in a given discipline” (Vacca, 2002)

“…a cognitive and social practice involving the ability and desire to read, comprehend, critique and write about multiple forms of print” (Bean, 2002)

Why is content literacy important?

The Big Questions

How do students achieve content literacy?

How do comprehensio and scaffolding relate to literacy in content classrooms?

The Answer  Students

who learn how to read texts critically develop content literacy proficiency; therefore, reading is critical in Read 180 ABCDE content area classrooms. ...

Rationale for Reading in Content Areas 

21st century jobs demand it. - technology driven jobs require critical reading skills - workers who read well, communicate well in writing. - direct correlation with productivity - outsourcing of jobs requiring less education - reading and writing in digital format require speed and critical thinking skills

 Critical reading in content classrooms: - helps students become strategic readers and writers of informational texts - emphasis is shifting from knowledgetransmission to self-directed inquiry - students who can’t read critically across

Additionally, critical reading: 

 

helps students differentiate between narrative and expository texts teaches students strategies for activating prior knowledge helps students engage in meta-cognition gives students the ability to develop study skills and utilize graphic organizers, identify organizational patterns and master concept knowledge

How do students become literate in content area classrooms?

Research-based instructional strategies that show students how to:       

Read to learn new information integrate new information with prior knowledge, obtain crucial information from text, construct new knowledge, think critically about what they read, develop a critical stance toward texts, and remember what they have learned.

Critical Reading Instructional Strategies Examples Word Identification strategies  Vocabulary Instruction strategies  HEART  RAFT  Summarizing  Nonlinguistic Presentation 

Word Identification o o o

Necessary for reading fluency and comprehension Competency leaves students free to make meaning. Allow for decoding of multi-syllabic words, especially in secondary grades where textbooks can be challenging to some readers. Strategies Contextual Analysis – word meaning derived from context or how it’s used in sentence or paragraph Phonetic Analysis – word meaning derived from letter-sound relationships Structural Analysis – meaning derived from recognizing units such as prefixes, word roots, suffixes

Vocabulary 

What the research says…     

Students should acquire 3,000 new words per year (Nagy & Anderson, 1984; Nagy & Herman, 1987) Vocabulary knowledge is fundamental to comprehending text (Nagy, 1998) More complex vocabulary equals more success in reading across content (Simons & Kameeniu, 1990. Students need to apply appropriate content vocabulary in their respective disciplines, but also across the curriculum. Students must know the meanings and relationships of words and how they are used in context (Baumann & Kameeniu, 1991)

Strategies for Vocabulary Instruction Association Processing – link new word to synonyms or specific context Comprehension Processing – apply associations to the word – prior knowledge or experiences related to the word. Generation Processing – students define the word in their own words and generate their own sentences using the word. The word is assimilated into their vocabulary repertoire. Semantic Mapping- create word maps of new words and how they relate to prior knowledge, definitions and etymology Avoid rote memorization of words out of context.


Self-directed, critical process for reading expository texts  How much I already know (prior

knowledge)  Establishing a purpose for reading (reading purpose – making meaning)  Asking questions (inquiry)  Recording what I know (note taking)  Testing myself (new knowledge)

RAFT Activates higher order thinking  Motivates students to consider text from different points of view. Role: What role the student takes on. Audience: To whom is the text written Format: What is the organizational structure Topic: What is being discussed 

Summarizing Enhances students’ ability to synthesize information  Main idea and supporting detail distinction  Higher order thinking  Text Pattern Awareness 

Summarizing Strategies 

Reciprocal Teaching – students read parts and share what they’ve gleaned from text with others. Role-play: Groups of four students, each take on the role of either summarizer, questioner, clarifier, or predictor. Text Pattern Graphic Organizers: chronological sequence, compare & contrast, description, concept or definition, episode patterns.

Nonlinguistic Representation Students create drawing from mental images found in reading texts  Kinesthetic activity coupled with reading aids memory Strategies Students create physical models of the setting of a story or concepts in science or math. Mental Models displayed through graphic organizers Use pictures or use pictographs to enforce mental images. Kinesthetic activities and sign language. 

How do comprehension and scaffolding relate to content area literacy? 

Comprehension refers to understanding the meaning behind the words and concepts in a text. Scaffolding refers to “any instructional strategy applied before, during and after reading that is intended to provide support for immature, poor, or struggling readers…designed to be gradually withdrawn as students develop independent reading skills.” (Graves &Graves, 1994)

Factors that Influence Comprehension 

 

Readiness to comprehend (reading level, prior knowledge, disposition toward reading, motivation) Interest (level of enthusiasm the topic evokes) Text Difficulty Prior Knowledge

Scaffolding Activities to Address Text Difficulty and Interest Four Levels of Text Difficulty Low Interest / Easy Text Pre-reading activities include discussions, warm-up activities, Q&A session, new ideas High Interest / Difficult Text Research, inquiry projects, personal interest stories KWL sheets, List-Group-Label activities, collaborative sharing of information.

High Interest /Easy Text Students who are moving toward independent reading. Books and articles that are engaging, of interest, Reading workshops Book clubs Supplemental texts Audio and video materials to complement reading Modeling by teacher.

Low Interest / Difficult Text Begin with simpler version of text, pre-reading activities to increase interest, vocabulary instruction before reading build prior knowledge through discussion silent reading and discussion sufficient time to interact or “struggle” with text.

Scaffolding Instruction Increases Comprehension → Students engage in progressively complex thinking as their comprehension of text increases. → Teachers scaffold activities to increase Abstraction, Complexity and Depth (ACD), which enables students to progressively read at higher levels, thus increasing their content area literacy proficiency.

Conclusion Learning in content classrooms is less challenging for students who are proficient in content area literacy. Understanding where students are on the continuum of interest and reading ability allows teachers to determine how to differentiate instruction so that all students increase their ability to read to learn.

References Combs, D. A framework for scaffolding content area strategies. Retrieved on October 30, 2009 from /tabid/129/Default.aspx Bryant. D et. al. Instructional strategies for content area reading instruction. Retrieved, October 30, 2009


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Vacca, R, & Vacca, J. (2008). Content area reading: Literacy and learning across the curriculum. New

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