Contempt Of Court

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 490
  • Pages: 2
Media Law


Contempt of Court

Privacy and Confidence

How it imposes constraints on media production? If my production contains any damaging or criticising allegations towards any individual or organisation, it required that legal advice is to be taken.

How it could affect your product negatively As when commenting on the different manufacturers who produce the vehicles I planned to rank them in order of best first however this could criticise and be damaging for businesses. My production If my production references to feature is about current or ongoing Energy efficient Vehicles and this court proceeding issue doesn’t really legal advice must incorporate any urgently be feature or issues required, in order to police the subject that affected any contempt of court in order to avoid law breaches. miss –perceived view being expressed towards situations When publishing Any personal initial written course information being work online I must published via my production must be remember to not fully consented by include any personal the source of the details of any of the information and if leads as some of my the information contact are of high status and don’t relates to an organisation or whish to disclose individual how I there details as this don’t have consent can lead to from, I must consult damaging programme lawyer. circumstances.

How it could affect your product positively This will allow me to be fair and show positives of every vehicle manufacturer what they have to offer to the vehicle market.

This has allowed me to become aware of the regulation and in case of footage that initially is un planned comes to hand I am able to deal with the proceedings, however in the case of Energy efficient Vehicle this issue is un likely to affect us.

This allows all contributors to participate with zero hesitance and will mean that they will be able to express there proper views, as the world of cars can sometimes be very competitive and manufacturers sometimes uncomforted on giving all information due to harsh competitiveness.


Any information in production from a third party, must be consented from the source, also copyright infringement e.g. fair dealing or incidental inclusion must considered throughout the production.

A lot of my production is going to involve third party involvement as I will be using data about Energy Efficient Vehicles this will mean that I must seek Consent on any information that I gather from these third parties as it is vital to ensure that I comply with copy right laws and regulations or I could be held reliable for any comments.

sometimes when discussing the technicalities involved in the energy efficient engine mechanisms there are many different manufacturer terminologies I must consider so I have to ensure that when dealing with these I musnt breach any copy right laws also all the information that I gather will be from a trusted source allowing my to audience trust my production.

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