Culture and Consumer Buying Behavior
PC 504 Global Marketing September 8, 2009
Factors influencing consumer buying behavior
Culture and what it includes
USA as an example
Different cultures as value system
Consumers buying behavoir is decision that people make when buy some products and services they use. Question is: “How consumers respond to different marketing activities?”
Marketing Mix
Consumer Decisions
Psychological (1)
Culture is basic value of different nations that incorporates beliefs, preferences, languages, tastes. It is the basic cause of person's wants and behavior.
Functional Areas: Ecology- the way the system is adapted to its habitat by the technology used to obtain and distribute resources. Social structure- specific features in social life including political and domestic groups. Ideology- the mental characteristics of the people and the way they relate to their environment. (2)
Norms Traditions- handed from the past and control person's behavior.
Conventions- norms people do every day that influence person's buying decisions.
Rituals- a set of multiple, symbolic behaviors, which occur in a fixed sequence and tend to be repeated periodically. Rituals are related to many consumption activities, which occur in popular culture, e.g. holiday observances, gift giving and grooming.
Aspects resulting from consumer's custom:
The overall priorities she and he attaches to different activities and products. The success and failure of specific products and services.
The fact that products reflect underlying cultural processes.
Subcultureis a group within the wider community that has a unique set of characteristics, motivations and patterns of behaviour.
Different ethnic groups and communities The youth market
Baby boomers
Cultural Values in U.S.
Work ethic and desire to accumulate wealth.
Importance of family and home life.
Individualism, education, freedom, youth, health, and others.
Consumers are adopting new values as communication technology changes.(3)
Three Large Subcultures: Hispanic-American Consumers African-American Concumers Asian-American Consumers
Hispanic American Consumers
Qulaity and brand conscious.
Preference of Amrican-made products.
Strong family and peer influence.
Like advertising .
Convenience is not important product atribute.(1)
African American Consumers
Price conscious, quality and choice motivated.
Spend a lot on boy's clothing, rental goods, audio equipment, online services.
African-American woman spend a lot on health and beauty products.(1)
Asian American Consumers
Two types of Cultures Individualistic cultures, people are autonomous and independent from their in-groups.
Collectivistic cultures, people are interdependent within their in-groups.(3)
“Successful strategies in one country or within one culture may not extend to others.”
Thank you!
References (1) Kerin R., Hartley S. & W. Rudelius, (2009), Marketing, 9th ed., McGraw-Hill/Irwin. (2) Solomon, Barmossy, Askegaard, Hogg, (2006), Consumer Behavior: A European Perspective, 3rd edition., Pearson Education Limited. (3) Hofstede, G. (1983). Dimensions of national cultures in fifty countries and three regions. In J. Deregowski, S. Dzirawiec, & R. Annis (Eds.), Explications in Cross-Cultural Psychology (pp. 389407). Lisse, the Netherlands: Swets and Zeitlinger.